Brazil - September 20th, 2018
√ Thanks to the betrayal of the bureaucracy and the policy of the reformist left, Temer advances in settling the farce of the elections. There were enough conditions to boycott the bourgeois elections with the general strike to defeat the government and the IMF in the streets…
√ Lula, PT, CUT bureaucracy and the “anticapitalists” of PSOL, together with Stalinism, from the “opposition” supported the hated government of Temer for it to impose the electoral trap
√ Now, while the IMF comes to plunder the country, while the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro advances, while the blood of Marielle and Anderson is still hot, and with the slave labour reform being imposed…
Temer imposes the electoral farce, with the boss politicians and the support of the class-collaborationist left
while deepens the attack on the working class and the exploited
While the government of Temer keeps deepening the attack on the working class and the exploited of Brazil, and while imperialism keeps its plans of plundering the nation, the treacherous bureaucracy subordinated our unions and struggle organizations to the bourgeoisie. Also, thanks to the role of the reformist left (such as PSOL and the Stalinist currents that were to the feet of the bourgeois regime and its reactionary 1988 constitution by claiming to “defend democracy against a coup”, today the working class was diverted to the electoral trap. The policy of the bureaucracy and reformism was to keep the working class far away from the fight against the attack of the bosses, the government, imperialism… and so they guaranteed their policy of submission to the bourgeoisie, calling to cast a vote and legitimizing these trap of elections.
Each time it is clearer than the pact of PT with the bosses and the transnational companies is that Lula stays in jail, while the regime is legitimized, his deputy Hadad is the candidate and opens the road for the right-wing to win, even supported by the UN. This treacherous policy comes to guarantee the imposition of this electoral farce to pave the way to Bolsonaro, Ciro Gomes, Alckmin and other right-wing candidates, while Temer keeps on attacking the exploited. Each time it is clearer that PT is supporting this pact with imperialism, the bosses and its parties, supported by the treacherous bureaucracy and the “anti-capitalists” of PSOL, along with the church: a sellout pact of the working class.
The situation of attack keeps on deepening. Even with the so-called “attack” to the furthest right candidate Bolsonaro, the bourgeoisie and the media wants to link the attacker to PSOL. With this excuse, they want Bonapartization and the reinforcement of the regime to be increased before the elections.
It is also clear that the bourgeois state and its institutions are not to “guarantee the democratic process” but the opposite, i.e. they impose more terror on the working class and the most oppressed sectors, in favelas (shanty towns), in the workers neighbourhoods and on the struggle workers organizations.
Congress of all the trade union federations and movements with no roof and no land to organize...
The General Strike
Even so, this trap is not yet settled and the conditions are mature to defeat the hated government of Temer and the offensive of Trump and the IMF. The elections, monitored by OAS, not only aren’t a way out for the exploited but they don’t have yet legitimacy before the masses. Most of the exploited don’t believe in the bourgeois candidates or the boss parties, not in the Congress of the parasites.
More than 50% of the voters will cast a vote in blank or didn’t choose any candidate. In each case, the most voted candidate would be Lula, who decided to give up and continue in jail so the road is clear for the candidates that imperialism needs today to advance in his plan. The candidate who has the most intended votes (Bolsonaro with 26%) has also the most rejection among the voters (amounting to 44%). No worker or exploited gets recognized in these fraud elections.
The conditions are still ripe for an independent fight of the working class and the exploited, taking to the streets, promoting a general strike and setting up the organs of the struggle of the workers, based in direct democracy and calling for unity with the exploited in the farms and the city, forging the workers and peasants alliance.
For this, the task of the moment is to revert the submission imposed by the bureaucracy and the reformist left to the bourgeoisie and its infamous regime, and to re-take the fighting in the streets centralizing the workers and the exploited ranks for a decisive struggle to be organized to defeat the government of Temer, the reactionary 1988 constitution regime and all its institutions.
In this electoral trap that is being imposed, no worker or exploited can vote for its liberation
The Brazilian regime of 1988 constitution DOES NOT REPRESENT US. We have to re-take up the mass struggle in the streets, with the working class methods of struggle, with assemblies, with workers and exploited committees, with picket lines and the general strike to conquer the unity of all the workers as the only way to stop the government, the bosses and imperialis,.
For this, from all the working class and exploited organizations, from the unions and the organizations of poor peasants, of those without roof, BREAK WITH THE BOURGEOISIE AND ITS TRAP ELECTIONS.
From the militant workers organizations such as CSP-Conlutas that groups hundreds of thousands of workers figters in Brazil and all the workers organizations and unions that claim to defend the interests of the exploited, we have to make a call to break the subordination to the bourgeoisie of all the trade union federations and organizations of struggle of those without roof or without land to conquer a unified congress… in there, the vote of the workers and the exploited will really be useful to fight and prepare the decisive struggle to defeat the ongoing attack. This is the way forward to organize a general strike.
PTSU, in its electoral program of “call to rebellion” said it would confront the regime and the farce elections, and to build up and organize the general strike. Indeed, this is the way forward, but not for after the elections or when the regime gets reinforced after this huge trap of the exploited. The time to fight to defeat this farce for the working class and the oppressed of the country to take the centre of the scene is now.
Unfortunately PSTU hasn’t organized this fight from the unions and workers organizations that leads and influences. It has entered into the electoral trap settled by the hated Temer government and supported from the “opposition” by Lula, PT, the trade union bureaucracies and the reformist left.
PSTU should’ve put its socialist independent vacancies for candidates at the service of the struggle to defeat this trap, as while all the workers and oppressed of Brazil are looking at the elections, the government just deepens the attack to the gains of the workers movement against the exploited.
We cannot lose more time! Let PSTU call all the workers organizations of Brazil to break with the bourgeoisie, to disregard and denounce the electoral trap, calling to confront it. This way, using the spaces and time in media, placing their campaigns and meetings at the service of this struggle they claim to defend, they can even reinforce their campaign “Call to Rebellion” much more, and to conquer the General Strike in the right time, not after the electoral trap is imposed.
We call PSTU and its socialist candidates and the workers fighters that are running in this elections to take up this struggle path without any delay; and we call the workers and exploited not to vote for their executioners or those who sell them out. We call them to vote for class independence. In this elections, we call them for a critical vote to the candidates of PSTU, which still haven’t entered to this fight.
Open the road for the working class and the methods of struggle!
All the forces of the working class and its struggle organizations must break the subordination to the bourgeoisie and its infamous regime!
Organize the General Strike!
Let CUT, CTB, Força Sindical and the rest of the union federations, as well as the organizations of peasants, popular and the youth BREAK WITH THE BOURGEOISIE.
The militant workers of CSP-Conlutas have all the authority and the forces to call for boycott and fight for the unity of all the workers and exploited in Brazil against the treacherous bureaucracy and the reformist left that wants to subordinate us to the electoral trap, and at each step they have sold out our gains.
Revolutionary General Strike for Temer government to fall now!
Revolutionary provisional government of all the struggle organizations of workers and peasants, supported in the self-organized armed masses!
For the working class to live, imperialism must die! Expropriate the expropriators!
Supporter of FLTI-CI