Today more than ever we must return to the path of the revolutionary onslaughts of 21N ...
We must coordinate and unite the struggle of the workers,
the youth and the poor peasants uprising!
Since the 21N events, the Colombian workers, students and exploited have been waging a great struggle against the Stalinist bureaucracies, the reformist left and the "progressive" bourgeoisie, breaking their containment levees and against that deal of surrendering martyred Colombia among the FARC, Obama and Castro for the peace of the graveyards.
In an open fight, winning the streets, we went out to fight for our demands for bread, work, land, and against the massacres by this government with its police, its murderous army, and its paramilitaries. The peak of the struggle was reached with the marches and roadblocks for a week that continued to impose a de facto strike since the union bureaucracies had refused to call on the workers to stop production.
Those leaderships of the workers' centrals, CGT, CTC, CUT led by Stalinism and the MOIR are in charge, together with the bourgeois center-left such as Petro's Colombia Humana, of taking the workers' movement out of the fight for a revolutionary general strike, the only way to achieve food, recover the land, the right to work and decent wages. Thus, and added to the pandemic conditions, the bourgeoisie has managed to disorganize the workers' ranks and apply strictly, so complying with the orders of their American bosses, the imposition of a reform plan that includes ending from the minimum wage to the right to pension to the job security, to the right to organize to the right to health services. Unemployment and hunger is hitting the homes of most Colombians while repression and massacres intensify.
That is why the task of the moment is to re-unify the torn workers' ranks. We must advance by setting up a National Front of Struggle of workers, young revolutionaries and poor peasants!
Enough of fighting divided!
The situation can no longer be put up with, the rotten capitalist system no longer has anything to offer the exploited... only barbarism, bloody wars of extermination and the very threat to the survival of human civilization.
Meanwhile, in the communities and in the countryside as well as in the city, the brutal repression of the police and fascist gangs by orders of the government, has been claiming the lives of young Dylan Cruz and Duván Aldana, the young people of Llano Verde, the murdered children In Nariño, in addition to the hundreds of social leaders, peasant leaders and demobilized people abandoned to their fate by the leadership of the FARC who, together with Castroism, have allowed such a massacre, disarming them. On top of that, this September 8, Javier Ordoñez was brutally assassinated in Bogotá by the murderous police with the same viciousness that they murdered George Floyd in the USA, which unleashed the anger of the rebellious youth and the people who, tired of so much injustice, turned to the CAIs (police stations) just like in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Portland (Oregon), and other US cities, attacking and setting fire to the precincts of the murderous cops. As a consequence of these combats, the police and ESMAD (Mobile Anti Disturbances Squadron) repression murdered 13 young people during the protest, in a vile and merciless manner, wounding more than four hundred protesters (60 of them by gunshot) and countless disappeared.
The anger and indignation is the result of a chain of circumstances that expresses an accumulation of outrages, abuse, humiliation, degradation of the living conditions of the workers and a brave youth that fights, because as they say they themselves have nothing to lose because they have no future within this system, "they have taken away our hopes and dreams". Indigenous communities also join the struggle, and have disarmed and expelled the soldiers in areas of Cauca, defending their lands, which shows that there are plenty of conditions for the fight to conquer the Indefinite National Strike.
The Cerrejón workers' strike for wages and against labor slavery must succeed!
If they win, we all win
For this reason, in the face of this situation of civil war and class clashes, the fundamental task is to set up the direct democracy organs, that is, the factories' worker committees, the committees of students and young revolutionaries and the peasants' committees, together with a powerful worker and peasant militia.
At this time, the 10,000 comrade miners from El Cerrejon who have been fighting for 25 days, are still standing up at the entrance of the plant in La Guajira, stopping production, in response to which, the Anglo American and BHP Billington employers refuse to speak with them, while the union bureaucracy keeps them isolated, pleading with the labor ministry to attend them.
We cannot allow it! Coal workers miners cannot be isolated for another minute. They are leading the way because by stopping production, they hit the imperialist transnationals in the plexus, questioning the private ownership of the means of production, demonstrating who is it that creates all the wealth of the nation. They are our best allies, that is why the currents that vindicate themselves as socialist, such as the PST-LIT, and are calling for a national emergency meeting to "set a time and date for the National Strike", the National Trade-Union, Social and Popular Coordinator, that recently has stood up to unite those who fight, must summon and demand that the Trade Union Centrals set up a National Struggle Front by sending delegates with a rank-and-file mandate, one every hundred workers to La Guajira. WE ARE ALL MINERS FROM EL CERREJON, IF THEY WIN, WE ALL WIN!
It is necessary to root, from the grassroots and uniting those who fight, the Union Social and Popular National Coordinator
We must jointly convene Base Assemblies, bodies of delegates in the factories (Factory Committees), committees of unemployed, young revolutionaries, students and poor peasants, with mandated delegates, at a regional and national level, grouping ourselves into a National Struggle Command to prepare and call the Revolutionary General Strike until the Duque government and the regime of the US imperialists' military bases fall!
Out with the union bureaucracy, they do not represent us! Open the road to grassroots workers' democracy! We must coordinate and unify the ranks of the workers! Open the road to the worker and peasant alliance!
To stop the repression and the massacre, we must call for the self-defense with centralized worker and peasant militias, against the paramilitaries, the army and the murderous police.
The conditions to develop a forceful and decisive struggle that paralyzes production attacking the property of the capitalists, expropriating the expropriators and defeating the Government and its lackey U.S. institutions are here and now.
All organizations that speak on behalf of the working class must break with the bourgeoisie, its politicians and its parties.
The trade union bureaucracy, Stalinism, Petro, the MOIR, the FARC Party, etc. say that our problems will be solved at the polls by voting for them in 2022 ...This means to support this puppet government of imperialism and murderer of the people and to divert the fight towards the electoral trap so that we leave the streets.
They claim to speak on behalf of the workers, but they hold onto politics, the parties and the regime of the exploiters. Their plan for "peace" has not meant anything other than that the land remained in the hands of the oligarchy, while the dead among those below are sown every day in Colombia. Their "peace" plan has strengthened the U.S. military bases and the government and the murderous regime of transnational corporations.
We must break now with the bourgeoisie and with all the deals of the traitors who give up the fight of those below! An independent path must be opened to unite the vast majority of Colombia, which are the workers and peasants! We fight for wages, for decent work, for land for poor peasants, for expropriating the bankers and transnational companies that plunder Colombia. We fight for bread, work, land and national independence. We fight for free and quality health and education for all.
We must return to the streets with strikes, barricades, pickets and a general strike!
Let's set up a National Committee for the General Strike with all the organizations that are fighting
We must end up with the US military bases and the Chiquita Brand regime!
Let the looters of mines, oil and land out of Colombia!
The people's expropriators must be expropriated!
Out with Duque! Let them all leave, not one of them must remain!
Our fight against looting, hunger, wage slavery and for the land is part of the fight of rebellious Chile, of the Ecuadorian workers and peasants, of the rebels against the fascist coup of Áñez in Bolivia and of those who refuse to hand over our anti-imperialist struggle to the millionaire Bolivarian bourgeoisies and to those who have abandoned the struggle for socialism. Our fight today advances with the rebellion of the maquiladoras in Mexico and has a great ally: the working class and the black people who fight in more than 40 cities in the United States. Our forces lie in the continental unity of the working class of the Americas.
Our iron fist is not a spurious unity with the capitalists and their politicians. They only bring hunger, deception and defeat. Our iron fist is the American working class, so that the 1% of Wall Street parasites will fall, which are the ones who support the repressive and murderous governments of Colombia and its infamous regime.
From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, the same class, the same fight!