Japan - December 12th, 2021
December 12:
International Day of Struggle
for the Persecuted Worker
The revolutionaries of the Revolutionary Communist League of Japan - Revolutionary Marxist Fraction send their internationalist greetings together with the young combatants of the Zengakuren movement
A todas las personas que se han levantado en el Día Internacional de Lucha por los Trabajadores Perseguidos.
Desde Japón les enviamos nuestro más cordial saludo por este Día Internacional.
En medio de la pandemia continua, un gran número de personas que trabajan sufre una pobreza extrema porque los capitalistas les imponen despidos, recortes de salarios y todas las penurias. Además, debido a las fuertes subidas de precios de las necesidades diarias, incluidos los alimentos y los combustibles (que han sido causadas por la acumulación de stocks del gobierno y las empresas chinas y aceleradas por los codiciosos fondos de cobertura estadounidenses), las masas trabajadoras se ven empujadas a las situaciones más crueles. ¡Luchemos para aplastar estas ofensivas lanzadas contra nosotros por nuestros gobiernos y gobernantes!
To all the people who have risen on the International Day of Struggle for the Persecuted Workers.
From Japan, we are sending you our warmest salute for the International Day.
Amid the continued pandemic, a vast number of toiling people are suffering dire poverty because capitalists are imposing dismissals, cuts in wages and all hardships upon them. Moreover, because of the steep price rises of daily necessities including foods and fuels (which have been caused by the stockpiling of the Chinese government and companies and accelerated by greedy US hedge funds), the toiling masses are being thrust into more cruel situations. Let us fight back to crush these offensives launched on us by our governments and rulers!
Military, political and economic clashes between US imperialism and China with Russia are ever intensifying. In alliance with US imperialism, the Kishida-led Japanese government is now hell-bent on building up its military capabilities. While leaving the toiling masses in poverty, this government is pouring tremendous state funds into military build-up and the support of capitalist monopolies. What has allowed these offensives is the unpardonable degeneration of the Japanese Communist party and other established leaderships who claim to represent the 'people'.
We in Japan are struggling all-out to organize mass fights back to break all this reactionary offensives in solidarity with fighters all over the world. We are resolve to keep fighting together with you, who continue struggling across borders in defence of all the persecuted and imprisoned comrades and for justice for our martyrs.
Let us fight together against all the state suppression!
For the JRCL-RMF