Brazil - September 3rd, 2019
US imperialism in its recolonizing offensive on Latin America advances with job flexibility, looting and super exploitation and with the excuse of the fire wants to grab the Amazon territory.
After decades of massacre in the countryside at the hands of fascist gunmen, today, in an agreement with imperialism, bankers, the transnationals of agribusiness and the oligarchy ...
After only eight months of the government of Bolsonaro-Moro-Guedes, a “whip” of Trump and Wall Street, it opens the doors to US imperialism for it to take ownership of the Amazon
US imperialism, with Trump in the lead, is advancing steadily on its "backyard" with a clear policy of colonization throughout Latin America. From the hand of his whip, that is, from the Bolsonaro-Moro-Guedes government, they advance in Brazil with privatizations, looting and misery -Boeing has appropiated Embraer, the Exxon wants the privatization of Petrobras to keep for itself the gas and oil wealth, as did the AngloAmerican and other imperialist miners with Vale steelworks-, want the entire infrastructure of the country under their control and therefore they must get the exploited on their knees.
Today the fact of 15 million unemployed, 40 million chronically unemployed, 8 million under the misery line, more than 400 exploited killed under the militarization in Rio de Janeiro, weighs on the Brazil working class.
As if the enormous misery suffered by the working class were no longer enough, today, and taking advantage of the arsons that the “fazendeiros” (landowners) have carried out, under the approval of Bolsonaro in agreement with the bankers, the transnationals of the agribusiness and the oligarchy want to take control of the Amazon territory with the excuse of "putting out the fires."
Yesterday, under the regime of the Social Pact during the governments of Lula-Alencar and Dilma-Temer -in accordance with the Church and with the submission of the trade union bureaucracy, the MST and the reformist left’s leaderships- the peasants massacre was concealed; under the governments of Lula (2003/2010) and Dilma (2011/2016), they massacred more peasant leaders even than during the governments of Collor de Mello (1990/92) and Fernando Henrique Cardozo (1995/2002). ENOUGH OF HIDING THAT IN BRAZIL MORE THAN 350 THOUSAND EXPLOITED WERE MASSACRED DURING THE GOVERNMENTS OF LULA AND DILMA!
Before it is too late, the submission of the trade union centrals and the landless movements and all the fighting organizations of the working class and the poor peasants to the bourgeoisie and their state must be broken! Today, more than ever, it becomes indispensable to stop the hand of the fascist gunmen in the countryside, who under the command of transnationals and the pro-imperialist governments massacre the peasants in a true stealthy civil war, and protected by the entire regime and its institutions, and that today will deepen with the premeditated and agreed burning of the Amazon, which precedes the handing out of this enormous wealth, of which Brazil holds more than 60% of its extension.
Today under Bolsonaro's government, which all the working class and exploited leaders have considered a "fascist" one, they have not only refused to organize a serious fight against its offensive over the exploited of the countryside and the city, but also they continue to refuse to organize the armed self-defense of workers and peasants.
Bolsonaro not only fulfilled his promise of the electoral campaign, he massacred in the countryside and also in the city. Deaths in the countryside are in a daily base, and now it will be militarized. If we take into account that during the 8 months of Bolsonaro, more than 400 people were killed in the working-class neighborhoods of the militarized Rio de Janeiro, one cannot expect less in the countryside, where even the gunmen have already been given free rein to carry weapons legally and defend the estates.
What is at stake here is the open colonization of Brazil by the imperialism that is disputed by bites between the US corporations and the transnationals of the EU. This issue is not resolved even with parliamentary pressure as required by the PSOL asking the Minister of Environment to give explanations to the Chamber of Deputies. Nor is it defined by demanding compliance with agreements against global warming. Much less will Bolsonaro's and transnationals' plans be defeated, nor will the Amazon be saved from the hand of bourgeois fractions that pose as "environmentalists." A single front with the "green" bourgeoisie is an alliance with the executioners who today pose as "democratic", "environmentalist" and "eloquent" defenders, but will be soon leading the working class and the poor peasants into a dead end.
What is in question is not only the Amazon but the defeat of all exploitation, looting and flexibilization plans that are being imposed by Bolsonaro-Moro-Guedes in open agreement with the PT, PCdoB and PDT (which have nothing of “progressive” or "democratic" “allies of the exploited”) that from parliament and governorates guarantee that the imperialist and slave employers' plan is applied.
The Amazon issue brought to hot-red not only the capitalists' indolence carrying to destroy all natural resources and productive forces at the expense of the misery of the exploited, but also calls to the focus the fight to defeat landowners and transnationals of the agroindustries who have not gotten tired of massacring the landless peasants and that today are as ever protected by the caste of army officers who are preparing to militarize the Amazon with the same troops that covered by the UN umbrella (MINUSTAH) massacred yesterday in Haiti under the PT-PMDB government and have been massacring in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro from the transition of Lula and Dilma until today.
Therefore, when the imperialist powers are disputing the planet through a fierce commercial war (see box) there is no intermediate exit for the exploited by the hand of their "democratic" executioners. But the need to unify the ranks of the working class and poor peasants, to organize self-defense in the countryside against gunmen and in the city against the police and militarization is time trial.
Unresolved democratic tasks are posed in semicolonial Brazil that the native bourgeoisie that is tied with thousands of ties to imperialism will not solve in any way. These tasks are agrarian reform based on the expropriation of land in the hands of the imperialist transnationals and the fazendeiros and the break with imperialism, that is, the break with the IMF and all the plundering pacts that bind the nation to imperialism, and the expropriation without compensation and over workers control of all transnationals and their banks.
The only ones that have the solution for the Amazon and the most felt demands of the exploited are the working class leading the alliance with the agricultural workers, the poor peasants and all the exploited of the nation.
The government pact with imperialism, bankers, fazendeiros and their gunmen must be defeated.
We call on the CSP-Conlutas and the combat organizations of the CUT, CTB, FS and all the fight organizations to engage in this fight, preventing confidence from being placed in the institutions of the regime of the archireactionary Constitution of 1988.
It is high time that from the CUT, CTB, FS, CSP-Conlutas and from the MST and all the movements of peasant struggle, a National Congress of workers and peasant-based delegates be called.
The most urgent task of this Congress will not be achieving unity with the bourgeois opposition or the environmental bourgeoisie, nor with the Church that is to divide the peasants from the workers, but the unity of those below, i.e., the alliance of the workers and the poor peasants to defeat those above.
For that, a clearly anti-imperialist combat program against the whole of the exploiters and their attacks against the exploited must be held up, to fight for:
-Organize urgently the worker and peasant self-defense groups to defend ourselves against fascist gunmen in the countryside and the militarization that slaughters us in the favelas.
-Expropriation without compensation and under workers' control, of the agricultural workers and the poor peasants of all the transnationals of the Agro business and of all the estates to guarantee collective farms and productive land for all the poor farmers and to conquer inexpensive food for the exploited.
-No to the payment of the external debt and rupture with the IMF and all the looting treaties that bind Brazil to imperialist looting.
-Expropriation without compensation and under workers control of all imperialist transnationals, placing them under workers control.
-It is necessary to prepare and conquer the general strike that puts the foot in the chest of the exporters and firmly defeats the slave plan of labor flexibility, theft of social welfare funds and destruction of natural resources and the environment .
-To defend Embraer and Petrobras, they must be expropriated without payment and re-nationalized under workers' control, as well as Vale and all privatized former state companies..
These are the first minimum demands that will motorize and put exploited on war footing against the attack of the capitalists, which support both the ruling parties and the opposition of the PT, PCdoB, PDT, etc.
There is no time to lose. Today more than ever: For the working class and the exploited to live, imperialism must die!
The liberation of the workers will be the work of the workers themselves!
Brazil will be a socialist country or a Wall Street colony!
Adherent of FLTI
Bolsonaro and imperialism
On the FTA with the EU and the role of France
USA and its commercial war with Europe in Brazil and Mercosur
A "trade war" paid for by the exploited masses
Some frictions have developed between the Brazilian government and the European imperialist powers, which did not go beyond a "straw fire", but which put the whole of the bourgeoisie on alert because of the consequences that Bolsonaro's "outbursts" may mean in the immediate future.
At the same time there are sectors of the petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie that claim Bolsonaro's attitude about the “autonomy” of Brazil show him as a “patriot.” That is because Macron declared that there is an “internationalization” of the Amazon and that “France is an Amazonian power "
The truth is that Bolsonaro wants to give it to US imperialism, even at the cost of "putting the FTA with Europe at risk".
There is no kind of nationalism or patriotism on the part of this government. His response to this catastrophe was openly pro-US.
In his first official pronouncement since the Amazon crisis began, on August 23, Bolsonaro “criticized” Europe for demanding that he comply with the Paris climate agreement when not even they comply with it and that instead he accepted the help of “other countries” that had offered it. He was referring to the United States.
On the other hand it has already defined the application of the GLO (Guarantee of Law and Order). That is, it will advance the intervention of the Armed Forces in the contingency against the outbreaks of fire... that is, it will impose the militarization of the entire Amazon.
The main problem of the region will not be solved based on "Climate Pacts" but will be solved by political and military means. It is not a secondary details that Macron has declared France as Amazonian Power and Germany defined sanctions against Brazil for not complying with the Paris agreements on “global warming.” Nor is it a secondary fact that Brazil privileges the US against the EU.
There is a central point that must be taken into account when defining inter-imperialist disputes over the Amazon, which although has at stake everything raised so far, it has also called into question the Free Trade Agreement of the European Union and Mercosur.
This agreement determined that Brazil would be an agricultural supplier for Europe and would receive industrialized products, auto parts, automotive, electro-electronics, etc. It would be effective this August. However, it would not be done at the moment. The excuse today is "the Amazon."
But the truth is that about a month ago, the US secretary of commerce was in Brazil. During his visit, he declared that if the FTA with the EU was implemented, huge existing agreements and others that were planned with the US were put at risk and should be revised.
The agreement, as we said, contemplates that Brazil and Argentina would be agricultural suppliers. This means a huge crisis within France and its huge agro-industrial production and the social base that imperialism has in the French countryside, which would be left out of this business, losing subsidies, etc.
Precisely the US takes advantage of this issue in its favor and with the crisis about the Amazon these disputes emerge, which have nothing to do with the "environment" and have everything to do with the commercial war in which the US is not willing to take the claws from Brazil, with Bolsonaro selling out everything.
But we insist that it was on the road paved by the governments of PT-PMDB, Lula-Alencar and Dilma-Temer, that today Bolsonaro-Moro-Guedes, under Trump's command, are advancing in their offensive, based on the Social Pact which brought to their knees the organizations of workers and poor peasants with their directions supporting the regime and the government; this inertia continues until today and it is this subjugation and paralysis that must be broken to organize all the exploited in a serious fight against imperialism and the government, to defend the Amazon and to conquer bread, jobs and land.
If Bolsonaro is advancing steadily in handing out Brazil to Wall Street, it is not because he is "deranged." Yesterday with enormous “eloquence” Lula privatized the Embraer and did business with the French aerospace transnationals, today Bolsonaro is selling out Embraer, the most important aircraft and satellite assembler in South America, to the BOEING.
At the same time there is a huge dispute over the Alcántara Space Base, in the north of the country, on an island that is located on the coast of the state of Maranhão. This base has been deactivated decades ago and will be made available to the US for aerospace tests. It should be clarified that the state of Maranhão is governed by the PCdoB (Stalinist-Maoist party that ruled alongside the PT-PMDB and had the candidacy for vice during the last election) and it is a strategic point on the map, including limiting with French Guiana .
That is why it is about imposing the breaking of the submission of the struggle organizations of the exploited with the bourgeois state, breaking the policy of "demanding democracy" from the slavers, and that the parliamentarians who claim to be "socialists" use the parliamentary tribune for the extraparliamentary fight, etc. In other words, it is necessary to prevent the road from being imposed towards the dead end to which reformism and union bureaucracy lead the exploited, when Brazil is a spoil that monopolies will dispute at the expense of greater hunger, misery, looting and death for the exploited.
Once again, in the midst of this inter-imperialist trade war that is only paid for by the exploited, the alternative against the submission and surrender that reformism disguises as a "resistance" is the struggle to defeat the capitalists with the working class method, i.e., with the socialist revolution. |
The situation of the Amazon and a revolutionary policy to defend it
During the year 2019, more than 75 thousand sources of fire have been registered in the Brazilian Amazon region, there are more than 6,500 sources registered in the month of August and more than 300 in the three first days in September.
The most important focus is developed in the triple border of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.
More than 40,000 species of plants, 1,300 types of birds and 426 different mammals live in the Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world with 6.7 million square kilometers. In this Brazilian region there is a population of more than 20 million inhabitants.
The fundamental role of the Amazon is the climate, in relation to and contrast with the Sahara desert it is together with the latter responsible for balancing the planet's climate.
This explains the position of the G7 and the imperialist countries that pose as climate advocates and against global warming. For example by Germany and France and their position that "Bolsonaro did not comply with the Paris agreement on global warming."
But the Amazon has, in addition to enormous biodiversity, huge reservoirs of water, minerals, gas, oil and precious stones. And that is where the main intention of imperialism to "protect" the Amazon lies.
Why the fires? Field burns are carried out almost every year. These burns are carried out directly by the fazendas (big estates), the transnationals of agriculture and the livestock industry. Even at the beginning of August, a call was made from the fazendeiros (big landholders) to “burn everything” from the Amazon state of Pará (one of the states with more murders of peasant leaders). They called a "day of fire", as a mechanism of pressure on Bolsonaro to advance in releasing the burning as legal.
During the election campaigns Bolsonaro already clarified that he was going to drastically reduce controls over burning the forest, openly privileging the landholding and even making it clear that all “Indians” would be “runned out” from their lands. He also decreed the release of dozens of agrotoxics that had been totally prohibited .
All the villages of indigenous peoples were under constant siege of the government and already led to a huge march against this offensive.
These are true poor land-less peasants. The MST remains inactive. The leaderships of the proletariat separate the demands of the countryside from its leader, the proletariat. They merely demand that their lands be demarcated, that they not be killed and that people has to be respected. A true surrender.
With their policy of "ecosocialism" they develop a demand for compliance with the Paris conventions, laws against deforestation, land demarcation, toxic agro-laws, the defense of the Amazon as a natural resource totally outside of a class policy.
For its part, the union bureaucracy continues to support the government, boycotting every attempt at serious struggle and surrendering the workers' conquests from factory to factory. Its policy, like that of reformism, was to divert everything to a policy of pressure and to follow the parliamentary calendar to define its actions, which are not defined at all around the General Strike or fighting in the streets.
The great question of the Amazon is the land question at its best, however nothing can be resolved without a policy of expropriation of imperialism, large estates and agribusiness, without a policy based on the Permanent Revolution for colonial and semicolonial countries of rupture with imperialism and of expropriation of the land; so everything ends up in the hands of the “environmentalist” bourgeoisie that goes from the PT, the PDT or the PV of Marina Silva, to the German, French, Sanders bourgeoisie and the imperialist “green” bourgeoisie .
On the contrary, for the Trotskyists today, the Amazon issue once again brings to light the alternative is between the Stalinism class conciliation program (which was embraced by the absolute majority of the renegade currents of Trotskyism) and the program theory of the Permanent Revolution, which demonstrates full validity and topicality in the face of this fact that it is not only for the environment but for the land and national independence, that is, for agrarian reform and the break with imperialism as the fundamental democratic tasks, which are not resolved in an alliance with the exploiters as the Stalinists and the renegades of Trotskyism insist; as we can see the Fundamental Theses of the Permanent Revolution define:
"2. With respect to the countries of delayed bourgeois development, and in particular the colonial and semicolonial ones, the theory of permanent revolution means that the complete and effective resolution of its democratic ends and its national emancipation can only be conceived through the dictatorship of the proletariat, with the proletariat wielding power as the leader of the oppressed nation and, above all, of its peasant masses.
3. The agrarian problem, and with it the national problem, assign the peasants, who constitute the overwhelming majority of the population of backward countries, an exceptional position in the democratic revolution. Without the alliance of the proletariat with the peasants, the aims of the democratic revolution not only cannot be realized, but cannot even be seriously considered. However, the alliance of these two classes is not feasible unless through an uncompromising fighting against the influence of the liberal-national bourgeoisie. ”
Here is the program of the Fourth International that all reformers want to prevent it from being taken by the working class and which the renegades of Trotskyism have hidden under seven keys.