Spanish State - May 2021
International Solidarity with the uprised masses of Colombia
From the Spanish State, statement by the union Solidaridad Obrera
In Colombia, they are killing the working class
We cannot allow it! Class Solidarity!
Since last April 28, the Colombian working class and common people have not left the streets. Shouting "They Are Killing Us!" they have come out to fight with a general strike, pickets, pot-banging and looting, against the attack that the tax reform promoted by the government of Duque, a puppet of US imperialism, means for the pockets of working families.
The government's response was a brutal repression with dozens killed, more than 50 disappeared and hundreds of political prisoners who were taken to a sports arena completely illegally.
Despite the Duque government's announcement of his "withdrawal" of the tax reform, the people no longer believe him, they know that it is a trap and that is why they do not leave the streets. The strike and self-defense continues despite the union bureaucracy; after 7 days there is a shortage of staples in certain cities, but the working class is organized by neighborhoods, elects its delegates, organizes its health committees to help the injured, and supply committees to provide food to working class families. THAT'S THE WAY!
For two days, they have brought the police and the army to the streets of Cali and other cities to massacre. A 7-year-old boy was murdered last night and hundreds of young people have been beaten to death, increasing the number of dead, disappeared and detained.
That is why we want to extend all our solidarity to the heroic Colombian workers. We are next to you, you are not alone!
We call on all militant and class conscious unions to call for a demonstration in support of the Colombian working class and people.
Let us report in our workplaces to denounce that in Colombia “THEY ARE KILLING US”.
A la classe obrera a Colòmbia “l’estan matant”
No podem permetre-ho! Solidaritat de Classe!
Des del passat 28 d’abril, la classe obrera i el poble colombià no abandonant el carrer. Al crit de “Ens Estan Matant” han sortit a lluitar a la vaga general, piquets, casseroladas i saquejos, contra l’atac que significa per a la butxaca de les famílies treballadores la reforma tributària que va impulsar el govern de Duque, titella de l’imperialisme nord-americà.
La resposta del govern va ser una brutal repressió amb desenes d’assassinats, més de 50 desapareguts i centenars de presos polítics que eren portats a un coliseu esportiu de forma completament il·legal.
Malgrat l’anunci del govern de Duque de “retirar” la reforma tributària, el poble ja no li creu, sap que és un parany i per això no abandona els carrers. L’atur continua malgrat la burocràcia sindical, després de 7 dies ja hi ha desproveïment en certes ciutats, però la classe obrera s’organitza per barris, tria els seus delegats, organitza els seus comitès sanitaris per a ajudar als ferits, i comitès per a proveir d’aliments a les famílies obreres. AQUEST ÉS EL CAMÍ.
Des de fa dos dies, han tret a la policia i a l’exèrcit als carrers de Cali i altres ciutats a massacrar. Un nen de 7 anys va ser assassinat ahir a la nit i centenars han estat apallissats augmentant el nombre de morts, desapareguts i detinguts.
És per això que volem fer arribar tota la nostra solidaritat a les heroiques treballadores i treballadors colombians. Estem al costat de vosaltres, no esteu sols!
Fem una crida a tots els sindicats combatius i de classe a cridar a manifestar-nos en suport de la classe obrera i el poble colombià.
Informem en els nostres llocs de treball per a denunciar que a Colòmbia “ENS ESTAN MATANT”.