July 27, 2015
To the 53º International Anti-War Assembly
From Latin America and Africa; from the martyred Maghreb and Middle East, you receive the greeting of the militant members of FLTI - Collective for the Re-foundation of the Fourth International. A big hug and revolutionary greeting to the Zengakuren, the anti-war Youth Committee and the Revolutionary Communist League of Japan! Revolutionary Socialist greetings to Japanese workers and internationalist youth gathered in this Assembly!
You can be sure that we are with you when you face openly that "Holy Alliance" of USA and Japan holding to the tip of the gun emplacements with its economic, political and military pact the most brutal and fierce exploitation of the working class and the oppressed peoples from across the Pacific. That's the US base in Okinawa, other US military bases in that region and the Trans Pacific Treaty.
We are with you facing the Union bureaucracy of Rengo and the Stalinist Communist Party of Japan, who support the Government of Abe and its rearmament plan! We fight against the US base in Okinawa! Feel the warmth of our solidarity elbow to elbow in the forefront!
We know that in those US bases the Black Hundreds of Wall Street, the true power of the oppressors in the world and in particular in the Pacific, together with its partners the imperialist Japan butchers.
From the FLTI and its revolutionary groups from Peru, Chile and Bolivia, we salute the allies of the working class in these Andean countries, where the murderous Governments of Bachelet - the Pinochetista Generals’ fake "Socialist" -, Humala of the Fujimori regime, and Morales have pinched a fierce offensive against the struggles and the revolutionary uprising of workers and peasants.
Chinese growth stagnant and the brutal crisis and bankruptcy of Europe have led to the drop in the price of minerals, and a ruthless attack on the working class. There are 7 dead in Peru and it has been just murdered Nelson Quichillao Lopez, a Chilean mineworkers’ leader who fell in the strike of the outsourced mine workers of Codelco (Chilean Mining State company). Meanwhile, the transnational imperialists go on plundering our peoples. That is the Trans Pacific Treaty about: controlling and plundering to the bone, sucking the last drop of blood, sweat and tears from the martyred working-class of the Pacific and China in particular, today in a State of revolt and rebellion, as we have already seen in the strikes of the Mitsubishi, Foxconn, Suzuki plants and the revolts of workers and students in Hong Kong.
Long live the working class in the Pacific ring! Open the way to the Chinese working class and their revolt! Out with the Chinese mandarins - the party of "red" bosses, business partners of the transnational imperialists!
Let’s be standing next to the Chilean, Peruvian and Bolivian working-class, particularly the courageous miners and militant youth!
Comrades, the international crisis does not know tranquility. 1% of the world's population has 50% of the wealth. After the catastrophe of Wall Street in 2008, international finance capital has saved their power and profits not only through its armament and its counter-revolutionary wars, such as which they have carried against peoples’ revolt of the Maghreb and the Middle East or the Ukrainian working class today, but mainly because they have disciplined and organized all their agents, their police to the inside of the labor movement. That has been the World Social Forum, led by the Castro brothers and the Chavezistas (the so called “Boliviarians”,NT), who strangled the fighting of the Latin American working class and given Cuba to imperialism today.
It has already become clear that Stalinism and the renegades of Marxism, the social –imperialist parties and union bureaucracies have sold out every one of the decisive battles of the world working class in recent years. That is the most powerful "missile" that imperialism has pulled against the masses: the fifth columns, real "Trojan horses", which have given in each of the revolutionary processes which threatened to dislocate the imperialist domination of the planet from the crash of 2008.
Part of that "missile" of imperialism were the treacherous leaderships which, as Syriza today, the Greek Stalinists, and all the renegades of Marxism, made the Greek working class –that had staged 32 General strikes in recent years- believe in that the attack of the capitalists and the Greek imperialist bankers, partners of Merkel, could be stopped by voting in a undemocratic referendum, prepared to disrupt all offensive of the masses against that attack.
The reformist leaderships came agains to close the road to the youth and the revolutionary masses so that the spark of Athens not ignite Europe.
Imperialism now, so it can be saved, has set up the so-called "new left", which in Spain is also PODEMOS, which has expropriated the courageous struggle of the working class and the youth of the Spanish State (the “Indignados”, NT) who revolted against the monarchy.
Imperialism, in its decadent phase and agony, in order to survive and throw all its crises to the masses, has resurrected the old Stalinist parties of the European continent. It has revived the sellouts that felled the USSR. They have brought together dozens of those parties and made them go to the Donbass, where the miners were defending their source of work and facing the Government of Poroshenko, who is a puppet government of the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Bundesbank, already also hated and faced by workers of Kiev and all over Ukraine.
In rebel Ukraine the Stalinists have convened a conference where all of them have firmly supported the Minsk Agreement of Putin, Merkel and Obama, laying down the disarmament of the masses of the Donbass, the surrender to the IMF of the entire Ukraine, the division between the West and East Ukrainian working class and the submission of the latter with a classic policy of popular front to the pro Russian national bourgeoisie of the Donbass (coated of "antifascist"); and, as a reward, they have left Crimea for Putin, the Hitman of imperialism.
USA, where the typhoon of the 2008 crack began, has pulled its crisis over the whole world, the working class, oppressed peoples and its competition: the European lesser imperialist powers, which have been subjected to a true bankruptcy. This means that there are too much imperialist powers. United States along with Germany have led some of them to true "treaties of Versailles", as with the lesser powers of Southern Europe, including Greece.
Europe is broken; but the working class and the masses are the only ones that pay for this crisis. Imperialist banks as the Bundesbank, those in the City of London and the imperialist MNCs are taking super-profits as ever in History. That is what the financial parasitism is about. They have pulled its crisis throughout to the masses, States funds and treasuries have been stolen, and the imperialist pirates have strangled the European working class. They had not been able to do it without this "new left", which has divided and choked the fighting on the continent. Capitalism has survived after the 2008 not by his vitality but by the treachery of the leaderships of the world working class.
From this "trade war" imperialist Germany has emerged victorious in Europe, for now, since as the main creditor in a broken Europe, it runs the risk of sinking along with its debtors. The enormous crisis of the old European continent indicates that the crash of 2008 is far from being vanished. Capitalism has not yet destroyed enough to reconstitute its rate of profit. It has achieved only a precarious balance. A new round of the global capitalist crack is in full development and today is devouring the Europe of Maastricht.
History will be defined in the fighting in the Greek, Ukrainian, working class and that within the Spanish State, and the necessary revolutionary struggle of the German working class, a History of revolution and counter-revolution in the 21st century now being written with blood.
The Greek revolution must stand up! Open the way to the neighborhood assemblies, the revolutionary unions, the factory committees! For committees of rank and file soldiers! Out with the murderous breed of officers of the Greek army, part of NATO! The Greece of the workers councils should ignite Europe!
The struggle for the 36 working hours a week, to put an end to unemployment, will get the working class of the broken countries of Europe together with the German workers attacked by Merkel.
In Ukraine, the labor movement begins to miss the USSR and wish its coming back again, because already they do not tolerate the miserable salaries of 200 euros and millions of unemployed.
Ukraine will be Soviet and Socialist or it will be a colony!
If the counter-revolutionary forces of imperialism in the Pacific are focused in the military bases in Okinawa, where the U.S. and Japan’s Pact is sealed, in the Atlantic and in Europe that role is played by NATO, which commands all imperialist troops from the European powers. Out with the US base in Okinawa! For the destruction of NATO and all imperialist military bases on the planet! Open the way for the Socialist United States of Europe!
The global crisis does not know tranquility. The Chinese crisis is already here. USA, using China as a springboard for its exports to the world, today has assigned to this China of the "red entrepreneurs" of Stalinism an importing role. US imperialism has relocated it in the global division of labor. The outbreak of the Chinese stock market indicates a drop in the rate of profit of the capital in that country, which has led to a new relocation by transnational corporations to other parts of the world, such as Mexico or Central America, where Cuba, Venezuela and the Caribbean will be a large free trade zone. It has carried its transnationals to Indochina, Bangladesh, etc.
The crisis of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is clearly a signal that transnational corporations used the super-profits of Chinese exports to contract debts that now are not paid to banks, which threaten to break on a large scale in China.
The capital is going on out of the production process. Parallel to the official banking and uncontrolled banks have given credits to 90 million savers investing in a stock market where big banks and international financial capital have come away. This has been a theft in mass from millions of savers.
The banks come out as guarantors of the collapse of the shares of the companies. The State has come as guarantor of the banks and begins to squandering reserves. The crisis is here. Parasitism takes place at very high speed. The Chinese "locomotive" will have to play the role assigned to it by US: not an exporter but an importer of overproduction by transnational corporations. That is the reason for the fence tended around China, the Trans Pacific and the armament of latest generation of USA and its base of Okinawa in Japan, and Japanese rearmament.
Towards the Atlantic and the Pacific, U.S. is expanding the crash of 2008. It is sinking, but before getting to the bottom it threatens sinking the whole human civilization and recreating huge clashes for the spheres of influence with the rest of the imperialist powers. If the proletarian revolution does not stop it, the war and the arms race will be the only way out of the imperialism.
The final word has not yet been said, nor much less the proletarian revolution and the working class have given all they are capable yet.
The Pact between U.S.-Iran demonstrates that the former is entering in the Middle East with agreements, pacts and using effective hitmen for massacring the masses (ISIS, Iranian guards, Kurdish bourgeoisie). U.S.-Japan will get not only the cheapest oil in the world, that of Iran, winning the race to Germany, but also with all the businesses in investment of renovation of machinery and infrastructure, and with a skilled labor force of the Iranian industrial park.
Germany is developing a defensive policy of control of its old spheres of influence, especially in Europe and all it conquered since ' 89 with the emergence of the "big Germany". While England and France are expectant looking for their turn here and there, the U.S.-Japan block is an aggressive-offensive one, even ready to move to other imperialist powers off their spheres of influence.
Comrades, before this new round of the global crisis, imperialism have redoubled its offensive against the masses. The plan of attack on the Greek labor movement today is the same policy of offensive attack on the working class world.
As your statement reads: to all the exploited of the world, their exploiters say: "either you submit, or you will be a Greek worker". And to the Greek worker they tell: "either you submit or you will be a Ukrainian worker". And to the latter they tell: "either you submit, or you'll be a Syrian worker seeking refuge in tents in the desert or 2 meters under the ground".
Enough is enough! Let's stop this imperialist counter-offensive! Let's stop the arrogance, the impunity of the exploiters, their regimes and Governments!
Comrades, there is no time to lose! It is necessary already to regroup all the world working class forces to stop this ferocious attack by imperialism against all workers and oppressed peoples of the world!
The blows to the Japanese, South American, German and American working class or the hungry people of Africa or the Pacific are all the same: reduction of pensions, increased working hours, “zero-hour" contracts, layoffs at the whim of the bosses without compensation or any benefit, wage freeze. It is common to the working class of both England and South Africa. The high cost of living, chronic unemployment pushes here and there, the masses back to combat.
The working class has suffered tragic and heartbreaking defeats. Middle East is proof of that. But there are also people fight and resist. The working class and the indomitable peoples of the region present battle, as we see it in the revolutionary processes initiated in Yemen and the Palestinian masses, who don't give up, and the Syrian resistance that do not bow either before the terror of barrels pumps of Al-Assad or that of ISIS that seeks to crush the rebel masses in the liberated areas.
Here and there the treacherous leaderships expropriate the fighting of the masses. The tragedy of Cuba being sold out to imperialism is a stab in the back to the revolution in the Americas... But the masses don't give up. Their leaderships are which have surrendered and continue surrendering.
Huge upheavals in Haiti of the black working class accompany the awakening of the working class of color in Africa and in the United States. These fights follow the route of the slaves of color to the inside of US and allow the entry of millions of exploited of the world to the combat there. Working-class in Mexico and Latin America, for millions, not only suffer, but they also fight and fight in Mexico against the fascist terror of the FTA and call for justice for the 43 missing students, and also it is the outpost of the struggle of American workers to the interior of the imperialist beast.
The key battalions of the global working class have entered in combat! Open the way for the American working class! In 400 cities US labor movement has been standing up with the demand for a minimum wage of $15 hour. There are the forces of the world working class.
We are all Greek workers brutally attacked in all our achievements! We stand and fight alongside them, because by doing so we are fighting for us!
Down with the Merkel-Tsipras Pact and the attack of bankers to the Greek, German and European working class!
We are all Greek workers! We want to finish with the Troika, with Maastricht and the rescuers of capitalism, Syriza and the "new left" traitors paid by imperialism!
All of us reject the "zero hour" contracts! We all want to end up with the high cost of living! Minimum wage of $15/ hour! Enough of unemployment! Distribution of the work hours without pay cut! That the capitalists pay for their crisis! Equal pay for equal work!
We are all Ukrainian workers! We want the Soviet Union of Councils of workers, soldiers and peasants to return, without the traitors of Stalinism which surrendered it to imperialism!
We are all Cuban workers, which in Latin America, the Caribbean and in the United States we will not allow US flag flaming in Havana surrendered by "Cain" Fidel Castro!
We are all Black workers, and we fight in Ferguson, at the Marikana mine, because we don't want to die as outcasts across the Mediterranean or killed by Obama’s white police!
All of us resist at rebel Aleppo against the genocide of Al-Assad and in indomitable Yemen against Saudi bourgeoisie! We are all Palestinian and want our flag flame in Jerusalem! We are all rebel militias in Libya and workers that in Iran we fight against the lackey ayatollahs, servants and hired assassins in the pay of the Merkel and Obama!
All of us in Latin America are fighting against the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" and for the victory of the socialist revolution from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego!
We are all Chinese and Japanese workers that confront the transnational corporations and hedge Okinawa because we want to sweep off the face of the Earth the last of the marines, representatives of the bankers of Wall Street!
Comrades, the time has arrived to coordinate a great struggle of the world working class! If there was the need to combat for 8 hours at the end of the 19th century, this need is now a million times higher, because it is about the survival of our class and of the whole human civilization.
Any possibility for modern slaves, the proletariat, to get out of their submission, catastrophe and unprecedented suffering, without centralizing a serious and solid international bout has lagged behind already. Common objectives and demands to fight abound.
Let's not forget that hundreds of thousands of our imprisoned comrades rot in the dungeons and prisons of imperialism and their oppressive regimes. Coordinating a fight by setting up an international network for freedom and the acquittal of the Palestinian prisoners, absolution to oil workers from Las Heras, the unconditional freedom to thousands of prisoners in Egypt and Guantanamo is an obligation of the revolutionary Marxists from all over the world.
A new generation is tuning in the class war in the same prison of the oppressors. Nikos Romanos and 8 companions of the Greek youth are detained for fighting against the fascist bands of Golden Dawn in Greece. Their captors are Syriza, the "left" Government - supported by all reformist leaderships- defending the capitalists’ pockets.
The rebel and revolutionary youth of the planet should be standing. Let's go to the Greek embassies to demand the freedom of Nikos Romanos and his brave companions! Enough of treacherous “left” betraying our struggles and jailing the revolutionary youth!
The Zengakuren movement has the possibility of playing a fundamental role to boost this appeal for the freedom of the Greek youth in the hands of the treacherous "left" who cares the pockets for the imperialist bankers.
The old World Social Forum, after fencing the Syrian and Libyan revolutions so they are slaughtered; after submitting Bolivia, Venezuela and the same Cuba to more cruel poverty and surrender to imperialism; has becomes unfit to be seen. Imperialism has now set "new faces" with old recipes to betray the proletariat. They are those of Syriza, PODEMOS, the old Stalinism with a glowing make-up and the renegades to Trotskyism.
Let's now deepen, no time missed, our fight to put up a block of international struggle to set up a coordinated action of the working class internationally to battle imperialism, to centralize our demands and for confronting Stalinism, the renegades to Marxism and all the labor aristocracy and union bureaucracy that betray and sell out the combat of the exploited.
Long live the international socialist revolution!
So the working class live, imperialism must die!
A big hug
Jorge Martinez, Jacobo Garcia, Carlos Munzer, Laura Sanchez, Felipe Santiago, Noelia Ling
For the International Executive Committee of the FLTI