Chile - June 26th, 2021
SOS Colombia
They are killing us
Major day of struggle and solidarity with the workers and the Colombian people
The "October 18" Coordinator has been founded as a result of the more than 2,500 political prisoners left by the fierce repression led by Piñera as a response to the great fight given by all the poor Chilean people. From
December 2019 to now, the Coordinator has been giving this tireless fight to free all political prisoners, and in addition it continued to fight against the criminal government of Piñera.
Good afternoon to all the comrades present at the meeting. From the October 18 Coordinator we brought you the following message published in the weekly bulletin that the Coordinator publishes. The message is dated Monday, May 10 and reads as follows:
“During these weeks, we have seen with sadness and anger how the world watches undaunted the massacre of so many brothers and sisters in the Colombian region, after a constant war offensive by the Colombian state. The people took to the streets in rejection of the bourgeois measures and laws that only seek to enrich the bourgeoisie, and maintain the misery with which they increase their profits. The jaded people, with more fear of hunger than of the virus, has taken to the streets, obtaining as a response from the current government the most despicable and cursed repression that could exist, including in their strategies to restore order and peace; war tanks, rocket launchers and weapons of war. Nothing new under the sky of Abya-Yala (name for the Americas proposed by a Intercontinental Congress of native Americans, NT); however, we cannot stop embracing the struggle of our brothers and sisters, as we also support in complicity the rest of the struggles and resistances that have been taking place for decades all over the Americas. We are in solidarity, in love and action, with the families and friends of those who have taken to the streets and didn’t return, also with those who are imprisoned for fighting in the Colombian region; in this territory kidnapped by the $hilean state; and with the prisoners from the rest of the world.
We also want to make manifest a slogan that we have raised with force in this fight for freedom:
That is the message, comrades, (we send) a lot of strength, a huge hug for all the families of the Colombian political prisoners and the Chilean political prisoners who are here too. (Receive) a hug. Thank you very much.