Venezuela - April 25th, 2017
Let the people eat first!
Fight as in “Caracazo”!
Neither Maduro nor MUD! Neither Boli-Bourgeoisie nor oligarchy!
Out with IMF and its generals that repress the people!
Any serious observer can see that the workers and the poor people of Venezuela was not part of the demonstration of the new rich Boli-Bourgeoisie or the anti-worker MUD
The People and the workers are going through garbage on the streets, looking for something to eat and going around supermarkets to try and get at least half kilo of rice.
This is the sham of the Bolivarian revolution: the people in starvation while the Boli-Bourgeoisie took millions of dollars to Miami.
The anti-worker MUD keeps food in storages and is preparing to complete the task of smashing the masses. Maduro proposes himself to be the one doing it, and takes the military to the streets to kill workers.
The officers of the army are getting ready.
They killed the people in Caracazo, they staged the 2002 coup, which was defeated by the masses.
They are the guardians of private property of the bankers, the bosses and the IMF in Venezuela.
All of them took oath in making the people to starve!
The IMF, every day, collects 15 thousand million dollars because of the foreign debt, which was fraudulently acquired by the Venezuelan oligarchy!
The people starve and Maduro pays the IMF… Anti-imperialism? Get out!!!
Let the people eat first!
Out with the IMF!
Expropriate the supermarkets, the importers and the oligarchy that storages food to make prices rise!
Enough is enough! Let MUD, Maduro and his millionaire generals go to hell… go with the IMF!
Open the road to Caracazo!
Expropriate of the expropriators of the people!
Dissolve the repressive forces and arm the people!
The World Social Forum, representatives of Latin American native bourgeoisie as junior partners of imperialism, trade union bureaucracies, pseudo-leftist currents, Stalinists, all kinds of renegades of Marxism, have diverted the huge processes of the Latin American revolution that shook the whole continent in the first decade of the 21st century.
They promised that “another world was possible". Castro brothers, Chavez, Lula, Kichner sold the lie that they would bring the “21st century socialism”. They told the workers to produce, because later the national bosses “will share”.
The native bourgeoisie, while expropriating the revolutionary processes in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile and so on, negotiated with imperialism their share of the national income and surplus value extracted to the working class.
Everything was a deception, a lie. There was no “21st century socialism”, there was capitalism, even worse than that of the 20th century. There was a betrayal and a tragedy that ended up with Cuba being sold out to imperialism and with Stalinism saying “socialism is no longer possible, not even in Cuba”.
They made a pact with Obama, the same one who took away the biggest gains of the working class in USA. They founded UNASUR, a block of the Latin American bourgeoisie that guaranteed juicy business deals to the transnational companies, the imperialist bankers and to have the foreign debts paid to IMF in a 100%. They sold out the Colombian resistance to the fascist government of Uribe and Santos.
After that, they passed on the command to Macri, Temer, Piñera, Kuczynski to handle the government of the lackey governments of the region.
The meaning of the “Bolivarian revolution” in Venezuela is at broad daylight. With the high oil prices, they fed US fleet and army of fuel. The “Boli-bourgeoisie” left millions of that income in Miami. They emerged as an owning class. The “Bolivarians” are just a new bourgeoisie that emerged because of the oil income.
The traditional bourgeoisie, as Capriles, kept intact its power, the possession of lands, of the food distribution and sale, banks and real estate. However, they weren’t part of the oil income theft. This capitalist gang knows that they need the control of the government and the state in order to make a difference again.
The bourgeois gangs are in dispute to see who will attack the masses and share with imperialism the business deals and plundering of the Venezuelan nation.
This is the sham of the Bolivarian revolution. The workers, the people and the Venezuelan nation are in bankruptcy while the bourgeois gangs are making profits.
Capriles and Maduro are negotiating in OAS a pact for ruling. Meanwhile, everyone takes care in keeping the masses away from the capitalist property.
Hundreds of thousands of workers are unemployed. If they have a job, they don’t collect their wages. If they do, they can only live a week per month with dignity.
There is no solution if the working class and the people and their organizations don’t break with the bourgeoisie.
No more government of Maduro, Capriles or the sham of the “Bolivarian revolution”, with the repressive military, the killers of “Caracazo”!
UNT and the workers union federations must break with the bourgeoisie and Chavezism! Set up factory committees and supply committees!
We need to confront the Chavezist militias, the gendarme of the super profits of the Bolivarian bourgeoisie, with the workers militias, to defend wages, food and jobs of the poor people.
The more the masses break with Maduro and confront him and the native bourgeoisie openly, the closer the defeat of Capriles and MUD will be.
The more Maduro pays the foreign debt to the imperialist bankers and stealing the people, the more MUD and the antiworkers get stronger. Maduro is not willing to take a single Bolivar from their business deals or an inch of their property.
Open the road for the Venezuelan working class!
Neither Maduro nor MUD! Dissolve the officers cast and his millionaire murderer coup generals!
For a socialist Venezuela, without Boli-bourgeoisie, without millionaires or MUD oligarchy!
Editorial Board of the International Workers Organizer