Publicaciones de los adherentes a la FLTI |
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March 2013
One lost..... TEN MORE...!!! one less in our ranks, but … ONE MORE who fought up to the end … ONE MORE who gave everything he had …. ONE MORE who sacrificed himself for their class brothers … ONE MORE who gave his life for an ideal … ONE MORE who did not give up … ONE MORE who did not fall facing the justice … ONE MORE stood up against the hunger system… ONE MORE who took the fusil bravely … ONE MORE who was as example to follow… AND ONE MORE who made that another ten more rose up and count with this shit of the system … ABU ATTIA… until the last drop…!!!
Despite the oblivion, the treason and the silence that is around on the Syrian revolution which is slandered, the Trotskyism we do not forget the anti imperialist fighters of the worker revolutions for bread in Syria and Middle East:
We knew about the death of Abu Attie and the tribute that the Trotskyism paid in Syria to an anti imperialist fighter fallen in Syria.
The militant of the IV International pay tribute to the martyrs of the Syrian proletariat and the anti imperialist fights that there fight. We reach the great battles of the class against the exploiters of North of Africa and Middle East and from there we fight to break the siege, slander, silence and treason against the heroic and martyr revolution of the exploited of Syria.
While this is going on, the left… of Obama have focused their forces in Tunis. As Al Assad does it in Syria, both on behalf of imperialism to cut the revolutionary chain that from Tunisia threatened to uprising the Palestinian masses in Middle East, as well as, it threaten to get into the imperialist power. The fight of the working class of Greece, Spain, and France were the most advanced ones within the imperialist beast.
In these days, more than 20.000 people and 5.000 reformist and bourgeoisie organizations of the world met in Tunis. There the World Social Forum (WSF), it did not exist the most minimal mention to the bloody Syria. Some of them supported Al Assad and others the Free Syrian Army which discipline and disarm the masses where Al Assad was defeated.
What to discuss for? The WSF said. Syrian cannot be on the agenda, they posed. In this way they imposed the siege so that Al Assad keeps killing in one of the biggest genocide of the 21st century done against the working class.
More than 300.000 children, youth and women have died in this war class. In Syria imperialism together with its agent in order to support the sword of Al Assad so all of them made the dirty work of extermination and destroyed land against the exploited ones who fought for bread.
The imperialist power placed Al Assad on the front of the counterrevolutionary offensive. His murder army smashed one thousands time with the masses which was split horizontally with thousands of soldiers, son of the people, denying to repress and murder their relatives, son and friends.
Thus, imperialism in order to strength this counterrevolutionary offensive, send the counterrevolutionary Republic Iranian troops trained by killing workers in the revolution in the 80s in that country and today supporting the regime of the US protectorate, when USA withdrew from Iraq by the threat to suffer there a new Vietnam. This is what the Iranian bourgeoisie does in Bassora, south of Iraq, being part of the government of the US protectorate.
The world left talked about the anti imperialist fight of the Ayatollahs, when they never fought against imperialism in any decisive fight, and they were only brave to kill their own people.
Thus, the army of Al Assad, armored with the Republic guards of the murderous Ayatollahs, with the pilots of Putin, the butcher of the Russian steppe and the armament of the Chinese Mandarins managers of the transnational companies, made from the uprising Syria destroyed land.
The revolution and the urban uprising in Syria threaten to reach Damascus, as it happened before with the Libyan militias reaching Tripoli. This was not for the fight of NATO but despite and against the agreement between NATO and Khadafy who prepared with the TNC to strangle the Libyan revolution.
In Syria it was necessary to stop the revolution chains which started in Tunisia, it was necessary to slaughter in Allepo, Damascus, Deraa and Homs, because imperialism knew and knows very well that the revolutionary wave reached Egypt, tend to tear down Rafah Wall and a move forward in the revolution in Damascus would set up the greatest bastion of the Palestinian masses that even today threat to up rise in insurrections to over though the Zionist state of Israel and to blow the “two states” plan of Obama, Zionism and treacherous leaders who put down the Palestinian nation to the concentration camps of Gaza and West Bank.
ONE LOST ... AND MILLIONS MORE stand up also, as they did before to overpass and fight against this cave of bandits of the WSF, whose member are Stalinist left over, renegades of Trotskyism, NGOs, labour bureaucracy and aristocracy of the world, while they pay tribute to Chavez, they got together to put the last nail of the casket to try to give in the revolutions for bread of Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya and Palestine. Thus, in that WSF were not the anti imperialist forces deployed in the world by the world proletariat in the last years. They were the ones who supported or kept silence against the French military invasion in Mali. They want to silence that the military army of the French and UK imperialist butcher in the Sub-Saharan Africa are there fully armed to intervene quickly if the masses escape again from the control of the pseudo parliamentarian tramps or if the masses defeat the sworn of the generals of the native bourgeoisie and allies of imperialism.
For the social imperialist parties the French Fifth Republic of the imperialist butchers is not touched, for them the France of Hollande brings democracy and freedom and not slaughter and devastation, as he really does.
A month ago, against the insult to their beliefs, after stealing the bread and dignity to the Muslim masses, they rose up and revolted burning the US embassies and even sending to a better life the US ambassador in Libya.
That WSF held in Tunisia is not the expression or continuity of the anti-imperialist struggle of the masses far from the revolutions that they began shaking up the world, for bread, in 2011. The WSF is its negation, they are the ones who betrayed, surrender.
Any serious anti imperialist action was proposed by this left of Obama disguised as democratic and "socialism of 21st century" that silent the genocide and the slaughter in Syria and silences the anti-imperialist struggle of the exploited ones.
Imperialism has regrouped all its agents against world revolution. They went to Tunisia. Imperialism concentrated its counterrevolutionary forces in Syria. It imposed with the WSF the disguised of "socialism of the 21st Century" and the traitors of Stalinism and SYRIZA in Greece strangled the first steps of the European revolution. In the Americas, with the Castro brothers the "socialism of the 21st century" only sold out Cuba to the rapacious hands of the transnational companies. Such cynical! In the WSF of Tunisia silenced the slaughter and genocide of Syria and sold out Cuba to the capitalism at world level. It was there the ones that stab on the back of the Greek, Spanish and US masses to separate and divide their struggles.
It is necessary to "share the wealth" they cried, begging alms to the super-bankers of Wall Street, let them know clearly that if they do not share something, they will lose everything. They try to make to believe to the world proletariat that the parasites exploiters and the transnational companies can share the super-profit without workers taking power and expropriating property, the property of the means of production which they parasite.
A historical cynicism and betrayal of those who came together to defend democracy in Tunisia, when they silent and hold the largest genocide against the people of Middle East in Syria. Such Democrats! Therefore, hundreds of thousands of youth and revolutionary workers will take into acount with them in history, placing them as what they are: trecheorus leadership paid by imperialism, they are the ones that saved it in its bankruptcy on the expenses of the slaughter and genocide against the exploiters.
Before they made the masses believe that Gaddafi and Assad were and are their allies, when both had become the biggest agents of the oil companies, telecommunications and imperialist transnational companies. As Egptian workers of Tahrir Square proclaimed: Al Assad defends Zionism border in Golan while Gaddafi was the dictator who charged fees for each color worker who went to Europe to work as slaves for the transnational companies, those worker were called by the social imperialist leadership, as .... "undocumented".
Each fighter from the ten who come in the worldwide struggle needs to know the ones who fall in the battle field of the international class struggle, as suggested the revolutionaries in Syria.
The slander of passing the heroic Libyan revolutionary masses as agents of imperialism in fornt of the world working class, this is what allow the exploited of Syria being isolated and accused to be led by imperialism when they rose up in arms for bread and against hunger, against the killer Al Assad.
WE ARE ALL ABU ATTIA, because everybody, sooner or later will know recognizing who are our allies and who are our enemies…ten millions of exploited without housing destroyed by air force of Al Assad, driven by pilots of Putin and the republican guards of the murderous Ayatollahs from Iran who keep killing workers in Syria and never fire against the imperialism. In the 21 C the forces of the “Crusades” have get united, this time, they are agents of TNCs and the imperialist powers, side by side their partners of the native bourgeoisie to smash and bleed the revolutions of the North of Africa and Middle East. Today they speak about democracy in Maghreb but will not hesitate in support again the murders like Al Assad who comes when masses dare to rise up again, like yesterday for bread, re-taking the expropriated revolution.
They fear that from Marikana rebelled by the miners fighting against the treacherous leaders and multimillionaire managers to Libya even insurrected, their TNCs can be expelled, TNCs that plunder Uranium, Coltan, gold, oil, and all the wealth that belong to the oppressed people of Africa and Middle East. They went to Tunisia for never again the war cry of the Marikana miners can be heard. That war cry of “if you don´t give us the wage, we´ll kill the managers” or what the Asturias miners claimed together with their women repressed by the murderous forces of the bourbons “if our children starve, your children will shed blood”. In the insurgent Syria, the Asturias banner is raised, that is, if they don´t give us again our job, there will be war, war, war” , for that reason, Syria must be silent since the fight of the exploited must be silent to save the wealth of those parasites of the international finance capital.
The socialimperialist parties went to Tunisia for the flame of the Syrian revolution not to fuel the dry firewood in Palestine and not to revive the spark of Athens that can fire Europe.
After selling out Cuba to imperialism, selling out the Colombian resistance, paying 105.000 millions of dollars to imperialism like Chavism did, selling out gas and hydrocarbons and cooper of Chile and Bolivia, the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies of Latin America together with the traitors of the WSF paid homage to their “hero” Chavez who applauded Obama yesterday, like Obama applauds today behind the scene to Al Assad, Putin, and mercenaries Ayatollahs massacring in Syria.
That blacken Bush of Obama went to Israel to tell them “you Zionist brothers are our allies for ever for the entire life” but now “silent”, there is to wait that Ayatollahs make the dirty work in Syria and after it we will be entrusted with them…meanwhile, in Tunisia the applaud Obama and his plan of massacre in the Syrian revolution.
Mohamed Bouazizi, who sacrificed himself in Tunisia, is blood brother of Abu Attia, not of the capital´s lackeys who are gathered in Tunisia. Bouazizi is flesh and blood of those who left their life in Tharir Square; of the same blood and flesh of the 4500 Palestinian prisoners in hunger strike in the Zionism’s jails who deny their freedom and coming back Gaza because they affirm “my nation is Palestine and my capital is Jerusalem and we will stay there”. In that way the Palestinian prisoners fight against the those shameless of the WSF that sent by Obama marched towards the Palestinian embassy to tell the Palestinian prisoners that go to Gaza to the concentration camps once freed.
Thus, it is necessary to hide and denigrate the Syrian revolution, because in there we have the firm hands to rebel the Palestinian masses from Jordan to Gaza, and from Lebanon to the West Bank for their banner to wave in Jerusalem on the ruin of the Zionist fascist State of Israel sustained by all the lackeys of Obama today.
Abu Attia was not in that WSF. He was an anti-imperialist fighter struggling side by side their brothers of Syria. He went where the revolution was taking place, and not to the meeting in Tunisia where the traitors of the cause are participating, traitors of the cause for bread and against imperialism for which he died.
Abu Attia fought in Syria. He was and his banner will continue with the Marikana workers making justice with the plunderer managers of the Anglo American. Ten and thousands have not thrown the garotte of the strike picket. He was fighting like their brothers of Afghanistan against the imperialist invader troops. Thousands of those anti-imperialist fighters have been massacred yesterday for the US troops in Mazar I Sharif and they have been in the jails of Guantanamo. It is the democracy the shameless ones of the WSF are defending…the democracy of Obama that tortures and jails in Guantanamo and over 500 CIA secret jails all around the world, similarly and worse than the Nazis general of Hitler did. The Morales, Castro and Chavez called on people to vote for Obama when millions of workers started to break with Obama, the chief of the US imperialist gunmen.
Abu Attia was and fought for his brothers, the workers of Suzuki who set on fire the capitalists and today are in hunger strike in the jails of India like their Palestinian brothers. He continues fighting and ten millions more continue fighting like him in the maquila (sweat-shop) of the TNCs, that is, China. There, the workers will make justice with the government of the murderous Chinese mandarins who armed till the teeth to Al Assad for him to kill the fighters like Abu Attia.
The revolutionary socialists fight and affirm our fight with the Palestinian masses, with their prisoners who don´t recognize the Zionist invader, that affirm that their nation Palestine has his capital, that is, Jerusalem, that affirm that their banner should be there on the ruins and destruction of the fascist Zionist state of Israel. Here, Abu Attia wanted to reach with the triumph of his revolution, as well as so many anti imperialist fighters who dies in the streets of Syria.
The allies of the Palestinian prisoners were not in the luxurious meetings of Tunisia but dying in Allepo, Deraa…Homs…
Show the working class who are their allies and who are their enemies is a matter of life or death for the ongoing combats and the ones that will come. Because that is the role of the paid agents within workers' ranks: show the masses their enemies like Al-Assad, Kaddafy, the goverments expropiators of the revolution as in Tunisia and Egypt and the boss of the thieves and killers of the planet called Obama as their allies. And on the other hand they show those who are slaughtered of the Syrian masses as their enemies.
Changing the course of this history, of so many betrayals and ignominy is our task, of the Trotskyists who fight to refound IVth International, that is the key. We must show clearly (so the masses don't be confused) who are their enemies because that is the first conddition to start fighting, and it is the first step to break the fence to the revolutions and prevent division of the world proletariat.
This is the first step because the second, and exploiters know this very well, without those leaderships who stole the revolutionary triumphs of the masses, the bankrupted capitalist system would already be in the trash of history, since it has been a long time since imperialism deserves to die.
We, the Trotskyist who fight to refound IV International, will take in in our ranks Abu Attia and our banners will be taken for ten, a thousand, millions more than will enter into fight as Abu Attia.
For the refoundation of IVth International!
Movement of Revolutionary Internationalist Workers in Magrebh and Middle East
Excecutive Committee of the FLTI