Spanish State - 23 de noviembre de 2021
Desde el Estado Español, declaración del Sindicato Único de Trabajadores “Solidaridad Obrera”
The Metal employers have declared war on the workers of Cadiz
One class, one fight!
The METAL struggle is the fight of the entire bay of Cadiz, the entire Spanish State, all of Europe and the whole working class
Our metal comrades from Cadiz are carrying out a heroic fight for their collective agreement, for workers' dignity, for their children's bread, for wages, working conditions and in the defense of their gains.
With their work stoppages, indefinite strikes, pickets, barricades and demonstrations, they show the way to the entire working class. This is the way to fight!
The Metal Employers' Association has responded with a constant refusal, even wanting to legalize greater labor flexibility in the collective agreement than they are already applying. Meanwhile, the "progressive" Government represses pickets, protesters, students and neighbors with tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and has even taken tanks out onto the streets. The students who today joined the struggle with a student strike, marched together with the metal workers, and have also suffered brutal repression. The government uses its weapons against the working class but not against the bosses or against fascism, which are the true causes of this conflict.
On the other hand, the same thing that is going on in Cadiz is happening throughout the Spanish State, even in all of Europe, the bosses have launched an attack on the workers against all our conquests and against public services and basic rights. That is why this struggle belongs to the entire working class; if the comrades from Cadiz win the collective agreement, we all win. The working class in the Spanish State suffer a great job insecurity, with temporary contracts, without unemployment benefits, filling queues of hunger and with thousands of us as migrants working without any rights. We need to fight together to completely repeal the labor reform that enslaves us, and for decent work for all.
From the anarcho-syndicalist Solidaridad Obrera we want the metal comrades to know that they are not alone, that their fight is our fight.
We make a call on all militant union organizations to coordinate and carry out mobilizations in support of the workers' strike in Cadiz and for the Repeal of the Labor Reform. You are not alone! An injury to one is an injury to all!