Mexico – January 8th, 2017
Blockades, demonstrations and lootings in all the states of the country against the “gasolinazo” (fuel prices’ hike) of Peña Nieto and the oil companies of Wall Street…
The workers and peasants revolt started… Open the road for the revolution!
Down with the fuel prices’ hike!
Out with Peña Nieto, the IMF and the imperialist transnational companies with their NAFTA and FTA!
Expropriate the expropriators of the people!
Revolutionary general strike!
Against the murderous narco-police, partners of DEA and CIA
Workers and peasants self defense committees!
On Jannuary 1st, the fuel prices’ hike known as “gasolinazo” of Peña Nieto was applied. Since then, the workers and poor peasants took to the streets to try and stop this brutal attack on the pockets of the people. The lootings have multiplied as well as route blockades. There has been uprisings and clashes with the police in all the states of Mexico, with the battle cry “Out with Peña Nieto!”. There were dead, hundreds of wounded and more than 1500 arrested.
Following orders of USA, Peña Nieto freed the prices of fuel because before they were regulated and fixed by the State. There was a 20% increase of the prices of fuels, which was followed by announcements of increases in the prices of transport, food and others. It is a heavy blow to the pocket of the workers and exploited in order to increase the profits of Wall Street banks, the owners of the oil companies and transnational companies that steal Mexico.
These are the consequences of the Energy Reform designed by Hillary Clinton and agreed by PRI, PAN and PRD in the so-called “Pact for Mexico”, which means the sell-out of hydrocarbons to the imperialist transnational companies. The 80 year old state monopoly of oil under the company Mexican Oil (PEMEX) is over, in order to open for private and foreign capitals not only the chance of exploration and exploitation of oil but also the trading of refined fuel inside the country. The Pact for Mexico and its Structural Reforms are a reinforcement of the subjugation of the nation to Wall Street.
USA steals away the wealth of the Mexican people. The Army and the drug cartel gangs (an extension of DEA) shoot to kill every protest they make. If they try to cross over Rio Grande looking for a future, they are chased, humiliated and killed by the US armed guard. The workers were sold out by the treacherous “charra” bureaucracy into being slaves in sweat shops and a low wage of 3.8 dollars a day, while suffering inflation and devaluation. The peasants are being strangled by the banks and the State takes away their children. The people said: Enough is enough!
Wall Street sowed misery, exploitation and death at both sides of Rio Grande. If the imperialist bosses from Ford, Toyota and GM move the plants to USA as Trump wants, they will impose on US workers the conditions of the sweat shops of northern Mexico. What will be left for us, Latin American workers, then? All the workers of the entire American continent have a single enemy: Obama-Trump and Wall Street parasites!
We need to stop US imperialism. It is a fight of the whole working class in the entire continent. The best allies of the peoples of Latin America are the workers inside USA that fights for 15 dollars an hour minimum wage. Our Mexican brothers in USA are at the head of this fight. The working youth of the black neighbourhoods are confronting the white murderous police of Obama-Trump. They are in the heart of the imperialist beast and can hit from inside!
The workers and peasants of Mexico have started to respond. The country is revolted, with hundreds of route blockades and supermarket loots in several cities, including the Federal District. The exploited don’t want to wait for the elections, as MORENA and EZLN request them. The people know that by voting they don’t solve anything, because in Mexico everything is decided by the USA! The people were fed up because of the imperialist plundering and the unbearable living standards and it took to the streets to get what belongs to them!
Now we want it all! Let the fight against the enemies of the people doesn’t stop! Open the road for the rebellion of the workers and the exploited! Down with the fuel prices hike! Out with Peña Nieto! Down with the fraud regime of PRI, PAN and PRD that sells out the nation to USA! Everybody out!
We want it all! Down with the Energy Reform, the public economy reform and all the Structural Reforms of Peña Nieto and the Pact of Mexico, which were dictated by US imperialism!
We want it all! Trump wants Ford and Toyota to go away from USA… yes! Yankee get out of Mexico! Down with NAFTA and FTA, so we stop being a US colony.
We want it all! The banks, the factories and lands of USA! We want to expropriate them all without compensation and place it under control of the workers and the people! Re-nationalization without compensation of hydrocarbons and place them under workers control!
We want it all! Expropriation without compensation of the big land owners to give land to the peasants!
We want it all! There are the funds for the poor people to have food, houses, free quality health and education.
We want it all! We want the 43 to appear alive as well as all our disappeared! We want justice for our children, brothers, sisters, wives and husbands that were murdered!
We want it all! Out with the charra treacherous bureaucracy! No more sweat shops or relaxation of laws relating to terms of employment! We want an 8 hour daily shift as the Chicago Martyrs demanded in USA! We want a 15 dollars and hour minimum wage for all the workers of USA and Mexico! One single struggle at both sides of Rio Grande!
We want it all! Free all those who were arrested because of the loots! Free all the political prisoners!
We want it all! Weapons for the people! Let’s generalize to the whole country the worker and peasants self-defense to confront state repression and crush the fascist bands of the drug dealers commanded by DEA! No more small talking by EZLN and their agreements with the regime! They have to give weapons to the people and place them at the service of their struggle! Dissolve the murderous police! Down with the officers caste of Wall Street servants army! Rank and file solider’s committees!
We need a National Congress of the workers, peasants and militant students organizations of the whole Mexico, in order to organize a revolutionary general strike and kick out Peña Nieto, Yankees and defeat the fraud regime of PRI-PAN-PRD.
CNTE, the Coordination Organ in Defense of PEMEX, the relatives of the 43 and the high school students were at the front of the worker and peasant struggle between 20014 and 2016. They, together with the unions that claim to be against the “charros” have enough credit and authority to call for it right now.
To defeat this attack launched by Obama-Trump and executed by their sepoy Peña Nieto, we need to set up the dual power of the exploited! We need to conquer worker and peasant communes in all the states in struggle! Let the 2006 Popular Assembly of Oaxaca Peoples return! That’s the way forward!
Only a provisional government of workers and peasants will be able to end with the plundering and subordination of Mexico to Wall Street, to end with the slavery of workers and give the best lands to the peasants!
The Latin American working class must come out to fight together with their Mexican brothers and sisters. We need to stop US imperialism in Mexico, because that’s where the future of the working class in the entire continent is at stake. We need the 2001 Argentinean revolution back, as well as the 2003-2005 Bolivian revolution, which were both expropriated by the “Bolivarians”. The “commander” Mosses of EZLN has shown his part in history: the US flag was raised again in Havana. Venezuela is the hell of starvation and death for the poor. Down with the rip off of the Bolivarian revolution! From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, one single struggle in the continent against Wall Street and its lackeys!