Peru - June 10th, 2021
After the 2020 revolutionary uprising of the masses, the electoral farce is imposed with the victory of Peru Libre
Capitalists and imperialism go safeguard their businesses
With null and white votes that represented 6.4% of the total and an absenteeism of 25.33%, the minutes of the ONPE at 100% of the votes having been scrutinized gave a result of 50.193%, putting Pedro Castillo as the winner against Keiko Fujimori who obtained a 49.807%.
The bourgeoisie and the entire Fujimorist regime breathe relief for the moment, as a true detour was imposed on the revolutionary mass uprising of 2020 that had clashed against the battered Fujimorist regime and its puppet governments. Castillo isn’t a continuity or expression of this fight because he harangued in his electoral campaign and in the days of counting the votes that in his future administration he will govern respecting "private property" andthe "current constitution" that didn’t give the workers the bread or the land to poor peasants. Also his main advisor (a former economist of the World Bank) Pedro Francke recently declared on Twitter: "We reiterate that we haven’t considered nationalization, expropriations in our economic plan," which will comply with "commitments to pay the Peruvian public debt", being that the fraudulent foreign debt reaches 39.9% of GDP; he also emphasized on June 1 on channel 21 that in the "Peru Libre plan, eliminating the FTA is ruled out."
In other words, this government isn’t going to change the lives of the workers favorably, since it has a program to defend the bourgeois order and the business of imperialism, as we mentioned in previous statements. Imperialism enlisted its two agents, so either Keiko or Castillo were to win, imperialism always won, the only thing that differentiated them is demagoguery in the face of the exploited masses, but the government plan monitored by the US imperialist bases is maintained.
Faced with this electoral trap, all the worn out Bolivarian bourgeoisie, Verónica Mendoza of the Peruvian "caviar left" and the reformist left from the Stalinist leadership of the CGTP, leaders of the Mining Federation to different variants of renegades of Trotskyism of every smell and coat, openly supported “progressive” Pedro Castillo, as did the UITCI (Uníos), the official PO of Argentina, the LIT / PST, the LIS-ISL, among others. Thus, for example, as part of this democratic front of class collaboration, the UITCI joined national marches under the slogans of: “Fujimori Never Again, Keiko Doesn’t Go. Against the Fujimorist mafia. Let's vote for Castillo”, with this, the path of Chacón's call to set up a Workers' Party regardless of class was closed.
Now all these organizations, leaders and currents must take responsibility for all the anti-worker measures and laws that Castillo will apply, for the daily exploitation of the workers and a full-blown attack on the living standards of the masses. From a true democratic front, they diverted the revolutionary mass struggle of 2020 and closed the prospect of imposing a break with imperialism and blowing up the Fujimorist regime that is now in the guise of Castillo and seeks to apply the plans of the IMF and the imperialist transnationals.
This is why we call on the entire workers' vanguard, the base of the currents that claim socialism, the combative youth who waged battle in the revolutionary days that brought down Merino and gave Sagasti no truce, to put no confidence in Castillo of the bourgeois party Peru Libre, which is one more variant of the Fujimorist regime and an agent of the bourgeoisie that seeks to lie and deceive the workers. It’s necessary to reorganize our forces with political independence, to resume the 2020 fighting against the Fujimorist regime that is protected by the US imperialists' bases, recovering our fighting organizations from the hands of those who submitted us to the class executioners.
Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas
(Socialist League of Internationalist Workers) of Perú |