Bolivia - August 6th, 2016
After hard days of struggle of the Bolivian proletariat and the vanguard from the factory for more than three months with demonstrations, blockades, a strike of 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, etc. against the Bolivarian government of Morales and the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" at the service of Morgan Bank, Wall Street and Obama ...
POR with the newspaper "VoceroFabril" from the national teacher school, and other sectors that influence try to conceal this betrayal of COB leaders on the left, passing the tragedies of the working class as "strengths". Enough to lie to the working class!
The last word is not said ...Two alternatives for the Bolivian labor movement:
Or the working class standsup again retaking the path of the Revolutionary General Strike, recovering COB serving to the workers without collaborationist bureaucrats or "workers" ministers to confront and defeat the government's attack
Or the capitalist catastrophe with a sea of hungry people, closed factories and thousands of unemployed worker
The last word has not been said!
Mine workers must return to stand up next to the vanguard of the factory workers!
There is plenty of money to resolve the needs of the workers, the transnational companies take it:
Out with Wall Street from Bolivia and Latin America!
Bolivia will be socialist or colony of the USA!
As a result of the world crisis, the Chinese recession, European bankruptcy and the falling of the mineral prices, oil price and its derivatives such as gas (main income of the country), the coffers of the Bolivian state have been deflated for that reason, the Morales government has not hesitated to deepen their attack and throw the crisis to the exploited, on behalf of Obama and Wall Street, with budget cuts to health, education, factory closures, mass layoffs, high cost of living, etc. It is Morales as Maduro under the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" prefers to attack the masses brutally, imposing hunger in working families and guarantee millions of dollars to the Morgan Bank, Wall Street and the imperialist parasites. It is clear that "the Americas is for Americans", as it was seen at the seventh Summit of the Americas (April 2015), where the Bolivarian governments and the FTA ones knelt down before Obama. That is the Obama-Castro agreement about:selling out the nation to imperialism, to Cuba to the Coca Cola and Cargill, with the US flag waving in Havana, with the submission of the Colombian resistance and sweat shops throughout Latin America.
The capitalist economic crisis is already here, hits in Latin America and the Bolivian state begins to gradually show recession economic, for example, until April of this year, for the Tax on Hydrocarbons (IDH), there has been a drop in revenue of 43% compared to 2015, equivalent to Bs 1,875,000 ($ 269 million of dollars), to give another example that plots the situation, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE) between January and May this year presented a negative trade balance of 540.7 million dollars because the country's sales were lower (2761.7 million dollars) to imports (3302.3 million dollars) in the same time of last period (January -May, 2015) the negative balance of the country was 22.3 million dollars, which means that the negative margin last year was multiplied by 24 times; the Morales government as good lackey to Obama and IMF guarantees payment to the fraudulent foreign debt, with high interest rates (5.4% with private creditors Morgan Bank and Wall Street by issuing sovereign bonds) and slavishly 2015 paid a total of 526.3 million dollars, of which 152.6 million were intended, as a bonus, interest and fees to the pockets of the imperialist parasites. This crack in the world economy makes showdowns are given between classes, and boli-bourgeoisie governments, on behalf of the USA, attacking relentlessly the masses and all margins of concessions of the bourgeoisie are gone with the reformism to pass the alms as "success", the latter to cover up their betrayals.
Under these conditions, Morales’ government launched a brutal attack by breaking the "social peace" and deepening the plight of the workers and exploited.
The closure of the Strategic National Public Company of Textiles (Enatex) with the Presidential Decree N2765, was the drop that overflowed the cup and made the factory vanguard respond with real days of struggle stirring up the vast majority of the Bolivian proletariat and facing the attack of Morales and his demagogy of the "Bolivarian revolution". The bourgeoisie was mad because they knew that the textile factory Enatex and four plants (which have high technology and supplies of raw material to domestic and international markets) could be managed and produced under the control controlas factories Polar textiles and Punto Blanco, this would mean a blow to the whole bourgeoisie and the government because important part of the textile industry would go to the workers. This, in fact, also meant a boost for Polar and Punto Blanco and the whole proletariat, despite and against all collaborationist bureaucrats and renegades of Trotskyism who run away in terror from this perspective.The workers would understand that they can take in their hands the control of the industry as a school for planned economy. Factory workers shortly before embarking on the days of struggle deducted boldly to stop the attack to all the Bolivian workers as a prelude to a superior attack, it was necessary to defeat the attack of Morales’ government, first recovering COB at the service of the workers, which made the ground strike directly against the collaborationist bureaucracies and leaders that kept COB as an appendix to MAS at the expense of delegitimizing themselves and still receive their privileges.
The courageous struggle of the manufacturing rank and file to recover COB's at the war cry of "If this is change, change sucks!", "Evo, Goni, the same crap!", "It will fall, and it will fall this repressive government, it is going up, and going up the working class to power!"was the vanguard of Latin American proletariat and pointed the way to the international proletariat, as was the brave struggle of the mine workers in Marikana-South Africa (2012) under direct democracy imposed from the rank and file, facing the Stalinist collaborationist leadership of COSATU to fight against Zuma’s government and the imperialist transnational cpmpanies.
Real fighting days of the Bolivian proletariat leading the fight of the Factory workers, there are plenty of conditions to succeed and recover COB at the service of the workers to defeat the government’s attack and the Supreme decree 2765
The workers knew that ifENATEX closes, the attack will continue and there were in danger other job positions as factories, mines, teachers, health workers, etc. The radicalization of the rank and file at every step unmasked the leaders who sold out the fight and the workers settled in each step of the struggle the fight to recover COB from the hands of MAS and government. The leaders of the Federation and the Workers’ Confederation had to innovate very very red speeches to contain the rank and fileand COB leaders as long as they do not roll their heads had to take control of the fight and call for demonstrations, blockades and strike under the slogan "Enatex no close!", "Abrogation of Presidential decree 2765" (supreme decree determining the closure of Enatex and place it under the labor system of public servant the loss of all benefits won by workers' struggles historically internationally) and the "Labour stability" for all workers.
In the first month of the fight (May and June), worker in La Paz on various occasions tried to take the factoryEnatex, but this clever and important aim at every step was aborted by the leaders with bureaucratic maneuvers, arguing that "no that harm the negotiating table with struggles in the streets", while the government did not budge and became increasingly stubborn.
The factory shook the Bolivian proletariat, they were the ones carried on the struggle, workers' delegations from different departments of Bolivia arrived in La Paz joined the ranks shouting "job security", that was the demand that unified the labor movement, class solidarity at the national level was seen with demonstrations in other departments, including the disabled poor people struggle that were in struggle for months unified to the workers consolidating a single list of demands that tended to unify all sectors in struggle.
The highestpoint of the fight was on June 20; the day the demonstrationarrived from Oruro (Caracollo) to La Paz after a week (with more than 300 demonstrations) and converged with the national 24-hour strike called by COB and was taken nationwide. The workers from Cochabamba were the ones fighting against the repressive police in barricades cutting Av. Blanco Galindo that unifies Oruro and Cochabamba, at the same time in other departments were fighting that ended with the dozens of injured and arrested.
In La Paz, there was more than 7,000 workers from different workplaces, who took the struggle, there were also health workers, construction, teachers, university workers, workers of Business Post Bolivia (ECOBOL ) who also received the announcement of closure of the company, the poor disabled in struggle and miner delegations were thundering the dynamite after more than seven. However, that day, the rank and file workers was stunned by the policy of going around in the streets of downtown La Paz and the struggle towards the factoryEnatex to take them and put them to produce under workers' control without compensation is not routed or try to enter to Square Murillo where the government palace is. However, the government did not give anything, it just downplayed the actions of workers in struggle stating that "there were 800 to 1000 workers in the streets and the productive apparatus functioned normally."
The Bolivian working class stood up demonstrating that there were the conditions to promote a revolutionary general strike to defeat the government, the Supreme Decree2765 and give a hit to the government of Morales and its pact with Fascist Media Luna. The union bureaucracy of Mitmaand the one of FSTMB cared very well that the rank and file miners ofHuanuni and Potosi not come into the fight 2000 or 1000 miners with dynamite sticks, an accurate policy to weaken the industrial struggle and miners leave them isolated. This was because they were blackmail with the ghost of the "crisis", telling them that it is prohibited stopping or disrupting production because it would cause losses and go bankrupt. A sample of this pro-boss policy, to the service of the government and imperialist transnational companies is what the union leadership did in Huanuni at the head of the Revolutionary Workers Organization list (ORO); over there they did not stop but they increase the production, they announced "volunteers" layoffs and discounted them 20% of their salaries to "help the company" and to "pay the debt to the government." This terrible plan has not been carried out without the cooperation of POR who supported ORO making it as “anti-official”.
The vanuard nationally did everything to succeed: roadblocks, paralyzed production, demonstrations, faced with the murderous police of Morales ended with dozens of workers arrested, wounded with lead bullets and rubber bullets, etc. However, the days passed, and the policy of attrition was imposedconsciously drove the bureaucracy of COB held by left by the leaders of the Federation, Confederation, the National Teachers led by POR, among others.
At every step there were the conditions to coordinate the fight of the factory with the miners and poor peasants, recover COB from the hands of the bureaucracy and impose a revolutionary general strike to defeat the government's attack, the bourgeois constitution and his infamous pact with the landowning oligarchy of the Fascist Media Luna. The masses were presented with two perspectives: the working class tear down and hitting the starve Morales’ government to defeat the attack and Supreme Decree 2765 or the government ended up imposing its law.
The COB bureaucracy led by Mitma conspires with Morales’ government
It takes the Bolivian proletariat and the vanguard out of the path of the Revolutionary General Strike and gives truce for more than 20 days to Morales’ government
The government and businessmen, sharpening their class instinct, began pressuring the workers in different factories and to all workers prodding to keep "out of the demonstrations hurting production" lay off workers, would process, would discount them salary, bonuses would be removed, etc., going over even the trade union immunity of leaders and declaring -from spokesmen of the government- that strikes are "illegal".
Under this same policy of intimidation, the murderous police of Morales repressed workers' demonstrations and detained workers in each demonstration and blockades, threatening to raise criminal charges against detainees, having charges to union leadersasManaco (Cochabamba) without mercy wrecking theplaces. The inevitable clash between classes was looming. The bourgeoisie understood what the situation was, knew their weaknesses and their strengths (bureaucracy). But, this fortress was relative as the working class began to join and unite in one slogan "Enatexis not closed" and the "job security".
In each assembly or expanded rank and file factory workers’ meeting they pressed the leaders to publicly renounce MAS, they were told: "Break with MAS!", "We must break the covenant of COB-government". Diferent demonstrations to COB branches were imposed, so that it no longer is joined with MAS. The situation was exacerbated, extended even in Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca, Oruro, among others announced in its resolutions that "the COB must immediately break its unity pact with the government", the meeting of COD Sucre (held on July 13) determined "punish Trujillo and Pedro Montes for the treasons against the working class."
In this situation, the bureaucracy of COB and the various workers’ organizations clung to their positions arguing "we must close ranks against the government's attack", preventing the working basis to question and take the leaders to MAS out. Guido Mitma and all the bureaucracy had to dust off their books about unionism to fill demagogic speeches and "threatening" the government of breaking COB-government pact in order to have legitimacy in the working base and the days passed with no fruits for the demands of the working class.
Collaborationist leadership had a key role demoralizing, every moment undermined the revolutionary will of the proletariat role, organizing struggles to happen from there the worst results, leading to a dead end, forcing thus the different labor sectors to small fighting which were impotent. While the working class struggled as it could; Mitma and his bureaucratic peoplewaited -in conspiracy with the government- the right time to give a stab of betrayal to the working class.
This treacherous betrayal to the workers and the whole of the Bolivian working class, on Wednesday(July 20) in a National Expanded meeting of COB this happened, following the stepped strike of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours, it is not minor detail there have closed their doors in his face Enatex workers dismissed. From this cave, where treacherous bureaucrats also participated BY holding the left betrayal of the bureaucracy gave the fight that lasted more than three months and left intact the smarmy bureaucracy. The National Expanded meeting resolved in the first instance, the closure of Enatex factory and give a truce to the government until mid-August, creating the best conditions for the industrial workers in general and particularly those from Enatex end accepting the attack plan the government thought in the first place that is basically the closureof Enatex and leave all the workers in the street.
A real scam to the Bolivian proletariat and the vanguard the factory workers!
That truce of the betrayal (Valuable time!) was only useful for the government to chasten with the bosses all workers to disorganize its ranks, take warning for fighting against the layoffs, prosecution, fines, discounts, etc. .
The bosses argue to be in "bankruptcy" relocating the capital to other countries to continue to exploit other workers, the bosses "fled" the country with suitcases full of dollars as did Marcos Iberkleid, partners and others with bank accounts abroad guaranteed by the government of Morales; while the workers, many of them working in factories- trying to alleviate the misery end up traveling to Argentina and Brazil where they are treated like slaves, working under the worst conditions for transnational corporations such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc. left alone by the unions and parties that claim to be "left".
However, the last word has not been said, the industrial workers munching anger from their workplaces or unemployed workers draw the lesson that with these traitors at the front lineis not possible to fight, less to prevail, all serious fight against the government will inevitably, shoot the leaders who had sold out the struggle. In this situation, it corresponds to the industrial workers and the Bolivian proletariat ignore those "tables of betrayal" of COB-government, promoting a Labor Congress Emergency, fight for the immediate dropping of all the charges to the industrial workers in fighting, reorganize the ranks and resume the road to the revolutionary general strike to defeat the government's attack that day by day deepens, recovering in the first instance the COB from the hands of the traitors, without bureaucrats, ousting publicly "workers" ministers and senators as Pedro Montes -as Pulacayothesis stated- have become pimps of the bourgeoisie for a revolutionary and internationalist COB!
Let’s the worker-peasant alliance return! Let’s take the path of the revolution of 2003-2005 against Evo Morales at the war cry of: "Out gringos (USA) from Bolivia!" “Nor 30% or 50%, gas, hydrocarbons and minerals for Bolivians!", Fusil, shrapnel, Bolivia will not shut up!"
Out with the imperialist transnational COMPANIES, out gringos from Bolivia! No to the payment to the foreign debt.Expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of all transnational companies and its banks.For a single state bank.Nationalization of the foreign trade.Elimination of VAT and progressive taxes on big industries.
Hire again of all dismissed! Sliding scale of working hours and an extra shift in all factories, all hands in the production to end unemployment.Unemployment insurance equivalent to a minimum wage according to the basket familiar.
Open the accounting books to all companies and put them under workers' control, to demonstrate the super profits the bourgeoisie makes and end the speculation.Abolition of commercial secret!
Factory or mine which closes, suspends or dismisses should be taken by the workers, immediately nationalized, without compensation and under workers' control and the state take over the wages!
We must defend the factories Polar and Punto Blanco from the government and bosses attack! We must defend workers direct democracy and their assemblies to fight for the immediate nationalization without payment, of factories recovered by the workers, with the government investing and ensuring decent wages aiming to put the entire industry under control the workers!
Workers control of the whole branch of textile production under a rotary and revolutionary leadership of the Federation and Confederation! Across the border in Argentina, the government of Macri and the Kirchenrist"opposition" with the bosses super-exploit Bolivian workers in textile factories which are hotbed producing for large multinationals such as Adidas, Nike, etc, in the worst conditions and without any defense from the unions.
Enough of slave workers working in textile factories of hot bed in Argentina, Brazil without anyone to defend them! Let the Federation and the Industrial Confederation affiliate and defend them; they must have a voice and vote, rank and file delegates in the meetings of the industrial Federation and the COB. One class, one struggle!
We have to take the whole chain distribution, marketing and storage of food and bring it under control of committeesof workers and exploited! Expropriation of large food retail chains and large food companies without compensation and under workers' control!
Enough of miserable wages! Increased of wages according to the level of the familiar basket, automatically indexed for inflation.
Out with the murderous police in the factories, mines and universities! Workers and Popular Self-DefenseCommitteesagainsttherepression!
Este programa solo lo puede garantizar integra y efectivamente un gobierno provisional revolucionario de la clase obrera y el pueblo que tomaría inmediatamente estas medidas de emergencia para salvar a las masas explotadas de la catástrofe. Un gobierno provisional revolucionario que deje atrás la impostura de la Constitución burguesa reaccionaria del régimen del pacto del gobierno de Morales con la Media Luna Fascista que garantiza y defiende la propiedad de los capitalistas y el imperialismo sobre las riquezas de Bolivia.
Drop the charges right now to the workers of Polar, Chickens Copacabana, Irupana, Venado, Fridosita, Simsa, and all the industrial workers who fought for a decent life! Free the Ay-Ayo commoners sentenced to 30 years in prison! Freedom to university student Boris Arancibia, prisoner in the jail of San Sebastian (Cochabamba)! Immediate and unconditional freedom to the Greek anarchist youth in prisons of Syriza! Freedom to 54,000 refugees, true political prisoners imprisoned in the concentration camps of imperialist Europe! Acquittal to the oil workers of Las Heras and workers sentenced in Tierra del Fuego! Freedom for the Palestinian prisoners, prisoners in Guantanamo and all political prisoners in the world!
This program can be guaranteed only and effectively with a provisional revolutionary government of the working class and the people who take these emergency measures to save the exploited masses. A provisional revolutionary government that leaves behind the imposture of the reactionary bourgeois constitution of the Morales government with the Fascist Media Luna agreement regime guarantees and defends the property of the capitalists and imperialism over the wealth of Bolivia.
Internationalist Socialist Workers League (Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas) of Bolivia