Chile - October 16th, 2021
Statement by the October 18 Coordinator Body for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chile in solidarity fighting for the unconditional freedom of Sebastián Romero
To comrade Sebastian Romero and his relatives,
In the October 18 Coordinator Body for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chile, we have learned about the difficult time that you and those around you are living through. For this reason, in the first place we are sending you a fraternal hug to tell you that you are not alone, that we are part of the same international struggle to achieve the freedom of political prisoners, truth and justice against these repressive states and governments.
We know that today you are a political prisoner for having gone out to fight, along with tens of thousands of workers, against the Pension Reform on December 18, 2017 and for confronting the government and the parliament of the exploiters. With your imprisonment, the state of the exploiters and their anti-worker regimes have tried to punish workers and the combative youth who in Argentina, as well as in Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, etc., have dared to rise up against the brutal attack on our conquests, acting in self defense and fighting against this fierce attack of the servant governments of imperialism.
We are for the unconditional freedom right now, of Sebastian Romero (former General Motors delegate, today a political prisoner) and the dropping of the charges against Daniel Ruiz (former oil delegate who has been detained for 13 months), César Arakaki and Dimas Ponce (detained for four months) and for the acquittal of the oil workers of Las Heras.
We must fight across the borders to free Sebastián Romero and all the political prisoners of the continent and the world!
From the October 18 Coordinator Body for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chile we send you our sincere solidarity and support.
The same class the same fight!
Sebastian has been taken hostage by the multinationals and is a political prisoner belonging in the entire world working class!
October 18 Coordinator Body for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chile