Speech by Sinforoso “Cheo” Navarro, leader of the FLTI in Colombia and former fighter of Brigade Simon Bolívar
"The renegades of Trotskyism, together with the Stalinist reformists, have become the support of the bourgeoisie, the finance capital and the capitalists, because they know that if Militant Internationalism returns to the heart of the exploited, the revolution will return as well, with the workers councils and the revolutionary leaderships, to take over power"
The murder of comrade Trotsky meant not only a blow to the leaders of the internationalist fraction of the world working class, the one who could reach the seizure of power, but also, by liquidating this fraction, they wanted to liquidate the militant internationalism, under which revolutionary Marxism was forged. It was an accurate decisive counterrevolutionary blow with the goal of dispersing the Fourth International and its general staff to disband the centralization we, the internationalists, had.
But the presence of International Brigades in the Spanish Revolution raised the banners of the Militant Internationalism despite the Stalinist capitulation on this revolutionary process in the ‘30s leading this revolutionary struggle to defeat. Afterwards, the Simon Bolivar Brigade (BSB) participated in the Nicaraguan revolution in 1979. It was another chance to raise the banners of the militant internationalism and also to determine the role of the renegades of Trotskyism that together with impostors, falsifiers and chatterboxes want to deny these revolutionary lessons before the eyes of a new generation of the working class. They tried to so for these lessons not to endure and prevent those new generations from setting up, once again, centralized internationalist fractions of the world working class just as the glorious internationalist banner is raised in Syria in the hands of the heroes of LEON SEDOV BRIGADE. The renegades of Trotskyism, cynically, blame “Trotsky’s death” for the crisis of the Fourth International and not their own capitulations and adaptations to each reformist leadership who contained and tied up the hands of the world working class in the last 80 years.
In the Nicaraguan revolution, in particular, there are two main features revolutionary workers and youth should know. First, the capitulation of Morenoism with its theory of democratic revolution before the Castro-Stalinist force of the Sandinist Front of National Liberation (FSLN), dissolving the very few components of the BSB within the ranks of the Southern Front in Peñas Blancas region. And then recognizing the Government of National Reconstruction led by the bourgeoisie opposed to Somosaism, Violeta de Chamarro. Second, the position of the Unified Secretary of the Fourth International (USFI) and its star party, the American SWP, with its paper The Militant, which openly showed their support to the expulsion of the foreigners of the BSB due to their organizational task in Managua and mostly for the revolutionary role the BSB played in Bluefields port and the area of Nicaraguan Atlantic. The USFI have already been showing its political weakness, as it happened with class-treacherous positions as the Pabloite revisionism in the “Carnation revolution” in Portugal (1974) and the confrontation between Vietnam and Cambodia and the invasion of China to Vietnam (1977/1978).
Today, after three decades of opportunism and revisionism, the renegades of Trotskyism take the Fourth International to the feet of the bourgeoisie, of Stalinism and social-imperialism. As Trotskyists and internationalist militants, our main political responsibility is determined in continuing Bolshevism with the Marxist program for the world revolution. This should be by raising the banners of the Fourth International and the program of the Permanent Revolution of our leader, Leon Trotsky.
The renegades of Trotskyism, together with the Stalinist reformists, have become the support of the bourgeoisie, the finance capital and the capitalists, because they know that if Militant Internationalism returns to the heart of the exploited, the revolution will return as well, with the workers councils and the revolutionary leaderships, to take over power. We will see in every country the rise of revolutionary parties that will fight together with the proletarians and exploited all around the world, without yielding or supporting the native bourgeoisies and its governments, satraps of imperialism, uniting the struggle of the proletariat until its victory in the whole world.
Our task is to recover the Fourth International, our world party, in civil war against those who put its clean banners in mud; and re-found the greatest work of Leon Trotsky and its internationalist team to continue with the work of Bloshevism. Today we can affirm that the heavy blows against Trotskyism not only they came from the reformist Stalinism, but also of the treacherous action of Pabloism, Mandelism and revisionism, which from the very guts of the Fourth International, liquidated its theory, legacy and program, as it happened with the Second and the Third International.
There is and will not be justification for the liquidators of the Fourth International. There will be only the condemnation from all the fighters who strive for re-founding the Fourth International and build up once again A GENERAL STAFF OF THE WORLD SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. No to national Trotskyism! The time for national programs is over! Only the re-foundation of the Fourth International and its program can continue the program of the socialist revolution! Long live Trotskyism! Long live the Fourth International!
Sinforoso CHEO Navarro- Former Fighter of the BSB, 1979
Simon Bolivar Latin American Brigade
Fighters of the Simon Bolivar Brigade of the FSNL gathered in “El retiro” house, former property of Somoza. Standing in the picture from left to the right: “Quintin”, “Eduardo”, “Joaquin”, “Gredyn”, “Antonio”. Down: “Isaac” and Ramon
Heroes of Simon Boliviar Brigade of the FSLN
Marvin Wright Lindo“Callaloo” Costa Rican leader who was present with the BSB in Bluefields, Nicaragua
Sugar mill Anastasio Somoza in Kukra Hill, north of Bluefields, Nicaragua
Cheo and Abu Muadz in the presentation
of the book “Syria Under Fire”
Allan Woods and Hugo Chávez
Daniel Ortega paying tribute to Eden Pastora