Chile - October 1st, 2021
2 years after the revolutionary uprising of October 18...
√ Thanks to the betrayal of the union bureaucracy and the fraud of the undemocratic Constituent Convention, they took us off the streets, saved the government and kept intact the regime of the 1980 Constitution…
√ Now they want to take us to vote for our executioners, all of them candidates loyal to Biden and Wall Street, while Piñera ends his term without ceding in his attack to the working class and the exploited
Neither electoral trap nor Constituent scam!
We won't negotiate the blood of our martyrs
and our fight for dignity under any circumstances
Public and free education and health services! Decent salary, pensions and work for everyone!
Nationalization of copper, banks and ports throughout Chile without compensation and under workers' control!
Out with the transnationals! Land for the Poor Peasants!
Freedom to political prisoners!
Assemblies, Unitary Workplace Committees and Self-defense Committees,
to vote, prepare and organize the
Revolutionary General Strike
so that Piñera and the entire regime fall!
Out with the collaborationist bureaucracies and all the betrayers of our struggle!
Let the Chile of those below break in again so that the socialist revolution succeeds!
Hunger, unemployment, super-exploitation, redoubled imperialist looting, jail and repression to those who fight, fascist attacks on immigrant workers ... This cannot be stood any longer!
The “Constituent” scam and the farce of the next presidential elections, sustained in the betrayal of the union bureaucracy and the collaborationist left against the revolutionary combat of the masses…
A death trap to re-legitimize the Pinochetista regime and guarantee the fierce attack by the anti-worker government of Piñera on behalf of imperialism
As we reach almost 2 years after October 18, today the workers, the exploited and the rebellious youth are in even worse conditions than when we rose up in 2019 fighting for dignity and our demands.
Today we are paying with more hunger, unemployment, slavery, deaths, political prisoners and greater suffering, not having been able to bring to victory the enormous revolutionary combat that began in October that year, when the working class and the oppressed masses staged huge independent actions, days of general strike, barricade fights, clashes with the cops, attacks on the private property of the capitalists, etc., struggling to fight like the workers of the Industrial Cordons in the revolution of the 1970s.
This combat could not succeed thanks to the betrayal of the CP, the Broad Front and all the collaborationist union bureaucracies of the Social Unity Board that played their entire role to divide the ranks of the working class and the exploited and prevented the path to the Revolutionary General Strike. They thus took the labor movement out of the scene and separated it from the rebellious youth of the "First Line", from the poor peasants of Mapuche ethnic origin and from the oppressed masses in struggle, when it is the working class the only one that can attack the capitalists, and imperialism where it hurts the most: their profits and their properties.
Fulfilling their mission, which was that the labor movement could not lead the mass offensive, for which Piñera would have had his days numbered, these leaderships saved the Government and the regime from falling into the hands of the revolutionary offensive and put all their forces to get us off the streets, submitting us first to the plebiscite scam and then to the farce of the Constituent Convention, this appendage of the Pinochetista regime, totally rigged and undemocratic, which came to guarantee that Piñera, the genocidal officers and the Pinochetista-Concertationista caste of judges remain in power, all remote-commanded from the US Embassy. For those below, starvation wages, unemployment, labor slavery, private education, theft of our pensions, collapsed health service continue and every day we suffer more and worse hardships, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. We did not conquer our dignity and none of our demands have been solved!
Thus Piñera and the capitalists were able to deepen the application of U.S imperialism plan of fierce super-exploitation and redoubled looting of our nations, their Latin American “backyard” . They threw all the costs of the economic and health crisis on the workers and the exploited, with hunger, a brutal increase in the cost of life, more than a million new unemployed, poverty wages, hellish production rates, etc. The workers were left without retirement because they had to support themselves through the withdrawal of their pension savings from the AFPs and unemployment insurance in order to survive. Our political prisoners are still jailed, where they are subjected to all kinds of torture and persecution, the murderers of our martyrs continue to live in total impunity and the Pinochetista pacos and militiamen continue in the streets to discipline the poor people who "dared" to awaken and fight for their dignity.
Meanwhile, with the price of copper skyrocketing (it reached $ 4.80 per pound) and millionaire subsidies from the state, the multinational mining companies and the big banks pile up fabulous fortunes at the cost of the sweat, bones and muscles of the working class and hunger of the poor people. The transnational AngloAmerican alone, which controls 4 mines in Chile, obtained profits of US $ 5.4 billion. For its part, BHP Billiton, in La Escondida, the largest copper mine in the world, obtained an increase in its profits in the first quarter of more than US $ 2.3 billion, 88% more compared to the same period in 2020! The banks have accumulated profits of more than US $ 2,300 million dollars in the first half of this year and the profits of the AFPs amount to more than 1billion Chilean pesos a day (=USD 1.23 million.)
So the more the collaborationist bureaucracies betrayed the revolutionary combat of the exploited, the more they took the labor movement out from the scene; and the more they lulled the masses with the "democratic" verse, the more the Constituent scam was imposed to take those below out off the streets and the more the exploiters had their hands free to unleash their attack and the reaction and fascism to raise their head. This is what we saw in the brutal attack that took place in Iquique against immigrant workers.
This is the "democracy" and "freedom" of this infamous Pinochetista regime, protected by the genocidal generals and imperialism, and of those liars from the former Concertación, who in their successive governments starved and repressed the people just like Piñera … A true hell for those below, while those above enjoy the spoils of this looted Chile, with the property and businesses of the capitalists protected, for the moment, from the revolutionary fire of the masses.
After the imposition of the Constituent Convention, the Pinochetista regime is preparing the new electoral farce to guarantee the orderly replacement of the murderer Piñera and to strengthen its institutions against the masses.
The Constituent Convention, which has been in session for almost 3 months, has fulfilled its sole objective of getting us out of the revolutionary struggle and saving the Piñera government that was dying and with it, the entire civic-military regime. This monumental trap against those below is the result of Piñera's "Pact for Peace and the New Constitution", the Pinochetista Right, the former Concertacion and the Broad Front, together with the red "pacos" of the CP. They guaranteed and imposed this detour to divert our combat and get the bourgeois regime to remain intact, doing some or other cosmetic self-reform to the damn Constitution of 1980 to keep safe the rule of the exploiters against the working class and the exploited masses.
With the imposition of the Constituent Convention, which does not affect any of their businesses and interests and which is regulated by the bosses' politicians, the bourgeoisie managed to re-legitimize the institutions of the Pinochetista regime, which today is getting ready for the farce of the presidential and parliamentary elections to guarantee an orderly replacement of Piñera and to conquer a strengthened government to continue implementing the dictates of Biden and the Wall Street pirates.
The collaborationist leaderships have put their forces to guarantee this new electoral trap and to lead the masses to vote for their executioners, all of them Wall Street men as candidates, such as Sichel or Provoste.
Faced with the brutal loss of prestige that the parties of the Right and the former Concertacion maintain, the PC and the Broad Front, led by their candidate Boric, are committed to being the ones who administer the civic-military regime, with a “renewed” face by settling in La Moneda Palace... However it was the PC and the Broad Front from the leadership of the Social Unity Board which surrendered our revolutionary struggle! Boric himself was one of the signatories of that infamous "Pact for Peace and the New Constitution" and in Parliament they were very proud of voting all kinds of anti-worker laws, starting with the repressive laws that were passed last year, and for which more than 2,500 comrades are still imprisoned.
While this is the scenario, unfortunately, the currents that claim to be "Trotskyist" continue with their policy of submitting the masses to the rigged Constituent Assembly, though it is only deceiving the exploited with its deliberations and its "democratic" circus, to ensure that everything remains the same.
This is the case of the MIT / LIT-CI, which continues to intervene in the Constituent Assembly by the hands of its leader María Rivera and continues to call on the exploited to press for it to “declare itself sovereign”, allegedly breaking with the Pact for Peace. They continue to insist on this policy, while the Constituent fraud is more and more exposed to the exploited, as happened with the People's List, of which Rivera was a part. This List of self-proclaimed “independents” that had won 27 seats in the Constituent Assembly, with many professionals from the bourgeoisie and candidates supported by environmental NGOs, ended up being dissolved for various frauds they committed, showing that they were not an alternative for the masses, but rather one more variant of Stalinism and its policy of class collaboration, enemies of retaking the revolutionary path of October.
For its part, the PTR / PTS, together with other groups, has set up the “Front for the Unity of the Working Class” to present candidates for deputies in some districts of the country, with the program of “demanding that [the Constituent Convention] declare itself sovereign, discuss and take all measures without respecting any limitation of the old powers as intended by the agreement for Peace” (Programmatic Declaration of the “Front for the unification of the working class ”, of 08/19).
That is the strategy that unites all of these currents: their struggle is to "democratize" this Convention, making people believe that by the hands of that bourgeois power Piñera and the Pinochetista regime can be defeated and democracy, bread and freedom granted to the exploited. The only thing these currents do is sow illusions in this farce of Constitutional Convention, when it is not going to guarantee even the slightest democratic demand to the masses, because it is an appendix of the Pinochetista regime and is under the control of that counterrevolutionaries caste of officers of the armed forces who at riffle-point guard the private property of the capitalists and imperialism. There is no possibility of conquering the slightest of democratic demands without crushing this Pinochetista officer’s caste!
These currents even ask from this totally undemocratic institution, established by the "Pact for Peace and the New Constitution" and regulated with the force of law, to be "sovereign", although they cannot decide anything. So much so, that the majority of Constituents, have confirmed the need to reach two-thirds (to vote anything) in their regulations.
Faced with this, these currents continue to demand that this rigged Convention break with those "pre-established agreements", when the Pinochetista Right, the Concertacion, the Broad Front and the CP endorse and defend that pact to the letter. They are so subordinated to the Constituent Assembly's scam that, although they fill their mouths talking about the October 2019 fight, they do not even use their electoral platform to call the working class and the exploited to resume the revolutionary path.
Unfortunately, the same possition has been adopted by the National Coordinator of the MIR , which had been opposing first to the fraud of the plebiscite and then the Constituent Assembly, but now affirms: “to stablish relevant topics of the new Fundamental Charter, it will be necessary mobilizing, strengthening popular organizations and territorial coordination, in the midst of the struggles to guarantee the rights to health, education, welfare, housing, dignity, and in the last instance to begin build in facts (together with mobilization and deliberations) the foundations of a democratic, popular and socialist society”. (Article "The constitutional convention and the political process" from the newspaper El Rebelde N ° 12 of 2021/8/5). That is to say, now they are calling for mobilization so that the demands of the masses are guaranteed by the hand of the Constituent Assembly.
Yesterday the CP with Castro and Allende proclaimed the "peaceful way to socialism" to prevent the armed Industrial Cordons from succeeding and that ended up being the "bloody way" to the imposition of the Pinochet dictatorship. Today, the reformist left proclaims the "peaceful way" to "democratize" a regime that imposed itself by bombing La Moneda and massacring the revolutionary workers vanguard.
Neither Constituent scam, nor electoral trap! Our fight for dignity won't be surrendered!
The working class must once again break into the First Line of the combat with its methods of struggle
The struggle to sweep away the Piñera government, the regime of the 1980 Constitution, for the most elementary democratic demands and for our just demands, must return to the safe hands of the working class and the exploited.
We will conquer and defend the democratic demands of those below, not with a rigged Constituent Assembly, but with the methods of struggle of the working class: strikes, pickets, the general strike, the combat of barricades, resuming the revolutionary path of October of 2019 setting up the organizations of self-organization and direct democracy of the workers and exploited, such as were the Industrial Cordons in the 1970s.
Out with the traitors of the CUT bureaucracy and all the collaborationist leaderships!
Let's vote in a National Workers Congress of delegates with a mandate from the base of the entire labor movement, the rebel youth and the poor peasants, to reopen the path to the Revolutionary General Strike to overthrow Piñera and the entire regime
To make this path real, it is necessary to set up base assemblies and unitary workplace committees of employed and unemployed workers, immigrants, etc.
May the rebellious youth return to fight alongside their best allies, the mining and port workers and the entire working class! On the "first lines" in each mine, port, factory and workplace!
In this way, we must urgently set up the self-defense committees and the worker and peasant militia to defeat the murderous pacos, the Pinochetista generals who are once again patrolling the streets of Chile, and to crush the fascist gangs. For committees of rank and file soldiers that break with the officers and go over with their weapons to fight alongside the people!
Unconditional freedom for the more than 2,500 political prisoners and trial and punishment of all murderers and repressors!
Today Piñera lifts the "state of exception" and the curfew, but the repressive forces are still there enlisted to repress, persecute and assassinate! Dissolution of the genocidal officer caste, servant of the US pirates! Dissolution of the pacos and all the repressive forces of the state!
The fight for our just demands is in the streets. From the Port Union and all the militant workers' organizations, from the October 18 Coordinator, from the organizations of the relatives and friends of the political prisoners for fighting, from the ACES and the militant secondary groups, from the takeover of the INDH, from the territorial assemblies that have called to confront this electoral farce, let us put all the forces to make real this National Workers Congress to centralize the fight for our demands.
Those from above have stolen everything from us. We have to go back to all of them to recover what is ours! There is plenty of money to guarantee our demands for wages, pensions, work, housing, health and free education!
Copper for Chileans! Renationalization of copper without compensation and under workers' control!
Expropriation of all the transnationals, their insurers, their banks and the AFPs, without compensation and under workers' control! For the restitution of all our pension funds in full, paid by the state and the employers!
We must return to the Plaza de la Dignidad, to win La Alameda and the streets of all Chile and resume the mass revolutionary combat to overthrow Piñera, the regime of the 1980 Constitution and all the power of the exploiters. And, on the rubble of the bourgeois state, we'll impose the power of the working class and the exploited masses, that of the vast majority of the nation, which is the path from which they took us out with this farce of the Constituent process.
A provisional revolutionary worker and peasant government alone, based on the self-organizing bodies of the exploited masses, is the only power that will be able to guarantee even the slightest democratic demand for the exploited because it will have defeated the Pinochetista officer caste, disarmed the murderers pacos, expelled the US military base of Con Con, etc. For this reason, this workers' and peasants' government will be able to expel imperialism, expropriating the bankers and transnational companies that plunder copper, breaking with their political, economic and military treaties of submission of the nation. And it will even be the only one that, against the fraud of this Constitutional Convention, will be able to guarantee a revolutionary, truly free and sovereign Constituent Assembly, imposed on the rubble of the regime of the 1980 Constitution. A Constituent Assembly composed of one delegate for every 10,000 electors chosen considering the country as a single district, with recallable delegates that earn the average worker’s salary, with a single Chamber that declares the cessation of all powers of the State and the civic-military regime; an Assembly that will be able to resolve in a democratic way because it will not have the bayonets of Pinochetista generals pointed to their heads. Only with arms in the hands of the people will we conquer national independence, land, freedom and dignity.
The only solution for those below is the victory of a socialist revolution!
Without justice, without dignity, without bread, let there be no peace for the executioners of the people! We must stand up with the masses of Colombia, who in their revolutionary uprising were vilely betrayed as in Chile! We must fight alongside the workers who rose up in Cuba against the hunger they suffer because of the capitalist restoration imposed by Castroism! Our best allies are the black people, the working class and the rebellious youth of the United States, who within the imperialist beast have the key to defeat the Biden Government, the new representative of the Wall Street butchers, who are the bosses of Piñera and all those who apply to be his followers!
Chile will be either socialist or a Wall Street colony!