Second Part
In defense of the Fourth International
In defence of the proletarian internationalism
Self-proclaimed “Permanent revolution” Collectives’ internationalism: taken from the arsenal of Kautskyites, Mensheviks and Stalinists
In their Declaration of Principles, in their first public release, under the title "Brief summary of the programmatic principles of our collective", these raise "their program" addressing the issue of "militant working-class internationalism". We will quote it, because it outdoes anything one could imagine. They maintain a "programmatic principle" that destroys proletarian internationalism. Stalinism was founded on a similar base, so destroying Bolshevism, internationalism and the Third International, as the social-imperialists of the democratic parties had already previously done that sent the world proletariat to the carnage of the First World War, in 1914.
Let's see then the constituent principles of these "Collectives" on the international question. The reader can see - and we'll mark it in bold types- the eclectic nature of their position, arising from a programmatic point of which they belie in the following. That is an indication that they are passing – in a concealed and opaque way - revisionist poison to the vanguard workers and youth.
Let's come to the point. On pages 4 and 5 of the supplement in question, trying to delimit themselves from the "National Socialist" currents, they reaffirm: "the principles of proletarian internationalism proclaimed by the Socialist Movement since its origins in the First International. Against those who give it a disrespectful lip service, while actually isolating the working class, country by country, we say that revolution does not possess a national, but international character as demonstrated by the tragic experience of the worker States collapsed in 1989, which did not survive the isolation and showed the failure of the Stalinist 'socialism in one country' policy..."
Up to here we could say that we are going in the right direction. Though when we continue reading the derailment comes as a shock. In contradiction with the previous assertion, they protest: "... We rebel against those who, using 'internationalism' indiscriminately, turning it into an unobtainable abstraction, refuse to take on their shoulders the everyday tasks of intervention and patient education of the laborious masses at the national level, forgetting that from the point of view of specific combating, the working class does have a certain nation, and class struggle always develops in its beginning to the interior of the countries." (Our Bolds).
It is not our policy to invent positions to the opponent to win an argument, but here what they say is that "the revolution does not have a national, but international character ", however later on they rebel and assert the opposite. They say that you must not make "an indiscriminate use of internationalism", since "the working class does have a certain nation" and that therefore "class struggle always develops initially to the interior of the countries".
We do not advise the vanguard workers and youth to spend their time reading the libels of these imposters, but anyone who has had the misfortune to read it could see that there, along their pages, they express all their Stalinist policy. This means a conscious, premeditated and insidious cynicism to cover-up Stalinist poison in Trotskyist clothing. So, we will take the job of separating what is under the Trotskyist clothing and the reader of this polemics will be able to see that nearly all positions of Stalinism at the global level are synthesized here.
This performance surely has the accession of all the Stalinist left gathered on May 21 in Valparaíso, which want to make believe that they "ignore Trotskyism", that "Trotskyism does not exist", that the POI-CI is "a small sect". However, they have all gathered around that document (even they distribute and work it) to try to declare a war on Trotskyism. The issue is that Trotskyism and the Trotskyist program have passed the test of history, and Stalinism and its old recipes are already dwelling in the bottom of the dustbin of History.
We are going to run the veil on this fraud and this amalgam. Therefore, from what is said and denied in the fragment of their lampoons that we previously mentioned, the following question arises: the seizure of power, i.e. the revolution has an international character such as is written in the first part of the quote. But, until the power is taken you must not make "indiscriminate use of internationalism" because the "class struggle is always developed to the interior of the countries", namely, at the national level. And so you should have a national program for the "patient education of the Chilean masses", since the fight, we repeat, develops initially, i.e. until the revolution, "to the interior of the countries".
These people of the "Collectives" in question have their biological clocks reversed. The revolutionary Marxist thesis is the opposite: the only national task, according to Trotsky, is the organization of the insurrection and the seizure of power, since the nation-States must be destroyed and yet that is no more than a link and a period of a single and unique international revolution.
As we will show below, in this document, the era of national programs has already finished long ago, namely, since 1914.
They pose that you ought not to overwhelm the working class with international tasks or to use “internationalism indiscriminately" since this would be unattainable to the laborious masses who fight at the national level. On the same quotation they claim this, announcing "We rebel against those who, by indiscriminate use of internationalism, making it an unobtainable abstraction, refuse to take on their shoulders the tasks of patient intervention..."
Here they have chosen an accurate term, "unobtainable abstraction", which is a way of denigrating militant internationalism, when this is a flag of daily struggle for the revolutionary movement, which fights for the world proletarians to make it their flag too.
Indeed, to achieve a "concrete" internationalism that is not an unattainable "abstraction", it is necessary to defeat at international level the filth of Stalinism and the Renegades of Trotskyism that internationally, destroyed and corrupted the Third and the Fourth International.
They are lying nude. The masses’ “backward” consciousness on the question of internationalism is not resolved without defeating the leaderships that have imposed that false consciousness on them. What is unattainable is to believe that by means of joining the masses (small groups which are counted on the fingers of their hands! It looks like a joke!), the consciousness of the exploited could be changed.
They are blaming the masses for the backwardness of their consciousness because it isn't yet an internationalist one…and not Stalinism, the labor aristocracy and union bureaucracies that have imposed the consciousness of the masses to be so; they hide that we have to defeat those leaderships with an internationalist program. What these "groups" pose is a Stalinist aberration, though presented with a very low level.
Now, internationalism must be “indiscriminate”, i.e. it must be a practical, everyday politics of the world proletariat. For not being so, having been destroyed by the treacherous directions, the proletariat goes from defeat to defeat.
We have here cynics who have calculated the terms for soiling Marxism. Why can you make instead “indiscriminate nationalism”? How would a “not indiscriminate internationalism” be? One applied from time to time? For example, one exercised on May Day? One designed exclusively for "holidays"?
As we will see in the quotation below, They themselves give the answer: we would be facing a "indiscriminate internationalism" when this happens to mess with the Castro brothers, who are delivering Cuba to Obama and the Miami “gusanos” with the capitalist restoration; or in concrete struggles when someone denounces and unmasks the "Bolibourgeoisies" that are lackeys of Wall Street; or the revolutionaries decide to fight, arousing the proletariat all over the world, against the fence that was imposed by the treacherous leaderships to the masses of Syria so Assad and Co. can massacre them unmolested.
What we say here is what they raised after the paragraph that we above. Let’s read their own words: "The FLTI, organization from which we come, when it said it was 'nationalist' treason, for example, not to edit a flyer about Cuba or Venezuela in a student or industrial conflict, ends up lending Stalinism the reason when it accuses the Trotskyists of wanting to make revolution around the world all at the same time '".
This event is full of anti-Trotskyist absurdities. Let’s notice that (we will retake this topic later on) for these people to print and distribute a flyer on Cuba or Venezuela is "giving Stalinism an excuse to attack Trotskyism for wanting the revolution all around the world simultaneously". The same would happen if you would like to issue a tract, for example, in support to the masses of Syria, or to fight for the release of Palestinian prisoners, or against the policy of "peaceful way to socialism" that Syriza imposed in Greece, or to let know the Chilean miners the experience the of the miners in Marikana about how they fought and won their strike against the Anglo American.
To tell the truth, even these people themselves don’t believe what they have written! What imbecile on earth can believe that Trotskyists would call to take power on the same day in the White House and the Palacio de La Moneda? Rather, who has taken the Palacio de La Moneda is the White House simultaneously, with Obama in.
What do these people laugh about? Who do they want to deceive? We insist, this hodgepodge is very well designed, word by word. There are thousands and thousands drops of tar in a barrel of honey, so the vanguard workers and youth digest it, get intoxicated and submit to their leaders.
The reader will see that we are forgetting something that we quoted above. The method of these “Collectives” is: "lie, lie; confound, confound; use adjectives that are synonyms, something of Stalinist poison will stick". We quote again: "The FLTI makes internationalism an unobtainable abstraction".
Late at night, when they were writing these pompous phrases in their libels, those who dictated them told the "Collectives": "you need to write 'unattainable internationalism', because that will leave clear that internationalism, as a program of the world proletariat, is a utopia". That is what they are saying. SHA-ME-LESS ROGUES! Unattainable? Out of reach the power will be if the vanguard lends an ear to these "Collectives", which are no more than a group of corrupt rascals given out to Stalinism that have organized to attack and slander the Trotskyists.
If internationalism is an "unattainable abstraction", then the socialist revolution is also "unreachable"; the fair wage for workers is also "unreachable"; free education is also "unreachable"; re-nationalization of copper is also "unattainable". But you just have to fight to get them. You have to conquer it. That’s why the masses are combating.
Ultimately, we have here a classically reformist current, already studied and defined by Marxism, which is the "possibilism", i.e., one that poses "fighting for what is possible" and not by what is necessary. For revolutionaries, a position is correct, whether this is achievable or not depending on the inspiring heads of the authors of this position, but if this is necessary for the masses to move forward. If so, we will conquer the conditions and fight for them.
Seen from today, socialism is also "unattainable". But, if today we are very bad, and the working class is being carried to barbarity, it is because we have not taken the power. And that's what you need to say to the masses. Moreover, you must tell them that they must fight for power every day.
"Collectives" not only don't call the proletarians to seize power; they call them to surrender to Castro, Bushelet, the bureaucracy of the CUT, the social-imperialist parties, so they abandon the militant internationalism and kneel before their own bourgeoisie, in their own country. We have caught these people!
You see, these "Collectives" have a trunk, short tail, large ears, and weigh more than two tons each... they are a Stalinist elephant, but they want to hide behind a pine tree.
Militant internationalism has been liquidated, tainted, buried, and reviled by all counter-revolutionary leaderships paid for by Big Capital. The masses do not acquire internationalist consciousness studying in college or forget it by simply discarding it. Consciousness, as ideology, is introduced into the masses through institutions and material, physical, organizations that control them or direct them. The bourgeois ideology enters the masses through all institutions of the bourgeois regime: armies, parliaments, churches, schools, parties, justice, media, etc. Ideology does not fly in the air as ether or steam.
Proletarian militant internationalism which forged working class greatest historical fights against the bourgeoisie, was conquered through revolutionary organizations that were set up as the First, the Second, the Third and the Fourth International; it was destroyed in the consciousness of millions of exploited by counter-revolutionary organizations centralized and financed by Big Capital that destroyed the revolutionary Internationals to be able to submit the working class country by country.
The 3rd International was dissolved and buried without ceremony by Stalin, in May 1943, in the midst of the Second World War, as a guarantee for the American allies that the Communist parties, under the direction of the Kremlin would not try to use any opportunity to overthrow capitalism in the West. His followers faithfully fulfilled this role since '45 in the aftermath of the Second World War to the first decade of the 1950s delivering the revolutions in France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany, disarming the masses. They made the European working class struggle, as these "Collectives" would like, within the limits of their countries; they educated "patiently" -and sometimes to beatings- the workers in the notion that they had to rebuild Europe; they put the proletariat to work even more than do now workers in the maquila industries of China. So did Stalinism during all post-war, the Yalta Pact and the peaceful coexistence period they established with the imperialist world domination...
Program and principles is a guide for the action of the revolutionaries in the mass movement. The program and the principles proposed here by the "Collective" in question, is that until the takeover of the state, the line of action is a “patient, everyday, intervention and education within the hardworking masses at the national level". This is the program for every Chilean "Socialist", according to them.
Therefore, they have "rebelled" and "revolted"... against revolutionary socialism! It is the precise time these "groups" ought to be exposed because in doing so, we have the opportunity to arm ideologically, strategically and politically with the Marxist tools, the most perspicacious workers and the revolutionary youth, in this matter of life and death for the proletariat which is internationalism.
Let’s do with the reader an exercise, so that it becomes clear how these people of the "Collectives", transvestite of Trotskyists, mixing “red” words in a real game of images, set Stalinist positions into the consciousness of the vanguard workers and youth. To do this, we will separate by next gender, as the Marxist logic teaches us Trotskyite varnish from Stalinist poison, in the quotations that so far we have taken.
a)"We rebel... indiscriminate use of internationalism... is an unobtainable abstraction"
b)"Therefore they refuse (the FLTI, to comply)... task of intervention within the laborious masses nationwide"
c)"Working-class has nation... their fight develops, in its beginnings, to the interior of their countries"
d)"FLTI, by distributing flyers... on Cuba or Venezuela... concedes the reason to Stalinism"
In short. The "principled" thesis of this appendix of Stalinism is that "class struggle develops initially always to the interior of the countries" and the specific fight "develops around them". This national chauvinism, and a true anti-Marxist apothegm, as the “great slogan” of this people is located at an angle of 180 ° opposite to the Communist Manifesto, which posed "Proletarians of the world unite!", when the working class "was in its beginnings", and started to give their first decisive struggles in Europe.
As we shall see, these people are celebrating the Communist Manifesto and the First International, but their true slogan is: "Proletarians of the world, until we take power, it is obligatory to fighting divided, country-by-country", and not even think of making an "indiscriminate use of internationalism", since the specific struggle of the working class "does have a certain nation" as concrete battlefield. They fell over the cliff together with Stalinism and social-chauvinism!
As in the game of hide and seek played by children, we could say "gotcha!”
Against Stalinism that destroys the international unity of the working class: Trotskyism gets up in defense of the proletarian internationalism
Let's start by unmasking the great fallacy, turned into an open falsification, that the class struggle "develops initially always to the interior of the countries" so the appropriate task is a patient education of the masses at the national level, and not a "indiscriminate use of internationalism".
Against this falsification of Marxism, Trotskyists affirm that, "since its inception", the proletariat emerged as an international class. In the 19th century the most advanced workers from all over Europe founded the First International in that continent. Workers from different countries converged on it, who saw that isolated country by country they could not fight for the slightest demand. The bourgeoisie used German, Belgian, French, Irish laborers to work on the English looms, thus sinking the wage of the workers of Britain, and vice versa, such as they do now, a million times worse to planetary scale. They, the First International, quickly understood that Capital had no homeland, and also that the workers were a single international class.
And they quickly realized that if their struggle kept since its inception within their countries, they were brutally defeated, as it had happened to the Luddite "national movement" in England or to the revolt of the textile workers of Lyon in 1832, crushed by the French soldiers. Then, without taking the advice of these "Collectives", workers grouped from their beginnings and their early struggles, under the international flags of the Communist Manifesto.
From this rich experience the proletariat gave birth to scientific socialism, theory and strategy for taking power and a program, which as we have seen, was not "national", but international: the Communist Manifesto, the more national program of all, which with labor movement was founded around the world... country-to-country.
THE FACT IS THAT THE WORLD WORKERS MOVEMENT, UP TO THE BETRAYAL OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY IN 1914 (VOTING THE CREDITS OF WAR TO ITS BOURGEOIS GOVERNMENT) AND THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDATED BY STALIN, WAS ORGANIZED AROUND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS. ANYTHING ELSE IS A VILE LIE. This we will demonstrate to the end, because it was Stalinism which liquidated the internationalist organization of the world working class, giving out the Third International to Churchill and Roosevelt and the "allies" to gain the entry to the United Nations. It was Stalinism that contaminating Trotskyism and the Fourth International since the post war and with the capitulating elements from within our world party, slammed the way to the Fourth International and its international program (the Transitional Program) so it could not be a real force of masses at the international level in the aftermath of the Second World War.
We affirm once and again that the labor movement as a world-class in all countries of the planet was organized by international currents as the First, the Second, the Third and the Fourth International. And throughout this document, we will show that it is a Stalinist fallacy to assert that "class struggle develops initially always to the inside of a country".
The position of the "Collectives" is an all-out attack against the First International and the Communist Manifesto that state: the history of Mankind is the History of class-struggle. How is it that the history of mankind is the history of class struggle “country-to-country”? They do not even seriously review the Communist Manifesto, this is a very brazen revision of Marxism!
We will then reaffirm the position of Trotsky which, in his work "90 years After the Communist Manifesto", asserts today’s validity of the Manifesto when it states that: "the international development of capitalism has determined the international character of the proletarian revolution. Unity of action at least for major civilized countries is one of the primary conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat." (quotation that Trotsky extracts from the Communist Manifesto) And then Trotsky reaffirms: "the further development of capitalism has bound so closely all parts of our planet, both the 'civilized' and the 'not civilised', that the problem of the socialist revolution has acquired complete and decisively a world character".
These low-level ignoramus of Marxism… do they know the "abstract internationalism" that was discussed in the meetings of the First International by "backward" workers and then put to the vote? Among other issues being discussed there was: "Definition of merchandise and the law of value", with regard to "surplus value and the rate of profit", the "international nature of the struggle and common tasks in all countries". And when some idiot came up with to raise that was "abstract", Marx hit the table and defined: "ignorance is not cause of liberation of oppressed whatsoever".
In the enormous combats given in the 19th century, as in 1848 in France or the Paris Commune in 1871, it was with international programs that the working class movement was formed. It was also around these international programs that Marxism was born and forged in the revolutions of the 19th century, while waging political struggles against other currents as the Blanquists, Anarchism, Proudhonites, etc. And none of them proposed the stupidity of considering that the key was the intervention and "patient education to the country's working class".
This program was the starting point of revolutionary Marxism in the imperialist epoch, in its beginning, when Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxembourg, Liebknecht, in Zimmerwald and Kienthal, called on workers, during the First World War, to rally around the one and only true "national" program corresponding to the international proletariat: to say that the workers had no homeland from the point of view of the specific fight; German, French, Russian, British, Austro-Hungarian, working-class facing each other on the battlefield of the inter-imperialist war, has no homeland and that the only national and primary task was the internationalist task not to kill their brothers on the battlefield and turn the rifle against their own imperialist bourgeoisie. And that that was "the more elementary educational task for the 'national' working class at the international level”: to get together all the workers internationally to turn the rifle.
In the same way, as we have already said, these “Collectives” would have been scabs and strikebreakers in the battles of the international proletariat for the 8 hours, as they claim that "you can't have the same absolute program for all processes of the class struggle".
The proof that the working class is an international class which fought since its inception as such until the betrayal of Stalinism and the Renegades of the Fourth International is that the advance of Marxism and its program had continuity at international level, with the Second International and the formation of Bolshevism which anticipated the international program of the proletariat for the imperialist epoch. The program of the international working class had so much continuity that through its world parties it directed even the more immediate struggle and forged the worker organizations such as trade unions and class parties in all countries of the world.
To say as the "Collectives" do that "the class struggle develops in its beginnings, always to the interior of the countries" is a mockery of Marxism, which has already been present in more than one century and a half of struggle of the world proletariat. This revisionist poison will not pass, we aren’t to allow it, because it conceals Stalinism, which submitted the working class to the bourgeoisie country-to-country by destroying the Third International. The Third International was which had allowed the proletariat to organize world fights for socialist revolution as the most immediate task of the European (firstly German) proletariat to fight against its exploiters. National Communist Parties were not which founded the 3rd. International, much less was a national Communist Party that took power in Russia and had accompanied from the beginning the Russian working class to the end of the 19th century and early 20th century.
Nor were national Communist parties which grew massively accompanying the country's working class struggle in the beginning, but it was the left of Kienthal and Zimmerwald (the left wing of the 2nd International), which putting the Bolshevik Party at the height of the tasks posed by the revolution that had begun in February 1917 in Russia (considered as a link in the European Revolution) led the exploited to seize power. It was the left of Kienthal and Zimmerwald, as was declared by the Congress of Foundation of the Third International, which founded this world party. They were Trotsky, Liebknecht, Rosa Luxembourg, Lenin, internationalist Italian Socialists, the French revolutionary unionism, the IWW in the United States, which as left wing defeated the right wing of the social democratic national parties, who had gone to the camp of the social-patriotism; this left wing was which founded the 3rd. International and the Communist parties that grew as mass parties around the seizure of power in the USSR, the combat against the imperialist war and the social-patriots.
And this they did in a brutal super-structural fight between parties, ("apparatuses", as these reformist "Collectives” like to say), against the 2nd International-turned-reformist, calling to break all those reformist parties. So brutal and heartbreaking was that fight in the eyes of the European masses and globally, that for not maturing in time the European Communist parties, the possibility of victory was lost of revolution in Europe sequentially to the victory of revolution in Russia.
Not only workers delivered leaflets in favor of Russian, German, etc., revolution, against the imperialist invasion of the USSR, but the "national" life of the working class was suspended, as when the 3rd International proposed to the 2nd International the tactic of the united labor front all across Europe to stop the attack of the capitalists, which escalated from 1920 because the first revolutionary surge pos Russian revolution had failed. The fighting among "apparatuses " was heartbreaking, so heartbreaking that in Germany, where the fate of the Russian and European revolution was at stake, it became a true civil war inside the workers councils, between the Spartacists headed by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg and the murderous military officers of social-democratic Minister Noske, which ended with the assassination of these two great Marxist revolutionary leaders, namely Liebknecht and Luxembourg at the hands of the social democratic thuggish soldiers.
"Let’s put all the forces of the European proletariat for the German Revolution to succeed!" Thus was the cry of the 3rd International, although in different countries the working class was “just starting their fighting". How different is this position from that of the "Collectives", which declare that the workers "struggle to the immediate national tasks until the revolution begins, then we will take international tasks"… They don’t mind the defeat of the German Revolution, the USSR invaded by 14 imperialist armies… it has nothing to do with the world working class. Let the masses be crushed in Syria where capitalism plays a decisive battle to crush the world working class, let them be also defeated in Libya, look the other side while Castro-Stalinism performs the capitalist restoration in Cuba that strengthens decisively Obama and imperialism; that has nothing to do with the Chilean working class. This is what they are saying once and again these Stalinists camouflaged as Trotskyists.
The working class, since its inception, in the revolution, and after the revolution always developed an international class struggle, that's the truth. This was then adulterated by Stalinism, subdued country-to-country to the bourgeoisie, to desynchronize the forces of the world proletariat.
Abandoning the internationalist vision and praxis in all phases of the fight of the working class and going back towards a narrow nationalism is a vile imitation of bourgeois ideology.
Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto, against nationalist crap like that here we must withstand on that "the working class does have a certain nation", already claimed in the mid-19th century: "national differences and antagonisms between peoples disappear every day due to the development of the bourgeoisie, the freedom of trade, the world market, and the uniformity of the mode of production and living conditions therefore incumbent upon it". C. Marx y F. Engels, 1848, “Manifest of the Communist Party”)
After 165 years, the Stalinists, wearing something crimson robes, tell the workers: the struggle for a centralized international, which calls on workers to combat every day in the world, is a vile lie of wacky Trotskyists, possessed by an “abstract internationalism". Contrariwise, the sensible “Collectives” claim: workers, discard any idea of international collaboration with your class brothers and sisters around the world, and until you do not to take power, remember, you ought to reduce your activity to the national boundaries within which you are enslaved.
Revolutionary Marxism IN THE BEGINNINGS of the imperialist epoch:
Bolshevism was forged as an international force of the world working class
Bolshevism was forged with the lessons of the Paris Commune; yes, lessons drawn from… France! ... “How shocking!” the "Collectives" would say! O my, “abstract internationalism!”
Bolshevism was formed and it educated the working class with the lessons of Marx on the Paris Commune, and it was in its beginnings! Lenin dismissed the "Collective’s" advises and hence took lessons from how the bourgeoisie had defeated this “foreign” revolution… 30 years earlier!
Lenin and Rosa Luxembourg sought letters of Marx about the lessons of the Paris Commune and the corrections he had made to the Communist Manifesto following that experience. Traitors in the social democracy, like Bebel and Kautsky, who had them secretly, played deaf-mute. The argument of those traitors was “Why are you going to practise "abstract internationalism", if Russian Marxism is in its infancy?”
The appendices of the Stalinism of today would say: If class struggle develops internationally, why bother so much with the lessons of the Commune which took place in Paris, France more than a century ago?
Yet, one day Luxembourg discovered those letters hidden by the social democratic traitors in Germany. What did these letters of 30 years earlier say, about the lessons of the Paris Commune? They pointed the essence of the lessons of the first great proletarian revolution in History that led Marx to adjust the program of the Communists. The lesson was that the Manifesto was wrong on one point: when it raised that you had to take power "by replacing the existing State machinery", i.e. the bourgeois state. The lesson of the Commune drawn by Marx was that it is necessary to DESTROY STATE MACHINERY, DEMOLISH IT, without which the workers could not conquer the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Thanks to this "abstract internationalism" the Bolsheviks could define in 1905 that the soviets were “commune-type organizations ", and that these should take power destroying the existing State machinery, which was made when Bolsheviks took power in Russia in 1917. And this issue was discussed by hundreds of thousands of Russian workers. Thus Bolshevism educated the working class and its vanguard, against the Mensheviks.
Here we are in front of brutally anti-Marxist pragmatic sects… We could say “snake-oil vendors”. In the Chilean left many people believe that it is possible to carve out a political career speaking loudly of "socialism". Let’s speak well and loud, the working class in its inception was formed under a militant internationalism and it was fighting for it in front of the masses that the revolutionary parties were formed that led the masses to the seizure of power. "Without a revolutionary theory it cannot be a revolutionary praxis", was Lenin motto. Then, the Mensheviks accused Bolsheviks of being "abstract", for wanting to discuss with the Russian working class, which was just starting, on the Paris Commune.
Menshevisks wanted things "concrete", "resistance mutual funds", "trade unions". But it happens that all of them fell prisoner in the hands of the tsar and his secret police (Okhrana). It was necessary to build illegal parties. The Leninist organizer is not defined as a "trade unionist", but as the Tribune of the people, the denouncer of all the misery and unprecedented suffering of the working class and all the exploited classes in Russia.
These people in front of us are mere Mensheviks and their followers, such as was later Stalinism. We are before enemies of Marxist theory and program
Stalinism has falsified Marxism and has formed a school of forgers. From its bowels wrecked politicians have emerged who try and indeed have come, like magician Merlin, to give potions and new recipes to the proletariat. But those recipes were tested on thousands of opportunities along more than one century and with them, the working class was been led to dead-ends and bitter defeats.
The working class, in its infancy and at the dawn of capitalism, showed enormous examples of internationalist struggles for their minimum demands, and class solidarity actions. All the corrupt bureaucracy, paid for by Big Capital, has been busy burying this lesson 10 meters (33.33 ft) under the ground. Also the working class at the beginning of the imperialist epoch gave birth to Bolshevism, which was not a Russian national party, but the revolutionary left wing of the Second International, with which its members broke in 1914 when social Democracy voted the war budget in Germany. Bolshevism did not emerge from the backward Russian steppes, but was an internationalist wing of the world working class, whoever says anything else is a straight-faced Stalinist.
In all countries of the world, the working class, in its own interest, included having internationalist duties in its daily struggle from the beginning, to have any chance of victory. It understood that this was the first step in its national practical fight.
It was at an angle of 180 ° with the Stalinist position that "the class struggle develops, in a start, always to the interior of the countries".
So was put on its feet, even the 2nd International which conquered large workers parties and trade unions in the world with which the proletariat began, late in the 1880s, and at the beginning of the 20th century, huge international class assaults against capitalist society, as the world-wide general strikes for conquering a work-day of 8 hours.
The general strike in solidarity with the martyrs of Chicago, killed on the scaffold in the United States, became later on a global day of international strikes, for eight hours!
Working-class defied all the old Stalinists of yesterday and today, which posed that it had to fight in its beginnings, to the interior of each country. Against the folly of those who say that the burning issues of Cuba and Venezuela cannot be taken by the Chilean proletariat (because Stalinism does not give it permission); the world working class did take in its hands at the end of the 19th century the hot issue of United States and the martyrs of Chicago, and transformed it into a flag of simultaneous struggle of the world proletariat, and simultaneously organized general strikes in the world which really conquered the 8 hours. Of course, today, by the loss of the militant internationalism, which led to the loss of the worker States, these gains have been lost.
The plan of the treacherous leaderships of the proletariat: to centralize internationally their perfidious counter-revolutionary actions and decentralize the working class while submitting it to the bourgeoisie country-by-country
What these "groups" want to hide is that from the beginning of every class struggle, treacherous leaderships, centralized at the international level by Big Capital, intend to submit the proletariat country by country to its “own” bourgeoisie. This is what happens today, when all of these leaderships have been recruited and centralized to stop the onslaught of the revolutionary masses of the world against the bankruptcy of Wall Street. Imperialism, with these leaderships, has encircled and desynchronized plenty of processes of revolutionary struggle in the Maghreb and Middle East from the fighting of the European working class. In the same way, with the "Bolivarian bourgeoisie" and its cronies, they divide at every step the fighting of the Latin American working class. For this reason, the "Collectives" propose the proletariat fighting country by country against capitalist bankruptcy, while capitalists concentrate all their forces to disperse the revolutionary processes of the planet and defeat them country by country.
Any minimally insightful observer may realize that the strategy of Stalinism and the treacherous leaderships in Greece was preventing the European working class - which was at the beginning of a great struggle against the bankruptcy of capitalism in 2008 - from developing the cry of the Greek working class and youth: "spark in Athens, fire in Paris, it’ is the insurrection coming”. This internationalism was not an "unobtainable abstraction". For this reason, twin ideologists of these "Collectives", the Greek Stalinists in Athens went to break heads to the workers facing the Troika Parliament. Another example of this is what happened in France where the CGT, alongside the Renegades to Trotskyism, went to dislodge the factories of the transnational corporations than the workers had occupied taking the bosses as hostages.
In addition, imperialism centralized forces. He isolated the Syrian revolution with the treacherous leaderships, so Al-Assad could slaughter at will, separating the Syrians from the chains of revolutions that began in Tunisia and shook the entire Maghreb and Middle East. In the same way, with the Latin American masses taken out of the scene, Castro made a pact with Obama to give out Cuba, as they also focused to desynchronize, divert and control the offensive of the Chilean working class and youth against the military regime.
However the present situation of the battlefield for the Chilean working class and its combat, defined by these international conditions, cannot be known by this working class movement, as it "is in its infancy", the "Collectives" declare. Stalinism and the treacherous leaderships can enter to battle in Chile for betraying the proletariat, after knowing precisely the conditions of the struggle, the plan of the bourgeoisie and imperialism to defeat the proletariat, but the working class cannot.
Tell us, who are these people? Aren’t they really who come to pull sand on the workers’ eyes so that they do not know how to fight "from inception"?
Denying that the treacherous leaderships, Stalinist bureaucracies paid for by Big Capital are since its inception separating the fight of the miners in Bolivia, Peru, Chile - whose Nations are plundered by the same MNCs-, is a typical political blindness of petty bourgeois nationalist groups. The ordeal of the Latin American masses is molded by the same MNCs and Wall Street, oil, gas and seed companies. These people dare not even to consider that there is one and only fight since the beginnings of the Latin American working class! They are long behind what their bosses of the WSF and the "Bolivarian bourgeoisie" say! The latter at least sometimes speak of the "Patria Grande" (Big Motherland, i.e., Latin America) and "Latin American unity", and now and then in a demagogic way they proclaim, as they use to do from the UNASUR where they discuss their businesses, their "struggle against the Empire".
Of course they talk about the Latin American bourgeois unity. And prohibit the proletarians speaking about theirs. The "Collectives", on their knees, obey.
The exploiters, the native bourgeoisie, can effectively unite at continental level to do business "since their inception" and discuss how to crush the proletariat, centering with Wall Street, making the UNASUR, the CELAC, MERCOSUR, NAFTA, and the ALBA. But, for these "Collectives", the proletariat cannot set up standing organizations and institutions for its common struggle in Latin America and at an international level to confront the capitalists and their Governments in a centralized manner. It can only reunite in "counter-summits" and meetings as that of the WSF, which accompany these Latin American bourgeois forums, once or twice a year.
Can it be possible that we have to repeat that in the MERCOSUR the economy is so integrated by the MNCs, that a general strike of automotive workers in Brazil can be endured for weeks by the bourgeoisie, since they can get that same production in Argentina or Mexico? May it still exist people who do not see the huge weight which the Bolivian working class has for the Argentinean, Chilean, Brazilian revolution, since the gas that feeds industry all across MERCOSUR and Chile in particular comes from Bolivia, and that the fate of the Chilean and Latin American working class lays put, largely in the hands of the heroic Bolivian proletariat?
May there be idiots who believe that any Latin American Revolution can succeed and hold more than 24 hours if it is not sustained by an electrical shock of widespread revolutions throughout Latin America? Can, seriously, any agent of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, keep repeating (typical of the National Socialists) anti-war crap when Chile is located on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, where the biggest US military forces in the planet are concentrated at Okinawa in Japan, in Hong Kong, in the Philippines, in joint military operations with China... not to mention that Chile has one of the more bloodthirsty and pro-imperialist armies in Latin America, which is moreover interwoven by multiple businesses with the Wall Street Stock Exchange?
If the Chilean working class, from the beginning of its combats, does not know and understand its internationalist tasks it will be carried to new and higher defeats. It is easy to see… at the time of the revolution, how would they do to become internationalists at once? Then it will be already late, if they did not in the previous period. These people do not come to prepare the revolution with the masses, but they come to ensure that the masses reach the revolution with their eyes bandaged.
But it is clear that for the "Collectives" the socialist revolution is not in their horizon. When they talk about "the working class in its early days, having a national struggle", they are talking about, ultimately, two stages for the working class. They insist a thousand times that "you have to accompany its experience", that they are against "pamphleteering sects" that "are looking down from Olympus". They tear their clothes for the sublime mission of accompanying the working-class elbow to elbow, and then they say, "Then there will come the seizing of power and that will be the time for internationalism". It is incredible. It is the Stalinist thesis of "revolution by stages". The curtain falls. The real actors appear. The position of the "Collectives" boils down to the following statement: "the working class struggles for its minimum demands, and then it will come the taking of power and internationalism".
Why do we say this? Very simple: Because at this time of crisis, wars, and revolutions, in any country and at any time, as was raised by Trotsky in his work against Stalinism "The Third International After Lenin" it can be that the proletariat takes power without the masses having been prepared in a period of struggle for immediate demands and partial economic struggle.
Large global revolutionary processes act as an "electric shock" to the world working class
The working class of all countries was constituted as a class struggle movement as a direct product of the international tendencies of the world proletariat
We’ve arrived at a point in the debate where there is necessary to clear, black on white, each one’s positions. Poison tons have been pulled during decades of nationalism over the working class so that it is subject to its own bourgeoisie.
We have already more than one century of this. The IV International fighters will not give up. We affirm that no working class of the world, since its inception, was formed and fought as a by-product of its intervention in those countries, but that international currents founded it as a labor movement. We have to cover the nose to discuss with the filth of nationalist poison that this appendix of Stalinism distills. It seems a bad joke that we have to be debating this issue in Chile.
We repeat: the 1st International contributed with scientific socialism to the movement of the world working class, only from there Marxism and socialism were constituted as a social movement, country by country, of the world working class. From there, and with the 2nd International, all the Socialist parties and trade unions were founded of the European and US working-class and in incipient form, accompanying the emergence of the labour movement of the backward countries.
With the First World War and the emergence of the Third International and the October revolution, there was no country in the world where Communist parties did not arise and begin the political and trade union organization of the working class. We could talk about the IWW of USA, the big European democratic parties, or Plekhanov who brought Marxism to Russia and founded the POSDR (Russian Social Democrat Worker Party). We could talk about how the Communist parties and the 3rd International led the party organization to all countries of Asia, America, Africa. The "Collectives", those servants and collaterals of the Stalinist scourge that destroyed and massacred the Fourth International, are unable to hide what we all know.
The Third International founded the International Red Union, which confronted all traitorous parties. There were organized all worker organizations in the world.
We challenge the "Collectives" to tell us in which nation the working class "in its infancy", did not emerge and were organized through the international struggle of the world working class, the Russian Revolution, etc.
The working class is a world class. It had 3 international currents to its interior: social democracy, Stalinism (these two, expressions of labor aristocracies and bureaucracies, which have dedicated themselves to submit the working class to its respective bourgeoisie) and Bolshevism and its continuation Trotskyism, the representatives of the interests of the world proletariat.
The emergence of Union bureaucracies in all countries is a direct consequence of the actions of imperialism, which corrupts the labor aristocracy, and the support that give them the international counter-revolutionary currents.
Everything else is a lie. It is a sham mounted against the working class to subdue it, in each country, to its own bourgeoisie; while the treacherous leaderships, financed by finance capital, are centralized at the international level.
Before 1989, this counter-revolutionary centralization occurred from Moscow with its plans of "peaceful coexistence". With its Communist Parties, Stalinism gave up all revolutions. Now, with the fall of Stalinism, this is done from the WSF, in the following manner:, starting from 1989, when they finished liquidating the Fourth International -and after rotten Stalinism liquidated the worker States delivering them to the bourgeoisie-, the Renegades of Trotskyism were devoted to legitimize, in the name of "Trotskyism", the disgusting spoils of Stalinism. Together, they put together a "Frankenstein", which is a real wing of a common international - the World Social Forum-, also armed with remains of social democracy and rings of native bourgeoisie that sell the farce of "Socialism of the 21st century".
We affirm that every worker struggle, since its inception, is influenced, directed and betrayed by this den of bandits of the WSF that centrally, conspires against world revolution.
And if not, what is the program of "no to austerity plans", "let’s alleviate the trimming", "for a social Europe", raised by all parties of the social-imperialist left in Europe and trade union bureaucracies, which continue submitting the European working class to imperialist Maastricht and close the road to European Socialist Revolution?
There are also the scoundrels who tell the proletariat of the European imperialist countries "not to meddle" in the interests of the working class in other countries. The “Collectives” say that they "fight elbow to elbow with their own country's working class". This issue, in the imperialist countries, becomes counter-revolutionary, openly chauvinist programs as: "English jobs for the English" of the British Trade Unions; "French citizens do not pay, with our taxes, wage increases of revolutionary workers who rose up in Guadeloupe and the Antilles", said Besancenot of the NPA. So, they fight on a country-by-country basis, without "getting outside problems into the own country", without any "abstract and unattainable internationalism ".
Romanian Dacia-Renault workers, facing the capitalist attack in 2009, shouted "we want to earn as much as the workers of Renault in France," -in response, the French CGT Stalinist bureaucracy prevented this common fight of the workers of the Renault of France and Romania. Thus, French workers are today dismissed, with suspensions and their reduced salaries, either under the same or worse conditions than their class brothers and sisters in Romania. Europe was screaming "spark in Athens, fire in Paris, it is the insurrection that is coming." The French youth of the “cites” were shouting "every night we will make Paris a Baghdad", setting fire to downtown Paris. The movement of the "Republic of the indignant" stood up in Spain and, like an electric shock, electrified the New York youth, which also outraged, began surrounding Wall Street.
That is the reality. The international working class sought to centralize its fight, erecting milestones of its militant internationalism, to fight for their immediate demands against capitalism. But the treacherous leaderships, as this bastard appendage of Stalinism, submitted it to imperialist Europe of Maastricht and to Obama, the colored "Bush" in the United States.
As part of this, the FLTI which today the "Collectives" are attacking conquered the unity of the Chilean youth with the Japanese youth; the latter, as we have already said, surrounded the Chilean embassy in Tokyo in defense of their class brothers and sisters in Chile.
We shall see how each day it becomes more and more necessary to establish a coordination and international centrality of the proletariat to wage the slightest struggle against capitalism in bankruptcy; and how the latter’s paid agents and lackeys are engaged to throw sand on the eyes of the workers’ international vanguard so that they don't see this, dividing the fighting of the proletariat.
For all this it is small surprise that these people attack so fiercely internationalism - that "is interfering in all countries" - and not the WSF that betrays simultaneously the revolution everywhere. Therefore we affirm that the "Collectives" also betray simultaneously, with all the "left wing" of the WSF, and that the only aim they have – which is their only raison d’être - is strangling the left wing of the world proletariat.
And if it isn't so, what is ELAC, the "Latin American meeting" organized by Brazilian Conlutas, where every year tens and hundreds of unions and organizations in struggle of the American continent participate? There go the Renegades of Trotskyism, which are now centralized with the "alternative union currents " in Paris, together with the “anti-capitalist” movements all over Europe, as it is the case of “Solidaires” in France (led by the NPA), to coordinate a policy of "anti-austerity" intervention. This shows that the "left wing" of the FSM is fully operational.
Actually, the WSF must isolate the Syrian revolution and transform it into an enemy of the struggle of the world proletariat, showing al Assad as its ally.
Meanwhile, transnational corporations have begun a process of relocation, concentration, mass dismissals and attacks to labor conquests, simultaneously all over the world.
The PSTU has just signed the "Act of Surrender” in Brazil with the imperialist bosses of the GM, which ensures layoffs, wage reduction and enlarging of the working day. That same agreement was signed in the automotive factories of Germany, France, USA, etc. The bureaucracies of all coats, be them from the right, left or center, why do they intrude and intervene so simultaneously to give up to bankrupt capitalism all the conquests of the world proletariat and betray its struggles?
We know what it means when the heads of the "Collectives" say: "... We rebel against those who, using 'internationalism' indiscriminately, making it an unobtainable abstraction, refuse to take on their shoulders the everyday tasks of intervention and patient education among the laborious masses at the national level, forgetting that from the point of view of the specific combating, the working class does have a certain nation, and class struggle develops in its beginning always to the interior of the countries."
This means: "Woe to these abstract internationalists of the FLTI if they dare to coordinate the workers of the Toyota of Japan in five or six countries to declare war to Toyotism, to slave-owner employers, in all factories of the world".
Their claim means also: "Woe to this left, which is far from reality, laying in Olympus, if they tell the miners from Chile, Peru and Bolivia that they should be coordinated with the cry of “Gringos, get out!" , "Let's crush transnationals who, like Anglo-American, Lonmin, BHP Billiton, plunder the wealth and minerals of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Africa. '"
They want us, the "abstract internationalists" not to meddle with the immediate national fight of the copper mineworkers in Chile, calling them to fight as in Marikana, with the cry of "give us a wage increase or we kill them managers!", imposing picketing and strike committees which, to confront the bosses, had to break the heads of all COSATU Stalinist bureaucrats, which act as the treacherous bureaucrats of the Chilean CUT, pimps of the employers and the MNCs that loot Chile. Already the owners of the Anglo American and BHP Billiton met in “the City” in London, and said that their interests, for now, are well guarded by the Praetorian guard of the Chilean Stalinist left, and there the Marikana tide doesn't endanger their heads yet.
Of course, from London, they have sent the "Collectives" a card of welcome, which were handed to them through the leaders of FEL, MIR, the "PTX" and Peña in Valparaiso.
We said we had to speak out. For us, this deception has been already 100% unmasked. But the most important thing is that this fight will be of a huge utility to fight the traitors of the WSF that, have joint worldwide so that never again resurface proletarian internationalism, much less at a time in which the bankruptcy of world capitalism deepens and an offensive surge of huge revolutionary processes shakes the planet since 2008.
The Stalinist elephant (the new "Collectives") wanted to hide. Where did it go so not to be seen? To the closet. It is clear that there is no room for it. It is more than visible. The Stalinist elephant already cannot hide any more. It is very eye-catching… because we are in Chile.
The Chilean labor movement was not founded, in the beginning, by a "mapuchista", "ariqueno", "Santiaguino", "pisco sourista" party. That is a well known truth.
Speaking seriously, the Chilean labor movement was founded by the Worker Socialist Party, Member of the Second International, with which it broke in 1915. Together with the Chilean trade unions that this party founded, they condemned the First imperialist World War and joined the 3rd International of Lenin and Trotsky, accepting its 21 conditions, incorporating the Chilean trade unions into the Red Trade Unions International.
TRAITORS! The origin of Chilean trade unions is the Red Unions International of the revolutionary 3rd International!
Then, with the defeat of the German Revolution and the betrayal of Stalinism, the Chilean Communist Party degenerated. But this did not happen before the Trotskyists broke with the same, and adhered to the program of the Left Opposition in 1928, whose central themes were raised around the China issue, the theory of the Permanent Revolution, the Anglo-Russian Committee and the position before the USSR and Stalinism
The rupture of Stalinism in Chile was an international schism between Stalinism and Trotskyism. We lived an international division, which ended with the Chilean Communist Party Stalinist kidnapping Chilean Trotskyist leaders in Argentina, where the CP, under the orders of Vittorio Codovilla (the notorious leader of the Argentine CP) tortured and brutally repressed them. Those people did know how to wage a fighting against "super-structural apparatuses”.
We aren't inventing anything. This was the real history, that of the KGB, with Vittorio Codovilla from Argentina, torturing the Chilean Trotskyists, "meddling" in the Spanish civil war to be the fifth column shooting from the back on the fighters of the POUM, Trotskyists and anarchists. The same Codovilla who organized with Mercader the assassination of Trotsky.
These people, what are they laughing about? If Neruda, being Ambassador of Chile in Mexico, hid Siqueiros, the Stalinist leader in Mexico who organized the first attack which attempted to assassinate Trotsky in Coyoacan.
We are against Stalinists wanting to make us believe that the working class is a neutral class, without parties, without institutions that direct it, shape it, have its higher layers corrupted, etc. The amorphous working class is a social group that sells a commodity, its work force. The labor movement is a class organized in institutions to fight, because all classes build institutions to fight, even the bourgeoisie. That is why when these "Collectives" talk about them having to "accompany the working-class elbow to elbow", it is a big lie, an utter fallacy. If we accompany them elbow to elbow, it is because we are working with it in the factories; we are part of the working class as the subject of exploitation. If we intervene in the real mass movement, we intervene in the superstructure: unions, parties, soviets, strike committees. And in them we fight for the leadership of these organizations, battling against the treacherous leaders. What are these people saying? We do know what they are talking about!
When they talk about "accompanying the masses elbow to elbow", they affirm that it is necessary to go elbow to elbow with Stalinism, with Chavezism, with the Castroites in the CELAC. Don’t say untrue thing any more! You are who separate from the working class and its concrete and immediate needs to go elbow to elbow with the treacherous leaderships against the Fourth International in a brutal struggle of apparatuses.
These Stalinist "Collectives" give a damn for historical materialism and its most basic notions of infrastructure (man, nature, technology, the means of production, raw materials), structure (relations of class in the production process), superstructure (the institutions with which the possessing classes dominate and the institutions in which the exploited class is organized to confront and overthrow the exploiters).
The fight against "abstract internationalism" of the appendages of imperialism:
A staunch defense of Stalinism that subjects the proletariat to its respective bourgeoisie
Now we understand why these people hate so much the "abstract internationalism" and denounces the FLTI for promoting a struggle of 'Super-structural showdown against the 'traitorous' currents on the left', to later say "it is necessary to understand the specific levels of subjectivity in each situation".
Do these people accuse us Trotskyists of waging a super structural struggle of parties, not facing the masses? They want to hide the fierce struggle and civil war that Stalinism declared to the Fourth International and Bolshevism. Who are they defending?
The lessons we voice before the Chilean working class and its youth, are just so they know that we are the same flesh and blood itself facing, for decades and decades, the "red pacos" against whom they are fighting today in the barricades of Chile. Those "red pacos" decimated Bolshevism physically in the concentration camps, on the streets and the countryside of Spain, in Mexico, liquidating all continuity of the revolutionary Marxism of the 20th century.
THESE "COLLECTIVES" ARE THE DEFENDERS OF THE "RED PACOS"! We will not give up showing and exposing them, which have erased from their program and their Declaration of principles that revolutionary slogan of the Chilean masses! They are those who want to hide the more internationalist slogan of the Chilean working class and the world working class that is "the Red pacos are the real dangerous ones" and thus want it to be forgotten by the Chilean working class.
They want us not to tell the Chilean masses that their leadership, in the same way it gives out the student fight and the mineworkers combat in Chile, is giving Cuba to imperialism, with workers collecting wages of $ 18 per month and 500,000 of them being dismissed, while the children of the new Cuban proto-bourgeoisie, already provided with the right of inheritance, are wearing Armani suits and organizing golf courses in Havana. All that, for the "Collectives" should be kept as a secret.
Though, how are we not going to unmask this before the Chilean working-class, if the Communist Party is preparing to enter Government with the "Bushelet" (former president Bachelet, a Social Democrat, is the favorite in the polls for the next presidentials. N.T.) to apply the same and worse plans than the restoration of capitalism in Cuba, with its partners the Coalition lackeys of imperialism?
The program, that is neither "superstructural" nor "abstract", and that is the only one that precisely defines who the allies are and who the enemies of the Chilean proletariat, is the motto "the Red pacos are dangerous"; we tirelessly sought it in all the leaflets and flyers of the “Collectives”, AND IT IS NOT THERE.
If the working class is an international class, the great events that happen in the word are not "abstract". The Second World War or the crack of the '30s that shook the entire world economy and the global working class weren’t “abstract”. Nor had it been the Paris Commune many years before, from which revolutionary Marxist movement was formed throughout the 20th century, and its large mass parties.
Claiming that the triumph of fascism in Germany in the 1930s had nothing to do with the working class in each country, is being more than an idiot, it’s being a cynic, since it indicated the looming advent of imperialist war, as the defeat of the masses in the Spanish civil war marked its beginning.
War never was nor ever be neutral; as well as the huge betrayals of Stalinism to he revolution, which had as a maximum expression the delivery, in 1989, of the former workers States into the capitalist world economy, which meant a gigantic defeat for the proletariat. Doesn’t that have anything to do with the Chilean working class? Was it "abstract"? Had it nothing to do with "the world of the immediate"?
The global crash of 2007-08 which unified all countries of the world in a huge catastrophe put on the order of the day a mass revolutionary offensive to bring down Wall Street. Doesn’t it have anything to do with class struggle, as the "Collectives" affirm, when they say that "the working class does have a certain nation, and class struggle develops initially always to the interior of the countries"? Can anyone believe -if he/she is wisely Marxist- that the crac that expanded the crisis to the entire planet, which cracked the world division of labor, was not the determining factor, and what molded even the most immediate fight in the most concrete country on the planet?
Trotsky emphasized in his work on the Permanent Revolution, dedicated to defend the principle of internationalism against the Stalinist "socialism-in-one-country" theory: "Marxism starts from the global economy not as a sum of national sectors (as the "Collectives " do with national struggles “in its beginnings country by country”, NdeR) but as a powerful and independent reality that has been created by the international division of labour and the world market and that in our age extremely dominates national markets. The productive forces of the capitalist society have surpassed long ago national borders."(our Bolds).
Stalinism always intended this world economy to be confronted country by country by isolated proletariats. Who do this people dressed in pseudo-Trotskyist outfits want to deceive? The internationalism of the Trotskyist movement, which is the more conscious expression of the needs and interests of the working class, is based on the "independent and powerful reality of the world economy that capitalism has created". Internationalism for the materialists is the recognition and understanding of the reality and needs of the contemporary civilization as it is; everything else is a farce, a vile lie of imperialism which has prepared hundreds of defeats and massacres for the proletariat... country-by-country.
This issue of the militant internationalism, as we see, is not an abstract issue. It is the concrete life and struggle of the Chilean working class and revolutionary youth; because these international conditions are which define, since its inception, the conditions of the battlefield in the fighting against the bankers for the renationalization without compensation and under workers control of copper, for a public (state) free education for everybody.
As we saw, in Chile a huge strike of dockworkers have just occurred. The dockworkers of Peru fought last year. Also the longshoreman fought in Oakland in United States to refuse to load the warships of the U.S. Navy that were going to massacre the Iraqi masses.
This does nothing but prove the Union bureaucracies paid for by the transnational corporations and the bourgeoisie are those that have separate this fight of all the port workers in the Pacific, which united would be invincible, since through those ports pass, along with the Asian ones, 50% of world trade.
This should be told to the Chilean, United States’ and Peruvian working class as well as to that of the entire Pacific, while we head and fight hard in each of their struggles. Failure to do so is a betrayal. It is not to tell the working class who are its allies in its struggle, and who are its enemies. In the case of Chile, for the CUT bureaucracy, its allies are the bourgeois coalition of the Concertacion, which when they return to the Government will solve the masses’ problems. For the Trotskyists, the ally of the Chilean proletariat is the international working class. Why do these "Collectives" silence this, rebelling against the internationalists?
Now, what worker from Peru, Chile or United States would not long for a unified struggle for the same demands and a same wage in all the ports of the Pacific? When that happened the workers would make felt all their weight. ‘But this is "abstract internationalism"!’, the bureaucracy of the Chilean CUT, the Stalinists of the Peruvian CGTP and Obama’s friends from the AFL-CIO would say, backing the "Collectives". They have already told the "Collectives" that they should "patiently educate the laborious masses in Chile in their national tasks", and not play with "abstract internationalism". They bet on the working class not realizing that when united internationally it is invincible.
The bureaucracy of the CUT could give them perfectly - and this is the first auto-da-fé that they are giving to achieve that - an office next to the Office of the General Secretariat to help it write its leaflets and continue poisoning the consciousness of the working class.
Opportunists are still smacking their wounds of the defeats that we Trotskyists of the Fourth International have inflicted to the Stalinists and their breed in the struggles that were radicalizing Chile in recent years; when we centralized the vanguard workers and youth, miners and students in struggle, in the streets around La Alameda despite and against the Stalinists.
They can't stand that we have made ours, and taken throughout the world working class, the slogan of the barricades in Chile "the Red pacos are dangerous". They are terrified by the ghost of an ACES turned combative and massive, where Trotskyists gained the vote of support to the revolutionary masses of Libya and Syria.
The single party of Valparaiso could be called Stalinist Movement May 21 (on this date the Presidents of Chile present to Parliament their plans of Government and the public accounts, and all the left comes together there, year after year, in unitary events, to swear how to betray the struggles of the Chilean youth and working class). We’ll turn then to call them "May 21 Collectives", which is the name that really reflects who they are.
These May 21 "Collectives" still remembers that the FLTI alongside the internationalists of Japan with 10 thousand students encircled the Embassy of Chile in solidarity with their brethren, the Chilean students, who face the same imperialist beast that plunders the nation.
They want this memory to be forgotten. That’s why the war against internationalism that they have declared is not an abstract issue. It is concrete.
The mining proletariat has risen in Bolivia, and now it can centralize with the fighting mineworkers from Peru and Chile. So the lackeys of the transnationals are terrified.
And they know us the Trotskyists have settled down in the depths of the shafts of the Huanuni mines proletariat and that we will not stop until uniting them with the miners from Chuquicamata to La Escondida-North to El Teniente, to make tremble the MNCs and all their minions paid for 3 coins by the City in London.
Is this "abstract internationalism"? The "Collectives" attack “abstract internationalism”. We know that they do so because they are very afraid, as the Chilean students marched with the banners of the Zengakuren around the streets of Santiago and the Chilean embassy in Japan was fenced by the Japanese Revolutionary Youth.
Ask them why Ms Vallejos and the Stalinists, of whom these "Collectives" are lackeys, do not do that around the world to make a common struggle for free and public (state) education. Why did they not organize mass marches in the streets around the world to fight the beast of the military-civilian-regime along with the young students from Chile? Ask the Chilean youth what would have been like their struggle had the facts been so. Here words are superfluous; we should have to finish the debate here. Anyone already feels that these "Collectives" are the left leg of the Concertacion, they belong in the CCP. They do not only have its prejudices, they have its same program.
The "Collectives" liquidate the character of the imperialist epoch: crisis, wars and revolutions
They are another current aiming to liquidating the Transitional Program of the Fourth International
The doctrinal fundamentals and constitutive principles of the "Collectives" have nothing to do with the First and the subsequent Internationals that the proletariat stood to its feet, they have another origin. Nothing more or nothing less than in the currents that destroyed proletarian internationalism worldwide.
It sounds like a bad joke! These "Collectives" are so scared and so much obliged under the orders of Stalinism that they have to scream against "indiscriminate use of internationalism", when working-class internationalism has been brutally destroyed, as we saw from the betrayal of social democracy in 1914 and the counter-revolutionary defeat imposed by Stalinism to the Third International in 1943. These "Collectives" are a rare kind of "internationalists"!
If internationalism is "an unobtainable abstraction" it is not because the working class cannot understand it or make it its own, but because there are crooks who destroyed it, defeating the international struggles of the working class and taking very well care of, themselves, making an "indiscriminate use of internationalism".
This people, like good reformists, “liquidate” the character of the epoch of crises, wars and revolutions, i.e. of bankruptcy of the capitalist system. They insist that in the immediate period, the struggle of the working class is "national". Let's talk clearly, here they are defining a phase in economic, reformist struggle, one of pressure on the exploiters, don't lie! And when the struggle to eat, does not go through a phase of "immediate struggle", but it begins with the very same revolution, the entire pseudo-theoretical house of cards of charlatans and healers who pretend to be Marxist falls, collapses of a sudden.
What period of immediate struggle unfolded in the Middle East and the Maghreb - to give just one example - before the revolution burst? None. The masses suddenly stormed against an increase of 200% in food prices; they could not eat. They did not wait for the "Collective" of Talagante and his Stalinist new partners to make an "immediate work elbow to elbow with them"; whoever had dared to do that was buried in the dungeons of Khadafy. It is what the laws of "uneven and combined development" speak about. "Most backward" working-class, as it was that of Libya, for example, without any previous learning of economic struggle, had to enter the mass political struggle and the very same revolution, destroy the army and arm itself, to conquer the right to have bread.
This people are saying the Chilean working class that it will take years of struggle for the immediate demands and promise them loyalty. When years ago it was demonstrated that to seriously fight for the slightest demand i.e. free education, it must start a mass political struggle, and call into question the fall of the military regime. What are these people laughing about?
What do they say? That in the immediate period, the fight is "national" and the "militant internationalism of the masses" is raised only when the revolution begins? And if the masses do not pass through the immediate struggle and enter the political struggle straightforwardly? How does the policy of these people act, which is a transvestite of "Permanent revolution"? Very simple, the same as Stalinism did in Chile, for example. It threw back the revolutionary struggle against the military regime posed by the struggle for education and copper, retreating to a struggle for the minimum demands, boards of dialogue, "differential tariff", wage increases. I.e., the policy, program and theory of betrayal.
So the “Collectives” may record it on their heads: "Very backward masses" -including those marching with flags of the monarchy-, against the rabble of Khadafy that used red flags and, on account of the MNCs, killed any worker who wanted to fight for bread, the workers didn’t follow the “Collective”’s advices, and pushed by their unprecedented sufferings, without any book under their armpits -as in any revolution, where it involves all the exploited-, they disarmed the army and armed themselves.
The "Collectives" will say "a party is needed” but if it was theirs, what would they do? Surely they would tell the masses not to catch the weapons, not to be armed, simply set up unions, and they from the “Collectives” would accompany them elbow to elbow. In this case they wouldn't be the piston, steam or motor of the revolution and much less its midwives. They would be, as they are, the gravediggers.
The mechanics of fictitious separation between "immediate struggles, in the beginning,” and "struggles for power” has been swept (disappeared) in life itself: if you don’t take the power you’ll have no bread. This is the core thesis of the theory of Permanent Revolution.
Here we have accomplished reformists. We are not assuming up to where their positions can take them, if they decide to follow them; here we are denouncing what they have already done according to their program and principles. On May 21, with the rejuvenated Stalinist single party they set up in Valparaiso, they voted: For a combative 2013, as in the 2011. T-R-A-I-T-O-R-S! They want to roll back the wheel of history to two years ago, lying to the working class and the Chilean youth; because the combative 2011 was when the Revolutionary Strike was expropriated to the working class and vanguard youth that could have defeated the Government Piñera in the streets by opening the Chilean revolution; the conditions where plenty and ready to do so.
There are a few traitors. Because they have made programs for the 2013 to follow scabbing, as in the 2011, mocking the masses while robbing them their victory, with the bureaucracy of the CUT and student carrying to the dead end of endless negotiations the heroic struggle of the Chilean workers and the youth.
Now they think to do the same thing as in 2011, but with a difference: they will call in the elections to vote for the CP, to get the masses out of the streets.
The struggle for bread and the struggle for power have been subsumed into a single struggle. That is the theory of the Permanent Revolution, about the historic conjunction of the stages of the democratic revolution and the Socialist Revolution, the immediate struggle and the struggle for power. Whoever has a square shaped head molded as a cube by Stalinism and its “revolution by stages”, as the "Collectives", gives birth to this gem: "in the beginning, the fight is a national one; and by the seizure of power it becomes international," but that will happen after n-donkey years. The "logic" of the "collective" is: "at the beginning" an immediate national struggle of the working class for its minimum demands, so that power is taken into some future that never arrives.
Trotsky defined perfectly camouflaged Stalinists as these. In his work "Whither France?" under the title "The spoils of reformism acting as a revolutionary program" he explains the Stalinist thesis for the betrayal of the revolution on the strategy for the proletarian revolution. Anyone who reads carefully this "collective" proposes about the immediate struggle of the laborious masses to accompany them closely, could see how Trotsky unmasks Stalinism, of which this group almost textually repeats its official positions from 1930s to date.
This is what Stalinism raised: "fighting every day to relieve the laborious masses of the miseries imposed by the capitalist regime (the "Collectives" call it " patient and daily education of the laborious masses nationwide", NdeR) Communists underscore that the final release cannot be achieved but by the abolition of the capitalist system and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Trotsky says in that work that social democracy raised a minimum program for the immediate tasks and left for an indefinite future the revolution, no one knows for when. Trotsky denounced these people who invoked Marx and Lenin, since: "they suggest the idea of a certain improvement and even an important improvement that can be obtained in the frames of the current regime. They show declining and rot capitalism as their parents and grandparents showed robust ascendant capitalism. The fact is indisputable: Stalinists decorate themselves with the spoils of reformism".
Let’s go to the Trotskyist thesis on the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE IMMEDIATE TASKS AND THE REVOLUTION. For withdrawing completely the veil covering such atrocities against revolutionary Marxism on the part of camouflaged Stalinists: "explaining daily to the masses that decaying bourgeois capitalism leaves no place, not only for the improvement of their situation, but even for the maintenance of the current poverty level;" openly posing before the masses the task of socialist revolution as the immediate task of our days (O my! Trotsky reveals to be an “abstract internationalist! He is in the Olympus, does not interweave with the concrete life of the masses!); mobilizing workers for the seizure of power; defending workers organizations through militias, the Communists do not lose, even a single chance to boot the enemy in the way such or such partial grant or at least prevent it from further lowering the standard of living of the masses."
Us Trotskyists are accused of posing the Cuban question in Chile, when we state that the Castro brothers at the feet of Obama do restore capitalism, what is a betrayal of the Latin American socialist revolution, and also, that we must build socialism in Chile as it was done in Cuba. We declare guilty, we declare ourselves to be Trotskyists, "abstract internationalists". We will not, as you Stalinists would like, kneel before you, don’t even think about it. And like it or not the treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat, we reaffirm that we are posing and will continue to do so a million times more, despite who gets upset: "THE TASK OF THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION AS THE IMMEDIATE TASK OF OUR DAYS, BECAUSE WITHOUT THIS THERE WILL BE NO BREAD, EDUCATION, COPPER, OR ELSE.
We say, as we have done and our practice shows, we are and will be in the head of the combat of the exploited, so not to miss a single chance to "boot the enemy in the road by the revolution, such or such partial grant" and so the only privilege we ask, question that these "groups" do not say, is to be at the forefront of the fight, how we have demonstrated to be. As Trotsky says in the same work, with these sects "the difference is clear. On one side is Stalinism and on the other, Leninism; among them an abyss".
So to do the dirty laundry of their programs and their principles, these "Collectives" claim that the revolution and the seizure of power do have an international character. But when it comes, it will already be late. Imperialism will have done an “indiscriminate use” of national socialism which would have subjected the working class to its bourgeoisie. These people have gotten in a tangle. But the tragedy is that the masses are which pay for it.
Millions of workers and students in Chile who fought resolutely in strikes, barricades and protests, facing Pinochet’s repression, with prisoners and dead, confronting imperialism, the transnational corporations and the Government, are now sunk in an ever higher misery. Working-class families which supported the heroic struggle of their children for free education have virtually mortgaged their wages so that these children can study, risking their bread to disappear from their tables. Those millions of exploited today wonder why after so much struggle and sacrifice, they are increasingly worse?
The answer to the revolutionaries is clear: WE ARE IN A BAD SITUATION BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT TAKEN THE POWER; because the treacherous leaderships have closed us the way to victory. Not because we have not fought and we have not raised milestones of a revolutionary program towards the revolution.
These "Collectives" that pose an "educational" policy for the working class, are reluctant to educate it and patiently draw with it this lesson: that a mishmash of traitors who work as their leaders prevented the pre revolutionary situation from opening the revolution in Chile; that it was the precise moment to overthrow the military-civilian regime; that there were plenty of conditions to do so; that it is not true that we did not fight enough or have "a low level of conscience". The fact is that they betrayed us.
Precisely it is not about these lessons that these "Collectives" want to regroup the vanguard workers and youth. That’s why they have declared the internationalists of the POI-CI and FLTI as their greatest enemies, as the Stalinist do, denouncing us for fighting among apparatuses, from above, "in the superstructure", while they not blush when fighting a fight without mercy against the masses to convince them that they themselves are responsible for their current situation and that the only thing that you can do with them is "a patient education when they comes from tough defeats and their Socialist consciousness has almost disappeared".
Here we have a complete and absolute revision of the Transitional Program, since they blame the masses’ conscience for the setbacks in the struggle of the Chilean working class today and the backwardness of the masses in general, and not the crisis of leadership of the proletariat, i.e. the overabundance of treacherous directions. Since, as we Trotskyists affirm, the objective conditions are more than ripe for revolution. They are thus covering up the misdeeds of the CP, the bureaucracy of the CUT, the Socialist Party, all the neo-Stalinist left, the Castroites, concealing the fact that they are the responsible for the "Socialist consciousness having virtually disappeared" of the masses.
Trotskyists say otherwise, we haven't triumphed yet thanks to the Stalinist traitors, the Castroite traitors, the traitors of the bureaucracy of the CUT, which stunt the class consciousness of the proletariat, by subjecting it to the bourgeoisie and giving out delivering its fighting.
In plain language, they have to take off the masks; these people are from the old block of Moscow and the party of the Soviet Union, from the bunch who surrendered the October revolution, from the bureaucratic Stalinist counter-revolutionaries who gave the worker States out to the world imperialist bourgeoisie, to Citibank in particular. They fled as Yeltsin with big suitcases full of money, reconverting the rubles into dollars, to buy Monaco and the Virgin Islands. The nationalized companies were robbed at gunpoint. The proletariat had to endure such treason, and precisely all the Stalinists and the renegades to Trotskyism who white- washed their clothes rotting of betrayal today say, forsaking and blaming the masses that the "Socialist consciousness has almost disappeared".
So these "Collectives” think that the “Socialist conscience” existed before, with Gorbachev, with Deng Xiao Ping, with Stalin, with Ho Chi Minh, who hijacking the clean flags of the Socialist Revolution, used them to strangle the world revolution. We have discovered them. What do they do with the logo of the Fourth International in their newspaper and with the “Permanent Revolution” as their name, imposters? If for you the working class with Socialist consciousness was that which Stalinism oppressed, corrupted and gave out to the counter-revolutionaries, while expropriating the October revolution and surrendering all the working class gains to imperialism. Now they can lie no more!
Trotskyism raises its program: the death knell for all national programs has definitely struck on August 4, 1914
National exclusivity: A falsification of the Foundations and the program of revolutionary socialism and an open treason to the proletariat
Deepen the discussion about internationalism becomes essential, not only to regroup revolutionary cadres for concentrating forces and founding anew the Fourth International. The fact is that the time is now of setting up a revolutionary internationalist fraction of the working class and youth in Chile, which is the only one that can break the siege and the division that impose on the Chilean working class its treacherous leaderships, to break with the bourgeoisie and advance in the struggle against the civilian-military regime.
There it can be - and that is the thesis Trotskyist – not any program based on national conditions that could be at the height of the circumstances of the battle, in this case, of the working class and the Chilean youth, where "this class struggle develops", since they are the international conditions which mould all countries of the world, and in particular their working class, and not vice versa; This is certain even after the triumph of the revolution.
The equation is inverted, Messrs. Stalinists; what develops in Chile is the struggle between a single and unique world working class and a world imperialism and its lackeys (like you) who want the former to be submitted to the bourgeoisie country-to-country.
We insist, copper price is decided at Wall Street. The number of tons that are exported is decided by the imperialist MNCs in China. The program and the actions of the trade union bureaucracy of the CUT, Stalinism and its left henchmen, are defined in Havana and at the WSF. The profits of the Chilean bourgeoisie and the percentage that remains in Chile are decided in the UNASUR, in the FTA and, ultimately, which decides is the White House. The political development of Chile is already defined long ago, out of Chile, which is nothing more than a semi colony sacked by imperialism.
So that for these "Collectives" the only ones that have to stay isolated in Chile, are the workers separated from their class brothers and sisters in Latin America and the world. This is the "national socialism" about, or "socialism of the 21st century," Chavez dixit... and why not "market socialism"? -in the fashion of the red businessmen of the Chinese Communist Party-… which is nothing else than the submission of the working class to the capitalist market.
Beware! "Collectives” would say; "let’s not meddle on the issue of the Chinese working class because it's at the beginning of its struggle, and this is a national one". Thus, the "Collectives" program applied in today's China is the largest betrayal to the world proletariat, since the Chinese national struggle and the conditions of enslavement of the proletariat, entering the world market by hundreds of millions as cheap labor, has led to the collapse of the standard of living of both the Chinese laborers and the world proletariat.
Although these morons, lackeys of the Chilean bourgeoisie, want it to be ignored and hidden, the fate and the immediate events in the Chilean working class is defined in China. Three points of recession in China's economy would mean millions of laid-off Chinese workers; the most brutal recession in Chile and uncountable layoffs in the Chilean mines caused by the drop in the price of copper, and food becoming unattainable.
What is to come in a mono-producer Chile will not be "a national Chile", it will come a Libya, a Syria, a Tunisia. For that, from now on, we must prepare the Chilean working class for the crisis, the crac, for the looming China’s recession.
For every battle that the working class does not fight it will pay with dismissals, sacrifices, and famine, once the MNCs which plundered China and Chile take their investments out of the country.
The "Collectives", as all Stalinist currents, are servants of the Chilean bourgeoisie. They don't want to tell this to the working class of their country. And this is the Chilean reality, marked by China, M-O-R-O-N-S! Tell Bárbara Figueroa that we know perfectly well that they know, because the transnationals are reporting it to her at this moment about the recession in China, in the luxurious offices where they meet.
We must fight alongside the Chinese working class, shit! Not minding either these declassed "Collectives" opinion, or that of the murderers and slaveholder businessmen in the Chinese Communist Party and the "red pacos" of Chilean Stalinism.
It is urgent to prepare the working class in Chile for this fight that lies ahead. We must say the mineworkers of El Teniente, Rancagua, El Salvador, La Escondida, that the transnationals are withdrawing millions from Chile and that when the recession in China comes and lowers the price of copper, they will tell us "We have no money". They always tell us there is no money: now that they are earning gigantic super profits, and will repeat tomorrow when the price of copper drops; the “losses” will be paid for by the workers.
A "Trans Pacific Treaty of Free Trade" has just been signed which is valid from 2016, where United States is getting together in a single market all the Pacific countries including Australia, Brunei, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada. Mexico, Peru, Chile, Malaysia and Vietnam, subjecting them to that Treaty. Before we talk about this - that will define the social and economic life of the Chilean working-class of the next two decades—we must repeat that we are facing groups that are Stalinist appendages, completely subservient to imperialism. Because talking of the "intergalactic revolution", of "accompanying elbow to elbow to the working class", of an "immediate national fight from the beginning", to recommend to the working class to "fight as a single class in a single struggle" and NOT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CHILE BEING SUBJECT TO THE FTA, I.E. TO A FREE MARKET TREATY WITH USA, IS BEING OPENLY PRO IMPERIALIST AS IS STALINISM, GOOD FRIEND OF THE 'DEMOCRATIC' IMPERIALISM.
Transnational corporations have no homeland to exploit the labor movement since their "inception" and the workers must be allowed to be exploited in their "homelands" since their inception; that is the apothegm of these traitors.
Not raising as "immediate" task, "immediate" program: "Break with the FTA!" is to be lackey of imperialism in the "immediate national fight" of the Chilean working class, which these "Collectives" "accompany elbow to elbow" refusing to pose as a more "immediate" task the rupture with the FTA, to conquer the copper and with it free education, decent wages, etc. and as an inseparable part of the combat against the military-civilian regime and the servile Piñera Government.
Small omission! Being in a semi colony attached to a Free Trade Agreement with imperialism and not to call the whole international working class and first of all the American working class to break that FTA, is to be openly pro-imperialist. Politics in Chile and across the Pacific must be: "with the FTA your wages sink, everybody must fight together to earn all across Latin America and Asia the same as in United States". Thus the transnational corporations of the FTA that pillage our countries would learn a good lesson.
Outstanding! This people are not anti-imperialist, they are nil. Why? Because they lack an international program for the Chilean proletariat and thus they end, erasing from their program the anti-imperialist tasks of the proletariat.
Because, how to organize a serious fight for decent wages and free and quality education without calling to break with FTA? But now, over these petty nationalists that stay quiet about imperialist plunder of Chile with the FTA, a worst headache is added. The signature of the Trans Pacific Treaty i.e., a Treaty that establishes a common market -the clearance of all customs barriers-, under the command of United States and Japan, includes the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, United States, and even the Indochinese Peninsula, as well as Korea, Bangladesh, Burma, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia and... and... C-H-I-L-E (distinto)
It is a political, economic and military Treaty that puts all the oppressed nations of the Pacific, home of the 50% of world trade under the command of United States and Japanese imperialisms.
Chile is tied by double and triple chains to imperialism, but presumably it is "abstract internationalism" that we have to break with the Free Trade Agreement and now with the Trans Pacific Treaty, by getting together in a single struggle the Chilean, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Philippine’s, Mexican, etc. working class. Sadly, the “Collectives” people deny the most immediate of the tasks of semi-colonial countries as is breaking with imperialism.
We should tell the mineworkers movement to come out already in the combat; that it has already to group its forces, until it's too late. It is necessary for it to remove of its way all the traitors which as the "Collectives" do, tie its fate to the traitors of the CUT bureaucracy. It is necessary for the mineworkers to reunify their ranks; CODELCO's workers must join the mineworkers from the contractors. They should encourage and be the vanguard of a regrouping of the working class to prepare decisive struggles, before the crac comes.
With the Trans Pacific Treaty, Chile will be once more submitted with double and triple chains. The maquilas massacring workers in Bangladesh, Malaysia or Singapore, will be established in Chile. Students, whose families pay their education, will be the maquilas slave labor for $2. The military-civilian regime will bind Chile with double and triple chains to the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. The call to “Break with the Free Trade Agreement and the agreement of the Trans Pacific Treaty” is part of a call to defeat the military-civilian regime and its caste of murderous Pinochetist officers and all parties that conceal them and have protected and saved them from the hatred of the masses. Today these parties are responsible for giving continuity to this infamous regime, lackey of imperialism.
We are then face a national exclusivity, which has the same political and programmatic logic as Stalinism. "The struggle of the working class in each country, up to the revolution, is determined by the national conditions," they claim. If so, then, for the “Collectives", each country’s program is a national one, since "one cannot deny that we must take on the shoulders the tasks of patient and daily intervention and education of the country's working class".
This was the thesis of Stalinism in 1928 for all countries of the world and also for the USSR, when it railed against the revolutionary internationalism of the 3rd International and Bolshevism.
From there its theory of "socialism in one country” departs. For Stalinism, in the beginning the Russian Revolution, far from being the weakest and the first episode of the European revolution, was a full-fledged socialist revolution in itself, "developed in a given nation such as Russia" and that, "always at its inception, was developing inside its borders". For this reason Stalin denounced Bolshevism and Trotskyism for "performing an abstract internationalism".
The premise of origin of this pseudo-theory was, neither more nor less than national exclusivity. In Russia the power had already been taken. The problem is that if the revolution did not succeed in Germany, the USSR would be fenced and would collapse, as it happened.
Stating that the task of "intervention and patient education of the working class" is a task at the national level, is a break with the Transitional Program, which combined the international program in each country with its national characteristics, and is the program for the international proletariat to take power and fulfill the World Socialist Revolution.
We have here people that not only suffers from panic syndrome before the perspective of having to apply "abstract internationalism", but that has dropped to the trash bin the Transitional Program and all revolutionary and internationalist programs that were drafted before it, with which the proletariat had secured the only effective and concrete way to victory in each country.
The theory of the Permanent Revolution and the struggle of the Fourth International were to fight against anti-worker vulgarities such as these, which before the former were fought by the Communist Manifesto over 150 years ago, when the labor movement was still in its infancy, to the cry of "capital has no homeland or borders, the working class, only strings to break". This is the premise of the labor movement that is opposed to the Stalinist premise that "the working class does have a certain nation and class struggle develops initially always to the interior of the countries" since its inception. These "Collective" have issued lush newsletters, but here is the essence and the matrix of these Musketeers of Stalinism against revolutionary Marxism.
Trotskyists affirm that the only "national task" which defines and focuses exclusively on a country is THE TAKING OF POWER, THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SUCCESSFUL INSURRECTION, since each country should destroy and demolish its bourgeois state. But even so, this revolution is not more than a mere and simple episode of a same international and world revolution.
The Trotskyist thesis that states that the class struggle that develops in each country is national by its form, but essentially international for its content, sweeps off this string of drivel full of the venom of reformists camouflaged as Marxist, as Marx had already said in the Communist Manifesto. Revolutionary Marxism has risen time ago that the age of national programs is definitely over.
The working class is a world class that is exploited and fight in an economic world that is under the political and economic control of capitalism and imperialism.
For Bolshevism the October revolution of 1917 in Russia could only be hold if there was a successful revolution in Germany. If not, Russia would be isolated and defeated. Of course we had to take power in Russia in 1917, but to "give time", at the very beginning, to the success of the German revolution. This Stalinist sect defines its agenda and its policy from the national point of view, of the working class in a country in particular. Trotsky, discussing with the Stalinists, apropos the mechanics of the program stated: "in our time, which is that of imperialism, i.e. the global economics and politics directed by financial capital, there is no single communist party that can establish its program only or primarily taking as a point of departure the conditions or trends in the evolution of its country. This applies equally and entirely to the party who wields power within the boundaries of the USSR." (L.Trotsky. “Critique of the draft program of the VI Congress of the Communist International”, Prinkipo, 1928, edited in “The Third International After Lenin”, Pathfinder Press)
We have already quoted what these people thinks in this regard. But it is clear that in the sixth Congress of the already Stalinist Third International, they would have been with Stalin writing the decisions of the COMINTERN in 1928.
We Trotskyists have a party, which is the Fourth International. Its program combines different tasks for different countries, depending on their location in the global division of labor, its class character and the relationship between the States in a world economy dominated by imperialism. Therefore, the Transitional Program combines different tasks for them, but which are part of a unique international socialist revolution. Our international program is transitional, since it is based on the most immediate needs of the masses to carry them, as along a bridge, to the seizure of power.
For the "Collectives" the program is defined by the conditions of a specific country at the national level up to the moment of the seizure of power, and from there, there comes an international program, which they do not define what is or what is for. We have here the classic difference between Trotskyism and Stalinism. The latter states that an international program is a sum of national programs.
Thus, the empirical pragmatic says he is in his country fighting, shoulder to shoulder, with his working class, as if there were not a global working class. There is no national working class, morons. There is a single world working class, with different tasks depending on their location, as already stated, either in countries that are oppressed, oppressive, or those where the bourgeoisie has been expropriated and they are controlled by a nationalistic bureaucracy. The national “workerist” doesn't realize that he is very far from the country's working class, because this is determined, historically and specifically, by its international character, in a capitalist world economy.
Therefore, for oppressed countries our program defines the struggle for national independence and for resolving the land question can only be guaranteed by the victory of the dictatorship of the proletariat, which must resolve the pending democratic tasks combined with Socialist tasks.
Our program also defines the tasks of the working class in the imperialist countries, whose first duty, if it really wants to fight for the socialist revolution in its country, is considering that the "enemy is at home", and rising as one of its minimum demands, at the beginning of any serious struggle, the independence and the liberation of the colonies and semi-colonies that its own imperialism oppresses and plunders. Our program also combines tasks for the political revolution, i.e., for the overthrow of the labor aristocracy and bureaucracy in the worker states and all labor organizations in the world. I.e., the program for worker democracy.
None of these questions of strategy, tactics and principles of revolutionary Marxism have been incorporated by the twin "Collectives". They have nothing to do with Trotskyism. Because it is clear that they are an appendix of Stalinism.
The Transitional Program, articulating these tasks having to do with the more immediate needs of the masses with transitional demands, shows the proletariat that the most immediate way to exit from its scourge is conquered by fighting for the triumph of the international socialist revolution. That's why the sliding scale of wages and hours of work, the fight for nationalization and expropriation without compensation of the MNCs and imperialism, the combat against labor aristocracies and bureaucracies, through building worker militia and factory committees, etc. are part of an international combat of the proletariat, which articulates its fight country-to-country.
The foundations of this issue are that there no longer exist on the planet "mature" and "immature" countries for the Socialist Revolution, as it happened in the 19th century until 1914 and where there could not be a single international program for the proletariat when it did not have any weight or was almost non-existent in Africa, Asia or Latin America; in those times there were effectively countries still immature for socialist revolution.
The differentiation disappeared with the arrival of imperialism and the rise of a powerful proletariat in all countries of the world. Therefore the time of national program disappeared definitely on August 4, 1914.
What do they mean the "national characteristics" that each country has? They mean exceptionalities thereof, which neither determines the general conditions of the country, nor the nature of the program. For reformism, "national characteristics" are the central issue that define the class struggle "in the beginning" in all countries.
From the POI-CI we vindicate Trotskyism that emerged, like Bolshevism, fighting against the national socialism. It seems so whimsical that we have to tell people who claim to be "Trotskyist" that the existence of imperialism turns even more up to date an international program of the proletariat to fight in every country.
That’s why we reaffirm what is said in the great work which gave origin to Trotskyism, the critique of the “Draft Program of the Comintern (1928)”: “On August 4, 1914, the death knell sounded for national programs for all time. The revolutionary party of the proletariat can base itself only upon an international program corresponding to the character of the present epoch, the epoch of the highest development and collapse of capitalism. An international communist program is in no case the sum total of national programs or an amalgam of their common features. The international program must proceed directly from an analysis of the conditions and tendencies of world economy and of the world political system taken as a whole in all its connections and contradictions, that is, with the mutually antagonistic interdependence of its separate parts. In the present epoch, to a much larger extent than in the past, the national orientation of the proletariat must and can flow only from a world orientation and not vice versa. Herein lies the basic and primary difference between communist internationalism and all varieties of national socialism” (L. Trotsky. The Draft Program of the Comintern” (VI Congress). A Criticism of Fundamentals. I. The Program of the International Revolution or a Program of Socialism in One Country? in: “The Third International after Lenin”, page 4, Pathfinder Press, New York, Third Edition,1970) (our Bolds).
Again the veil falls. Writers, consultants and teachers that dictate the Stalinist libels of these "Collectives" should know that already long ago social-imperialists, reformists and Stalinists have broken their teeth with the steadiness of principles, theory, strategy and program of revolutionary Marxism and Bolshevism.
Don’t meddle with Trotskyism! Stalinists, after giving out the worker States in ' 89, as Russia, China, etc. and becoming in new bourgeoisie, needed the renegades of Trotskyism in the different countries to keep standing and re-legitimize themselves. Not in our name!
The Renegades to Marxism resurrected Stalinism, which was a putrid corpse, giving it life again, as a new Lazarus. Stalinists are used to buy, corrupt, extort, opportunistic currents among the liquidators of the Fourth International. You’ll not be able to do that with us. We are fighters who are going to found anew the Fourth International, expurgating it from revisionists, opportunists, and all those who sold out our world party to Stalinism. So, you may act criminally, but not in our name! The "Collectives" may go with their party; we will go with ours. The "Collective" may take the flags of reformism; we will go on raising those of the Fourth International.
Again apropos those that have given in the Cuban revolution and the millionaires of the Bolivarian bourgeoisie
Once more on the international obligations of the working class of each country
Old leaders of the Morenoite LIT and the Chilean MAS put their ingredients and distinctive features to the "May 21 Collective "
Those who yesterday were hung to the coattails of Stalinism in ' 89, now rejuvenated, are sent directly by the latter, to continue attacking the Trotskyists
Our current was born in defense of internationalism, breaking with the national- Trotskyists of the MAS and the LIT in '88. They were in Argentine in a common front with the CP. The excuse was that the country's working class (Argentina), needed to become independent politically from Peronism and for that a "front of independence of classes" with Stalinism was needed... just when the Berlin Wall fell. While the Muscovite partners fled with the suitcases stuffed with dollars to deposit them in the Citibank.
Trotskyists gave a hard fight, considering that the central task of internationalists was the political revolution, which already was aborting in the USSR. It occurred to us introducing the Russian issue in Argentina! What with these Trotskyists! They are always the same!
The group in question with its three Musketeers, without blushing, on behalf of the revolution proclaims, in the same libel, some lines below the quotations we have been transcribing that: "Trotsky also fought this misconception of the Fourth Internationalist program, and never conceived to internationalism as the same absolute program for all processes of the global class struggle. Internationalism also consists of an educational task for the 'national 'working masses, and not in a competition of who pulls out more flyers about more fights at the international level." (our Bolds).
The current discussion reminds us much, as we have been outlining and will develop later, of the argument that we made against the direction of the MAS and the LIT in 1988 with regard to the question of internationalism, when they had a strategic front with Stalinism in Argentina. In ' 89, while the rubble of the Berlin Wall fell on their heads, they told us Trotskyists: "You go to Armenia; we are going to take power in Argentina. You are a hectoring sect... Get down from Olympus." The same writes today one of the old leaders -still hugging the Stalinism- hidden in one of those "Collectives".
In the 1980s they supported the CP of Vittorio Codovilla in the "people's front" in Argentina because they said we had to "accompany the experience, elbow to elbow", with the working class. Alas! The only thing they were actually looking for was getting a seat in Parliament.
While in Chile, at the same time, the LIT imposed the policy of calling to vote 'No' in the fraudulent plebiscite of Pinochet by endorsing the Constitution of the ' 80s, to later call to vote in the parliamentary elections for the "Socialist" Ricardo Lagos for the Senate (later President of the Republic) and the candidates of the CP for deputies. Thus it was mounted a real trap in Chile with the plebiscite of Pinochet’s to the Concertacion to the CP which imposed a peaceful, orderly transition to "democracy", while retaining all the scaffolding of Pinochet’s regime until today.
For this reason, the leaders of the “Strike Committee collective" have to show their faces openly! You were of the MAS and the LIT, and expelled us Trotskyists, with the cry "go to Armenia!" defending both Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
These two Collectives have joined without any historical balance sheet as all decomposed, opportunistic currents and enemy of Marxism, use to do without considering the agreements and differences which they have. We are going to see that done.
These people have nothing to be amazed or surprised at our positions. We have been facing them for more than 20 years, and we have been defeating them openly before the vanguard. They can not silence that they are in the CONLUTAS, who signed the "Surrendering Act" with the GM in Brazil.
Do not hide politically. We will take care of it. The vanguard should know that this "Collective" of the "general strike", is part of a burst of huge parties of more than 20 or 30 thousand militants - as they were the MAS in Argentine and the LIT-which burst open into 20,000 pieces, although all of them today continue with the same policy as when they were all together, because they did not pass the test of History.
These positions which today are raised by the "Collectives", meant a tragedy for the international Marxist movement at the end of the ' 80s. We feel embarrassed when listening to old bureaucrats of the MAS and the LIT, who are in those "collectives", wanting to teach courses in how to work within the labor movement, when their recipes already meant the destruction of an entire generation of the Latin American labor movement. Charlatans!
Let’s recall the discussion at the time. The fall of the worker States maybe shot the largest defeat to the global working class that it has had since the Second World War. This situation - even if these appendices feel hurt for the idea - influenced decisively class struggle around the world, for two decades. As we see the giving out of China, the USSR, East Europe, Viet Nam, etc. whose bureaucracy becoming in bourgeoisie handed out the worker States to the world market, caused not only a "national" damage to its working class, but a deep defeat for the international proletariat.
The struggle of the working class to the interior of China and Russia, which lost the worker States, was the largest event, both national and international, for all countries.
The control of the Chinese labor, by the multinationals and imperialism, meant survival for the latter and the widespread collapse of the world working class wages.
The MAS and the LIT had the rubble of the Berlin wall falling more and more on their heads. The tragedy is that who got massacred and enslaved by global capitalism were the masses of the USSR and China, and not those gentlemen of the working class leadership.
With oil and Russian gas, under the control of BASF "big Germany" was built, which with its large transnationals relocated in Eastern Europe, got cheap skilled labor of high level (as in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland) and this allowed it to defeat the German proletariat. The German social democracy, applauded by all the Renegades of the Marxism at the international level, boasted of having the ‘best paid working class in the world, with more achievements, with a workday of 6 hours in Germany'... and suddenly, all ended. Transnational corporations went Eastwards and submitted the German proletariat to the same level as the workers of Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.
"No to abstract internationalism" we were also told at that time. The German proletariat, one of the most "powerful" of the planet by their trade unions and struggles, was decimated and lost its enormous historical conquests. The German bourgeoisie of the transnationals presented it blackmail in all rule: either you give up, or we carry all production to Eastern Europe.
When will this people understand that the fight, already for decades, from country to country of the world proletariat, without an international centralization has carried the world working class from defeat to defeat and the worst suffering?
We insist, it is necessary to be submitted to the working class. You have to show a passport. Within these "Collectives" there are leaders who were embraced to Stalinism, as they are today, at the continental level, when the Berlin Wall fell. And when the Trotskyists denounced them as lackeys of imperialism we were expelled with sticks from the LIT.
Therefore we tell the "Collectives": Please, Messrs., present your Passport! Show your identity document! Don’t hide! These people come to speak of "abstract internationalism to us Trotskyists? They first have to explain who they are.
By their program, they have returned in a shameful way and carried until the end the Menshevik theory of "democratic revolution" of the '80s’ MAS, but today in a most blatant form and already openly Stalinist. We already showed that for them Syria and Libya are not socialist revolutions, but "democratic" uprisings of backward masses. Incredible. The destroyed bourgeois state, the band of armed men undone, with armed masses… and they call it "the beginning of a democratic revolution" and not the atrophy by expropriation of a socialist revolution which had began.
Stalinism was characterized by raising that the revolution in colonial or semi-colonial countries, in order to resolve the land question and the break with imperialism, was not conquered with the Socialist Revolution; first the masses had to ally themselves to the "democratic" bourgeois "initially", to resolve the "democratic tasks". As if the bourgeoisie could lead the fight against imperialism when it is completely linked to it and becomes its partner in the plundering of the nation. Also Stalinism liquidated class struggle in the battle against fascism or dictatorial or Bonapartist regimes saying we had to support the "democratic" bourgeoisie against the "fascist" bourgeoisie.
"Everyone against Bush" said the Stalinists and the Renegades of Trotskyism, i.e. "everybody with Obama" in the United States. "Everybody with anti-imperialist Maduro against fascist Capriles" in Venezuela. Against the "Collectives" we affirm together with Trotsky that to confront fascism and Bonapartism it is necessary to defend democracy with the methods of the proletarian revolution and not supporting the "democratic" bourgeoisie, who just comes to numb the working class so fascism then massacres it.
We face Al-Assad, "defending democracy", arming the masses and expropriating the bourgeoisie to win the war. Program whereby Trotskyism fought to face the Franco regime in Spain and win the civil war, breaking with the "democratic" bourgeois, expropriating the bourgeoisie to give the land to the peasants and combating for the liberation of the colonies that both the "fascist" and "democratic" imperialisms subdue and oppresse. I.e. to Trotskyism the determining factor is the class struggle, the determining factor for Stalinism is to submit politically the proletariat to the "democratic" bourgeoisie, hence its popular front policy.
In this issue, all the Renegades of Marxism have two gems which make them distinguishable from their parents the Stalinists. Reading these people’s article before the death of Thatcher, it sincerely becomes increasingly more detestable their political cowardice. They edited an article about the death of Margareth Thatcher to the cry of "Bitch Thatcher dies".
So only the Thatcher was a bitch? and Obama the dog? And Tony Blair the Labour dog? And the French "Socialist" dog Hollande? What do these people laugh about? If the bitch Thatcher was a convent’s nun compared to the torturer and murderer Obama, the butcher of the working class of the East, the Commander of the Chinese mandarins massacring the Chinese working class and peasants.
But what continues to be a gem of this people is their policy towards Venezuela. Here already the mask falls hopelessly. Capriles moves, a fascist coup in Venezuela? This is a blunder! If he belongs in a Bolibourgeosie that accepted the Bolivarian Constitution as the same Obama that today mourns the death of Chavez. No doubt the Government of Chavez was the strongest government that imperialism had to attack the masses of Venezuela.
The "Collectives" claim that "the working class must be alert to any attempt of fascism", but this is a total pacifism. What does “alert” mean here? Anywhere there is a fascist patrol we must organize and go to crush it and disarm it even when it is for the moment “doing propaganda”. If there is a fascist attempt it must be crushed with the tactic of worker united front and the militias of the worker organizations.
We have already said that there is a Pact between Caprile and Obama for Maduro to be a squeezed lemon to apply the plan of the imperialism that Chavez had been applying and that Pact is which we have to defeat. In Venezuela there is no war between two bourgeois camps, or any military coup in progress; that is an invention of the reformists in the Americs to sustain Maduro who is openly attacking the masses.
But the "Collectives" are calling to "stop the fascist advance” How? "By organizing a unified statement of demands, recovering the worker organizations from the Chavezist bureaucracy." Nobody has the right to be so pacifist. Do you say that you are going to deal with the fascist coup without organizing worker militia and calling to set up soldiers committees, so that the masses break with the caste of army officers that killed them in the Caracazo -now transvestite as nationalists? This poisoned pamphlet on Venezuela issued by these "Collectives", is already openly Stalinist; they are Bolivarian elements wanting to hide the truth: that Obama has blessed the Bolivarian Republic. They hide that Capriles abides by the Bolivarian Constitution and that Maduro is prepared and eager to comply his role which is but attacking the Venezuelan masses as happens today with inflation recession, huge tax increases, layoffs...
Capriles is maintained as an alternative within the "Bolivarian revolution". The "Collectives" unmask themselves as Chavezists and "anti-fascist" fighters of cardboard, lackeys of the caste of "Bolivarian" officers in Venezuela.
The grand finale for Venezuela: their "call to realize the unity of all parties of the pseudo left Trotskyists who supported Chirino in the last elections in Venezuela" is already remarkable. These people obfuscate because us Trotskyists want to introduce the Venezuelan issue in Chile and they call all the left parties on the continent that supported Chirino, to sustain Chavezism.
The ITU, the LIT, the Partido Obrero from Argentina, must meddle in Venezuelan domestic problems and among all these which strangled and broke the Argentinean, Bolivian, Brazilian, American, Ecuadorian working class in the ELAC, must "articulate their fight" as they say in their libel, and "find the way to victory". The LIT, the UIT and the PO will find the way to victory in Venezuela… Stop kidding! While the "Collectives" claim all this, also criticize us Trotskyists for saying that we must make a revolution in Chile as in Cuba and denounce the traitors of the Cuban revolution that have given it out to imperialism, because they are the holders of the expropriators of the Latin American Revolution. As they do in Venezuela and today in Colombia betraying the resistance of this country , while the FARC alongside the paramilitaries are disarming and handing out to the right all workers and peasants who do not discipline and not give up the land.
These National Socialists will never understand this, or rather they understand it very well, but conceal it. The Castros have given out Latin American Revolution sustained by the Venezuelan Bolibourgeosie and are handing out Cuba to imperialism... all together, Obama-Castro-Chavez, gave in and disarmed the Colombian resistance... not in Colombia, but in Havana. When they get back, with the fascist army of Santos and its paramilitaries, with the promise of 1 million hectares for the FARC as a new middle class, they give out all peasants, disarming them.
In Central America a Pact is being signed as that of Esquipulas which gave out the Central American Revolution such as those in El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc. Today the traitors impose a counterrevolutionary Pact that gives out Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, to imperialism. If these Covenants are imposed, Latin America will be tied with redoubled chains, even more than those that already bind it. Latin America will be doubly oppressed and looted by imperialism and the Chilean working class, if it does not recognize these agreements and these betrayals, will not be able to face the Government of the "Bushelet" and the CP, which will be as much repressor and pro imperialist as that of Piñera. It will neither be able to confront the "May 21 Collectives" that will travel through the mines, schools, ports and schools for carrying them alongside the CP to submission to the Government of the Concertación that is looming along.
Then how will they not accuse us Trotskyists of wanting to introduce the Cuban and Venezuelan issue in Chile? How are they not to abandon the struggle for Syria? How are they not to declare war against Trotskyism and the Fourth International? If they are an appendix of Stalinism! Their accusations do not scare us, the frames that they have mounted and could be mounting, come from the Stalinist sewage.
You can use waste from the revisionism made by the Morenoites to Trotskyism, you can use the milestones of defeats that were left by the LIT, the NPA, the Bolivian POR and other traitors of the proletariat to the left of the world proletariat. You can use the old recipes of the Pabloites, the liquidators of Trotskyism. But you will never be able to use the program, theory and clean flags of Trotskyism to conceal your misdeeds at the feet of Stalinism.
For the "Collectives" the working class "needs a party"... what party?
For the appendices of Stalinism: the single party of the Stalinist left in Valparaiso
We have seen, read and reread a pompous "Declaration of principles", which in a brief synthesis presents the "Collective Permanent Revolution" in its first lampoon. As we have seen, it claims to belong in "the whole revolutionary Marxism" and even in the "tireless struggle of Trotskyism against Stalinism that usurped the worker States". We were still searching because somewhere in those "programmatic principles" this issue would have to be expressed in which kind of party these would be carried out.
Perhaps the two "Collectives" were constituted in a "new world international "... not only it would not make sense, they do not say that. They talk about the need to "build a revolutionary party", they call themselves "Permanent revolution", claim to be from the combat of Trotskyism, and we thought that somewhere in the principles it should be formulated which party would take forward these tasks. But we were not standing anywhere... We put a magnifying glass and said 'no, certainly in the Declaration of the programmatic principles they forgot to say which party'.
Then we went to the Declaration of May Day in their libel number two and sought... and went back to look for... In the notes on the Middle East debate, we found it was "missing an international party to lead the triumph of the revolution in the region", but it says nothing about what would that party be! Doubt already began to corrode was very weird a case...!
Let’s return to its Bulletin N ° 1 where their principles are shown. After their grueling attack against the FLTI and its "red-tape", they set out in point 2-2: "We reaffirm the principles of proletarian internationalism proclaimed by the I international"... But they are 150 years old. They “forget” that after the foundation of the First and the Second International, with the emergence of imperialism in 1914, what we experienced was absolute degeneration of the worker parties and the Second International and its subsequent internationals.
They want us to go back to the 19th century, to the phase of the rise of capitalism in which it did not exist a paid for bureaucracy, internal jailers of the workers. Precisely for this reason, in the I International the fight was for a single party of the proletariat -that of the Communists, who in the words of the Communist Manifesto, the only difference that they had with the rest, is that they saw the movement of the proletariat as a whole.
But the social democratic voted war credits, giving out the proletariat to the carnage of the First World War; that existed. Stalinism by giving out the worker states slaughtered the best of the generation of the 20th century Marxist movement; that really happened. We didn't see Marx, Proudhon, LaSalle, Bakunin, slaughtering each other in the 19th century. At that time differences between them were ideological.
The "Collectives" propose (while hiding behind the First International, which no longer exists for more than 150 years) and argue that "we must put an end to the disputes of left apparatuses that do not allow real debates, almost always prioritizing a unified, single-thought leadership". They come back to raise that there must be a single party with the Stalinists, the social democrats, etc. That is their single party!
According to the "Collectives", the problem with parties such as the Communist Party, the social democracy, English Labour Party and other scourges of the labor movement, is that they do not allow "debates", and are adamantly for a "cohesive" leadership (that is, despite the dirty work these “Collectives” do, they are not allowed to enter the leadership of the given party). These people don’t think those are treacherous leaderships, agents of capital. These people feel part of a single party.
They want to bring us to the world of the First International after a century of massacre, genocide, betrayal of revolutions has been spent. Now it is clear: their party, for which they fight, is not the Fourth International, which must be re-found. Their party is the "Chilean left" that allows them to discuss, that is, a national party. It is a whole confession. They are not of the Fourth International.
How right were we! We have got them! They are members of a single party with MIR, FEL, the PTR into a common party with Chilean Stalinism, the “May 21 Collectives", where they are calling for democratic rights to discuss!
They quote in a blatant way the work of Trotsky that says: "without an official organization in the struggle against capitalism, the power of the masses would dissipate as steam dissipates within a boiler". But Trotsky was referring to the Fourth International, it was the party. Trotsky then continues in the same quotation: "Anyway, what drives the movement is not the boiler or the piston, but the steam". This people are saying that what pushes the boiler and the piston of the socialist revolution is a national party. But a party consists of workers organized around a program, and workers who are organized with Trotskyism, are organized around the program of the Fourth International. These people are burning in the boiler, which has no steam and the piston is still. What do they laugh about? If that party would not move even a leaf on the soil. Without an international party of the working class you cannot even dream of the socialist revolution in any country.
It would have been impossible to even dream of the victory of the October revolution in Russia without the existence of Kienthal and Zimmerwald, where internationalists were grouped against social democracy which instructed the proletariat to die on the battlefield in the carnage of the First World War supporting their own imperialist bourgeoisies and their businesses.
It was Kienthal and Zimmerwald gathered in 1915 as the founding core of the 3rd International which stood up with the victory of the October revolution in Russia in 1917. This grouping of the internationalists was which defined precisely the program for the seizure of power in Russia, in Germany and throughout Europe. It was an INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM. It was the most "national" of all Russian programs: peace, turn round the rifle; no support for the provisional Government in the inter-imperialist war it was waging along with France and England against Germany; in Russia, the slogan was "our ally is the German proletariat and not our imperialist Government ".
With this international program the Bolsheviks could define the time of the insurrection, while they called the German proletariat make an about face and turn the rifle against their own exploiters and join with the workers of the Russian soviets. But before that the International Centre of Zimmerwald and Kienthal had to prevent its Russian party (the Bolsheviks) from ceding to the illusions that in the masses had woken up the provisional Government of the Mensheviks and the SR who had expropriated the revolution in its infancy -in February.
It was the revolutionary wing of the Second International, the left of Kienthal and Zimmerwald that wrote the program for the October Revolution: the April theses, the revolutionary program for the seizure of power in Russia.
It was Lenin, who in coming to Russia raised that the only democratic centralism that he regarded was Rosa Luxembourg and Liebknecht’s, who were imprisoned in the jails of the German Kaiser.
As we said, it was an international staff that defined the time of the uprising in Russia. Moreover, it provoked a split between the internationalists of the Bolshevik Party, around which was the appropriate time for the insurrection. Kamenev and Zinoviev refused to take power in Russia, because they believed that first it had to be taken by the German proletariat. Lenin and the majority of the Central Committee thought that immediately taking power in Russia was critical to create the best conditions for the German and European proletariat so that they could also take power in their countries. They were a party, as part of a revolutionary international fraction, defining the most important national task that all Revolutionary Party has in a country that is the seizing of power.
Bolshevism was practical, militant, internationalism as we saw in this work, since its inception and thus it had formed its cadres and tempered a whole generation of the Russian proletariat. We say this, because for years Bolshevism formed cadres and advanced vanguard workers in the struggle against opportunism, revisionism and the national socialism of the Mensheviks in the Russian Social Democratic Party. There was a generation of workers as those of Viborg, of the most advanced of the Russian working class, educated in the struggle against revisionism and the right wing of the Second International and in the revolutionary lessons of Marx about the Paris Commune.
Further discussion with brutally Stalinist National Socialists is the closest thing to throwing caviar to a hippopotamus in a zoo. Sorry, to an elephant.
The internationalists of Zimmerwald and Kienthal were right; it was impossible to get bread and land without ending the war and defeat its own imperialism and join up with the German proletariat. This demand and this program could conquer the masses, including the German and European ones, because at the beginning of the inter-imperialist war a handful of revolutionaries had distributed millions of pamphlets, facing openly, in a brutal struggle of parties ("super-structural", the "Collectives" say) before the eyes of the masses, the traitors of the Pro-imperialist social democracy.
They took and introduced in the most recondite places of the proletariat in Europe and the world the slogan "to turn the rifle". At the beginning of the war they were repudiated by millions of workers intoxicated by the social chauvinism of imperialism in the war. But when the dead were counted by millions in the trenches, it became clear that the internationalists were who in the war, against the current, had told the truth to the masses. They could speak; they became the strength of millions with which stood up the 3rd International, with mass parties in all the countries of Europe.
These wastes from Stalinism, transformed into appendices of the same, want to educate the proletariat and train workers to believe that you can build combat, insurrectionary, 'national' parties that are not one with a world party or an international general staff; everything else is a vile lie of imposters that speak in the name of socialism.
And what is more serious they pose that the program, as we have seen, until the takeover of power is "national" and during the revolution it "makes itself international". What do they do? Do they dictate a crash course of internationalism to the proletariat and its vanguard in the midst of the civil war? What do these people laugh about? We had never seen before so ridiculous an excuse from a wing of Stalinism to defend the "national socialism".
If the program is "National Socialist", for these Stalinists the political subject of the revolution is a national party. If the working class is an international class that must join its struggles and tie its fate to the combat of the world proletariat, the political entity is a global party: the Fourth International. Of which the Chilean party would only be its national section. There are no half-measures: here words are too many.
Reaffirming what we say here, we anticipate what Lenin said in his work "Left-wing communism, an infantile disorder";he makes this question: how was Bolshevism forged? How did it forge and consolidate its cadres and was inserted in the vanguard of the proletariat, and then was able to lead it and hold on to power? First Lenin says: "Bolshevism was imbued with the very latest word of international Marxism". Secondly, while struggling against revisionism and opportunism in the world workers movement, it forged and conquered its program. Thirdly, Bolshevism, armed with a revolutionary international strategy, could so conquer a program and had the insight to get it to the masses, not "fighting shoulder to shoulder" with them in general or shouting it in particular, but rather, as Lenin affirmed, Bolshevism believed that the proletariat only from their own experience could understand the rightness of this program.
For Bolshevism, the Revolutionary Party was no more than a part, a component of the labor movement, a very important but not decisive, factor since as Trotsky claimed, without a real revolutionary movement of the advanced workers the party could not live, or survive, or become an objective factor of reality. Without a real revolutionary movement of the international working class (such as the soviets, today Libyan militia, the fighting of the "indignant", the heroic fight of the Syrian masses, Marikana miners’ fighting, barricades in Chile, etc.) Bolshevism cannot be developed. This process has begun still as localized phenomena but with radicalization of the masses.
The very harsh fighting that the proletariat fought since the crash of 2008, show that “who lost their Socialist consciousness" were actually the treacherous leaderships, which encircled each revolutionary process and conspired against them at international level, as we see it in the fence of silence surrounding the Syrian masses, Cuba being given out to imperialism. In each of the revolutionary processes -as we saw them in Greece, in Marikana, in the revolts of the Chinese masses, in the revolutions of North Africa and Middle East, we saw that the masses acted in a 180 ° angle with respect to their leaderships and put in their fighting milestones of socialism against imperialism and the bourgeoisie, though their misleaders, agents of Capital betrayed them. To be more precise, they never called those processes.
Considering that Socialist consciousness of the masses is lost when there was not one single workers’ general staff in the planet that in the name of socialism and the revolution called to ignite Tunisia, to arm the Libyan and Syrian masses, to organize insurrections in Yemen, in Egypt; or to organize revolutionary strike committees as in Marikana... or maybe it was the neo-Stalinist left which called the youth movement to the battle of the barricades?... Or was it that called them to surrender, to enter into negotiation boards? Tell us what Socialist current has called a revolutionary general strike to throw down Piñera, save for us the internationalist Trotskyists, when the conditions to conquer it were much more than enough! Stop lying!
The masses have given everything of themselves. They put milestones of socialism. Out the "Red Pacos"! Let’s smash the MNCs! Gringos, out of here! “Que se vayan todos!” (“That all of them goes away and never returns!”) Let's fight like in Egypt! You make war and we put the dead! If our children are starving, yours will shed blood! The masses in their spontaneity demonstrated to have much more insight, courage, heroism and ability to erect milestones of socialism, than all treacherous directions that speak on their behalf.
Let's talk clearly; we are before people that is the enemy of the Fourth International and its program for socialist revolution. They want to make up the Chilean Stalinism, put it up-to-date to better confound the masses. But why they put the logo of the Fourth International on their leaflets to cover an openly Stalinist policy, anti Fourth International? He/she does not speak on behalf of Trotskyism who does not fight for the Fourth International. It is the only global party that revolutionaries recognize. And if it has been given out to the bourgeoisie and its program was adulterated, that does not discourage us. We affirm that the program of Trotskyism passed the testing though the so called "Trotskyists" did not. That’s why we fight for the foundation anew of the fourth International. We put 100% of our forces in that.
We reaffirm what Lenin stated: that the working class does not need fighters accompanying it, because in their fighting the masses produce heroic fighters and select combatants out of the millions who enter the combat. Or perhaps these messianic “workerists” believe that the masses need them to learn to make barricades, strikes, stoppages, take the schools? Revolution is an objective process of masses. What the masses need is a leadership that untie them the hands that the traitors that mislead them have bound, a leadership that tells them clearly how the conditions of the battlefield are for the combat of the international proletariat, to lead the working class to the victory of the revolution.
What the masses need is that at every step a revolutionary leadership helps them to set up bodies of self-organisation, direct democracy, at the start of objectively revolutionary or pre revolutionary situations, mass offensive situations; because all counter-revolutionary leaderships have historically plotted so that this does not happen, because they know that these are "Commune-type bodies", they are the organizations of worker power for the insurrection.
For the internationalist Trotskyist, our political subject for the revolution is a world-wide party and its national section; it is an instrument for the insurrection and the seizure of power. Therefore the character of its militants is not one of fighters who support the masses from outside "working as union advisers". Against this the Revolutionary Party forges revolutionary militants who forge themselves and fight to be international organizers of their own working class and of the world working class. That is the quality of the member of that party. What the working class needs are strategists of the revolution, in the words of Lenin: tribunes of the people; i.e. to be able to report all crimes and infamies which are committed against the working class and all the exploited classes of Russia.
The Revolutionary Party combats for setting up a working intelligentsia, composed by workers who make theory and manage the science of revolutionary Marxism; by those that like Bebel, integrated the laboratory of Marxist theory that is made for the workers and not for the declassed lumpen.
What the working class needs is a general staff, which selects through its program and its fighting the cream of the cream of the proletariat, in the words of Lenin. For Bolshevism ten smart men were worth more than ten thousand morons claiming to be with the masses "fighting shoulder to shoulder" while what they do is to betray them "elbow to elbow" every day. And Lenin stated, "though the ten thousand morons do not like this opinion and give a round of applause for themselves".
The conception of your "national revolutionary" party is typical of petty bourgeois pacifists. You have written a manual in a nutshell, against the "What to do?" and the basic fundamentals of Leninism. As an extract of perfume, you have concentrated in a few words the complete works of Stalinism against Marxism. How could it be a “national party” one that considers itself as a party of revolutionary conspirators to subvert the bourgeois regime? Only a definitive nationalist sect can see itself that way. Lenin in his “What to do?” raised the fight against the artisan methods of militancy which, of course, was referring to the legal and illegal work.
Do we need to explain that the Iskra entered Russia from the outside, with which the Russian working class was organized in the beginning? That it was written and published in Germany, that the Bolshevik Center abroad relied on social democracy of that country? Should it be reaffirmed that the Russian exiles escaped from Siberia supported by the austro-Marxism and the German social democracy? Was it not a tragedy for the Chilean proletariat the lack of a global party, and even to organize its exile, its organization to influence the resistance against Pinochetismo? Rather these people had such international management, who was in Havana, giving in this struggle at every step. As did the Argentine Communist Party, that while Videla's dictatorship was massacring the working class in a real genocide, along with the Castroites said that there "was a democratic dictatorship in Argentina", because it sold wheat to Moscow, while the dictatorship killed even its militants.
We have in front of us appendices of Stalinism that have rebelled against the fight for putting up the fourth international, this has been demonstrated. We know that in Chile their "Revolutionary Party" is the united party to the left of the CP when this goes to the Concertacion. Without blushing they "get from outside" into the Venezuelan issue and also call to build their "party model" in that country.
So they say. In their lampoon of May 1st, on page 7, they say: "to all the forces that drove the bid for class independence of Orlando Chirinos in October of 2012 elections, they must put at the disposal of the working class all their forces, to ensure the conditions that allow the exploited of Venezuela articulate their struggle and find the way to victory". They are calling all the Renegades of Trotskyism in the Americas (also the British SWP and the traitors of the American SWP lackeys of the Castro brothers called to vote for Chirinos) to build a single party, in which they will call up to be part of a single party to the Venezuelan Maoism, i.e. with all of them they want to build a party for the victory.
Let's talk clearly, we have here appendices of Stalinism, small sects who ask to receive honors from the apparatuses that sent them to do the dirty work and try to denigrate Trotskyism and falsify its program. They have broken definitively with militant internationalism and all fighting for setting up a global party of the working class, with which obviously they never agreed. That is an undisputed fact. We alert that they will have a long international task to try to destroy the FLTI and will have no fear of meddling in the domestic affairs of any country's working class to try to destroy Trotskyism... but they have already been discovered: it is a group of booby traps to deceive unwary innocents. No serious young worker internationally is going to believe them, as revolutionary working-class young Chileans did not.
Trotsky said that if there were two militants in a country one of them had to go to the international work. The party of the proletariat will be revolutionary if it is international, or will be nothing. Rather, these appendages of Stalinism have taken a great international task on account of Havana. This is attacking Trotskyism to prevent the foundation anew of the Fourth International.
The program of our party is based on scientific socialism, including the fight against all the corrupt bureaucracy of the international labor movement and its parties, our program says: "the Fourth International has already emerged from major events: the major defeats of the proletariat in the history. The cause of these defeats is degeneration and the betrayal of the old leaderships. The class struggle does not support breakpoints. For the revolution, the Third International, after the Second one has died. Long live the Fourth International!" (Transitional Program).
These people is setting on its feet a single party of the Chilean Stalinist neo left and since the POI-CI we fight by setting up a party of the Fourth International, so that they have no place in our ranks. So with the Fourth International we proclaim: "the Fourth International, now, is deservedly hated by the Stalinist, the Social Democrats, the bourgeois Liberals and fascists. There is and cannot be room for it in any of the popular fronts. It combats irreducibly all political groupings grasping the coattails of the bourgeoisie. Its task: the abolition of the capitalist domination. Their goal: socialism. Its method: the proletarian revolution." (Idem).
The "Collectives" deny this party, the Fourth International, because it is not their party. It is ours. Make yours! Because the IV International does not pursue or invents nostrums, it relies completely on Marxism as a unique revolutionary doctrine which allows understanding the reality, discovering the causes behind the defeats and consciously preparing the victory." (Idem). You are not dedicated to this, your goal is the “concrete” fight, elbow to elbow with the Chilean left Stalinists. Don’t lie any more!
They want to go back a century and a half ago with the First International so that the world working class and its new generations don't know that the proletariat got big mass parties with the Second International and that they were corrupted and bought by the imperialist financial capital. They want to forget that the Second International’s corrupt politicians and bureaucrats massacred Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, the heroes of the world proletariat with the soldiers of Noske. They want to continue marking step in the First International. They want to hide that the 3rd International of the October revolution was corrupted by the scourge of Stalinist. They don't want people to know that the proletariat expropriated one-third of the planet to the bourgeoisie and that a band of rogue agents of international financial capital crushing the world revolution, gave in those huge achievements. Don't get distracted, they are the ones who were with you on May 21 voting hands up for a single party.
Our party knows how to treat groups of imposters, since "the Fourth International sides to healers, charlatans and importunate moral teachers. In a society based on exploitation, the supreme moral is that of social revolution. All of the methods that raise the consciousness of kind of workers, their confidence in their own strength, their willingness to self-sacrifice to the fight are valid. Methods that instill the oppressed fear and submission facing their oppressors, which stifle the spirit of protest and indignation, or replace the will of the masses for the will of the leaders, the conviction for coercion, the analysis of reality for demagoguery and counterfeiting are inadmissible. This is why social democracy, which prostitutes Marxism, and Stalinism - the antithesis of Bolshevism - are mortal enemies of the proletarian revolution and its moral." (Idem)
They speak of making a revolution in Chile as a single revolution in the continent and the world. Which party will do that? The first International which no longer exists? The Second, the Third International? Which party will lead the socialist revolution in the world and lead the exploited to expropriate the expropriators? The "Collective Revolution Permanent'? No, they have already met with the WSF of Tunisia and in the counter-Summit of the CELAC in Chile, that is their international party.
As we have seen the NPA in France, that Pabloite current liquidator of Trotskyism, reviewing it raised that it was necessary to "make the party of Lenin and Jean Jaurès" sending to oblivion the river of blood between reform and revolution, between the corrupt leaderships sold to the financial capital in the international revolutionary movement. These people want to make the party of "León Trotsky, Miguel Henríquez and Fidel Castro": a great deception to the masses. This is coupling the martyrs of the world proletariat with their executioners. That is the party of the unity of the Chilean Stalinist left, to the left of the CP that already went to the Concertacion|, because they should take its place.
We will not return in the footsteps of the POR (Workers Revolutionary Party) by Humberto Valenzuela, which dissolved a group of the Fourth International into the MIR in Chile in 1965, along with Luis Vitale. They put "Trotskyist" ornaments, subsequently, to the treacherous politics of the "peaceful road to socialism" of the Castros and the MIR in Chile, in the ' 70s.
For this reason, as the Renegades of Trotskyism had liquidated the internationalist fraction of the revolutionary movement in Chile, when the revolution of the industrial nodes came, these had not a revolutionary party that could lead them to victory. The path of national socialism, adaptation to Stalinism, is the shortest route to destroying the revolutionary leadership the Chilean proletariat needs to succeed.
The "Collectives" as appendages of imperialism, are following the steps of the liquidators of the Fourth International. They do not say or do anything new. For this reason, the program to put up and prepare a victorious revolution of the Councils of workers, poor peasants, armed industrial nodes, is now in the hands of the POI-CI and the FLTI revolutionaries who have taken in their hands the struggle to rebuild Chilean Trotskyism as part of founding anew the Fourth International.
The "Collectives" are now shown as a school of forgers; stop bothering, infiltrating and destroying the Fourth International! At the beginning of the Spanish civil war the war call of the Fourth International was: "all the forces of the Fourth International in all countries of the world, 100% of its forces, for denouncing, agitation and propaganda should be around the Spanish civil war".
We return to motion: 100% of the forces to the Syrian revolution! There capitalism has concentrated all its forces to punish the world proletariat and there the international working class fights a huge battle that will define the nature of the immediate period!
We are going to explain patiently to the working class and the Chilean Revolutionary Youth what these "Collectives" want to hide while they wash the dirty clothes to Stalinism.
The Iranian ayatollahs and their Republican Guard, along with Hezbollah in Lebanon, have acted as ground troops of the NATO, to strengthen the army of Al-Assad in crisis and massacre the masses, to march to the Geneva Conference and all of them together, over the blood of the masses, establish a "Government of transition" that divide the juicy businesses under the command of imperialism.
Stalinism holds to Al-Assad, who does the dirty work on account of all the imperialist powers as he cares for the borders and the Golan Heights to Zionism against the revolution. FSA and the al Nusra movement of the arch-reactionary Sunni bourgeoisie in Saudi Arabia, have dedicated not only to disarm the masses in the liberated areas, but to flee and leave them isolated as at al Qusayr so counter-revolution massacre them. They have mounted a true plot against the Syrian masses. In Tunisia the WSF of Stalinism and the Renegades of the Marxism gathered and they cheered Chavez and supported Al-Assad.
All the counter-revolutionary forces of imperialism have focused on the battle of Syria. From there, the imperialists will radiate the counterrevolution to the entire Maghreb and Middle East and up to the martyred Tunisia.
In Greece they concentrated all the forces of the treacherous leaderships; the friends of these "Collectives", the Stalinists, waged sticks on the heads of the workers vanguard from the inside of the revolutionary battles of the Greek proletariat. Now fascism attacks at close range the revolutionary vanguard. Athens spark is shutting down and thus the European working class suffers the worst of catastrophes.
Syriza announced the "Pacific way" to socialism, Stalinism clubs broke the head of the vanguard fighters and fascism, which today kills immigrants, began to rise its head. That is a mirror where the Chilean working class should look at.
The delivery of Cuba to imperialism and the betrayal of the revolutionary processes in the Latin American sub-continent today allowed a US imperialist counter-offensive on all of our countries in Latin America.
Piñera embracing Obama one day before Kerry did the same with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Maduro in Venezuela who vowed to restore relations. The giving out of the Colombian resistance by the Castros and the brutal attack of the Morales Government to the mining proletariat, are settling the conditions for a new imperialist offensive on Chile and throughout Latin America.
The Trans Pacific Treaty is a link in one chain that comes to strangle even more the Chilean and American proletariat. These are the harsh conditions of the current combat. These Pirates of he Marxism want to hide it from the workers. The Trotskyists will tell the truth to the masses, that these are the conditions on the battlefield and we will also check what is the program and who are their enemies who want to strangle the heroic struggle of the Chilean proletariat and youth.
We, Trotskyists, do not abandon the battle field of Syria. We will not allow the give out of Cuba to imperialism without fighting. We are not under the counter-revolutionary discipline of the Castro brothers and their children who, with Armani suits, reconstruct the golf courses that Batista had, he who put Cuba as the "brothel of the Caribbean".
We’ll call the Chilean working class to be at the head of the combat against the MNCs to break with the FTA and the Trans Pacific Treaties, to unite its fate to the struggle of the Latin American and North American proletariat against the imperialist beast. To the FTA, the Trans Pacific Treaty, the MERCOSUR and the ALBA, to the lackeys of imperialism from the CELAC (with the Castro brothers as Presidents) we will oppose the international struggle of the working class and the fight for the foundation anew of the Fourth International.
In Chile we do not give in to the siren chants of Stalinism, the Concertacion and the "Bushelet". We affirm that in Valparaiso the "21 May Collectives" have regrouped their forces to act as a stopper for preventing the masses from fighting for A NEW VICTORIOUS 2011.
They will call to vote the "Bushelet" and the Communist Party; down with the bureaucracy of the CUT! Out with the student bureaucracy! They put the revolutionary masses of Chile at the foot of the murderers of the Concertación. While the "May 21 Collective" covers their backs so that the exploited don't break with them. The cry of the traitors is "do not make parallels to the CUT"; that means to comply with the CUT that calls for voting to the coup leaders of the Christian Democrats, the "Bushelet" and the "red pacos".
We call on the working class to flout the bureaucracy of the CUT and the couriers of the student bureaucracy to impose direct democracy and democracy working in all organizations struggle of the masses. We call for setting up and regroup the vanguard workers and youth ranks for the "red pacos" youth vanguard and the CUT. Let’s recover the ACES that fought and not traded, with direct democracy to conquer the unity between workers and students and define that our minimum demand is public and free education for all! Let's re- ignite the flame of the Chilean revolution!
We should put up factory committees and redefining the CUT from the bottom upwards without corrupt bureaucrats, conquering working-class democracy, flouting the laws of the Pinochet regime. We workers organize ourselves as we want! Out with the state from the trade unions! For a revolutionary leadership of the CUT!
We call for setting up action and front committees to coordinate the struggle of the workers, students and poor farmers, by town, region and city all over Chile. We have all the same demands: wage increases, free education and land for the poor peasant. We deserve all a same struggle.
The aim is none other than to never allow any more than the energies of the Chilean proletariat and youth be dissipate and dissolved by the actions of Stalinist traitors and their lackeys of the left... of the military regime and its puppet Governments.
Our battle cry is none other than the preparation and organization of the revolutionary general strike to throw down Piñera and start the second Chilean revolution. To crush the transnationals; expropriation without compensation of copper and banks and putting them under the control of the workers; to conquer a living wage and jobs for all! The land for the farmer! But we do not have to give an inch of support to the military regime and the "Bushelet" cum Stalinism who come to continue the work of the lackey of imperialism, Piñera.
Chile should fight like in Marikana, setting up pickets and strike Committees, kicking off the bureaucracy from the bureaucracy, to recover the copper for the Chileans. As the students have fought in the Tahrir square, and today fight in Turkey against the murderous Government of Erdogan; the same as the Occupy Wall Street movement of United States when fencing the imperialist parasites. Our demands and cries of combat must be the same as those of the miners of Asturias, because the Chilean working class children are already suffering from hunger and the children of the exploiters must begin to shed blood.
Every one of them must go away and never return! Not a single one of the lackeys of the infamous regime of NAFTA! It must be combated with the miners in Huanuni and Peru and all the Latin American working class!
We affirm that all these demands of the working class and the exploited masses of Chile will only be gotten by demolishing this civil-military murderous infamous regime of looters, jackals of the Chilean nation.
Only a worker and peasant government based on the network of revolutionary nodes, along with committees of soldiers, will solve the basic issues of the misery of the masses.
Chilean Trotskyism must be re-found against Stalinism, as in the 1930s with the program of the Fourth International! For a revolutionary party in Chile, a Leninist, insurrectionist party of combat, which will be the Fourth International or it will be nothing! Let's put up an internationalist fraction of the best of the working class and youth fighting in Chile! Only thus the conditions for victory will be conquered.
The keys are already then for regrouping a Chilean revolutionary and internationalist workers vanguard and youth, as motion in the combat of the exploited. In Chile, as in Syria, as in United States, Cuba and in the fighting across the world, two alternatives confront each other: Trotskyism Versus Stalinism; in the Middle a river of blood of millions of exploited in the world.
Before these appendices of Stalinism, we are facing an uprising against Trotskyism and the Fourth International. Let the "Collectives" speak about the “May 21Collective", the "Chilean way to socialism", with "empanadas (popular South American small minced-meat-pies, NT) and red wine" as Allende liked to, but we are not to stand any more fuck with Trotskyism. Black on white: they have risen in arms against the principles of the Fourth International. We have already explained the reason.
These people are not in the "Olympus", they are rolling in the mud of Stalinism. For this reason along with the Fourth International in its argument against the "Prometheus group" we affirm what Trotsky raised against them and fits very well to these renegades, with a remark: we beg the forgiveness from the Prometheus group which was a centrist organization that was wrong and not a group of cynics as these “Collectives” that use to take Trotskyism as loincloths for covering Stalinists’ shame after the latter betrayed openly for years the Chilean proletariat and youth.
We quote the letter from Trotsky to the Prometheus group: "I think that your conception of Internationalism is erroneous. Ultimately, you conceive the international as a sum of national sections or as the product of the reciprocal influence of national sections. This conception of the International is, in the best of cases, unilateral, not dialectical and, therefore, wrong. If the Communist left of the whole world included only five individuals, these would have also the obligation to build an international organization at the same time with one or more national organizations."Horror, Trotsky is on Olympus!
Sending five individuals to make an international centre rather than a national group… “What a horror! This is abstract internationalism on Trotsky’s side!” These appendices of Stalinism would say. The "Collective" is rebelling against Trotsky and yells: "this man doesn't understand that there is a concrete national labor movement which must be accompanied in its immediate struggle".
But before neo Stalinists continue with their brazen revisionism against Marxism, without even caring about forms, let’s continue reading Trotsky in his discussion with the Prometheus group: "it is wrong to consider that the national organization is the foundation (as in a house, N.T.) and the international the roof. The relationship between the two is completely different. Marx and Engels started the Communist movement in 1847 with an international document and with the creation of an international organization. The same occurred in the creation of the First International. The Zimmerwald left traveled the same path when preparing the third International. It is much more imperative to follow this path today than in the time of Marx. Of course, it is possible, in the epoch of imperialism, that a revolutionary proletarian tendency arises in this or that country, but it cannot flourish and develop in an isolated country; the day after its creation you must find or establish international linkages, an international platform, an international organization, because this is the only path that can guarantee the correctness of the national line. A trend that encloses itself within national frameworks for years is irremediably condemned to degeneration." (Our Bolds)
These appendices of Stalinism, as Trotsky would say, in the same way that selected his allies to the interior of Chile, with much diplomacy, as it is the agreement with the neo-Stalinists of Valparaiso, won't be less careful in relations established at the international level. A group of booby-traps teem by internet, some holding to Zionism in shameless way in the name of Trotskyism; others support Stalinism openly; others are sent by the Renegades with verbosity of left Trotskyism but are Social Democrats in practice. All will send each other lofty greetings to their congresses and conferences. They are linked not by a program and principles, but in fear that the forces of the Fourth International have stood up and have come to the combat of the class struggle. The "booby-traps" have been discovered, revolutionary workers and young people who seek the path of the Fourth International to win the victory, already have the clean flags of socialism to lead them to victory.
The "Collectives" by their program and principles, have been already born totally degenerated. The evil that ails them: Appendix of Stalinism.
According to these people, as we have already seen, the working class has no obligation or international task before the seizure of power. It has already been shown that not only the “Collectives” have nothing to do with internationalism, they have returned to a place prior to the Communist Manifesto.
Not to say anything about this anti Marxist brutality of joining the "national working class in their national struggle" is in first place for "revolutionary parties". We say that they are a group of political bandits because they cannot speak in the name of Marxism with this program not to say in the name of Trotskyism. It’s all about Stalinism, bourgeois nationalism; but you, please, no longer meddle with Trotskyism!
The "Musketeers of Stalinism" brandishing their swords, called d'Artagnan and denounce, as we return to transcribe, on page 5 of their label number 1: "The FLTI, organization from which we came, when saying for example, it was 'nationalist' treason, not to edit a flyer about Cuba or Venezuela during a worker strike or student conflict, ends up giving the reason to Stalinism when it accuses Trotskyism of wanting to make revolution all around the world at the same time '".
For D'Artagnan and his Musketeers to issue a flyer on Cuba and Venezuela in a country where a mass struggle is developing, means wanting to "make the revolution around the world simultaneously". Whom do these "Collectives” laugh of? They are Stalinist indicating that the Cuban issue is Cuban and the "Bolivarian revolution" is Venezuelan.
In their libels they vomit hatred against Trotskyists dare to raise these issues in Chile. We will continue insisting on this point to make with the mask that Stalinism is concealed under. We have already said and here we reaffirm: making the revolution in Chile as in Cuba, is the more immediate task if the Chilean working class and youth want to succeed.
Since when issuing a leaflet in the middle of the Chilean student struggle, raising that free education will be achieved by expropriating without compensation copper, i.e. making a socialist revolution as in Cuba and not negotiating in the halls of the ministries of the Government of Piñera, accounts to wanting to do the revolution everywhere "simultaneously"? In any case what we do say is that to succeed, to get the renationalization without compensation and under worker control of copper, the free education, and the bread, it is necessary to expropriate the bourgeoisie and advance towards Socialist revolution as in Cuba. And for this there is necessary to topple the military-civilian regime and their lackey governments, but also to break with Stalinism and the new Castroite bourgeoisie which gives out to the military-civilian regime our achievements, our wages, our education, our natural resources, such as the Castro brothers give out to Obama all the achievements of the Cuban revolution.
It means to tell the truth to the masses, however most cruel and painful it may be. That is what Marxism raises: the truth and the whole truth. We will not cease in insisting that the capitalist restoration in Cuba is for the Latin American, Central American and United States working class the most powerful missile that imperialism has to throw from the back to the anti-imperialist and anti-capitalism fight of the exploited. What do these people think? With 500 thousand workers laid-off in Cuba, with the guaranteed right of inheritance, with a Pact for fencing the Latin American Revolution, as that agreed by the Castros, the Chavezes, the Morales with Obama…, is it easier or more difficult for the Chilean working class struggling to recover the Chilean copper for Chileans and to expropriate to transnational corporations and bankers?
With their restorationist policy, the Cuban proto-bourgeoisie can hand out Colombian resistance. It can happily call the American working class to vote for Obama. It can call the Argentinean working class to support Kirchner. It can support the Government of Morales, however repressive and murderous of the workers and poor farmers it is. It can call to praise the "Bushelet". It can, with the help of its Stalinist left, throw tons of water to the fire of the barricades in Chile. It can do all this. But, for the "Collectives”, Trotskyists do not have any right to edit a flyer on hot Venezuelan and Cuban issues when there is "some strike or student conflict "in Chile.
That is precisely the time that we must edit these flyers, because at that time you have to contest the leadership of the fight to the Red "pacos", because if not they would take it to defeat under the orders of Havana and their commanders, transformed into in a new and rich bourgeoisie. It is clear why they are offended, it is that they are defending their leaders.
These people already have receiver an order from Fidel Castro: "you also continue our fight to ensure that there is no Cuba on the continent, and tell the FLTI to shut up and leave out issuing flyers indiscriminately to the working class and the students in fight, or else…!".
The "Collectives" want to keep secret the betrayals of the Stalinist bureaucracy, which since 1962, from Havana, supported by Moscow, ensured that there was never again a new Socialist Cuba on the continent, meddling in any revolution there appeared in order to strangle it. They have been effectively dedicated to establishing a simultaneous counter-revolution, crushing all revolutions and giving them in to the bourgeoisie all over the Americas, at a time when great worker and student struggles were developing.
The Castro brothers and all the CPs of Latin America spend their time in all the struggles of Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, United States, etc., saying that "never again it must be a new Cuba"; those who say (as we do) that to get the minimum demands "we should make new Socialist Cubas", according to these "Collectives" "do play in the hands of the bourgeoisie". The truth is that these "Collectives" and their likes play the game on the side of Stalinism by hiding this crucial issue. They have declared to be enemies of fighting for socialist revolution in Chile. The abandonment of an internationalist agenda for the revolution in Chile is all about that; so they become enemies of the revolution.
Again, black on white, we insist. "You have to make a new Cuba not only in Latin America, but mainly in the United States, now in bankruptcy." This is the most pressing task for which the revolutionaries of the Fourth International must fight.
The "Collectives" seize their heads, they cover their ears. The National Socialists shout: "How awful!" "These Trotskyists want fighting for socialist revolution, want to tell the workers that without expropriating the transnational corporations and bankers without compensation you can't get free education, and that this needs to be done through a socialist revolution, which will not be peaceful as our bosses the Castro brothers said, but it will be like in Cuba, with armed uprisings and revolutionary strikes!"
"Silence the FLTI!" this mishmash of traitors and their booby traps shout desperately! And explain: "we are already preparing a Chavezite-type of a front among the CP, the Bushelet and the Christian Democracy for the elections; We are making them up as Bolivarians to mislead the masses". And most obfuscated that never they shout: "Silence the FLTI! So that they do not say to the Chilean workers that the "Boliburguesias" as the Venezuelan pay 105 billion dollars to the IMF for their external debt; workers should not find out that Don Morales in Bolivia is more servile of multinational corporations that the same Piñera, and he has just issued a “sovereign” bond by 500 million dollars of debt that is sold on Wall Street, with the Morgan Bank as an intermediary." So the Collectives want the workers from Chile and the Americas not to know that the “Indian Republic” of the bourgeoisie of Morales has become into a Wall Street yuppie.
Still screaming, under orders from their bosses, given them from Havana: "the Chilean should not know this when they fight!” for fear “they could think about kicking off their treacherous leaderships of the CUT, the ACES, etc. and if that happens the latter would not be able to achieve their mission to lead the masses to new cul-de-sacs as they do now with the 'Bolivarian revolution'".
Why these "Collectives” want to silence the Trotskyists? Why do they want to impose silence on us? Why are not silent these "Collectives", members of the Club of friends of Havana?
Political intervention that we Trotskyists have done and will do within the Chilean working class is the minimal program we are introducing the masses for them to succeed. These morons believe that the Chilean masses need geniuses who teach them how to fight. They are charlatans who speak of "accompanying the concrete working class". But when fighting, the working class is very well accompanied, among themselves, elbow to elbow, in strikes and barricades. It does not need "Union or strike advisers" from people who never intervened nor took any strike to victory. What the working class needs is not to be betrayed, that the misleaders stop shooting at it from behind, stop lying, stop taking it to the conciliation with the Government, that they stop liquidating the direct democracy that it fights with. Let the working class fight without betraying it! We're proudly going to make it possible.
For the "Collectives" a socialist Cuba must not be built in Chile to get the more immediate demands. No fight for it. Then we will see what they mean when they speak of "the backward conscience of the masses...", as if they were going to a revolution with a book under their arm and not pushed by the unprecedented suffering, decaying capitalism imposes on them.
It is necessary to tell the truth. The "Collectives" are of the opinion that only by pressing the CUT, to make it call for a strike at least once in History, you can get something. These people do think that re-nationalization of copper without compensation and under worker control can be accomplished without conquering a Socialist revolution as in Cuba? What's more, as we will show below, for these people anything can be conquered, without a General strike which overthrows Pinera, i.e. without making a new Caracazo, as in Venezuela, or fighting as the Marikana miners. No! That you cannot tell the Chilean working class! They shriek.
In their pamphlets, they insist, once and again that the only things that can be done are petitions, coordinating bodies, united statements of claims, but to demand a strike from the CUT. When? Nobody knows. Sorry, for July 11, as every year it calls as a rite, after that rotten bureaucracy comes from betraying all the strikes made by the dockworkers, the miners and the student struggles in recent months.
To conclude this issue on our “meddling” in the Chilean issues -as the bourgeois chancelleries says, let’s talk clear. To us Chilean Trotskyists it looks like a bad joke having to argue with people who pose as "Socialist", of "Trotskyist" and don’t want to say that it was Castro who came to intervene in the Chilean revolution in the 70s, to tell the masses they should not do a new Cuba in Chile and had to attain socialism "by peaceful means". Why do you not say to your Chief Fidel Castro -who played in the hands of Pinochet and the ITT and left isolated the heroic industrial nodes, that he should not introduce "the Cuban issue into Chile"?
The conclusion from this is that for the "Collectives" of the Chilean Stalinist left we should not display before the working classes of the countries in fight issues of other countries, since this gives justification to Stalinism so they "attack" Trotskyism on the grounds that we want simultaneous revolutions, all made simultaneously, at the same time and in the same minute, in all countries. This has been always a low level and shameless critique from Stalinists to Trotskyists, which nobody believes except the "Collectives" in question.
Stay calm! This is not why Stalinism attacks Trotskyism. Between them there is a river of blood that separates the revolution of the counter-revolution.
Stalinism comes saying long time ago to these "three Musketeers" that they want a "simultaneous revolution"; they become frightened; they lowered the entire program and said, "let’s not give more arguments to Stalinism and better we enter its ranks altogether".
Now, let's see the program of the "Collectives" acting in other countries. Sorry, if it bothers them to leave Chile, but a program cannot be revolutionary for Chile and be counterrevolutionary in other capitalist country. Then let's look at the program of the "Collectives" to the specific national working "classes" of the world. As we saw, for the "Collectives", posing: "out of Mali, French troops invading it!" in a strike of the French working class, i.e., meddling with the problem of Mali in the French workers strike, is to play in the hands of Stalinism, that would tell us "you want to do a simultaneous revolution". We would say them: Yes, we want to crush the French troops in French (semi) colonies, because thus we would give a great beating to the murderers of the French imperial army, the Fifth Republic and the Socialist Hollande, and be in excellent conditions to seize power in France. What a disgrace! In France, the "Collectives" are clutched to the coattails of the Fifth Republic of Renault and Total.
And what about Mali? "Abstract internationalism" should not be developed, they would respond. "It is forbidden to make simultaneous international campaigns, and have the same absolute program for all processes of the global class struggle", they say.
Take the ports? Do boycott the French imperialist war machine? Crush the military bases in Africa? "No, that is not part of the struggle of the French working class, which is in its infancy", they shriek. Thus, the "Collectives" are exposed as Castroite and Stalinist in Chile and social-imperialist in France.
Also, following the "logic" of these "Collectives", the American working class "played in the hands of Stalinism" in its fight in Wisconsin when it said that "it is necessary to fight as in Egypt", that is, to pull down the Government. The American working class put 1 million workers against the Bush war invading Iraq, with its vanguard of immigrants, because it knew that with Bush invading Iraq they were going to be crushed in the United States. They have no shame to show themselves openly and blatantly as direct agents of imperialism! And then they complain about "backward consciousness of the masses". They say that we must "accompany their experience". Why not depart from that experience and consciousness that American workers put?
For the "Collectives" the question of Iraq, Afghanistan, US imperialism sacking of Latin America, as a fundamental task in the struggle of the American working class, would be to "play in the hands of Stalinism", which would accuse us of "wanting to do a simultaneous revolution".
This is very serious. That the "Collectives” blush because we will say it directly from Olympus, so they panic. We will make "simultaneous internationalism" that breaks down the "Collectives". We, the militants of the POI-CI, members of the collective for the Fourth International, have a great task to the interior of the United States, we are taking it, in the same way that we fight against members of the "Collectives" in Aleppo and Homs, in the same way that we fight together with the miners in Marikana and Lonmin against the transnational corporations and the COSATU Stalinist bureaucracy; in the same way that we fight alongside the Huanuni miners; in the same way that we caught the head to fight alongside the Peruvian working class to compete for the leadership of the CGTP against Patria Roja Stalinist bureaucracy.
We know that the "Collectives" dislike it, but the Trotskyists of the POI-CI will continue calling for new struggles by the Japanese and Chinese youth and workers, before the oncoming struggles of the Chilean student movement, because the latter are not going to succeed at the hands of the Vallejos, but they will do so at the hands of the solidarity of the working class and youth at the international level.
We know a shock of cold runs through the spine of the "Collectives". We are embarked in a "much more abstract and unattainable" internationalism than what they say. A kind of internationalism that is 100% unreachable.-for lackeys of imperialism as they are.
Trotskyists are re-founding, and we will achieve it, the American SWP of Trotsky and Cannon, who in the 1930s terrorized all Stalinists as they are. We are going to found anew the party of Trotsky and Cannon which was founded with the motto of “expulsion from inside the USSR of the scourge of Stalinism to regain the worker state as a bastion of the international revolution”.
In Latin America thousands of Trotskyist activists in the 1930s had their most advanced detachment, for their revolution to succeed, and to direct their revolutionary fighting to the interior of the United States. This was the SWP, facing and defeating Stalinism in unions and leading heroic strikes like the one in Minneapolis. The day that we can achieve it, the struggle of the outraged that today occupy Wall Street will be closer to the White House to smash the imperialist beast and the 1% of parasites who loot the world. Sorry, the "Collectives" will say. "Not even think of saying this in Chile, because it will mislead the workers who are in the initial phase of their struggle". But that day, the Chilean working class will be closer to crush the UK-US imperialist transnationals that loot the Chilean copper.
This is the cynical role of the "Collectives". It is not for their political weight or because these "Collectives" have led a fight or even the smallest strike of the working class and youth. But, for their role that it is to disguise as Trotskyism the betrayal of Stalinism.
This time the elephant ran out of the tree, and believes that it is still hidden. But it is in sight, it is the "Collective" that has become spokesman of Stalinism that, as in the 1930s, accuses the theory of the Permanent Revolution of meaning that the workers had to "make simultaneous revolutions" in all countries at the same time.
As good appendices of Stalinism, the "Collectives" conceal to "Red Pacos" and save the life to Stalinism: the betrayers to the Industrial Nodes in the ' 70s
Today, they hide from the Chilean proletariat that the greatest conquest of the Latin American Revolution is being lost with the Castro brothers by imposing the law of inheritance, giving out Cuba to the multinationals and imperialism. Thus they cover the back of the Chilean Stalinist left so it can keep betraying, as the Castroites, the entire working class of the Americas.
In their libels they do not say "the Red pacos are dangerous". This cry of the masses, "thoroughly Chilean", they want to hide from the world proletariat and so the heroic fighters of the barricades in Chile forget it.
Just the "red pacos" are dangerous because they are giving out Cuba, they agree with Obama, they fence the heroic revolution of the Syrian masses with their henchmen of the WSF. It is a question life and death for the Cuban, American, Greek, etc, working-class, that they break with these "red pacos".
But where they cover shamelessly and openly Stalinism and Castroism, is in their balance sheet of the Chilean revolution of the ' 70s, presented in the "Programmatic Principles" of these "groups".
Neither CP nor Stalin both falsified the history of the Bolshevik Party, as deeply as these people falsified so brutally and crudely the lessons from the Chilean revolution of the ' 70s.
Let's see. In the "brief summary of the programmatic principles" of these "Collectives" they counterfeit and distort consciously, with half-truths, the lessons of the revolution of the '70s’ industrial nodes in Chile. So are all the texts of these people. Thousands of red verbiage to introduce the Stalinist poison of the betrayal at every turn. That is their role as Stalinist patrol.
It is stated in section 2-1 of the programmatic principles of the "collective" contained in its first libel: "in particular, we also make ours the historical milestones conquered by the revolution of Industrial Nodes of the '70s in Chile, revolution that was expropriated by the national bourgeoisie - namely, Allende and his "peaceful way to socialism"- and then crushed by the bloody coup of ' 73." And they continue: "From this point of view, we do not see within the frame of the bourgeois law any possibility for a substantial solution to the miseries that our class is enduring."
At that same point, they come from "swearing allegiance" to the Transitional Program, the Permanent Revolution against the nationalist bourgeois. "They make their own" the glorious Russian Revolution and "the tireless fighting of Trotskyism against Stalinism", which could not fail to appear. Nothing new, already many of the camouflaged Stalinists have raised that Trotsky was "a great personality", as did Chavez and Celia Hart Santamaría to conceal the Castroites and the "Bolivarian revolution". Also the Manuel Rodríguez Movement claimed Trotsky as a "personality of Russian Marxism".
Let’s speak clearly: who guaranteed to support the national policy together with the Allende government, who submitted the Chilean working class to the "peaceful way to socialism" in the name of the Socialist Revolution, were Fidel Castro and the Cuban CP, under the orders of the Muscovite CP.
How can they forget this, if the role of the Castroites is precisely to prevent a new Cuba in Latin America? Now it is clear why in their "principles of internationalism", "they rebelled" against the FLTI when this poses that it is "a nationalist treachery not to issue a flyer on Cuba or Venezuela".
We are going to tell the truth, they are a few counterfeiters of the revolution of the industrial nodes. In their flyers and libels, they shut up about the guarantor of dividing the Chilean working class deviating it to the 'peaceful way to socialism" being the Communist Party, under the command of Fidel Castro and the bureaucracy of Moscow, which together with Allende named Pinochet as Minister of Defense, by presenting him as a "democratic general". Thus they strangled the industrial nodes, which wanted to arm and organize themselves alongside the soldiers rebelled in the Chilean Navy as in Valparaiso and Talcahuano.
Stalinism made disappear pictures of Trotsky from the USSR, and especially when these showed him as the leader of the Red Army or side by side with Lenin in the revolution. That was a great Stalinist amalgam and counterfeiting.
The "Collectives" do the same thing, but in a reverse situation. They want to take out of the Cuban CP any responsibility for being the major guarantor of the strangulation of the Chilean revolution, with its "peaceful way to socialism", which led to the strangulation and the massacre of industrial nodes, and even of the heroic sailors revolting against Pinochet’s coup in Valparaiso, led by MIR. When a criminal confesses, no more proofs are necessary! When the striptease is consummated, the body owner is identified!
Nothing is gained by covering themselves with the flags of the Fourth International, with the pompous name of "Permanent Revolution" Collective. All that farce is at the service of Stalinism, its program and politics. We Trotskyists will not allow that our world party and our program are dirtied to give them in to the traitors of the world proletariat, as the revisionists and opportunists did for decades to destroy the Fourth International.
Anyone who has dared to read such libels in question, can see that they are so bent on attacking the Trotskyists that they have forgotten that the "Pacos in red are the really dangerous ones," an issue that we don't see in their lampoons, as we have already said.
They are concerned in doing that the "Trotskyist sects get down from our Olympus to accompany the working class elbow to elbow". But these "groups"… why do they not do that with the Syrian masses? Why do they not fight elbow to elbow with the laborers in Marikana, explaining the miners of Chile how the struggles must be fought and how is victory attained, i.e. picketing the strikes, settling accounts with the Stalinist bureaucracy, to the battle cry of "wage increase, or we kill the managers"? But the traitor and counterrevolutionary role of Castroism in the Chilean and world revolution they do hide in their pamphlets.
The "Collectives", complain about the "pamphleteering" organizations, but they are fighting very well and closely with the Stalinist traitors of the trade union bureaucracy of the CUT. They hate pamphlets, but certainly they distribute very well the newspaper "El Siglo", a vulgar Stalinist pamphlet that poses exactly the same thing that these "Collectives". And we say this because it covers the back to one of the more treasonous CP of the planet, such as the Chilean one, supported by the Castro brothers who are giving out Cuba to imperialism. This happens to the pamphleteering sects of the PC.
Take off the mask! As we have already said, they have published two issues of their “newspaper”. One shows the foundational program and the principles of the "Collectives". On the other you can find their tribute to May Day. In them they present articles on Venezuela, on the "martyrs of Chicago of today" in Bangladesh; on Libya (which we will refer later); a "Talagante worker" writes about the sufferings of the Chilean working class, but... where is the motto "The Pacos in red are the dangerous ones". This was the most advanced slogan of the vanguard of the Chilean working class youth. We already know where it is. They returned it to the leadership of the Communist Youth in Valparaiso.
In addition, can you issue Manifestos of May Day in 2013 and foundational programs of a current that is said to be "Socialist", without considering that we must stop the capitalist restoration that began in Cuba, given out today to imperialism and the Miami gusanos by the Castro brothers? Why so much silence on these two issues in the pamphlets of the "Collectives"? A lapse of memory? No.
They get angry and shriek when we discovered them as a Stalinist sect, coated in pseudo Trotskyism. But those who read the programmatic principles of these "Collectives" will see that they are not only a flagrant break with militant internationalism, but they constitute a true school of falsification of the accomplices of the Castro brothers, minions of Obama.
The "Collectives" flee from the International Committee for Syria and embrace the Stalinists in Valparaiso Yesterday Che took the Cuban revolution to Bolivia... today the "Collectives" get angry with the FLTI because it takes to Chile the fight against the Castro brothers that today give out Cuba to imperialism
The "Collectives", such as buffoons in the Stalinist Court, want to ridicule Marxism, announcing that this "is not a competition of who issues more flyers about more fights at the international level". In slippers and drinking tea beside the fire, any petty bourgeois can pontificate this. But the masses are being slaughtered in Syria, and bullets enter them through their flesh making them spill their blood, because thanks to the betrayal of the leaderships of the proletariat, the world working-class could not break the siege under a single and same international absolute program and fight against the genocidal Al-Assad. On the other hand, the treacherous leaderships did raise the same absolute international program to encircle and isolate the Syrian revolution, so Al -Assad, on account of imperialism, can massacre relentlessly.
What anticipates the title of this section is not an invention. Peña, the bureaucrat of one of the unions of the workers of the mining contractors, supported by all the left of Stalinism and who boasts of being combative, expelled from of the headquarters of the Union the workers that were organizing in Chile the struggle in solidarity of their class brothers and sisters massacred in Syria.
His friends of Talagante and the "Collective for Permanent Revolution”, today are welcoming him in Valparaiso. It is their leader.
It doesn't surprise us; because all the Union bureaucracies of the Americas have imposed in their unions and organisations of mass struggle that they control and manipulate, the support for Khadafy yesterday and for Al-Assad today, so that they strangle the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East.
They see their heads close to Khadafy’s. The billionaire "Boli-bourgeoisies", which speak of "Socialism of the 21st century", as Chavez's supporters (and very well they learned from Khadafy) have all their oil income gains on Wall Street, the US Federal Reserve bonds, and as we mentioned before there also are the bonds issued by Morales.
Chavez ignored the advice of the "Collectives", and while the Trotskyists fought in the streets of Misratah, Benghazi and Tripoli, the Venezuelan bourgeoisie got the Libyan issue into Venezuela, and mobilized thousands in Caracas in support of Khadafy.
The bureaucracy of the COB has understood very well this, together with this group of Renegades of Trotskyism as is the Bolivian POR. They made vote a support to Khadafy in the last Congress of the FSTMB. They knew that if you voted support for Khadafy you ended by supporting Morales, from the FSTMB and its ministers in the Government.
From Lebanon and Iran the bourgeoisie does not meet the recipes of the "Collectives" about its position on "internationalism". For this reason, organized by Obama, the Iranian Republican Guard and Hezbollah of Lebanon marched to massacre the heroic resistance in Aleppo to back Al-Assad. Russia and China neither paid them attention. They concentrated their forces on Syria, arming the murderous butcher Al-Assad.
That is the question. In Syria, imperialism has concentrated all its international forces to give a lesson to the whole world working class and try to settle its counter-offensive. There a great battle of the... Chilean working class is fought. Following their nationalist program, the "Collectives" have long deserted the internationalist struggle for the triumph of the Syrian revolution and throughout the Middle East.
Today, Syria concentrates a decisive battle of all of the world proletariat
In the coming weeks it will be held in Geneva a Summit called by Obama, along with Russia's Putin, the Chinese mandarins, the Government of Qatar, the Free Syrian Army, Al-Assad, the Arab bourgeoisie, the UN, etc. to solve the imposition of a transition Government without Al-Assad, once the revolution is choked with the masses massacred. In front of the revolution, counter-revolution does not respect national borders. After Al-Assad had done the dirty work on account of all the imperialist powers, with the revolution already bloodybled-white; even with the masses without being able to control any territory, since that is the dirty work that is culminating the FSA from the inside, and the counter-revolutionary forces of the ayatollahs and Hezbollah from outside, slaughtering and razing whole cities as we see in al-Qusayr.
This summit is prepared in Geneva to turn Syria into a colony mentored over the strangulation and the massacre of the revolution. This is to stabilize the State of Israel, to stop the chain of revolutions that began in Tunisia, and show the entire European proletariat what can happen if it dares to stand up against the exploiters.
Showing the massacre of Al-Assad; Castro, Chavez and now Maduro, Morales, the Chilean PC, already said what will happen to the working class Latin American if they rise up against them. Can these national sects understand that when Stalinism and all its collaterals insist on supporting Al-Assad and issuing pamphlets and statements that reach millions of Chilean workers, what they are saying is if they rise up against the Government of the "Bushelet" they will follow the same fate of the Syrian masses?
All roads of the revolution and the counterrevolution lead and pass through Syria. The international social-imperialist currents of the Renegades to Trotskyism as the LIT, the NPA, the British SWP, do not hesitate to call in support of the FSA and the "democratic" imperialists as England, France and Turkey that support it. Poisoning the consciousness of millions of exploited that with "democracy" they could get the bread and that they should send more weapons to the FSA, when the Syrian masses armed themselves disarming the army of Al-Assad and selling their homes to buy a gun, with the "democratic Europe" blocking Syria, and Russia with arming Al-Assad to the teeth. Don't lie! The "Collectives" by the hand of Stalinism are going to Geneva Conference to support Al-Assad, as the social-imperialists of the Renegades to Trotskyism are clutching to the coattails of the FSA and "democratic" imperialism as the United States, France and England.
In Geneva a Pact of betrayal and massacre of the revolution is prepared, and these people asks us to look the other side.
Imperialism used “gurka” troops of Iran and Hezbollah to crush the Syrian revolution, when the army of Al-Assad had been dissolved. By the betrayal of its leaderships, the world proletariat has not gone to fight against Assad in Syria, as it did it in Spain in the 1930s against Franco. The European, North American and global working class will pay it expensively if it fails to reverse this situation. And it has already begun to do so. There have been masses that do not declare themselves defeated. The Iranian working class revolted, and a huge pre revolutionary uprising has begun in Turkey against the murderous Government of Erdogan, which is at the beginning of a pre revolutionary situation (as in Chile). The Syrian revolution has exhilarated the working class and the exploited in Turkey and has led them to combat. In the Lebanon the masses are fighting against Hezbollah which is part of the anti-worker and repressive Government of that country. And whether these declassed Stalinists like it or not, the combat of Syria extends to Lebanon, where the working class is in the beginnings of great class struggles.
All roads of the world situation lead to Syria. Don't get distracted, because you, together with the Castro brothers and Al-Assad are going there on the tips of your feet, with the lights off and a rearguard article in your last libel saying that Libya combats are not the beginning of any socialist revolution. As we will show later.
Contrary to this in December 2012 a fearless Act of the vanguard and the Chilean youth was performed in defense of the Syrian masses, when the Revolutionary Youth of the POI-CI motioned to vote a support for the revolutionary masses of Syria against the Jackal Al-Assad in the ACES. Thus, we waged a battle to all the Bolivarian bourgeoisies and imperialism, in front off the masses of the Americas.
If it is not thus how would you demonstrate to the working class who are its friends and who are its enemies, that act centrally on an international level? Or these "groups" believe that the enemies of the working class are only national?
The "Collectives" in question are frightened of FLTI, as we raise the issues of Cuba and Venezuela before the Chilean masses. We regret to disappoint you much more, you and the Stalinists. Yes, we actually say that we must fight as in Syria and Libya to crush the Government of Piñera and his lackeys who support it; ultimately we say we must also be fighting as in Egypt and Tunisia, as the workers of Wisconsin said. How do the "Collectives" think that the Government Piñera and the military regime will be defeated? Through elections? For Stalinism, yes. And if the Trotskyists say that you defeat them fighting as in Libya and Syria, they get angry, are offended, as the "Collectives" are.
We insist. How to beat the military-civilian regime without breaking with the bourgeoisie, expelling the "Pacos in red" and all its variants from the worker organizations; without fighting as in Syria and Libya, breaking the Pinochetist army horizontally, winning over the rank and file soldiers for the revolution?
Concealing the combat of the masses of Libya and Syria to the masses who are fighting against the military-civilian regime in Chile is a great betrayal, because that does not raise the tasks that the Chilean proletariat has immediately before it. A "Popular Front" Government is in the works, the most good-natured face of the regime of Pinochet, among the PS, the CP and the Christian Democratic Party. They come to disorganize the masses and their revolutionary offensive, to lull them, to throw more water to the fire of the revolutionary combat of the exploited in Chile. But they do this for returning - if the masses do not learn their lesson and are subjected to hunger, looting and to pay education - to the domination of the generals.
It is a question of life and death for the Chilean working class and youth not only fighting against a thousand or two thousand old Pinochetists and rich ladies in Santiago cinemas, but organizing, as in Syria and Libya, the committees of soldiers to truly confront the military-civilian regime.
Why do you not tell your party in Valparaiso, which says that it should be a combative 2013, that we have to fight by setting up committees of soldiers, to fight for their wages, to join the worker organizations, to choose their own leaders, to prepare the revolutionary strike for this infamous regime to collapse? Why don’t we call them to organize in the coordinating bodies and the fighting committees? The Pacos are very r-r-red, but are a few vulgar petty bourgeois pacifists backers of the military-civilian regime.
Woe to the proletariat Chilean, if it is not already preparing this huge historical task! The Trotskyists will not allow that this time the counter-revolution take the working class by surprise as it did in the 70's.
Fighters of the Argentine internationalist youth (which fills us in the Revolutionary Youth of the POI-CI with pride), in the same way as the world working-class in the 1930s - that sent delegations of their unions to fight in the Spanish civil war - today fight in the streets of Aleppo, as yesterday in the streets of Benghazi and Tripoli, putting their flesh and blood, and fighting elbow to elbow in the trenches of combat against the Jackal Assad. For these "Collectives" that is not fighting elbow to elbow with the masses… Cowards!
Why isn't that an example for the thousands of young people fighting on the barricades in Chile? It is because the "Collectives" are so servants of Chilean Stalinism that they forget that even Che Guevara was to take the fight for the Cuban revolution to Bolivia, demonstrating to be a million times more internationalist than this petty bourgeois wing of the Cuban bureaucracy and their lackeys of the "Collectives". He went to "bring the Cuban question to Bolivia".
These "Collectives" together with the Bolivian CP of the traitor Monje (leader of the Bolivian CP who denounced Che Guevara to the army), would have said the Che "don’t intrude here in Bolivia the issue of the Cuban revolution. Our struggle here is in its infancy. The consciousness here of Bolivian peasants and workers is far behind. YOU Che Guevara WOULD PLAY IN THE HANDS OF STALINISM THAT WILL ACCUSE YOU OF WANTING TO DO THE SIMULTANEOUS REVOLUTION IN CUBA AND BOLIVIA".
These servants of the Vallejos and Tellier would be with Monje, against Che Guevara. We want to establish clearly that Trotskyists are against the “focus” policy raised by Che in Bolivia and against intervening essentially, in that country, on the peasantry and not on the mining proletariat. What's more, we believe it was a measure "in extremis" from a "left-wing" Castroite bureaucracy, who felt that it had some room for playing a political game in the midst of the peaceful coexistence agreement that had been sealed in Yalta and Potsdam, and had the illusion to repeat in Bolivia the role played in Congo, where they went to ensure that the revolution did not attack the property of capitalists and could be halted in its "democratic" phase.
But, when we see these followers of Monje, of the Bolivian CP traitors, which raise the same program of "not getting the Cuban revolution into Bolivia", we are tempted to raise a monument to Che, despite all the differences we have.
As we said, "Collective" deserted the International Committee in support of the Syrian masses. The proof is that in all their materials they don’t even mention it and refuse to fight for it and do not call to set it up at national and international level. We are going to say what they are even when they will surely obfuscate: you are a group of deserters from the massacred masses of Syria. The Trotskyist martyrs who fell there are not yours, they did not die for your program or under the banners of the "May 21 Collective", which is a true Club of friends of Al-Assad. You fled, such as rats, from Aleppo and Homs, to hang onto the coattails of the Castros, the Chavezists, Morales and Peña that support the killer Al-Assad.
Appendices of Stalinism embrace the theory of the "democratic revolution" in Libya ... always in the footsteps of Stalinism
In their libel on May Day, the "Collectives" wrote a shameful article on the Middle East and the question of Libya. Hidden within a verbosity of "struggle for socialism" in general, they are traitors in particular. All the power the militias in Libya? Crushing Al-Assad so that they govern the coordination committees in Syria? International brigades organized by all labor organizations in the world, to go and fight in Syria? Destruction of the Zionist State of Israel?... No, sir. Nothing at all. Only a call for "political independence of the working class" and to understand that "the objective is socialism". They are pro-Stalinist in Chile and Social Democrats lost in the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Some Gustavo Cruz signs that article, accusing the Trotskyist groups for saying that the revolutions that were started in the Maghreb and the Middle East in 2011 "were consciously in the name of socialism". He is speaking of the FLTI. Is there any imbecile who may believe that the workers said "Let's make socialism and so we must defeat Khadafy and arm ourselves"? Against whom do these people argue?
Nothing is casual. We are again facing an amalgam. The "Collectives" claim: "while the high cost of life, hunger and increasing repression imposed against the people (...) were the main engine that launched the revolutionary response of the masses, that does not mean that the working class and mainly its vanguard has begun the revolution spontaneously on behalf of socialism such as mentioned by some groups in the Trotskyist' left ' ( Bolds in the original, Permanent Revolution Collective, May 2013, number 2). "
We will unmask the amalgam. In no revolution that starts and succeeds, the masses have acquired a Socialist consciousness. This consciousness is kept only in the Revolutionary Party, which wins the direction in the soviets and leads them to the seizure of power. Therefore there is a "working class in itself" (subject of capitalist exploitation) and a "working class unto itself" (with historical class consciousness).
The masses do not go with a book under their arms to the revolution, but due to unprecedented suffering. The party directs them, struggling to setting up the dual power organizations of the armed masses, so that these masses take the power. This is called Socialist Revolution, Messrs. social-democrats, which is organized with an insurrection.
But what the "Collectives” are saying is that revolutions for bread, which began, are not Socialist revolutions. Tell the truth! You make an amalgam for intruding the Stalinist poison of the "revolution by stages". There is no current, and much less the FLTI, arguing that the revolutions that began in the Maghreb and the Middle East were on "behalf of socialism". What we are holding is that these are working-class and socialist - revolutions such as the Russian revolution of 1905 and 1917 - although they have not yet triumphed, as it happened with the Spanish revolution of the ' 30, the French one in ' 36, etc.
Revolutions are Socialists by the character of the class that carries them forward, by the class enemy confronting them (the capitalists and their property), the army that they destroys and the character of the regime that they dismantle (bourgeois). For Lenin and Bolshevism, the revolution of 1905 in Russia had a worker and Socialist character beyond this having not succeeded, and that in the beginning workers marched with the priest Gapon at their head.
When these "Collectives" speak about "this mass revolutionary response was not made in the name of socialism", they are actually considering socialist revolutions were not initiated. But, if they were not socialist revolutions which were initiated, what kind of revolutions were they? "Democratic"? "Arab Springs", to which these "Collectives" now propose, for a "second stage", a "Socialist" program to carry them to victory? For the Morenoites, the "democratic revolution" is the "first stage of a socialist revolution”. Yes, the Morenoites who are crouching in the "Collectives" cannot tame themselves.
We already showed how the "Collectives" camouflage the program and the theory of Stalinism. We are going back to unravel the amalgam and the camouflage. The reader sees that the "Collectives", in its libel on May 1st, on page 5, in their article on the Maghreb and the Middle East, say the following: a) there began revolutions against the high cost of life, hunger and repression of military dictatorships b) that does not mean that these spontaneous revolutions are in the name of socialism c) we cannot appeal to the spontaneity of the masses at the moment of giving a vision and want to set an agenda for the victory of the revolution.
Then they blame the "lack of a revolutionary party", a lightning that fell from the sky... or whatever. But the concrete is that for them "no socialist revolutions have begun, because they were spontaneous and because there was not a party". But there are no hybrids in revolutions. The latter are worker and Socialist, or bourgeois and democratic. This "Collectives" are hidden behind the "spontaneity" and "the lack of a revolutionary party", so they can pose, in a subliminal way that we were facing "democratic revolutions". Therefore now it is necessary to go to Syria to "explain the socialism".
International labor brigades? No. Coordinating committees for these revolutions to begin standing up with their organizations of power? Never.
The elephant is still hiding behind the tree. This time bending and leaning over their front legs so that it is not discovered. But it is still very visible. It is a grey Stalinist elephant: one that camouflages of "democratic revolution" heroic worker revolutions that began, and are prepared to make Socialist campaigns, for many years, so that they succeed. The tragedy is that, before its "Socialist propaganda" reaches them, the masses will be massacred.
These sects, completely away from the masses of the Middle East, from Chile and the world in general, have fallen to the precipice. They went to the side of Al-Assad. Take off the mask! You are camouflaged soldiers of Al-Assad and the Castro brothers! Don’t lie any more! Hands off from our party, the Fourth International, which has clean flags! Raise the flags of your party, blood-stained Stalinism! So we won't discuss with you any more.
You have to be very cynical to talk about the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East, and give Conferences on "socialism" about them, and silence that 5000 organizations gathered in Tunisia, in the WSF to break the chain of revolutions that from Tunisia to Syria, set on fire the Maghreb and the Middle East. So much discussion about whether there is a revolution or not, is to cover up the traitors of the WSF, which as the counter-revolutionary International it is cheered Chavez and Al-Assad, to finish fencing the Syrian revolution, for it to be massacred by Al-Assad on account of Obama.
Imperialism understood very well that the revolutions that began in the Maghreb and Middle East were worker and Socialist revolutions. It still mourns the remainders of its burned US Ambassador living in Benghazi. Pieces of rubble of the Embassy of France, which is invading Mali are falling on the heads of all the band of traitors who coupled in Valparaiso.
It is clear to whom we are talking. We are exposing a patrol of 3 decomposed Musketeers of the WSF, which paid tribute to Khadafy and Chavez in Tunisia. But beware, be alert, the revolutionaries in Chile should not raise that to get the most minimum of demands there should be a revolution and for that the industrial nodes must be set up again as in the ‘70s, although the Castro brothers are unwilling. They prepare for years of democracy and for putting pressure on the bureaucracy of the CUT. Already it is clear that, for these "Collectives", to introduce the Syrian issue in the daily struggle of the Chilean workers and the youth is "abstract internationalism", as it is posing the Venezuelan and Cuban question into the struggle of the Chilean working class and the youth.
They not only deserted that combat, but they boycotted it from the inside, as a group from Stalinism and the Mir clearly making entryism in the Committee for Syria. They were discovered. Now they reaffirm it. They will not let us make a revolution in Chile as in Syria, because we would give Stalinism the excuse of "wanting to do a simultaneous revolution". That is what these "Collectives" are saying. Do not hide.
Stop speaking on behalf of the Fourth International. These defectors grouped in the "Collectives" are well behind workers organizations which, in the 1930s, voted to send brigades and funds, from trade unions, to combat and put themselves at the disposal of the Spanish civil war in the fight against the Franco regime.
The "Collectives" want us Trotskyists not even think to consider either in Chile or in any part of the world "international worker brigades" to go and fight in Syria. They are a bunch of deserters. They made believe that they approached the streets of Aleppo and quickly betrayed that heroic struggle. They actually went to fight well far away from Syria: on the streets of Santiago next to the PC, supporting the CELAC.
For this reason, the Stalinist lick today their wounds and the "Collectives" suffer, because the Trotskyists did vote in the ACES: Long Live the Syrian and Libyan Revolution, Death to Khadafy and Al-Assad! Thus the youth realized that it is not alone in this revolutionary struggle against the Government of Piñera and the transnationals who loot Chile. Appendices of Stalinism are today with the liquidators of the ACES in Valparaiso. The Trotskyists are fighting with masses of Libya and Syria, and in the vanguard for re-founding the ACES against the minions of Khadafy and Al-Assad that destroyed it, to regroup ranks of the courageous Chilean youth, thousand-and-once betrayed.
A diagnosis on the "May 21 Collectives"...
Fighting for the revolution by stages and against the general strike, trying to assemble a rejuvenated Stalinism, together with the FEL, the MIR and the Gramscians of the PTR
We are discussing, then, with this group formed by a couple of students and some old Member of the MAS and the LIT in Chile, which is nothing more than an appendage of Stalinism.
In Chile, Stalinism has been justly identified by the vanguard, as we have already said, as "the Red pacos".
The Chilean CP has been exposed to the vanguard as the betrayers of the combat of the proletariat. That’s because there has been no decisive struggle of the Chilean proletariat and youth Stalinism has not given in, supporting the Pinochet regime. Already the vanguard has identified and expelled them from assemblies, barricades, for being really these "red pacos the real dangerous", but why are they still standing by controlling and manipulating the mass in the labour and student movement organizations? Who backs them? On the one hand the State, the civic military regime, the Concertation, the employers. And on the other, to be able to hold on, the Stalinists have launched small groups who dress in "r-r-r-e-d" comprised of Renegades to Trotskyism, "anarchists", neo-Mir, etc. in order to confuse the vanguard, to support the former from the left and put them again to the head of organizations of struggle of the masses.
This was represented again in Valparaíso on 21 May, as already mentioned. This time, all of them vowed to build a single party with a common discipline, to ensure the control of the bureaucracy of the CUT on the Chilean labor movement and the students, so conditions would not open for the general strike, and the "Bushelet" could win the next elections and the military-civilian regime can continue holding.
Already they do not deceive anyone. It is no longer credible in the mouth of these people the slogan "for a combative 2013 as in 2011", after they acted as scabs and divided every struggle of the proletariat and the youth fought from 2011 to date, taking them to the boards of conciliation and dialogue.
What hundreds of thousands of workers who entered the combat are asking themselves is "why, if we fought so much, have we not been yet able to succeed?". To that, these "groups" reply that the fault is the workers and youth’s for their "low level of consciousness", and because once or twice they had "parallel attitudes" as those the CUT.
Trotskyists do know what happens. The masses fought, gave everything out of themselves. In these two years there were thousand-and-one opportunities to transform the offensive of masses in a revolutionary strike that open the way to the Chilean revolution and left military-civilian regime gravely wounded. What betrayed them was their leadership. Trotskyists know what to tell the masses: that if we did not win was responsibility of the worker and student bureaucracies, lackeys of the bourgeois regime; we did not win and we are increasingly worse, because they closed us thousand and one times the way to fight for the power of the exploited. We are wrong because we did not take the power; BECAUSE WE DID NOT SWEEP AWAY, IN COMBAT, ALL THESE TREACHEROUS LEADERSHIPS, THAT THIS BATTLE IS THE ONE WE HAVE PENDING AND WHICH WE MUST WIN IF WE WANT TO SUCCEED.
The "May 21 Collective" raises the contrary, that there were no conditions to advance to the revolution, the struggle of the masses is in its infancy. Rogues!
No worker or student can believe them about that. There were months and months occupying schools, taking mines, taking regions in the whole country, paralyzing ports, taking estates, leaving even more blood on the streets of Chile. no more wood is left for burning in the Alameda for the barricades, and you come to say that we are "at the beginning of the fight", that the masses are backward. You lie! We have masses that the only thing they have done has been to fight, and have been betrayed.
The first diagnosis, then, of this group that we have named "May 21 Collective", is that it is a putative son of Stalinism dressed in Trotskyist robes.
Precisely this Collective, in the Stalinist unified party of Valparaiso which met on 21 May, today plays the role of the Renegades of Trotskyism since the collapse of the worker states, which accompanied Stalinism until '89, moment in which the latter openly restored capitalism; the, those renegades revived Stalinism as Lazarus, to go together to the WSF to put up a new coordination and centralization of that treacherous leaderships on the planet that were devoted to strangle, desynchronize and betray all the revolutionary processes of the masses.
But this “Collective” already has a peculiarity. It doesn’t even care for the formalities of the Renegades to Trotskyism, to give some legitimacy to the Stalinist. Even for that, they cannot already serve, because since a while ago, their role was to try to infiltrate the fourth international.
They did not win over or convinced a single Trotskyist. They were defeated politically and openly before the revolutionary vanguard. They fled political debate. So defeated they were that they had to quickly go to Valparaiso to being able to breathe, motion hands up returning to the Stalinist left united party, that t was always his party, always monitoring them to destroy Trotskyism.
We take note. We know that the fight for the Fourth International is alive. It is a reality. That’s the FLTI and the Collective for the Fourth International we've put on its feet. The Stalinist left and the renegades to Trotskyism want to make us believe they ignore us. But they know that we have conquered an international current of Trotskyism, and as such, a force and a point of real support for an international revolutionary re-grouping of the global vanguard.
As we know this, we understand the desperate attitude of these "Collectives", fleeing for not bearing not to convince a single revolutionary, because our ranks are made by the likes of Abu Nur, who die and put their blood on the first line of the world proletariat. The people in the “Collectives” have returned with their own; ask them for democracy now.
That is the precise characterization. They are the closest thing to Alan Woods, this decomposed individual of the Renegades of English Trotskyism who rented an Office next to Chavez, and approached him the book of the Transitional Program. Chavez, on his TV show "Aló Presidente" told the Venezuelans "Read Trotsky and the Transitional Programme and the Permanent Revolution, but the revolution of the 21st century is not violent but peaceful."
The same Chavez needed the figure of Trotsky. As we have seen, even the same Manuel Rodriguez movement press must speak of Trotsky as a personality of Russian Marxism. Even the PTS-PTR was given a space at the Havana book fair to sell books of Trotsky.
We explained that this is going to be increasingly intense, because more and more the Cuban proto-bourgeoisie of the Castro brothers should be covered by left, to deepen the capitalist restoration in Cuba, next to the Miami gusanos. In the same way that Chavez read more and more the Transitional Program in "Aló Presidente" for more and more paying the Venezuelan external debt to imperialism.
Trotskyists define that the Renegades of Trotskyism had become a new batch of Mensheviks. They revived the smelly corpse of Stalinism after the '89. Trotskyism and its program passed the test of History.
What is the cynical role of Stalinism, which after its decomposition was revived and covered from its left flank by those renegades to Trotskyism? Using the figure of Trotsky as an icon, as Stalinism did yesterday with Lenin. That’s why the late Celia Hart Santamaría, a wing sent by the former Castroite bureaucracy to tour Latin America, proclaimed the "unity of the Communist parties with the Trotskyist ones".
We have no doubts about the “May 21 Collectives” of Valparaiso being organized by the continuators of the Celia Hart wing and the Cuban Embassy.
We know that you know that we know that. But we will not allow you to transform comrade Trotsky, which was a revolutionary of the generation of the 1917 October revolution and the founder, with a Marxist team, of the Fourth International, into an icon, as Stalinism did yesterday with Lenin, whom they falsified to show him as Stalin´s teacher.
Those who strive to rebuild the Fourth International will not allow Trotsky to be used as an icon by those who in life abused, slandered, persecuted and murdered Trotskyists to justify their treachery to the proletarian revolution.
The "May 21 Collectives” say they abhor the super-structural struggle of parties. But, however, the only thing they want to do from decades ago is appropriating of the Fourth International and its legacy, to destroy it, falsify it and give it, as a war trophy, to the ruling classes of which they are lackeys.
We will not allow that to happen. They will have to endure a struggle of Parties according to which they wage against the Fourth International. And that is not going to be solved super structurally. It will be addressed in the face of and from the depths of the masses.
And it will not be peaceful, because Trotskyism was taken from among the masses and physically exterminated. And today is returning to them, with its clean banners rescued by revolutionary Marxists, so they are raised by the working class and the militant youth of the planet.
You see, then, that the "Collectives" belong in a particular sector of the Renegades of Trotskyism: militants of the left wing of the Cuban bureaucracy, which is disguised as Trotskyist, to put up an icon which will give them a facade pretending that this bureaucracy makes a "democratic opening" in Cuba, rehabilitating the figure of Trotsky in the book fairs, to then deliver Cuba to Obama and to the transnationals.
This is a facade. Because in Cuba it would never have democratic rights nor will be legal any Trotskyist internationalist Revolutionary Party; because it would fight for an end to the privileges of the bureaucracy, with its medals, with their awards; it would raise that the only parasites that we have to sack are those that do not work, and they are no other than the bureaucracy and parasites of the Cuban CP; that it should be necessary a new revolution in Cuba, setting up the workers councils, to recover the planned economy and place the island as a bastion of socialist revolution in the Americas.
Such a party would be persecuted, imprisoned and its militants killed all over the island by the scoundrels of the bureaucracy and the new Castroite bourgeoisie. And the "Collectives", militants of the oppressors and enemies of the proletariat, come to talk of "democratic rights" of "workers democracy". They have to show a poker face! They have had the revolutionary working class in the worker States that they expropriated into concentration camps. Ask for democracy to the “May 21 Collective”, that there will have it to openly betray the masses!
Seen from here, the "national socialism" of the "Collectives" can be understood. The Stalinist, an official member of the Communist Party, hides the card's affiliate, it makes a "group by the Permanent Revolution" (and that is your specificity between the Renegades of Marxism), and says that the CP, that the bureaucracy of the CUT, the FEL and all holders of the military regime, are not under the orders of the WSF, of Wall Street, of Obama. Here already it's clear that they bring the "good news", they repeat the old Gospels of Stalinism, "national struggle" so that their specific leaders, like the Castro brothers, become bourgeois and deliver Cuba to imperialism.
From the Chilean POI-CI, we have understood that the struggle between Stalinism and Trotskyism is face to face. We Trotskyists have broken our international isolation. We have conquered and recovered the program that the Renegades of Trotskyism had handed out to the traitors of the proletariat.
The historical period which has been opened is the bankruptcy of the world capitalist-imperialist system. It is time, as Trotsky said, for the counter-reformism. The Stalinist and all-round of treacherous leaderships, constituting a true club of lemons squeezed by Wall Street, are now having to explain the why of their misdeeds. Reformism, five started the crack years, already has been exposed as the largest holders of capitalism in crisis.
This club of squeezed lemons knows very well that their work will be not completed, beyond that they stop or temporarily stop a huge revolutionary wave, as today with the imperialist counteroffensive in Greece, in Syria, in China, until they doesn't destroy Marxism. This is the reasons for the somersaults and bickering of these "groups".
The CCP comes to the Concertacion. The "May 21 Collective" quickly takes its place
The CP has sustained from the outside the Concertacion that it have joined recently, to govern together with the "Bushelet". In Chile, the CP has become in a new bourgeois-worker party. It needs new beams that sustain it, especially now that it has entered into the agreement. Who will occupy their place of "left" holding from the outside the concertacion, the Parliament and the support of the military regime, when the CP is definitely integrated in the same? There is a speed race of "anarchist" currents, neo Mir, neo-Stalinist, Renegades of Marxism, etc. to occupy that place. In short, that is the " May 21 Collective".
There is a military regime in Chile and every struggle of the working class and youth collides decisively against that infamous regime. Stalinism was another leg of the military regime. The third leg. From outside it raised a wall so that the masses, in their revolutionary onslaught, could not overthrow it. He was responsible for the disruption, from the inside, of the revolutionary struggle of the Chilean working class and the youth. He has locked up the CUT. In it, along with the Concertacion, they have created the biggest obstacle for the working class so this does not coordinate their struggle in a general strike that could leave the regime mortally wounded.
Ultimately, all process of serious fight of the vanguard workers and youth has been given despite and against the Communist Party and the treacherous bureaucracy of the CUT. For this reason, the Communist Party has promoted permanently to its left, fuses for controlling the left of the working class and youth. The FPMR (Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front) was one of his experiments, today disappeared, after being in charge of dividing, alongside the CP (of which it was one of its arms), the youth and the working class in the ' 80s and ' 90s in the anti Pinochet fight.
The civic military regime and its Stalinist leg, before the student uprisinge of the few last years contained and monitored self-proclaimed "anarchist" currents, launched and encouraged small pseudo Trotskyist groups and has lately revived the MIR, which was responsible for dealing with the ACES and the left wing of the Chilean revolutionary youth.
This was not enough to turn off such fire and energy of the heroic Chilean working class and youth. All these old and already worn mediations need more legitimacy to pursue acting and they can only cover themselves copycatting in a distorted way the clean flags of the Fourth International, to cover themselves.
This is the political game of Stalinism in the civic military regime, which explains concretely well the “national features” of the support to the military civic regime and the representative of Wall Street in the looting of Chile.
This collective has a specificity that is expressed in all its materials. Any worker or insightful young man who reads it will see that it has risen in arms so anyone happens to defeat the bureaucracy of the CUT, and much less to make "paralell actions" against the CUT. They pose this when the only serious fights that were made in Chile were those against and out of the CUT, which the only thing that has been dedicated to is to betray them.
Because it is necessary to clarify an exception in the Chilean reform left: as we have already said, in relation to the bureaucracy of the CUT, with regard to the control of it apparatus, the military regime never delegates, and has screwed Stalinism on it, along with the Christian Democrats and the PS, because they are the guarantors that CUT divides, disorganizes and acts as scabs in all the Chilean working class struggle.
Therefore we affirm, also, this diagnosis: they are "the three Musketeers" of the bureaucracy of the CUT. As we will show below, these Musketeers called to meet the miners, students, the dockworkers, the Mapuche (why they can’t be called simply “peasants”?) and make a national coordinator for all of them. This, conquer, would cover 80% or 90% of the exploited from all over Chile. But, as it happens that for these "groups", that huge organization they call to put up - because everybody knows that wanting or not wanting to, the dynamics of the worker and student fight goes in that direction-, this coordinator will never be able to take responsibility for calling a general strike. It will only be able to have the right, that these "collective" give it, of putting pressure on the leadership of the CUT to make this call.
They now call for setting up a coordinator that gives content to the symbolic strike that every year the bureaucracy of the CUT calls on 11 June. They are preparing from the left flank so when it emerges that Coordinator to bring huge swaths of the masses in struggle, they put all their effort to transforming it into an appendix of the CUT and not in what projects to be in its dynamic: the dual power of the masses, which would even raise that enter in it---this will become decisive, as in Syria, delegates of the committees of rank and file soldiers, without which this Coordinator would have only a few months of life under the Pinochet regime.
We want to say, finally, then, that the “May 21collective” has this specificity within the Stalinist single party ": acting as buffer for the bureaucracy of the CUT to protect it in the clash against the masses.
There were the "Collectives", their heads of the PTR, controlled in turn by the MIR, commanded by the PC, all reunited at Valparaiso, as a disciplined chain of command. In that party there is the "Stalinist leg" and the "Trotskyist leg". True Trotskyists have spoiled their concoction of a party, they are not credible. Neither the "PT..."C' or the "Strike Committee Collective'" or the allies of the "Collective of the revolution by stages" may exploit the name of Trotskyism. The revolutionary vanguard workers and youth have linked to the latter and the flags of the IV International to the internationalist struggle for the revolution in Syria and Middle East, to combat against the giving out of Cuba to imperialism and to the motto "Chile will be either Socialist or a Colony". The flags of Trotskyism already became the vanguard of the Chilean working class and the youth because it has called them to tie their fate to the Latin American and North American working class in particular. The Fourth International flags are already distinguished by advanced workers and young people. Neither submission to the bureaucracy of the CUT, nor " May 21 Collectives". Down with the worker and student bureaucracies! Let’s come again the industrial nodes! Long live the revolution!
It has already become clear, the flags have been separated. Appendices of Stalinism are accompanying elbow to elbow to the vendors of the Chilean revolution. How right were the Chilean working class and the youth! How much betrayal... actually the Red pacos are dangerous!