One year after the days of strikes, mobilizations and revolutionary struggle in the streets...
This 19 and 21N, let's stand up a combative and anti-imperialist classist block to recover the path of 21N until the fall of Duque murderer government and the US military bases.
One year after the revolutionary days that during seven days of combat we the working class and the Colombian people starred with strikes, mobilizations and revolutionary struggle in the streets after years of abuse, hunger, exploitation and massacre, the Colombian people lost their fear, said: " enough is enough" and went out to confront this murderous government shouting Out with Duke! Down with the regime! Against the adjustment plan dictated by the IMF against the tax, labor and pension reforms for living wages, free education and for a quality health system. In defense of life, against repression, demanding the dismantling of ESMAD.
In those days, mass revolutionary foci shook the world in response to the brutal offensive of imperialism and the bourgeoisie against the world working class to throw the full weight of its crisis on it. The mass rebellion in Chile against the Pinochet regime of Piñera, the revolution that the Ecuadorian masses led and that had its climax threating with the revolutionary overthrow of the anti-worker government of Lenin Moreno, accompanied the course that the workers, peasants and Colombian's People, we had just started. The echoes of huge fightings like in the Middle East, in France where black vests and yellow vests did not leave the streets were a wave of fresh air that blew in our favor.
Here and there those processes were stopped or went backwards when they were not led to cruel defeats by the treacherous union bureaucracies and the collaborationist leaderships that the masses have as their leaders. Colombia was no exception. The Stalinist bureaucracies, CGT, CTC and CUT, the reformist left together with the bourgeois center-left of Colombia Humana of Petro, ( Human Colombia a burgeois party leaded by Gustavo Petro ex guerrilla member of M-19 and presidential candidate who previously served as mayor of Bogotá. N T) that subject us to that pact of "peace of the cementries" of surrendering by the FARC with Obama and Castro, they were in charge of removing the workers' movement from the fight for the revolutionary general strike, the only way to get food, regain the land, the right to work, decent wages and against the massacre of this government, with its police, its murderous army and its paramilitaries on behalf of imperialism.
However, an important process of resistance that fought for a true National Civic Strike against the government and the regime, as a continuation of the 21N, materialized by forming the Committee for the Indefinite National Strike and later in the setting up the Social and Popular Trade Union National Coordinator of Colombia.(CNSSyP), as an expression of a huge rebellion of the working class, who together with students and peasants, broke the siege of the traitors of the CGT, CTC and CUT, the Stalinist trade union bureaucracy in Colombia.
It is that we were not willing to be swindled, with speeches, electoral detours and demands from that puppet parliament on Wall Street, what we had already won in the streets. Thus, in the CNSSyP we were able to re-group the best of the Colombian labor movement in the fight for the indefinite national strike and launch a call to the workers of all Latin America and the United States to unite their fights in a Continental Encounter convened by the International Commission of the CNSSyP, for the day September 12. This call sought to open a way to unify at the international level the struggles waged by the workers and the exploited masses against Wall Street and its native servants so as not to remain isolated country by country and conquer a Latin American Struggle Committee that unifies the fighting from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
It draws our attention that from the CSP-CONLUTAS, present at the meeting with an observer, who promised to call this Continental Encounter to unite those who fight, they are not summoning the workers of the Trade Union Centrals that lead in Brazil and in the world to a great centralized and unified continental struggle, and they are called into silence at a time when Stalinism and its popular front policy with Petro's "progressive" bourgeoisie managed to abort this incipient process of coordination of the CNSSyP in Colombia, returning to close the road to the Indefinite National Strike.
The Colombian PST-LIT that participates in the CNSSyP, which promotes the unity of the sectors in struggle, towards the preparation and development of a great General Strike, and the organizations grouped in the Block for the Indefinite Strike should call the Coordinator to resume the foundational programmatic points. for "giving continuity and deepening the great battle that began on November 21 for a true Indefinite national strike unifying and coordinating the struggle of the peoples of the world who are fighting against imperialism, against exploitation and oppression."
The 10,000 fellow miners from Cerrejón have been on an indefinite strike for more than 79 days in defense of wages and against labor flexibility… Their struggle cannot be isolated for another minute!
The heroic strike of the Cerrejón miners cannot continue to be isolated at the mercy of negotiation and pacts between the employer's association, the labor ministry and the treacherous union bureaucracy that keeps it isolated. The imperialist Transnationals have already called the Arbitration Tribunal. We must prevent, through our solidarity with the methods of struggle of the working class, that the Court of the imperialist mining Transnational Corporations and the Government is called and ignored, because we the workers know that a favorable ruling never came out of any exploiters court- Meanwhile the workers' centrals are keeping their complicit silence with the regime and the multinationals, we cannot limit the actions to tepid declamations or solidarity in general. We must immediately coordinate the struggle of the workers, the youth, the poor, indigenous and black peasants with the 10,000 fellow miners of Cerrejón. If they win, we all win!
Today more than ever we must return to the path of the revolutionary combats of 21N ... the counterrevolutionary coups do not give respite, but worldwide, the masses fight and resist.
At this time, as in Ecuador, in Chile and Colombia in 2019, worker and peasant Peru stands up with enormous revolutionary days in the streets, kicking out Vizcarra, overthrowing the murderous Merino government, threatening to overthrow the Fujimori regime of NAFTA, the IMF, the OAS and the U.S. military bases.
Despite the traps and detours such as the fraudulent plebiscite in Chile, or the electoral triumph of Evo Morales in Bolivia, this policy of "social peace" is nothing other than the role of the Popular Front acting to poison the conscience, numb the masses. so that fascism comes and crushes us. In Colombia, far from conquering peace, the land, decent wages, what it does is not but strengthen this semi-fascist regime of transnational corporations and imperialism based on 9 U.S. military bases.
Against this policy, the workers ', peasant and popular organizations must break with the bourgeoisie, its politicians and its parties, calling to set up a COMBATIVE AND ANTI-IMPERIALIST CLASSIST BLOCK to win their independence from the State and the bosses' politicians.
Let's open the path to grassroot Assemblies; Factory committees; of unemployed; of young revolutionaries, students and poor peasants; with delegates with a grassroots mandate at the regional and national level, grouping ourselves into a National Struggle Command to prepare and summon the Indefinite National Strike! Out with the union bureaucracy that does not represent us! Let open the road to grassroots workers' democracy! We must coordinate and unify the ranks of the workers! Let´s open the road to the worker-peasant alliance!
To recover the land taken from millions of poor peasants, victims of forced displacement and massacres, we must expropriate the lands taken by landowners and ranchers that have been stolen from peasants, indigenous communities and black people!
To confront and stop the massacre, we must organize the self-defense in the city and in the countryside, calling without delay to form centralized worker and peasant militias, to face with paramilitary groups, the army and the police! Dissolution of the murderous police and dismantling from ESMAD!
For a COMBATIVE AND ANTI-IMPERIALIST CLASSIST BLOCK, to fight for wages, decent work and land for the peasants, we must expropriate the bankers and transnational companies that plunder Colombia and end the regime of the Yankee military bases and the "Chiquita Brand"!
Nationalization without payment and under workers' control of Cerrejón, the mines, the oil and all our natural resources!
Out with Duke, out with the IMF and the Wall Street bankers parasites!
Out with imperialism and its U.S. military bases in Colombia and in Latin America!
Colombia will be workers and socialist or it will continue being a Wall Street colony!
Strike of Cerrejón
Strike of Cerrejón
Evictions and massacres against peasants