Chile - November 8th, 2021
First conclusions of the trap of the presidential and legislative elections, sustained in the betrayal of the leaderships of the Mesa de Unidad Social (Social Unity Board) to the revolutionary fight of the masses
Victory of the pro-imperialist regime of the 1980 Constitution to consummate the tidy replacement of Piñera
A runoff has to be disputed now between the Pinochetista Kast, the new whip of the US imperialists, and the class collaboration front of Boric, the CCP and other betrayers of our revolutionary struggle
Imperialism and the bourgeoisie are celebrating the results of this new electoral trap against the working class and the exploited masses.
With 27.91% of the votes, Kast, a direct man of Pinochetism and imperialism has risen as the winner in this first presidential round, seeking to establish a Bonapartist government to strengthen the damned civic-military regime of the Constitution of 1980, with all its institutions, its officer caste and its repressive forces.
With his "strong hand" policy and whip in hand, Kast wants to put order in the country and historically close the cycle of revolutionary mass offensive, deepen the attack against the workers and the poor people, and guarantee imperialism to continue bleeding Chile with the FTA and the plunder of copper.
But the exploiters also have another variant to continue applying their anti-worker plans: Boric, the candidate of Apruebo Dignidad (Approve Dignity), a front of class collaboration, full of bourgeois and bosses’ politicians, comprising the "pacos de rojo" (red cops) of the CCP, the Broad Front and the Green Regionalist Federation.
Fake Boric poses as the "standard bearer" of the working class, the rebel youth and the exploited who rose up in October 2019, when they, not him, are the true top performers of the revolutionary mass struggle. After having saved Piñera so that he does not fall and being his best guardians (with Boric himself having signed the "Pact for Peace and the New Constitution" behind the people's backs so that the plebiscite fraud could be imposed and later on, also the Constituent Convention), this front now aspires to reach La Moneda presidential palace to continue deceiving and lulling the exploited to sleep, so to be able to take care of property and profits of both the capitalists and imperialism.
With 25.83% of the votes, Boric has passed to the second round, where he will dispute with Kast who will be Piñera's successor to occupy the throne of "viceroy" in this Chile colonized by the US pirates.
That is why we are facing a huge victory of the Pinochetista regime, despite the electoral collapse of the Piñera coalition (whose candidate Sichel was in 4th place with 12.8% of the votes), not to mention the pathetic performance of Christian Democracy (CD) and the former Concertacion, which, thanks to Provoste, came in 5th place with 11.61% of the votes. A clear demonstration of mass hatred for these parties that for 30 years have been administering the Pinochetista regime, while somebody like Parisi, a direct servant of the US imperialists was in 3rd place with 12.8% of the votes, without even stepping on Chilean soil to campaign for an election.
Along with this, with millions of votes they have legitimized that den of bandits in Parliament, while that appendix of the civic-military regime, the Constituent Convention scam continues to session, protected by genocidal generals and imperialism, and continues to deliberate to see what cosmetic and minimal self-reforms they manage to introduce in a new Constitution that would guarantee maintaining the fundamentals of the Constitution of 1980.
This electoral farce is a new act of the monumental trap set by the exploiters against the revolutionary fight of the working class and the exploited in 2019.
These elections were endorsed by all the leaderships of the organizations reunited in the Social Unity Board, in the hands of the CCP, the Broad Front and the Concertacion. They prevented the struggle in the streets from overthrowing the regime and Piñera, who has reached 0.01% approval and today continues in La Moneda applying the plans of imperialism against the masses until the orderly replacement of his government takes place.
These leaderships were in charge of removing the working class from the center of the scene so that it does not lead the mass uprising with its methods of struggle. They divided the labor movement from the high school students who jumped the turnstiles, from the rebellious youth of the "front line" and the exploited in struggle. The CUT leadership and the entire union bureaucracy separated the working class from the struggle of the poor peasants of Mapuche ethnic origin for the land, leaving them isolated and allowing their most brutal repression by the murderous state, with dozens of Mapuche prisoners populating the prisons of the Pinochetista regime and the entire Araucanía militarized under the “state of exception”.
These leaderships closed the way to the Revolutionary General Strike so that the Pinochetista regime did not fall and subjected the masses to the plebiscite fraud and to that farce of the Constituent Convention. They are the ones who prevented the working class and the exploited from giving a way out and for this reason, huge sectors of the ruined middle classes went to vote for Kast or Parisi, at the same time that the fascist gangs raised their heads attacking the migrants in Iquique.
Those below were taken off the streets by the bureaucracy of the Social Unity Board and that infamous pact of Boric with Piñera, the former Concertación and Stalinism. They betrayed our revolutionary struggle, they took us away from the fight for the seizure of power and now those at the top have a free rein to seek that everything returns to “zero”, that is, to the civil-military regime of its origins. They will do this either at the hands of Kast or Boric, because although they play different roles, both are representatives of the same Pinochetista regime that has only guaranteed hunger, unemployment and slavery for the workers and exploited and the colonization of the nation by imperialism with its TLC.
In any case, Boric is seeking to keep this regime intact with some makeup from the Constituent farce, but without solving any of Chile's upending democratic tasks of breaking with the FTAs and imperialism, expelling the US military base of Con-Con, recovering the copper and the land for the Chileans, or end with the caste of officers of the genocidal armed forces. That is what we had planned to conquer with the victory of the revolutionary mass struggle, but they took the victory out of our hands.
At 180° from this, that fake Boric together with the CCP sealed a front of class collaboration with bourgeois politicians like those of the Green Regionalist Federation (out of the kidney of the DC coup plotters). They got together to set up a new Concertacion that, as we saw during the two Bachelet governments, were the best administrators of the civil-military regime.
We know that, as happened in Peru with the bourgeois candidate Pedro Castillo, many currents of the Chilean and Latin American left are preparing to support Boric with the excuse of "confronting Kast." They should be responsible for giving political support to a future government that will keep the military and the murderous pacos (cops) in freedom, the imperialist yoke of the FTAs, the copper in the hands of the transnationals, the free education always last for the son of the worker, the land well away from poor peasants of Mapuche ethnic origin.
Hand in hand with this front of class collaboration we cannot confront Kast or defeat the accursed Pinochetista regime, much less imperialism that submits the nation.
The workers and the exploited must not vote for Boric! We do not vote for those we expelled from the Plaza de la Dignidad for turning in our struggle! We do not vote for those who saved Piñera! We will never vote for those who passed the repressive government laws for which 2,500 of our people are in prison!
We must break with the leaderships of the Social Unity Board!
National Workers’ Congress with delegates with a rank-and-file mandate from the entire labor movement, the rebellious youth and the poor peasants!
We have to put the majority of Chile back on its feet to take the destiny of the nation into our hands and re-forge the worker, peasant and popular alliance, as we did in the streets in October 2019, to reopen the path to the Revolutionary General
We will make true the fight to sweep away the regime of the Constitution of the '80, for the most elementary democratic demands and for all our just demands, with the methods of struggle of the working class: the strikes, the pickets, the general strike, the combats of barricades, resuming the revolutionary path of October 2019, setting up the organizations of self-organization and direct democracy of the workers and the exploited, such as the base assemblies, the unitary factory committees of the employed, unemployed, immigrants, etc., as were the Industrial Cordons in the '70s, the "first line" in every factory, mine, port and workplace.
We must return to the fight for renationalization of copper without compensation and under workers’ control to finance free education, workers' wages, public health, housing, retirement and all the most pressing demands of the masses! Down with the theft of copper by the Pinochetista Armed Forces!
Expropriation of all the bankers and AFPs without compensation! A single state bank that cancels all the usurious credits with which they have ruined the life and mortgaged the future of the Chilean youth!
Expropriation of all the large estates, forester companies and imperialist monopolies without compensation! Land for the peasants and for the poor people to eat with dignity!
Down with the FTAs and all the economic, political and military treaties that tie us to imperialism! State-ization of foreign trade!
They have expropriated our life, our education, our health, our land and our dignity… We must expropriate the expropriators of the people!
The blood of our martyrs is neither negotiated nor handed out! No justice, no peace!
Workers’ and popular tribunals to judge and punish the genocidal generals and officers and all the murderers of the workers' and popular martyrs!
In order for them to stop repressing and killing those who fight, we must fight for the dissolution of the murderous police, the intelligence services and all the repressive apparatuses of the state, and set up self-defense committees and the worker and peasant militia.
Immediate and unconditional release of more than 2,500 October prisoners and all political prisoners!
We must impose the end of the "state of exception" in La Araucania, dissolve the caste of the Pinochetista generals, end with their theft of the copper businesses and expel the US military base of Con-Con. For committees of rank and file soldiers who break with the officers and pass over to the people with their weapons to fight!
We can only conquer these minimal and immediate demands by imposing a revolutionary workers 'and peasants' government on the rubble of this accursed civil-military regime. Therefore, the only solution for those below is: Return to the path of October 2019 so that the socialist revolution succeeds!
In these elections, sectors of the workers and youth vanguard did not go to vote, in repudiation of all the parties and politicians of this infamous regime, starting with the high school students who are not of voting age and were the outpost of the mass revolutionary combat. We call them to fight together for this program, to conquer that National Congress so that the rebellious youth can fight again together with their best allies, the mining and port workers and the working class as a whole.
The leadership of the College of Teachers, the Federation of Copper Workers and the dockers of San Antonio call to vote for Boric "against Kast." We call on teachers, miners, port workers and all workers not to vote for this new left-wing executioner of the exploited, but above all we call them to fight for this program and this perspective so that the Chile of those below rise up again. .
All workers’ organizations must break with the bourgeoisie and its parties and to confront Kast and the whole of the Pinochetista regime, and submit to the decision of a National Workers' Congress, where the vast majority of Chile will be represented.
For its part, the PTR and the "Front for the Unity of the Working Class", which obtained 50,000 votes for their candidacies for deputies talking about "class independence", are discussing whether or not to support Boric in the second round. The alternative is clear: either they put their forces at the service of fighting to conquer a National Workers' Congress so that the unity of the workers can be accomplished to fight, or they will remain behind the “anti-Kast front”, giving it political support and subjugating the working class to one of their executioners, breaking with any policy of class independence.
Under Boric's leadership we cannot defeat Kast or the offensive of US imperialism that comes to deepen the colonization of Chile and those of below will continue to suffer the looting and profits of the capitalists with our blood, sweat and tears, with our prisoners and our martyrs. Our only and best allies for this fight are our class siblings from all over Latin America and the heroic American working class, who have the key to confront the heart of the imperialist beast from within; they all are the only ones together which we can break with the FTAs and conquer freedom and the long-awaited dignity.
Open the way to the unity of the working class of all over the Americas against imperialism, its governments and regimes!
POI-CI of Chile