China 01/22/2019
The superexploited Chinese proletariat comes into action,
a key detachment of the world working class
With a ferocious fascist repression, the regime of the "red businessmen" tries to crush bloodthirstily the independent uprising of millions of workers, supported by a rebellious student youth, who entered the fight with them.
We fight for the right to have independent unions, against slave labor conditions, for a living wage...
The Chinese working class is subjected, under conditions of slavery, in factory-jails, real concentration camps that Hitler himself would envy. There, the transnationals, fed with inputs and raw materials at the auction price of the enormous companies that manage the millionaire killer mandarins of the CP, have made and continue to make fabulous super profits.
China has what the whole world economy needs to function... the most precious commodity... the one that creates all existing values and merchandise... a huge workforce of living capital, available and of very low cost to enslave.
For years, China was presented as "a new dragon" in the global economy. It becomes mysterious in the eyes of millions of workers in the world. But if we unveil it, you can see hundreds of millions of workers who produce in worse conditions than the workers of the nineteenth century. Today they are paying the costs of the trade war.
In the twentieth century, rebelling against these conditions, the Chinese proletariat caused three huge revolutions that shook the capitalist domination of the planet: the on in 1919 to the influence of the October revolution in Russia, the one in 1927 delivered to the bourgeoisie by Stalinism , and that of 1949 where workers and peasants, with their revolutionary uprisings against Japanese occupiers and nobles, against the Chinese bourgeoisie itself and, despite and against Stalinism and its leader Mao Tse Tung, did not leave land without expropriating or head of landowner without slaughtering. It did not take long... in 1975, after submitting and crushing the Chinese working class, Mao-Stalinism, with its new "opening" leader Deng Xiao Ping, handed Nixon all the slave labor of Southeast China, where transnationals quickly penetrated to take advantage of that labor force and to inject fresh blood into the world capitalist economy.
In 1989, the work of Stalinism was already done... There was a decisive counterrevolutionary massacre against the working class to impose the infamous regime of a jailer bourgeoisie, tied by thousands of relations to the world economy and imperialism.
This nascent capitalist state, which delivered the most powerful labor force on the planet to transnationals and financial capital, is classified as "imperialist", when in fact it has given a survival to the imperialist powers, and today is disputed by all of them. A powerful Chinese bourgeoisie defends its role as an organizer of wage slavery in the most populated country in the world... Fighting for its part of business and privileges.
But the Chinese working class does not leave it or let it live in peace... as it did not in the nineteenth century or in the twentieth century.
A new onslaught of the Chinese working class against the counterrevolutionary regime of the "red entrepreneurs"
Although there are no official figures in this regard, last year in China there were thousands of labor disputes, as can be seen in the map presented above. Among them the best known was the case of the JasicTechnology industry (see correspondent below).
Mainly the conflicts took place in the economically advanced and populous provinces of Guangdong (Canton), Henan and Jiangsu, in eastern China.
The majority of the conflicts, approximately 80 percent of them, were due to the lack of payment of salaries. And 17 percent of the protests were related to the lack of payment or insufficient payment of social security contributions.
The largest number of worker protests occurred in the construction sector, which accounted for 45 percent of all disputes during 2018. A staggering 98 percent of all protests by construction workers last year were related to the salary arrears and with the miserable conditions of life of the workers of the sector. Millions of them die at age 40 due to silicosis and brutal working conditions, as we put in a box to this same work.
Some of the most influential strikes and protests last year were in the transport sector, as shown in a separate chart. Drivers of trucks and vans, taxi drivers, messengers and food delivery workers organized protests related to the terrible working conditions. One of the largest protests occurred on June 10, 2018 when tens of thousands of truck drivers across the country refused to work in protest of low transportation rates, high fuel costs and arbitrary fines. The strikes in the sector were repeated in November.
Under conditions of unprecedented hardship, the working class enters into the fight
The hardships and humiliations suffered by Chinese workers try to be hidden, not only by the media but also by organizations that claim to be defenders of workers' rights throughout the world. However, the Chinese proletariat and also the rebellious youth have risen and have staged hundreds and hundreds of demonstrations, strikes and protests throughout the territory. The brutal repression of Chinese mandarins against workers and students includes persecution, judicial proceedings, imprisonment, disappearances and all kinds of counterrevolutionary violence.
The phenomenal struggle of the Chinese workers that took place throughout the year 2018 and continues in progress not only tries to be silenced and hidden by the "Chinese mandarins" but by the vast majority of organizations and working currents in the world. As if this were not enough, the servants of capitalism, their lackeys on the left, have trumpeted throughout the world that what exists in China is a supposed "socialism" which they call "market". The Chávez, the Castro, the Iranian ayatollahs, the fascists like Al Assad and a large part of the world reformist left affirm that "21st century socialism" is being built there. This is an infamy with which counterrevolutionary Stalinism tries to achieve a survival on the planet. The traitors of the world proletariat try to make the counterrevolutionary butchers Xi Jinping and Putin pass out as allies of the workers when they are really their executioners.
No more lies! The Chinese bourgeoisie is the largest organizer of the slavery of Chinese labor for the world market.
The truth comes to light. The counterrevolutionary regime, settled on the bayonets, perpetuates its domination and oppression over the workers, also through a "single union" under state control, the AFCTU (All China Federations of Trade Unions), a real fascist union, a union yellow, totally under the control of the ChCP, enemy of the workers. The Chinese working class, as demonstrated by the Jasic strike, has begun a fierce struggle for independent unions in the service of workers. In this fight they have had to face, as we have said, the full weight of the state repression, which had the absolute support of the AFCTU, always in the path opposite to the workers.
The class war opens up again in Chinese territory. In neighboring India, more than 200 million workers have won the streets against labor flexibilization and wage slavery. In Bangladesh, millions of textile workers destroy the bureaucracy of the strike-breaking unions and go on strike and fight street battles. Is that they refuse to continue living under starvation conditions with 80 euros ... Then, also in China and Asia, to go out and fight, the most exploited sectors of the world working class, do it sweeping with all the directions that subject them to the patterns and the regime. So did the yellow vests in imperialist France, breaking with the union bureaucracy of the Stalinist CGT and despite the directions of the social-imperialist left, they attacked and continue to do so against their own government in huge days of street fighting, picketing, and confrontations with the repressive forces, against the imposed ones, and the attack on the wages and conditions of life...
A wave of struggle is underway and inevitably clashes with the fierce dictatorship of the Chinese Red CP mandarins, junior partners of the imperialist transnationals and administrators of the super-exploitation of the working class.
Quickly, the economic struggle becomes a political struggle. Tens of thousands of students and young rebels, as we see in a separate box, break with the Chinese Communist Party. Many of them claim to be "Maoists" against the capitalists of the Chinese CP. Beyond this enormous confusion, sectors of the rebellious youth try to express, with this turn, the struggle to expropriate the capitalists, to restore, according to them, socialism. They do not say it in word... they risk their lives fighting with the working class.
The revolutionary processes of the early twentieth century of China, more precisely in the year 1919 began with huge student rebellions, from which emerged key cadres of the Communist Party linked to the USSR and the III International that was founded at that time. The regime knows this, and that is why today it has started a fierce repression against workers and students.
In order to achieve its demands, the Chinese working class will have to go back to the revolutionary path that it was able to cover in the 20th century, and this time it will be expropriating the expropriators, imperialism, and cutting off the heads not only of the managers and bosses, but first place of the bloody Chinese businessmen of the ChCP. Inevitably the development and extension of the fighting of the Chinese working class pushes, at every step, to clashes with the soldiery. Already dozens of revolts in 2009/2010, as we saw, were crushed with real massacres. The most immediate struggle for bread and the life of the working class pushes decisive clashes between revolution and counterrevolution. The workers' vanguard is already beginning to look for the road it traveled in the 20th century. If the Stalinist garbage, becoming a new bourgeoisie, made millions of slave workers available to imperialism and world capitalism to sink the wages of the workers of the world, today the Chinese who threatens to enter into new revolutionary actions threatens to place in the struggle of world class one of the bravest detachments of the international working class.
The workers of China and the Pacific speak the language of the revolution. The struggle for the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletariat, under revolutionary forms, in China, is what organizes the whole struggle of the internationalist revolutionaries. But this time it will be the councils of armed workers and soldiers, based on direct democracy and self-organizing organizations, who will once again expropriate the capitalists and expel the imperialism from China. They will send it to the dustbin of history and crushing the Stalinist scourge, which delivered its revolution yesterday and today are the organizers of the super-exploitation of the Chinese workers.
The forces of the Fourth International and of Trotskyism played a decisive role in the struggles of the working class of Asia and the Pacific, as continuators of the struggle of the Third International. In 1927, the theory-program of permanent revolution, the theory for the world socialist revolution, was forged and completed, under the fire of the Chinese revolution. The Left Opposition and the Fourth International found among their best fighters the Trotskyists of China. The pabloism, the betrayers of the IV International in Yalta, delivered those clean combat flags to Stalinist-Maoism. Intervening in the current battles, the decisive task is to refound the party of Trotsky, Cheng TuXiu, Li fuJeng and other founders of the Left Opposition and of the IV International. In the combats of the Chinese proletariat the best conditions are created to recover the flags of the Fourth International.
International Secretariat of Coordination of the FLTI
The Chinese workers together with the black working class...
The working classes more exploited and enslaved by capitalism on the planet
Modern capitalism stood upon the bones and slavery of the Chinese working class, to a large extent. Now, this, in its senile decay tries, as it has been doing from 75 to 89 and to our days, survive, as a diabetic with insulin, on the super-exploitation of the largest working class in the world.
But this time the revolution is going to prevent it. Let the fourth Chinese revolution begin then! It was already done in the twentieth century and is on track to do so in the 21st century. It will not do so with "market socialism" but with a workers', Soviet, socialist revolution that recovers the land, expels imperialism and expropriates the capitalist bandits.
The infrastructure of the USA, the railroad, was built in the 19th century with the bones and blood of the enslaved Chinese proletariat, as well as of the African workersand mining was done in the mines. Over their bones and blood was generated the "counteracting trend" to the crisis of 2008, the "powerful locomotive of the world economy" which was nothing other than the bondage and superexploitation of millions and millions of Asian workers, while the red entrepreneurs of the CCP and the big transnationals like Volskwagen, Apple, Nokia make fabulous profits. But the powerful Chinese proletariat that suffered the counterrevolutionary action of Stalinist Maoism, the Tianamenn massacre, the capitalist restoration and decades of savage oppression has once again stood up. The current struggle is the continuation of the struggles of Tonghua and Lingzou that made the managers' heads roll in 2009. A huge wave of workers and peasants’ revolts, more than 250 thousand uprisings, took place then.
Our current edited a profound work on this and on the discussion about whether or not China is an imperialist country, a discussion that crosses the Marxist movement internationally. This work, which we recommend to the reader, is available on our website,
Slavery, disease, repression and death in the "socialism of the 21st century" of the bloodthirsty Chinese mandarins
Construction workers in China, those on whose muscles, blood, bones and sweat the "Chinese miracle" was built, lay bare the infamy of this prison regime of workers on behalf of imperialism. More than 6 million construction workers suffer from silicosis, a respiratory disease caused by prolonged exposure to silice without adequate protection. Exposed to a life of horror and suffering unprecedented by a terminal illness that prevents breathing, seeing their colleagues and brothers die without even medical attention for not being registered workers, construction workers mobilized in recent months in front of the Municipality from Shenzhen demanding compensation for his illness.
Despite the many mobilizations, the government's response is null. Rather, the answer has been none other than the repression of the dogs of prey of the red entrepreneurs.
Thousands of workers’ demand, after having built the largest buildings and infrastructure, giving their lives, the right to at least have medical attention.
No more deception! This is the true face of "market socialism": slavers, repressors and murderers of workers! |