July 26
Stop the terrorist action of the imperialist bandits, NATO and Zionism all over Maghreb and Middle East!
With the massacre in Gaza, imperialism and Zionism seek to make the Palestinian masses surrender, in order to fully impose their apartheid plan
The fake truce of Kerry, Obama and UN is to impose the fence and militarization to Gaza and the West Bank
Down with “plan of peace of the cementeries” and “two states” from Obama, Zionism and the UN!
The invader must be expelled from Jordan River to the Ocean!
This is not a war, it is a new genocide against the Palestinian nation
Generalized arming to all workers and the Palestinian people!
For the destruction of the fascist-Zionist State of Israel!
Zionist bombing on Gaza Strip
Palestine masses killed
by the Ziosnist-Fascist state of Israel
Demonstratio in Gaza after the bombing
- From Gaza to the West Bank and Jerusalem, from the Diaspora of Jordan and Lebanon…let the Palestinian nation rise to defeat the Zionist state of occupation!
- The Palestinian masses took to the streets and entered in combat in the West Bank. They imposed a general strike supporting their brothers of the Gaza Strip. Despite and against Al-Fatah, the Palestinian masses started clashing with the checkpoints and the Zionist murderous police who guards the siege to the West Bank ghetto. That’s the way forward:
Revolutionary strike! Generalized Armament of the Palestinian people all across the occupied nation!
From Gaza to the West Bank, from Nablus to Belen and Jerusalem, one single battle against the Zionist invader.
- Defeat the fascist army of the state of Israel, funded and supported by the imperialist gangsters of USA and all the European powers
- Putin, Al-Assad from Syria, Hezbollah from Lebanon and the murderous dictatorship of Al-Sisi (Egypt) guard the borders to the Zionist state so that they can massacre the Palestinian masses
Out with the lackeys of imperialism from Maghreb and Middle East who support the genocidal forces of Zionism!
- The Tunisian masses took to the streets. In 2011, the revolution started there for bread and freedom. It will be victorious with the Palestinian flag waving in Jerusalem and breaking with the government of “national salvation”, supported by the murderous generals of Ben Ali
- The Syrian resistance; the revolted masses in Lebanon against Hezbollah and its millionaire business; the insurrected exploited from Fallujah and Mosul in Iraq; the rebel militias from Libya confronting the counterrevolutionary coup of Heftar and CIA as well as the khadafist GNC government, those lackeys of NATO; and the Tunisian masses that started the revolutionary processes for bread in 2011 must break the siege on the Gaza Strip and put all their forces and arms to smash the fascist-zionist state of Israel
-The Egyptian working class must unified their forces and return to Tahrir Square and overthrow the wall of Rafah to break the siege on Ghaza Strip
The Palestinean masses and workers from all over the world have started to break the siege on Gaza
From France to England, from New York to Rome and Santiago de Chile and China, from Morocco to Jordan and Tunisia, and from all the capitals of the world millions of workers rebel to defeat the genocide of the fascist Zionist state of Israel, commanded by Obama, against the Palestinean Nation
For an international intifada to stop the massacre against the Gaza people and end with the sinister plan to confine the Palestinian nation to ghettos!
Committees to support and brigades coming from all the worker and anti-imperialist organizations settled in Maghreb and all across the world to break with the fence imposed on Gaza Strip and prevent a new massacre from taking place! |
Demonstration in Nablus, in Northern West Bank (07/24/2014)
Demonstration in Tunisia:
"Stop the war against Gaza"
Barricade of the Palestine youth of Jerusalem against the Zionist police
March in Grecia:
"End the war on Gaza"
Demonstration in Taipei, China
A single revolution in the entire Magreb and Middle, from Tunisia to Jerusalem!
Down the genocide Al Assad, armed by Putin, to defend the fronteers of the sionism in the Golan Heights!
End the murderous dictatorship of Egypt and with the government of the CNG and their Ghadafist generals in Libya!
Enough with the government of “national salvation” of Tunisia, which only “saves” the murderous military and judges from Ben Ali!
Nor Islamic State under the commands of the saudi bourgeoisie servant of Obama, nor FSA under the command of Turkey!
Out the government of the yankee protectorate of Maliki in Irak! Out the murderous yankee troops of Afghanistan!
Return to the revolutions for the bread and freedom in 2011, but this time from Tunisia to Jerusalem, to crush the Zionist beast and end the goverments and regimes lackeys of the imperialism! Out with the murderous dictatorships of Yemen, Morocco and Algeria, suppoted by US-UK imperialism and the pirates of French 5th Republic!
Free, secular and democratic Palestine!
Revolutionary Worker and peasant government!
The Palestinian flag must wave in his capital: Jerusalem!
For the United Socialist States of Magreb and Middle East!
The Zionist occupation army is attacking, invading iron and fire and massacring the Palestinian masses in Gaza
They have already passed 14 days of the start of the new, brutal massacre against the Palestinian masses in the Gaza Strip. More than 500 children, women and workers from the Palestinian people have been massacred with impunity by the Zionist fascist gendarme funded by Obama the butcher. More than 3,000 injured have been mutilated by fire bombs arriving by land, air and sea. Zionist -fascist of State Israel has downloaded over 2 thousand tons of explosives, more than 1500 bombs on the small strip of Gaza, where more than 1 million and a half Palestinians survive, crowded and in subhuman conditions, convicted by the Zionists to live as outcasts in their own land, in open-air concentration camps. At the same time, 65 thousand fascist soldiers of the army of Israel are depredating the lands in the North of the Gaza Strip causing more death and despair to the martyred Palestinian people.
Gaza is already fenced off since 2007. Its inhabitants cannot touch the sea and beaches. The borders with Egypt are closed. The Egyptian masses from Tahrir Square, with their revolutionary struggle that overthrew the Government of Mubarak, pulled down the infamous wall of Rafah, which then was again raised by the Government of the Muslim Brotherhood and the military dictatorship of Al - Sisi.
Gaza suffers a fierce embargo by the Zionist State. There are one million eight hundred thousand Palestinian living in an open-air concentration camp. The rest of the Palestinian nation has been imprisoned behind the multiple high walls within the West Bank. The Zionist State, which in 1948 was imposed on iron and fire by USA, USSR, UK and the UN, usurped the Palestinian nation; expropriated the best lands and expelled millions of Palestinians into exile in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, etc. The Palestinian people have become real pariahs in their own land.
The criminal attack by Zionism to Gaza today is one massacre of the many that Zionism has perpetrated against the Palestinian exploited masses and the people to impose their surrender, and to accept the "Oslo Accord", i.e., the "two States" plan, which guarantees the confinement of the Palestinian masses to a diaspora in dozens of countries around the world and concentration camps in their own country.
The sinister plan of Geneva II, Obama and the imperialist powers for the Maghreb and the Middle East: using all their agents in the region and also the international reformist left, to be able to again empower Zionism to use its firepower to crush and discipline completely the Palestinian masses
The sinister plan of Geneva II could be imposed through the massacre in Syria, which allowed to stabilize the counter-revolutionary coup by the military dictatorship in Egypt. The WSF of March 2013 legitimized the expropriation of all the revolutionary processes, supporting mock and fraudulent parliaments for them to divert these revolutionary processes, so that then the generals’ sabers could defeat them.
The United States, at the meetings in Geneva on January 2, 2014, concentrated all forces of their servants and agents in the Maghreb and Middle East to crush and drown the Syrian revolution in a bloodbath, to interrupt the chain of revolutions and revolts for bread that shook Maghreb and Middle East and whose libertarian wave circulated around the world in 2011.
Imperialism instructed its hit-man Putin, supported by Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs, to help Al - Assad it had already sent to drown the Syrian masses in blood, with 400,000 dead and more than 10 million of exploited living in tents of refugee camps at the borders. In Egypt, US imperialism first used the Muslim Brotherhood to collide with the exploited in Tahrir Square. It then imposed a ferocious military dictatorship, which violently attacked all the Egyptian masses. In Libya, it organized a counter-revolutionary coup with the puppet “general” Heftar, a CIA agent, to crush rebel militias in Tripoli, Benghazi, Misratah, etc.
From the World Social Forum (composed of Stalinism waste, the social imperialist parties and the Renegades to Marxism) they put on foot the "National Salvation Front" in Tunisia, which represses, imprisons and attacks any anti-imperialist fighter that has been and continue acting in solidarity with the masses of the Tunisian revolution and the uprising of the Syrian masses.
U.S. cannot intervene directly with its military forces to solve this contest in favor of imperialism in the region. After the "Iraq syndrome", due to which it has had to run out as is doing now in Afghanistan, imperialism has lost direct fire power in the region. The American masses, who have struggled against its own imperialism when it sent Iraq to the Middle Ages, have established a balance of power that does not allow for the moment a new bloody direct adventure. For this reason, US imperialism has used, through that infamous Geneva II Pact, all its agents.
Though, if today it accomplishes the crushing of Palestine, as yesterday it defeated the revolution in Tahrir Square in Egypt with the dictatorship of Al – Sisi, and the Syrian revolution with the massacre by the dog Bashar, the working-class and oppressed peoples of the world will spill even much more blood and suffer lots of counterrevolutionary attacks.
In Palestine, imperialism marched, with the UN, to consummate the sinister plan of "two States". Fatah and Hamas were preparing a pseudo-government of the concentration camps of Gaza and the West Bank to finish together recognizing the Zionist State and advance to a "peace of the cemeteries" plan and the definitive confinement to ghettos of the Palestinian nation.
There is no chance of succeeding in the imposition of the apartheid plan of Zionism and Obama against the Palestinian nation unless Hamas, i.e. the Palestinian bourgeoisie from Gaza, did not quite recognize the Zionist State. There it headed with its partners from Fatah. The bourgeoisie of Hamas only requires from Zionism and US the lifting of the economic blockade, to deepen and stabilize its businesses and then it would recognize remorselessly the State of Israel.
Though, the Palestinian masses refused to give their avail to this plan of the Palestinian bourgeoisie. They could not support any more tens of thousands of settlers invading their best lands, or the fact of 6,000 Palestinian political prisoners rotting in the dungeons of the Zionist State. They did not support or endure any more working as slaves in exchange of some coins, leaving the concentration camps with short lived and discretionary authorizations granted by the Zionist bourgeoisie and the transnational corporations.
US saw already nearly consolidated its control of the revolutions in the Maghreb and Middle East... named by its lackeys of the left worldwide as "Arab springtime" -that ended up being a real hell for the masses. US imperialism, during 2011, 2012 and 2013, had kept out of the scene its Zionist club, since if it attacked the insurrected masses all over Middle East, it would be like splashing gasoline to the fire of the revolution. For this reason, it had sent the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah to massacre the rebel Syrian masses that threatened to take Damascus in 2013.
Obama and Kerry, too, had sent the heads of the Sunni bourgeoisie of Jabhat al - Nusra, or the agents of Turkey such as the FSA, and the "combatant" lackeys of the Saudi bourgeoisie - the Islamic State – to contain, like true "Trojan horses", the rebel masses in the Syrian areas where they had defeated Al-Assad and his genocidal forces.
Imperialism thought it had then consolidated its plan to regain control of the region and restore all counter-revolutionaries devices that took care on its account of the routes of oil for the imperialist companies, as they had been the dictatorships of Ben Ali, Mubarak, Khadafy and dog Bashar, which together with the billionaire bourgeoisie of Hezbollah were defending the borders to Zionism. Meanwhile the Palestinian bourgeoisie ensured that the oppressed Palestinians do not intervene along with the revolution of their brethren of the entire Maghreb and Middle East.
USA, settled in its Covenant of Geneva II, saw then stabilized its control of all the Maghreb and Middle East... but the reality shows that the shock waves of the heroic Tunisian revolution of January 2011 have not finished... These are fed by the hunger and the unprecedented suffering of the masses, which from Fallujah to Mosul in Iraq, to Gaza to the West Bank return to revolt against imperialism, which subjects these Nations and super-exploits them.
The Palestinian masses and the insurrections of Fallujah and Mosul in Iraq are questioning the counterrevolutionary pact of Geneva II
USA and the imperialist powers that supported it in the invasions to Iraq and Afghanistan have not been able of intervening directly to smash the revolutionary processes. Their offensives clashed with a heroic resistance of the masses in Iraq and Afghanistan and with the beginning of the uprising of the European and US working classes who refused to join their own imperialism to these military adventures. Those adventures had the only aim of controlling the oil routes of the “7 sisters” and the business of Halliburton of Cheney, Total and other imperialist pirates.
Since 2008/2009, USA and European powers had, within, an “Iraqi” situation as happened before with Vietnam, which forced the partial withdraw of their troops from the region. Therefore, as we said before, the imperialist plan is that its agents do the “dirty work”. The best example of this is Bashar Al Assad, supported by Putin the hitman of imperialism.
As we said before, imperialism, through this offensive by proxy people, thought its counterrevolutionary plan of contention and smashing the revolution was settle. They were declaring “victory”… but before time.
The Palestine masses entered once again to the center of the stage, since they did not tolerate any longer the surrender and reduction of the occupied nation to ghettos of Gaza Strip and the West Bank, because they do not stand any more starvation they were submitted.
From the deep of Gaza, the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem started to set up a new intifada.
To imperialism surprise, the Iraqi masses, since January, have started an uprising against the hated government of Maliki in the US protectorate in Iraq.
In Iraq, US protectorate’s gurka army dissolved, in every attempt of NATO chief state to send this army to attack the rebel masses of Fallujah and Mosul. Because Shiite and Sunni rank and file soldiers of Iraqi Army, who come from the exploited masses, refused to oppress their rebelled brothers and sisters. This ends with the story and lie (who repeat like troubadour the reformist left’s leaders) of the 15,000 “brave warriors” of the “Islamic State” who dissolved a 140,000 men army, which was armed by Halliburton and the government of the Iraqi colony of Maliki. This army was destroyed by the heroic uprising of the masses of the “Sunni triangle”.
Obama, with the Saudi bourgeoisie, and making pacts with the old “Republican guard” of the coward Saddam Hussein, had to send the Islamic State to smash from within the chain of insurrections so they do not reach Bagdad and unifies with the hundreds of thousands oil and construction workers in southern Iraq.
But these two big masses uprisings (Iraqi masses and the ongoing Palestinian Intifada) that survived counterrevolution and genocide in Syria, clashed against a settled Geneva II plan. The borders are strongly controlled by dog Bashar, Hezbollah and military dictatorship of Egypt.
The Islamic State advanced in Iraq to control the processes of revolutionary masses insurrections with manum militari, also supported in the counterrevolutionary Republican Guard of Saddam Hussein.
This allowed imperialism giving green light to the Zionist State to massacre the new Palestinian Intifada in all the occupied territories. This is what we are seeing today.
In order to defeat the genocide in Gaza: break with collaborationist policy of the Palestinian bourgeoisie
As we have seen the pact of Hamas and Al Fatah wants to create the conditions to end the siege on Gaza so Hamas reclaims the existence of the State of Israel, and the Palestinian Nation remains in the open-pit concentration camps, but “without the siege” on Gaza, as happens in the West Bank today.
The Palestinian bourgeoisie only wants to administrate business in the concentration camps called Gaza Strip and the West Bank, guarded by UN and imperialist powers pact, which recognize the State of Israel as gendarme of their interest in the entire region.
When there were fights in Syria and the Palestinians refugees’ camp of Yarmouk was massacred, Hamas and Al Fatah remained in a shameful silence. Even Al Fatah received from UN the title of a fake Palestinian state in the concentration camp called the West Bank.
The fight of the Palestinian prisoners and a new intifada of the exploited faces and clashes, constantly, against the collaborationist policy of the Palestinian bourgeoisie.
Worker and peasant masses know and understand that they will only recover their lands, have food and dignity if they destroy the Zionist State of Israel.
Socialist revolution is the only one that will solve this question. Only fighting for the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel the Palestinian masses will be led to conquer bread and land. This will only be achieved by breaking with the Palestinian bourgeoisie, which collaborates with the “two states” plan of Zionism, Obama and UN.
Palestinian bourgeoisie’s policy of submission to UN and Zionism has failed. Tens of Palestinian workers and peasants have been fighting in the streets of the West Bank, in Ramallah and have been opening now the combat and a battle front of Jerusalem. Long live the revolutionary uprising of all the Palestinian masses! Enough with collaborationist bourgeoisie! The tormented Palestinian masses must fight for the destruction of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel!
The international support has set up. Millions of workers and youth all over the world fight in the streets, hate and repudiate the brutal genocide launched by Obama and Zionism against the Palestinian nation and people.
Imperialism recruits all its agents to siege Gaza
The bourgeoisie of Hezbollah in Lebanon controls the border with its army, together with UN troops, posted there since 2006. The so called “impartiality” of Hezbollah stating that they have nothing to do with the missiles which were hitting Israel from Southern Lebanon, proves their servility to imperialism and Zionism. Their “impartiality” is a mask to allow the massacre in Gaza Strip while they control the Palestinian masses in Southern Lebanon, so they do not fight supporting their Palestinian brothers. They are looking after the borders to the State of Israel.
The dog Bashar looks after Zionism in the Golan Heights. In the free areas, in Northern Syria, FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra turn a blind eye while the Palestinian masses are massacred. Military dictatorship of Al-Sisi (Egypt) has closed the borders with Gaza Strip.
Iranian Ayatollahs, who a few months ago were “threatened” with a Zionist attack, today we can see them as pets of Obama, massacring the Syrian masses and turning the blind eye before the Zionist massacre to the Palestinian Nation.
Hezbollah, Al Assad, Al-Sisi dictatorship in Egypt, together with UN troops and all lackeys of the region look after the backs to the genocide Zionism so they attack the Palestinian masses!
Here the quackery and vile lie of the so called “anti-imperialism” of Putin ends… This hit man of Obama and Merkel exists to arm and support Al Assad to massacre the masses. He has just left alone the workers of Donbass (Ukraine), to be smashed by Kiev’s Army.
Putin and his henchmen are other of the biggest supporters of the fascist Genocide State of Israel, who he is being careful of not calling it “terrorist”, and support it from the cave of bandits called UN, together with Obama and other imperialist butchers.
They are all afraid with a new uprising, from Tunisia to Jerusalem, of the revolutionary masses of Maghreb and Middle East. The Palestinian masses have transformed the battle field of Gaza in the entire nation stolen by Zionism and the fascist forces of occupation. The exploited peoples of the region must rise up again. The action of the world working class is the support o this huge reply that started against the Zionist aggression.
The Palestine masses, from all over Maghreb and Middle East and the wolrd are already breaking the siege on Gaza
In Lebanon the forces to fight with the Palestine masses are getting ready. They are trying to be calmed by the new rich and imperialism’s agents called Hezbollad. They will not be able fo containing the workers and peasants and the Palestinian masses in Southern Lebanon. Their uprising has already started.
The Palestinian people in Jordan, despite the fierce repression of King Hussein, have already risen up and winning the streets. From Morocco and Yemen support is coming from hundreds of thousand fighters who demonstrate supporting the Palestinian masses.
Tunisian masses are marching in the streets. There is where the spark set the entire region on fire in 2011. The spark of 2011 must set on fire again the entire Maghreb and Middle East, to recover Homs in the tormented Syria, to fully conquer the victory of the workers and oppressed peoples with the Palestinian flag waving in Jerusalem!
Rebel militias of Libya, who are facing the NGC’s government –lackey of imperialism- and his coup general Heftar, who entered to Tripoli overthrowing Khadafy with the Palestinian flags, today they must fight in Gaza, like they did in Syria against dog Bashar.
For the return of the Egyptian revolution to demolish the wall of Rafah!
Let’s march with brigades from the worker and anti-imperialist organizations from Maghreb, Middle East and the entire world to fight with our Palestinian brothers and sisters to defeat Zionism and the imperialist attack and to prevent a new massacre and genocide!
For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
For a free, secular, democratic and non-racist Palestine, with capital in Jerusalem, from Jordan River until the sea!
For a National Palestinian Assembly, with delegates elected from Gaza Strip and the West Bank, from Jordan, Lebanon and the entire Palestinian Diaspora!
For a provisional revolutionary government of the Palestinian masses to end with any sign of the occupation of the Zionist state, in order to conquer bread, recover the lands and national independence and to pose the Palestinian Nation as the head of the revolution against imperialism and its lackeys all over Maghreb and Middle East!
Working class from Europe and USA are marching in the streets
European General Strike! Return of the million men against war march in USA!
Paralyze Zionism’s war machinery, supported by world imperialism!
From France to England, from New York to Rome, from Athens to Chicago, from Germany to Sweden and Spain… the working class of the imperialist powers stands up. All imperialist powers are supporters of the Zionist Fascist State of Israel because in last instance they look after the interests of all oil companies and TNCs in the region.
While USA keeps arming Zionism, French imperialism keeps its occupation in Mali and Chad. They are imperialist moves to smash the revolution of Maghreb and Middle East, which has in a key battle today in Palestine.
The working class from the imperialist countries has already stood up and fights side by side with the Palestine people. In the imperialist Europe, USA and Japan: The enemy is at home! Their workers are fighting with the war cry of “stop funding Zionist war machinery!”.
The working class of the main countries, with their pickets, strikes and demonstrations, has the strength to boycott the war machinery and stop the massacre of Zionism! If the massacre against the Palestine people is imposed, the imperialist governments will double their attack against workers!
The working youth from French cites took the first and brave step of what it must become in a “generalized intifada” in Wall Street, Tokyo and the entire imperialist Europe.
The exploited youth from the districts of Barbes and Sarcelles (Paris suburbs) are the ones who started the current fights shouting “Stop the massacre against Gaza!” They are the head, in the imperialist countries, of millions of immigrant workers from the peoples of Maghreb and Middle East, superexploited in the imperialist countries.
The fight for the Palestinian nation unifies the working class of Europe and USA and put them in a better position to fight against the brutal onslaught to their life style and jobs by TNCs and their governments.
In the rest of the world, like China and Latin America in Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and Colombia there are demonstrations against the Zionist embassies.
USA started huge actions supporting the Palestine people. Killer Obama, who continues Bush’s legacy, is the one who organize a new massacre in Gaza. He has tried giving legitimacy to the fascist attack of the Zionist state to massacre the Palestinian masses. The “brown Bush”, i.e. Obama, defended the “right to defend themselves” of Zionism, when he is the chief commander of one of the biggest and most genocide armies of the world.
Wall Street bankers arm and fund the war criminals of the Zionist army. Obama is the Chief Commander of operation “Protective Edge” against the Palestinian masses.
Out with the hands of imperialist butchers and Obama, who continues with Bush’s legacy, from Maghreb and Middle East!
Going back to the road of revolution: Expropriation of TNCs and imperialist oil companies in the entire region! This is the “misile” that imperialist gunman and Zionist hitmen deserve.
Let’s set up an international intifada to stop the massacre of the people of Gaza!
Revolutionary general strike in Europe! Let’s fence Wall Street and Tokyo banks! They are the funders of the genocides forces of the Zionist-fascist State of Israel.
Today we are all Palestineans!
A single fight to defeat the fascist forces of Zionism from river Jordan until the sea and in the entire Maghreb, Middle East and the world!
Among the fights and combats of the workers and oppressed peoples of the world there are the forces to smash the Zionist invader troops of the Palestinian Nation, who are carrying on a genocide in Gaza Strip.
Workers and the Palestinian people will triumph with the Palestinian flag waving in Jerusalem.
International unity of the working class!
Collective for the Refoundation of the IV International (FLTI)
Revolutionary Movement of the Rebelled Militias in Libya /Brigade León Sedov, Syria / Workers International League (WIL), Zimbabwe / Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (LCT), Venezuela / Grupo Comuneros, Colombia / Partido Obrero Internacionalista (POI-CI), Chile / Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas (LSTI), Perú / Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI), Bolivia / Comité Revolucionario Obrero y Juvenil por la Autoorganización (CROJA), Brazil/ Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI) – Democracia Obrera, Argentina