CHILE – June 18, 2015
- More than 15 days of a teachers’ national strike where the rank and file is firmly fighting for: down with the "teaching career" invented by the Government! At the same time the bureaucracy of the Chilean CP is aiming at selling out the fight at the bargaining table…
- The port workers of Iquique continue to fight and so do the striking workers of the Transantiago (transport system in Chilean Capital city, NT) who resist repression and State persecution; all of them are fighting for pay increase and decent working conditions…
- The combative student movement maintains stoppages and sit-in strikes in colleges and lyceums in solidarity with the teachers, for improvements in the infrastructure, for the free transportation for students and teachers and against "educational reform"...
- Non industrial fishermen are mobilizing against the "Longueira law" and the sacking of the fisheries by the transnational imperialists...
- Collahuasi miners confront copper transnationals for better working conditions, with a 24-hour strike
- Chilean port workers call for a day of struggle and paralyze 24 hours all the ports against "labor reform" together with the forestry workers
These are the demands of all workers, students and the poor!
Let’s stop fighting divided!
Let's get together the hundreds of thousands that have entered into battle!
Let’s set up a National Struggle Committee
for coordinating all those who are fighting
Again most of the Chilean workers and the youth enter the fight
The exploiters and their Government deserve...
a General strike, right now!
The collaborationist leadership of the CUT (the CP and its tiny pseudo-left appendages) which co-governs with Bachelet -this "Socialist" to the service of the Pinochetista Generals- wanted to make us believe that this Government is going to bring our country education, work and welfare. Deputies as Miss Vallejos, coming from the student movement, called on the Chilean youth to get out of the streets, to abandon the takeover of the schools and promised that by though deals with the bosses parties within the Parliament the tragedy that hits the working family (the privately run education) would be resolved. Neo-Stalinists, as the PTR group, went so far as to say that the Bachelet was "honoring the struggle of the Chilean student movement" when raising her education "reforms".
All class-collaborationist leaderships of the the labor and student movement wanted the working class to believe that those in power were their friends and not their greatest enemies.
Today, the vast majority of the Chilean exploited has understood the monumental fraud and deception of the laws of the Concertation (a deal among the allegedly “democratic” parties as Christian Democracy and the Socialists, with the tacit or open support of the Communist -Stalinist- Party. NT). Those laws are a lie. Copper remains hostage in the hands of the transnationals and the Pinochetista generals (the murderous Chilean Army, never expunged from even a single officer of the times of Fascist General Pinochet’s, controls copper mining together with the MNCs and receives as the junior partner of these the “Chilean portion” of the benefits and royalties, NT). The Labor code is the greatest control of the bosses and their State on our organizations. With the Bachelet plan, our grandchildren will see, perhaps, a little less profit oriented education.
Workers and youth have understood this deception and are again taking into the streets. The exploited masses of Chile once again take into their hands the settlement of their affairs. For this we must scream aloud and fight for:
Expropriation of the transnational copper corporations without compensation, and under the control of the workers, to provide free public education to working class children!
But this road will reopen if we go to the end, taking off our shoulders the "Red Pacos" that are really dangerous.
The trade union bureaucracy of the CUT has sold out all the achievements of the labor movement within this infamous Parliament, regulated by the murderous Pinochetista army bayonets. The class-collaborationist leaderships of the CUT and the student movement, the only thing that they have developed has been a practice of submitting to the masses to their executioners. These leaderships do not represent us! Enough of bureaucracy of the CUT which marches "parallel" to the working class in struggle! The CUT does not group even a 1% of the Chilean working class. The miners, port, teachers, transport workers, forestry, fishermen and the heroic Chilean youth that are returning to the fight... these are the true representatives of the working class and the masses, their struggle and their interests!
Dozens of unions, workers and left organizations - like the CIUS, the FPMR, MIR, among others - are decidedly opposite to this class-collaborationist policy. Therefore, on May 1, while the bureaucracy of the Stalinist CUT, its friends of PTR and the "Socialists" of Bachelet were acclaiming the reform laws, we the fighting labor movement organizations were repressed mercilessly by the pacos (popular name given to the Carabineros or police, NT) with their guanacos (painting water-throwing cars) and skunks (filthy and bad-smelling water throwing cars).
In the labor movement everything is now all clear. On one hand, the CP and the bureaucracy of the CUT, with their left appendices, hung to the coattails of Bachelet, who conceals her corrupt son, a partner to the Pinochetista Generals, all of them are managers of the transnational corporations that steal the Chilean copper.
On the other hand, there have remained dozens of hardened and combative organizations of the Chilean working class and the student movement. There are left organizations that call as we do to overthrow this regime, some proclaiming the need for a constituent Assembly - as the FPMR-, others fight for a "Government of the workers" as sections of the MIR. We Trotskyists of the POI-CI have many differences with these political and Trade Union currents. But we have a point in common. We proclaim that we are on the opposite sidewalk to Bachelet and the fraud of her anti-labor reforms.
Against the class-collaborationist front, which has sold out the struggle and sacrifice of millions of exploited in Chile, we call the latter to fight together for a point:
Out with the traitors from our mass organizations, in order to pave the way for the defeat of this infamous regime and return in our millions to the streets in order to pave the way for the triumph of the exploited!
We call them to reopen the struggle for free, and public education, for the Chilean copper for Chileans, and that return the barricades in the Alameda (the Government Palace, NT), and to open the road to the general strike, so every murderous politician and military of the Pinochet regime goes away and not even a single one returns.
It is time for all those who have expropriated our struggle and handed it over to our executioners to leave our unions, student and mass organizations!
Out of the CUT, the trade union bureaucracy!
Out from the student organizations with Vallejos and her entourage of class-collaborationist cronies!
Open the way for those that really fight!
Enough already of interference by the State, the bosses, their parliaments, their judges and their soldiers in the working-class organizations!
They only seek to divide and control our fighting organizations
We cannot allow it!
No bosses or their State have the right to regulate how we workers should fight and how we organize ourselves!
Down with the Labor Code by Pinochet and the "labor reform" by Bachelet!
The State's hands off our working-class organizations!
We workers organize ourselves as we want... as in the ' 73 Cordones Industriales and in our unions without treacherous bureaucrats! Open the way to the rank and file assemblies, the bodies of delegates, the factory committees!
We must re-found the Chilean labor movement from bottom upwards!
Let's establish the worker, peasant and student Alliance to shake Chile from its foundations!
For a National Congress of delegates of the rank and file
of the entire fighting worker and student movement, along with poor farmers and the exploited in fight
We must not allow any more death and repression, let’s not forget the murders committed by the Government and the Pinochetista generals against the Chilean workers and people
For worker-student self-defense committees to defend ourselves from the repression by the murderous State and the Pinochetista regime!
Freedom for the ethnic Mapuche peasants and all political prisoners! No to the prosecution for the comrade Transantiago workers and all persecuted fighters! Working-class and popular courts to judge and punish the murderers of the people! We are all Matías Catrileo, Rodrigo Cisterna, Juan Pablo Jiménez, Marco Cuadra, Diego Guzman and Exequiel Volbaran!
It is necessary to prosecute and punish all the murderous officers of the Pinochetista army, or they will return to drown Chile in a bloodbath!
For the right to unionization for the soldiers, so they can organize themselves together with the people to fight against their enemies: imperialism, the capitalists and the puppet government!
Enough of Bachelet and her corrupt partners in the service of the Free Trade Agreement and the Pinochetista generals! Down with the Pinochetista civic-military regime of the Right, the Concertation and the "Red Pacos (Red Policemen, NT)" of the CP! Dissolution of the Pinochetista officers’ caste, the caste of judges and all the repressive forces of the State! Only a provisional revolutionary Government of workers and poor peasants, based on industrial “Cordones” (worker and popular councils, as in the ‘70s, NT) and self-determination organizations of the mass, may break with imperialism and recover the immense riches of Chile for the workers and the exploited people and put an end to this Pinochetista regime of repressors, murderers and looters of the people
Our allies are not in any Parliament or law, Ministry or even less in the "dialogue tables" called by the Government! The best allies of the Chilean exploited are now fighting in Peru with their pickets, strikes and barricades, fighting against the same plans of hunger, looting and super-exploitation of the transnational mining companies and their Governments -lackeys of the FTA. The Peruvian masses are fighting despite and against the bureaucrats of the CGTP, which are as strikebreakers as their Stalinist colleagues who control the CUT in Chile; that same Stalinism which in the hands of the Castro brothers has delivered Cuba to Obama, Coca Cola and Cargill.
Today the deep Peru has rebelled against the Government of Humala that is attacking mercilessly -before the fall of the prices of minerals- the mining proletariat and all exploited masses on account of the imperialist transnationals. Militarizing entire regions, with the imposition of state of siege as it did in Islay (Arequipa), killing dozens of workers and exploited -as comrade miner Luis Quispe Chumpi-: thus Humala defends the business of the transnational mining companies, as (Chilean president) Bachelet attempts to do the on this side of the border, as she has already shown her pulse does not tremble when it comes to command the murderous repression against workers and students in struggle. Let's fight against the regimes and Governments of the FTA and Stalinism that holds them together, alongside our class brothers and sisters in Peru, Colombia and Mexico! To stop the attack from the imperialist mining companies: a single fight of the miners of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Colombia, along with all workers in the world who are in the forefront of the combat to transnational corporations, as the South African miners in Marikana and the Ukrainian miners in the Donbass!
We must fight alongside the American working class that has revolted to the interior of the imperialist beast with the combat of African-American youth, with the port workers who, in Oakland, brought to a halt and blocked ports in defense of the Palestinian masses against Obama and the Zionist State of Israel, with the precarized youth of the fast food chains. There are the forces to confront the Trans Pacific Agreement, along with the working class and the students from across the Pacific, as yesterday were the Chilean students fighting elbow to elbow with the Revolutionary Zengakuren Youth in Japan! No time to lose! In this sense, to the Port Workers Union which now returns to the fight: you have in your hands the possibility of appealing to coordinate a same and unique combat with the port workers of Peru and the USA to confront the same bosses under the command of Obama and Wall Street.
A single class, the same fight!
Students and the Chilean youth are of the same flesh and have the same struggle against imperialism than the 43 teaching school students killed in Mexico by the fascist bands armed and
financed by the State and the PRI!
We are all Nikos Romanos and the Greek rebel youth, now imprisoned by the “leftist"Government of Syriza, the left that is caring around their pockets to the world imperialist bankers!
Either Chile goes Socialist or it will be a Wall Street Colony |