August 5th, 2014
A phenomenal uprising of the exploited masses against the American colonial regime disbanded the Iraqi-US army and took the most important areas of the North and East of Iraq.
Quickly, imperialism and the Saudi bourgeoisie sent their "Trojan horse," the Islamic State to control the mass local semi-insurrections in the Sunni triangle
We must join the insurrected workers from Fallujah to Mosul with the oil workers of Basra and the South of Iraq, in a common struggle for bread, jobs and decent housing for everyone, by ending the imperialistic plundering of the country and defeating the agents of imperialism that guarantee that.
Down with the terrorist Government of Maliki, Halliburton, Exxon and Obama in the US protectorate in Iraq! Dissolution of its puppet Parliament!
For the military defeat of the Gurkha army of Baghdad that is under the command of NATO and supported by the Iranian Republican Guard!
Down with the counterrevolutionary Pact of Geneva II among Zionism, Al - Assad, Obama and his lackeys the Shiite and Sunni Islamic bourgeoisies!
Pull out the Islamic State, who just wants to negotiate their slice of the business on the basis of handling, containing and aborting the heroic battles of the exploited!
From the imperialist occupation to the insurrectionary mass combat
June 2014 witnessed a great uprising of the masses of the North of Iraq against the US protectorate regime and its military appendix to the Pentagon. The oppressed, the exploited, rose in search of bread and decent living conditions, as part of the revolutions that started in 2011 in the Maghreb and the Middle East. Unemployment rate is abysmal. The workers are super-exploited in the oil wells. They are starved and repressed masses subjugated by the US imperialism and their representatives in the place (the Government of Maliki and the Shiite Iraqi bourgeoisie).
Let’s remember that Iraq was invaded by US imperialism which sent that country to the "Middle Ages" through the bombings of 1991; and after the 2003 war, with more than one million Iraqis killed, the US invading troops imposed a protectorate regimen and the imperialist occupation. Masses rising yesterday against this imperialist occupation (which they had managed to expel thanks to the entrance in scene within US of the struggle of the exploited Americans against the war) are the same that today have rebelled against the US puppet colonial regime.
It was the war of the oil companies, led by of (Bush Junior’s Vice-President) Cheney´s Halliburton, which imposed a brutal massacre on the Iraqi exploited in order to plunder the nation, imposing its colonial rule, its puppet government and its Gurkha army. Iraqi exploited are today standing up against Halliburton and the entire imperialist Big oil that loot Iraq, and against its Government, regime, military and private security guards. Long live the uprising of Iraqi exploited masses!
Already at the beginning of this year, the masses in Fallujah had staged an upheaval, beating the police and the army, expelling the troops and officials from Maliki's Government there and taking the city. It is no coincidence; this was the city where people most resisted the imperialist invasion; the latter was attacking the place 3 years without being able to take it. The masses there resisted the troops of US imperialism, and after its withdrawal, they today continue their combat against its replacement by the Iraqi army. Fallujah shows that we have before our eyes a huge anti-imperialist assault of the exploited for bread, perhaps the most heroic of the region.
It was a chain of uprisings in several cities in the North of Iraq that defeated the repressive forces of Maliki-Obama. Thus it occurred in Fallujah and Ramadi, later on in Mosul, Tikrit, Jalula, Al - Qaim and Saidiya, among others, mainly Baiji, Iraq’s most important refinery.
To give just one example of the many cities taken by the rebel masses, Mosul, the main city of the Iraqi North which in addition to being an important trade location is the producer of 25% of the oil of Iraq, was defended by more than 30,000 men of the Iraqi army, armed, financed, equipped, trained and led directly by US. Not even one of those soldiers remained in his place when watching at the enormous uprising of the masses, which already had been taking other cities. The whole garrison dissolved as sugar in water. The soldiers and officers fled, handing over their weapons, and then costuming of civilians so that the masses do not do away with them. Many others ran with their weapons on the side of the insurgents. It was an uprising of the exploited, before which the army rank and file soldiers freeze and refuse to suppress their own families in revolt.
The bourgeoisie, their spokesmen and the social-imperialist left want to make the masses believe that an entire army armed to the teeth by imperialism was dissolved by 15,000 members of the Islamic State. It is not credible. These were sent to the Sunni triangle to contain the chain of local insurrections so that these do not reach Baghdad. Unlike the revolutions of Libya and Syria, the uprising in Iraq occurs in a moment when Geneva Pact II of the Sunni and Shia bourgeoisies is already working to the fullest. Obama sent the Islamic State immediately, when the masses were insurrecting. In that way he prevented the uprising of the exploited in Baghdad and that the workers and the exploited, both "Sunni" and "Shiite", united in the capital to confront the hated Government of Maliki/Halliburton.
We are not facing a "religious uprising,' as the lackey-of-Wall Street left would have us believe. It is an uprising of the exploited against hunger and slavery. Thus began the uprisings of Tunisia and throughout the Middle East. That happens today in Iraq... The Government of the US protectorate, held by the Shiite bourgeoisie is in question after the withdrawal of the invading imperial troops.
In Iraq, Palestine and Libya decisive battles are fought of a single revolution of the Maghreb and Middle East
This revolutionary process of Iraq meant a blow to imperialism and its agents, who had managed to divert the revolution in Tunisia, impose genocide on Syria and the Lebanonization of that country, and establish a military dictatorship in Egypt, as counter-revolutionary blows to crush the revolution started in 2011 at the Maghreb and Middle East.
For these uprisings in Iraq, along with the Palestinian masses’ one — which do not accept the 'two States' plan and rose up against the Zionist occupier — and the Libyan exploited defeating the coup of the general of the CIA, Heftar, plus the attempts of the Libyan bourgeoisie to disarm and disband the masses’ bodies of dual power, show that despite the blows received, the revolutionary process in Maghreb and the Middle East has not been defeated. When the revolutionary upheavals that began in Iraq, imperialism understood that it could lose the relationship of forces that had conquered, since these engagements pose to the working class and the exploited the possibility of returning to the road of 2011, putting in question all containment mechanisms imposed to the masses in the region.
Under these conditions, the military-political imperialist General Staff defined that it must definitely defeat the revolution in Maghreb and the Middle East. So its counter-revolutionary attack was concentrated on three fronts: crushing dual power in Libya, returning to Zionism, its gendarme in the region, its fire-power so it massacre the Palestinian masses to impose a surrender and their submission to the 'two States' plan (which means confining the Palestinian masses to concentration camps) and, as we will develop later, defeating this revolutionary upsurge in Iraq.
Therefore it relies on all of its agents reunited in Geneva II, while a fundamental pillar leaves hands free to this offensive imperialist: the World Social Forum, that accused the insurgent masses of being "barbaric, backward and terrorist people", encircling them and legitimizing the counter-revolutionary actions of imperialism
The Geneva Conference II accords, a counterrevolutionary covenant among imperialism and its agents to fence off and crush the revolution, are acting in Iraq since the start of the uprisings
First Geneva meeting was in January 2014, in moments in which genocide was imposed on Syria and the country was Lebanonized- with every bourgeois fraction controlling a particular sector, so controlling the masses with their army-parties. The Islamic State was one of the latter. But it came to pass that, at the same time, the exploited rose in Fallujah, defeating the army of Obama-Maliki and taking the city.
Fallujah’s was a phenomenal uprising that put a limit to the counterrevolutionary advancement in the region. It showed that the revolution was still alive and marked the path to follow. It posed that, with a string of uprisings that exceed the limits imposed by the national bourgeoisies that control the masses, the latter will defeat the Governments armed to the teeth by imperialism to massacre the exploited and ensure the plundering of Nations. There was the prospect of reaching Baghdad, uniting those Sunni and Shiite masses with exploited Shiites from the South - demonstrating that it is a struggle of exploited classes against exploiters and not about "ethnicities" or religious nuances-and driving, by their example, the Syrian masses to rise again and march toward Damascus.
Therefore Geneva II began to act to stop this uprising. Immediately the Islamic State turned back its forces in Syria and went to Fallujah to contain the insurgent masses. It was the only one who could get a result there using its "anti-imperialist" authority, in the place where people most fought against the American occupation. So it went to Fallujah and then to all cities taken by the masses to stop the chain of uprisings of the exploited to prevent them from reaching Baghdad, something that so far it has achieved.
Iraq’s is part of the uprisings in the region beginning in 2011, but it began at a time when Syria has been Lebanonized, in Egypt a fierce military dictatorship won against the masses, in the region all the revolutionary processes have backtracked and Geneva II is already acting. We might say, then, that we are before a 'late revolution', and to defeat it, imperialism makes play all of its agents to impose the counterrevolution in the region.
In Geneva II there are Assad, Hezbollah, the Iranian Ayatollahs and Putin who, together with the Maliki Government of Iraq, are gendarmes of imperialism against the uprising masses. They are NATO Gurkha troops. We have seen them - and still see them - slaughtering the Syrian masses, and also bombing from the air those cities where the exploited defeated on the land the army of the US protectorate in Iraq.
There are also the agents of imperialism sent to act inside the ranks of the revolutionary masses as Trojan horses to defeat from within these struggles. So we could see the Islamic State, but we also saw them in Syria with the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat al - Nusra.
This is Geneva II acting to impose counterrevolution all over the region. As we saw them in Syria, in Iraq today there are the same actors, but this time not acting after the revolutionary process is already deployed, but from the very beginning. Down with the Geneva II Deal!
The Iraqi masses are rebelling against the protectorate regime and its military Imperialism has used all its agents to stop this revolution
The current mass uprising in Iraq began, at first, with the masses performing attacks against the army, clearly identifying what is the fundamental institution of the regime. These combats were multiplying like mushrooms under the rain. They stormed police stations, checkpoints and army barracks. They armed themselves. The masses knew that what was involved was defeating the army of Maliki and Obama. And they did it by taking several cities, in a string of local uprisings, starting in Fallujah and threatening to reach Baghdad.
Immediately all the bourgeois forces conspired so that insurgent masses and their militias not to enter the capital, because there they would join the exploited Shiites, who are the majority of the population, and are also starved and oppressed by the Shiite bourgeoisie. As we have already said, Sunni bourgeoisie is wagered at the gates of Baghdad to prevent the masses from storming there.
The exploited masses in the South of Iraq also suffer hunger, unemployment, lack of housing, and the sacking of imperialism. They also struggle to break against Maliki's Government. Therefore a fraction of the Shiite bourgeoisie has turned to contain it, as all the agents of imperialism are determined to prevent that the exploited get together. With the generals and commanders of the Republican Guard of Saddam Hussein in the Islamic State showing themselves at the head of the uprisings of the exploited in the North, they want to make the exploited in the South believe that these insurrections are staged by those that massacred, oppressed and starved them for years. It is necessary to take Baghdad! Let's gather together the insurrected workers from Fallujah to Mosul with the oil workers of Basra and the South of Iraq, in a common struggle for bread, jobs and decent housing for everyone, by ending the imperialistic plundering and defeating its agents that guarantee it! Out with the bourgeoisie that want to separate the mass combats!
The Iranian Ayatollahs have passed men and weapons to the Iraqi army. They are acting together with US, strengthening the army of its colony, against the revolting masses. But the fundamental reason for the Iranian Ayatollahs going to Iraq is because they have to contain the Shiite masses. They have to prevent the exploited in the South of Iraq from bursting in uprisings alongside with those in the North seeking to crush the regime of the US protectorate in Iraq. That’s because such a rising would raise the prospect that starving Iranian masses also revolt.
The U.S. has a Viet Nam in Iraq. From there he had to go because the masses kicked it off. It cannot intervene there directly any, because if it does, the American proletariat against the war would rise immediately again. That’s why it is involved, in this case as in the rest, through the Geneva Pact II, using all its agents. I.e. that US imperialism has a limit imposed by a balance of power between classes - that its own proletariat does not allow it going to Bush-type war adventures, does not mean it can't do it through its agents, as we see today with the massacre of masses in Gaza by the Zionist-fascist State of Israel, with the army of Assad slaughtering more than 500,000 exploited in Syria, or as Iraqi army launching aerial offensives and raids against the insurgent masses.
Imperialism is today struggling to make the Iraqi bourgeois factions and parties form a Government of national unity, or, "of integration, sharing and agreement of all fractions of the country", but always on the basis of the crushing of the rebel armed masses. It needs to finish imposing Geneva II Covenant over the masses to put an end to the revolutionary upheaval and move to new institutions for domination in Iraq, Syria and the region. In this scenario, imperialism, in order to conquer its goals, will not hesitate to advance to the partition of Iraq, with the Shiite bourgeois factions controlling the South and the Sunni controlling the North as part of the "caliphate" that they have proclaimed. The imposition of this "caliphate" (which would cover the North of Iraq, Northern and Eastern Syria and the North of Lebanon), and the entire plan of partition of Iraq and Syria would mean the liquidation of the territorial power of the masses in struggle and to return submitting again the insurgent exploited that had revolted.
Let's break with the Sunni bourgeoisie that wants to negotiate with U.S. and Maliki over the blood of the exploited!
Out with the "Islamic State", which goes to contain, as a Trojan horse, the revolution in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq! It was these agents of Saudi Arabia which go to defend the imperialist oil companies in the areas liberated by the uprisings of the masses!
Down with any national unity Government for agreement or distribution of the business in Iraq between the Sunni-Shia bourgeoisies that have only proved to be enemies of solving the most pressing demands of the masses! Let's defeat this pact which imperialism wants to impose with the Shia and Sunni bourgeoisie in order to crush the masses!
Only the proletariat, as the leader of the oppressed nation, with its own claims and methods can bring to the end the struggle against imperialism and save the Iraqi nation from disintegration and the entire Maghreb and Middle East from the depths of barbarism
From the Renegades of Marxism can be heard, at every step, speaking of "sectarian uprisings", of “religious clashes" -and some even have the impertinence to denounce the uprisings of the exploited as being featured by "terrorist vandals". Let's talk about clear. They are a pretty few imposters who spread poison and infamy against the working class of the Maghreb and the Middle East throughout the world.
They spoke yesterday and denounced the heroic militias of Libya, who defeated Khadafy and his murderous breed of officers - on account of the oil imperialists- telling that the militias were "NATO ground troops". At the same time all of them fake leftists supported the Castroite bands and Chavezism, the same that today have delivered Cuba, the Colombian resistance and Venezuela to the worst of imperialist looting.
Today, after pouring rivers of ink of slander on the masses of Libya, they shut up about imperialism arming the first Government of Libya (GNC) for expropriating the revolution and now a military coup as that by general Heftiar to be able to crush the rebel militias, which are who support the heroic Libyan oil workers strikes and who actually felled down the murderous regime of Khadafy.
With the World Social Forum they isolated the Syrian masses for the dog Bashar, supported by Putin, carrying on the "dirty work" of massacring them on account of all the imperialist powers.
Enough is enough! In Iraq it has rebelled, like yesterday in Tunisia or Egypt, the powerful working class, of hundreds of thousands of oil, construction, metal workers, which are super-exploited as slaves by the imperialist oil companies, under the command of Halliburton, yesterday monitored by Bush and now by Obama the butcher. No more lies! It is the “left” who wants to cover up Obama and Maliki’s murderous Government in Iraq.
Imperialism plunders the Iraqi nation. It steals its wealth, invades and massacres, occupies the land and imposes its agents which are ferocious dictatorships. The oil "seven sisters" are the real terrorists who destroy civilization by flogging, slaughtering and pillaging people whom they oppress. No national bourgeoisie who negotiates with these oil companies and takes care of them and respects their property, and is associated with them, can confront them until the end.
To succeed, we need starting from the fact that only the working class, as the leader of all the exploited of the oppressed nation, taking power, can meet all the demands of the oppressed and truly overthrow the existing power, which is the imperialism and its Iraqi representatives, since the working class has no business or tie with them. The interests of decent wages and jobs, putting an end to the plundering of imperialism in the Iraqi nation are demands that unite workers from the North to the South of Iraq. That is the panic haunting imperialism. Both the worker of Basra and that of Fallujah are slaves of the oil companies and the Halliburton.
The actions of the bourgeois parties "Shia" or "Sunni" and their armies are exactly aimed to divide and manipulate the Iraqi proletariat, as all forces and bourgeois institutions do in all countries of the world.
We have to reveal to the working class the "secrets" of the sinister politics of imperialism internationally against the exploited of the world. We must point properly to the international working class who are its allies, and who are its enemies, such as that den of treacherous leaderships, agents of Obama: the WSF.
Only the proletariat has in its hands the most powerful, lethal weapon to expel imperialism and its Governments and for defeating its lackeys of the Shiite and Sunni bourgeoisie all across Iraq: we must expropriate without compensation and under workers control all the imperialist oil companies to solve the problem of bread! We must defeat their security guards who watch over them! For the military defeat of US imperialism in Afghanistan!
Maliki is "the viceroy" of Obama, and his army of Shiite paramilitary gangs forms "Iraqi" divisions of the U.S. Army. Down with the terrorist Maliki's Government of the US protectorate in Iraq! Dissolution of its puppet Parliament! For the military defeat of the Gurkha army of Baghdad, under the command of NATO, supported on the bayonets of the Iranian Republican Guard!
Power in the insurrected cities must pass to the workers committees, militias and bodies of self-organisation of the masses. Weapons must not be surrendered! The rank and file men of the "Islamic State” are who must disarm or submit themselves to the insurrected masses.
The working class recognizes as legitimate neither the Islamic Caliphate of Abu Bakr el-Baghdadi - the new footman and guardian of the imperialists’ property in the Levant of the Sunni triangle, North of Syria and Northern Lebanon- nor Maliki's Government that is under Obama’s discipline!
It is necessary to conquer widespread armament of the exploited against the Maliki government and its Iraqi-US army. Let's put on its feet workers and peasant militias by all the Iraqi masses and centralize them nationwide! From Iraq to Syria to Lebanon to Iran, a single worker and peasant revolution! Let's coordinate the Syrian resistance with the rebel masses of Iraq! Let's put all military forces so conquered to march to Damascus and fight against Bashar the Dog- and fight alongside the Palestinian nation to defeat Zionism that today massacres in Gaza!
They must once again stand up the shoras (as those of the Iranian revolution of the ' 80s), i.e., committees of workers and soldiers armed with direct democracy, which unify the whole of the masses in struggle and centralize the resolution of all the problems of the working masses.
It is urgent the call for a National Conference of delegates from the brigades of rebel insurgents, of workers in establishments in the towns and fields of all over Iraq, to centralize the fight for the fall of the regime and conquer the demands of the oppressed: bread, work for everybody for a living wage, quality housing, free health and education, etc!
Iraqi National Assembly of all the exploited to break with imperialism and even arrange national borders (with Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan and all) as the exploited may decide, without having to respect the lines drawn by imperialism with which it carries out its looting of the region! For a workers and peasants Government based on the fighting organizations of the exploited masses in revolt!
A single revolution all across North Africa and the Middle East!
Today Iraq poses what should be the way of fighting to be resumed in Syria. With a string of local insurrections, with working-class and popular militias, attacking the army, passing over all bourgeois control, with the method of the insurrection of the exploited against their executioners.
Out with the genocidal Assad, supported by Putin, the Hit man of imperialism! It is imperative to break the control on the revolutionary masses of Syria imposed by the Saudi, Qatari and Turkish bourgeoisie! Out of the liberated areas both the FSA and Jabhat al - Nusra, and also the 'Islamic State'!
Let's expropriate the bourgeoisie and the exploiters, and March to Damascus, blowing through the air the counter-revolutionary Geneva II Pact!!
Let's stop the massacre of the Palestinian masses by the Zionist policeman! For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist State of Israel! Down with the plan of the "two States" in Palestine!
From Tunisia to Tripoli to Damascus; from Baghdad to Tehran to Jerusalem: a single revolution of the workers and exploited in the Maghreb and Middle East! For the Socialist United States of North Africa and Middle East!
The working class in the Middle East has a great ally in the proletariat of the central countries. This was shown in the fight against the war and the movement of immigrants that put - fighting alongside the working class of Middle East - a limit to warmongering Bush’s offensive. Let's return to that road!
By actions of the Castro brothers, the Bolivarians and all of the WSF, the US working class was placed at the foot of Obama. It was separated from its class siblings of Middle East; and the US proletariat did badly and also the exploited of the Middle East suffered. The US working class has been made pay for all the crises of its imperialist bourgeoisie. The same is true of the European proletariat, which was taken out from scene by the leaderships of the labor aristocracy and the bureaucracy, grouped in the FSM.
The working class of the imperialist countries should revolt today, along with the Iraqi masses, shouting: "the enemy is at home!"
Today we see that this is happening in the US, before the massacre by Zionism in Palestine. Tens and tens of thousands already take the streets shouting "Obama supports Israeli state terrorism that massacres the Palestinian masses" This is the way! Out with Obama and the “Republicrats” regime, the heads of Zionism, Maliki's Government and the Islamic State! Let's defeat the imperialist bandits who command the counterrevolution in the Middle East!
Long live the uprising of US workers against the massacre in Gaza! It is necessary again to put on its feet the March of a million workers against the war! Let's go against Obama, the head of Maliki and the Islamic State, which care for the property of the oil companies that plunder and starve the Iraqi exploited people! Long live the calls to block ships with cargoes to the Zionist State of Israel! The longshoremen of Oakland have got to paralyze all the ports of the West Coast! Let's stop and expropriate the Halliburton oil shipments and all the imperialist oil companies that loot Iraq!
The "outraged" have to return to hedge Wall Street, that 1% of parasites that have made this planet become a dirty prison! Let's regroup the ranks of the international labor movement! Enough of WSF and the creeping left of Obama and the gangs of 'democratic' imperialist bandits! That the sparks of Athens return to ignite the revolution against imperialist Europe!
So that the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world live, imperialism must die!
Abu Muhajer
Collective for the Re-foundation of the IV International - FLTI