15 de junio de 2017
From Brazil to Argentina; From Belgium to Spain, workers’ solidarity across borders returns...
The road towards proletarian internationalism moves forward in the unification of the fights from Brazilian and Argentinean workers. In Brazil in the "Plenary of workers and popular" called last weekend by CSP Conlutas workers voted, proposed by brave vanguard workers the motion to effectively unify the struggles of workers in Brazil and Argentina, centralize the fight with delegations from both countries to face together the attack of the bosses, governments and bureaucracy. This motion was taken with thrill by the General Motors (GM) workers. Because workers know that transnationals hit centralized as one on both sides of the borders! One enemy, one fight!
This road of proletarian internationalism is being taken by Belgian dock workers who presented a statement where they refused to unload of a shipment coming from Amberes Dock (Madrid); there they told the captain that will work with his ship because they support Spanish dock workers who are in the middle of a 8-days strike, which stopped every dock of the Spanish State.
Because, despite and against all treacherous leaderships who have been trying to erase it from the conscience of millions of workers around the world, sharp workers know and sense that unity and solidarity across borders are conditions for their victory. What have happened is even more important because proletarian internationalism returns at times when the different imperialist powers begin to confront for a new world labour division and its resources, throwing all new sufferings on the backs of the exploited from Europe, Latin America and the world, after they got thirsty for blood with the blood of workers and oppressed from Syria.
We must multiply by thousands the solidarity among Argentinean and Brazilian workers, to spread it internationalism of the Belgian workers who show their solidarity with Spanish dock workers!
The time we join the workers of the continent and the world, we will be invincible! Open road to the internationalism of the working class!
Secretariado Internacional de la FLTI
¡Hay que multiplicar por miles la solidaridad de los obreros argentinos y brasileros, que se propague por miles el internacionalismo de los obreros belgas que se solidarizaron con los estibadores españoles!
¡El día que nos unamos los obreros del continente y el mundo seremos invencibles! ¡Paso al internacionalismo de la clase obrera!
Secretariado Internacional de la FLTI