CHILE - November 11th, 2019
30 days of revolutionary struggle against the Piñera government, the civic-military regime, its corrupt politicians and its caste of genocidal officers, servants of imperialism...
The revolution we started must succeed
No "constituent pact" or agreement with the executioners of the people!
So that Piñera falls down and the power of those above is razed forever,
Let’s set up the power of the ones below
National Congress of workers, students and poor peasants!
We must strengthen the “front line” of the barricades, conquer the self-defence committees and the workers and peasant militia to defeat the killer pacos in the streets!
For committees of private soldiers who pass with their weapons over to the people in struggle!
Revolutionary General Strike until everyone of them is out and away!
They massacred the Industrial Cordon revolution in 1973… It’s time to settle accounts:
Let's recover La Moneda to impose a revolutionary provisional government of workers and peasants!
Today a month has passed since that Friday, October 18, when Chile began to be shaken from its foundation by a magnificent revolutionary uprising of the masses that stood up that day. 30 days of mass independent actions, with days of revolutionary general strike, actions in the streets, strikes, local revolts, attacks on the property of the great capitalists and the institutions of bourgeois power, barricade fighting, clashes with the police and also the Armed Forces, occupations of secondary schools, cacerolazos (pot banging, TN) and massive concentrations in the "Plaza de la Dignidad" (Square of Dignity) in Santiago and all the squares of the country.
The bourgeoisie knows what it is facing: the beginning of a revolution that has kept the power of the exploiters in suspense. Overcoming all trade union bureaucracies and collaborationist leaderships, the masses at every step have struggled to defeat the Piñera government and blow up the civic-military regime of the Constitution of the 1980s, servants of imperialism.
Following the path of its class siblings from Ecuador, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and Catalonia, Chile’s became a huge revolutionary process in response to the fierce US offensive over Latin America. They are coming all the way over their “backyard” to colonize all Latin American nations, with their servant governments such as Piñera’s, which have declared war on us, and are true managers of Wall Street businesses at the cost of blood and hunger for the exploited.
At the beginning, after taking the army out of the streets, the Piñera government bet on the wear and tear of this revolutionary struggle of the workers and the exploited, while trying to contain the mass actions with a redoubled and furious repression of the pacos and the repressive forces of the state against the most radicalized and hardened sectors in order to terrorize the exploited in struggle. With this objective, under US imperialist command, he summoned COSENA (National Security Council), the heart of the Pinochet regime, and announced the “anti-hooded”, “anti-looting” and “anti-barricade” bills, which gave the pacos more power to repress and more powers to the Armed Forces officers for intelligence operations.
At the same time, the policy of the bureaucracy of the CUT and other organizations of "Social Unit", the CP and the “Frente Amplio” (Broad Front) was to convene "citizen councils" who met with the mayors and councilors of these parties and the former Concertacion, which was always a pillar of this regime of the 1980 Constitution that the masses want to defeat. In turn, the vast majority of mayors summoned municipal plebiscites for the month of December, to vote whether or not a new Constitution is wanted. They were all attempts to bring revolutionary combat to the feet of this infamous regime.
But so far all these traps have failed. This was seen last Tuesday 11/12 in all its magnitude: the collaborationist leadership of "Social Unit" called a "general strike" with the aim of it being a sit-down strike to press the Piñera government and get national talks with it. But in an opposite direction of the policy of these leaderships, the working class and the masses took this call into their own hands and transformed it into a true Revolutionary General Strike to defeat the government and the regime.
The “Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution”: a new trap against the revolutionary struggle that the exploited have already begun in the streets
Before the new revolutionary onslaught of 12/11, a new conspiracy against the masses began. As imperialism was concentrating its forces in Bolivia to impose a coup d'etat, in a clear response against the revolutionary processes of Chile, Ecuador and Haiti, Piñera, while intensifying its repression, proclaimed the scam of "national agreements" in pursuit of " peace”, “justice” and also for “a new Constitution”.
All parties of the "opposition" came out to greet this initiative... to end up sealing with this executioner government of the masses, overnight and behind the people’s back, the so called "Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution."
We are facing a real trap against the revolution we started, with the sole objective of removing the masses from the streets, preventing the revolutionary fall of the Piñera government and saving the Pinochet regime.
They convene a plebiscite for April 2020 to vote on whether or not a "new Constitution" is wanted and if the mechanism for drafting it is a "constitutional convention" or a "mixed convention", which will be fully rigged. Not only will they do this using all the mechanisms of the current Pinochet regime, but if a new Constitution is drafted (in two years!) the Parliament will have the final word. That is, it is a true circus because those who will define the outcome are the same parliamentarians who today support Piñera and the Pinochet regime and defend the plundering of the wealth of the nation by the imperialist transnationals at the expense of hunger, misery and the super-exploitation of working class and the oppressed masses.
In the meantime, they ensure that everything remains the same: Piñera continues in the government, Pinochet officers' caste is a fundamental pillar of the regime, the imperialist transnationals continue to plunder the copper and all the wealth of the nation and the exploited get wages and pensions of hunger, their retirement funds are stolen by the AFPs, endure slavery, super-exploitation, long working hours, high cost of living, tax hikes, expensive private education, public health that falls apart, poor peasants of Mapuche ethnicity stripped of their lands, etc.
It is a real trap with which they try to help collaborationist leaderships to take control of the combat, imposing “peaceful demonstrations” of pressure, to create “democratic” illusions in a sector of the masses so they leave the streets, divert the revolutionary combat and separate the masses from the combative vanguard that does not accept to submit to this scam. And so, once the advanced sectors are isolated, the exploiters would be able to attack them as they have been doing with repression, death, persecution, jail, house-by-house witch hunts of the fighters while applying the State Internal Security Law that hardens the prison sentences. It is an agreement that only seeks to impose the "peace of the cemeteries”. The fact which proves this is that while they were announcing this agreement late Friday, they sent helicopters to repress the workers and youth of Lo Hermida neighborhood.
Therefore, with this agreement there will be no "more democracy" or "freedom" for the Chilean masses because all this mistreatment will be protected by the Armed Forces officer’s caste who, when necessary, in the name of "peace", may also intervene to cause a bloodbath.
This is what the Broad Front supports, which since its creation has legitimized from Parliament all the anti-labor laws voted there. The CCP boasts of not having signed this agreement but they have already announced that they are getting ready to be part of the April plebiscite process next year. That is, they support the pact from outside.
That same Friday 15/11, the Plaza Italia dawned covered with huge white canvases with the word "Peace", in a real provocation against the revolutionary masses, who with certain class instinct, know perfectly well that we are facing a great trap and therefore, once again, they returned to take to the streets massively throughout the country, demonstrating that they are not willing to cease their combat or allowing them to negotiate with the blood shed by our martyrs. Street fighting, barricades, clashes with the police and mass actions took place again across the country. The exploited want the fall of Piñera and the Pinochet regime, because they are responsible for the unprecedented sufferings that have been imposed on workers, the rebellious youth and the exploited for decades. That is why although 30 days have passed, the fighting does not stop. Those from above took everything away from us and those from below are going for all of them to recover what is ours!
At the end of the day, the true owners of the Plaza de la Dignidad returned to recover it. On Saturday, the Plaza again dawned with a new message: “No justice, no peace. Memory for Abel Acuña”, in honor of the young man who died on Friday in Plaza Italia. The exploited made their position against the bourgeois scam clear.
Let no one steal our revolution or the streets that are ours!
Down with the traps of the government, the Parliament and its lackey parties!
None of this will be defined in the luxurious offices of the Parliaments, or in national talks in La Moneda. This will be defined in the streets.
The time has come for the revolutionary mass struggle to climb a new step and prepare a superior action, a decisive blow that chops off the head of the snake that it is in La Moneda, in the barracks of the Pinochetista Armed Forces and in Wall Street. Otherwise, those above will try to wear and tear our struggle. A month after our fight has begun, we want to succeed!
To defeat Piñera and demolish the power of the exploiters: Let’s set up the power of those below, the only legitimate and representing the majority of the entire Chile!
We have to coordinate by population, city, region and national level all the sectors that enter into combat and all the self-organization and direct democracy organizations with which we organize to fight, with delegates from the assemblies and committees of mineworkers, longshoremen, health workers, teachers, construction workers, public servants, etc .; of the assemblies of the students and exploited in struggle in the neighborhoods and towns; of the barricades; etc. For a national Congress of workers, students, poor and exploited peasants fight!
Thousands of workers and youth from the “front line” of the barricades are the outpost confronting the government, the regime and the repressive forces of the state that kill us, torture us, rape us, mutilate us.
Together with the parliamentary traps of imperialism, today the only thing that supports Piñera is the brutal repression of his murderous pacos. That is why they have concentrated their forces against the advanced sectors and hunt the hardest fighters in their homes to imprison them. We have to unbalance the balance in favor of the masses and defeat the pacos in the streets so that Piñera falls.
That is why we have to strengthen the “first lines” with delegates from the docks, mines, factories, unions in struggle, from the rebel youth, from students, from working women, etc. We have to centralize and generalize the “first lines” to conquer centralized self-defense committees of the entire people in struggle and the workers and popular militia to chastize and give the police what they deserve. The murderous pacos must be defeated and expelled from the streets! We must dissolve all the repressive forces of the state!
We must call the reservists urgently and go to the barracks to look for the privates to break with the Armed Forces’ officers, move over to the people in struggle, come to the “front lines” with their weapons to face the pacos and prevent the Pinochetist Generals from drown Chile in workers’ blood once again. Piñera, the bourgeois parties and their lackeys, chant "siren songs" talking about "peace" and "freedom", while the officers prepare a bloody coup if we refuse to leave the streets. For committees of private soldiers! Trial and punishment to the Pinochetista Generals for being thieves and murderers!
Open the road to the Revolutionary General Strike until Piñera and the civic-military regime fall together with their corrupt politicians and genocidal Officer Caste !
There is no way out with the politicians, judges or governments of this infamous Pinochetista regime. The only solution: the victory of the revolution that was stolen and crushed in the 1970s! For a revolutionary provisional government of workers and peasants!
We have to recover La Moneda to avenge our grandparents and parents and all our fallen comrades who were massacred in 1973 by imperialism and its agents.
This is the only way can we guarantee workers and people’s rightful demands: free and quality public education; land for the peasant; breaking with imperialism, recovering copper for Chileans, expropriating transnationals and bankers without compensation and under workers' control; ending the theft of the wealth of the nation by the Pinochetista Generals and expropriating all expropriators. This is the minimum that we are already fighting for!
A revolutionary provisional government of workers and peasants will be the only one that can guarantee a Revolutionary Constituent Assembly, with the method of the workers' and peasants' revolution, disarming the repressive forces of the state and the Armed Forces. With the Pinochetista Generals and the murderous pacos in the streets, there will be no possibility of conquering a democratic Constituent Assembly. It will only be just a tool for the powerful to save the Pinochetista regime. If the weapons are still in the hands of Piñera, the big bankers, capitalists and their murderous Generals, Chile will once again be drown in workers and youth blood. The united people will never be defeated and the armed people will never be crushed or cheated!
Imperialism and the bourgeoisie have declared war on us in Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and throughout Latin America. Chile is a link in the same single revolution in Latin America.
Therefore, in order to bring this fight to victory, the working class and the exploited of Chile must raise their support to their Bolivian class siblings in the fight against the coup d'etat of the Banzerista Armed Forces, the murderous police and the fascist bourgeoisie of the Media Luna, under the command of the UN, the OAS and the Pentagon.
In the 1970s, imperialism first concentrated its forces in Chile and then defeated the revolutions that shook Southern Latin America. Today they want to do the same in Bolivia by the hand of those generals who murdered ‘Che’ Guevara. We cannot allow it! There is no doubt that if this coup is settled in Bolivia, the bourgeoisie, the Piñera government and the regime of the Constitution of the 1980s will be stronger and in better conditions to defeat our struggle and even drown it in blood.
¡Chile y Bolivia serán socialistas o colonias de Wall Street!
Let’s stand up together next to the workers and poor peasants of Bolivia! In every mobilization and barricade in Chile, the flag of the workers and the poor peasants of Bolivia must be raised next to the flag of the workers, the rebel youth and the Mapuche peasants of Chile, as it has already happened in the north of the country! Out with gringos from Bolivia, Chile and Latin America!
Chile and Bolivia will be socialist or colonies of Wall Street!
Partido Obrero Internacionalista - Cuarta Internacional (POI-CI) Adherente a la FLTI
(Internationalist Workers Party – Fourth International (POI-CI), Adherent to the FLTI)