FRANCE UP TO DATE - December 8th, 16:30hs
In the burning France, the voice of the exploited keeps taking the streets of the whole country
Thousands of yellow vests, this Saturday, once again took the streets not only in Paris but in different cities all across France. They had enough with their increasingly deteriorating living conditions while the French multinational companies increase their profits day by day. Different sectors of the ruined masses manifest their anger against that starving government of the Fifth Republic, from Toulouse to Nantes, Marseille and even Lyon.
In Marseille, the protestors cry out loud “Abolition of the privileges! Power to the people!” In Nantes, in front of the city hall, the protestors raise their arms above the back of their heads and confront the security forces, in a parody of the detention of the students in Mantes-la-Jolie the day before, on Friday, because the students were forced to stay kneeled on the ground as if they were “terrorists” guarded by the hunting dogs of the murders state of the Fifth Republic.
“In less than two minutes, this will explode” they claim, “Nantes revolted”, “Macron, resignation!”, “The voice returns to the people”. The president forgot he was elected by a few people. That’s why there’s a mini revolution!
In Toulouse, ecologists, yellow vests, unions and high school students attended to the demonstration and marched on the streets. The riot police, the CRS, repressed fiercely, leaving several wounded.
In Lyon, a musical band played The International, while the police charged against the “yellow vests”.
In the Atlantic Pirineos, situated in the French-Spanish border, the “yellow vests” made barricades and blocked the pass of the trucks coming from Spain.
Set up the power from those from below! Down with Macron! Fight for a workers, peasants and poor people commune! Take over the Bastille!
Correspondent of the FLTI in France