Proposals presented to the Assembly of NuitDebout in Republic Square on May 8th by the correspondants of the “International Worker Organizer” in Paris
Motion from the Committee OF Syria of Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires and Leon Sedov Brigade of Syria to the Commission of Condemned Oil Workers, Relatives and Friends of Las Heras (Argentina) and the International Network for the freedom of the world political prisoners From the Committee of Syria in San Pablo, the Committee for Syria of Buenos Aires and the Brigade Leon Sedov, movement of internationalist workers in Aleppo, we propose as a motion to NuitDebout to take the fight to stop the slaughter in Syria carried out by Al Assad and Putin with political, financial and logistical support of Hollande and NATO. In recent days they dropped more than 1,000 bombs on the popular districts of Aleppo and also bombed a refugee camp on the border with Turkey.