January 23, 2015
Revolution’s gigantic step forward: Yemeni masses take the presidential palace
All the power to the Shoras (councils) of workers and poor peasants! For a worker and peasant Government!
September 24 2014 - Yemen
Yemeni masses are starring a revolutionary fighting for bread and their urgent demands
The flame of the revolution is still alive!
Long Live Revolution!
see full report |
We are witnessing today in Yemen a new onslaught of the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East, which started in 2011. By then the masses of Yemen had also stood up, as a link in a single revolution, together with the exploited of Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Egypt and the entire region, overthrowing the then President Ali Abdallah Salah and defeating the increases in prices of fuel, food and other commodities that he wanted to impose.
The answer, during the same year, was a brutal massacre against the masses, including the bombardment with American drones to insurgent masses justified with the old pretext of "fighting terrorism of Al Qaeda", an organization that was armed, trained and funded by the CIA, and which did not take part, at any time, in the barricades of the insurgent masses.
On the basis of this massacre, all local bourgeois parties in Yemen met, carried out an "orderly" exit for Salah and imposed a regime of "transition", temporarily expropriating the revolution that had begun, by naming Abd er-Raba Mansur Al - Hadi as President. This Government, rom the moment he officially assumed in 2012 until 2014 was responsible for continuing the bloody repression of the revolutionary vanguard which remained in the streets (a repression that also featured help from American drones), while the regional bourgeoisies of Yemen settled more and more in their areas of origin.
By mid-2014, after the genocide in Syria and the subsequent retreat of the revolution in the region, especially in Yemen, the local bourgeoisie believed the masses had been already defeated and contained. Thus it was that the Hadi Government began trying to pass the attack which Salah could not, and ordered an increase of 90% of the fuel prices which led to an increase in prices of food and basic goods, greatly increasing the already unbearable cost of life.
Yemen is a country where people live on less than two dollars a day, wherein more than half the population lives below the poverty line and about a quarter of it has health problems due to the poor or non-existent nourishing. Under these conditions, such price increase makes literally impossible an already difficult life.
It was then that a Northern bourgeois group, the so-called "Houthis" (of Shia beliefs), which had been disputing a greater portion of the business, began to denounce the Government as "corrupt" and "responsible for the intolerable situation of the masses". They had always posed as opponents of both governments (Salah and Hadi), and used that position for attempting to use the fight of the masses in their dispute for a larger portion of the cake. Then they raised the demand to turn back with price increases and promised that if there was a Government that included them, the so long awaited bread would be achieved.
A new mass insurrection conquers working-class and peasant unity. The insurrected masses are now armed and take all public buildings and police stations in the capital, Sanaa
Under this situation, the masses took the demand of “down with the huge price increases and for available and decent food”, and staged huge demonstrations. Thousands over thousands on the streets of northern Yemen, an area of poor peasants and sheep shepherds, most of them of Shia Muslim credence, advanced toward the capital (Sanaa), joining the workers in the capital, most of them Sunni Muslim, welding the Alliance of workers and poor peasants. They showed as well that the problem of all Middle East does not consist of religious issues: it has to do with a problem of classes. Thus, they entered Sanaa at the end of September 2014.
Those who entered there were neither a bourgeois sector of Shiite Houthi supporters, or Shiite masses of the Houthi tribe with their respective "heads". They are starving exploited masses of Yemen, both in the North, the capital and in the South, that is both "Shia" and "Sunni". If it would have been nothing more than the Shia Houthis with some followers, then how did this bourgeois fraction, which is a minority in Yemen, a country where slightly more than half of the population is Sunni, marshal itself to defeat the other bourgeois fractions and get to take the capital, when their weight and influence had been always almost non-existent? The fact is that Shia bourgeois was not which took Sanaa, they were the workers and poor peasants, all the oppressed Yemenis.
They like their class brothers and sisters of Libya in February 2011, won the streets, put their barricades on foot, clashed with the police who came to evict them and defeated it. They split the army, with rank and file soldiers passing to the side of the masses while their officers began fleeing like rats before the advance of the masses that assaulted their homes and the barracks.
The exploited armed themselves, took the capital and put on foot "shoras", i.e., councils, in it composed of workers and poor peasants which controlled streets, public buildings, army barracks, police stations and ministries. The shoras are a mechanism of organization where the best proposals are discussed and people will vote to go ahead, and in Yemen, these shoras are armed. They are real bodies of power of the exploited masses.
The houthi bourgeoisie, by piggybacking on the insurrection of the masses tries again to expropriate the revolution by accepting a new attempt of a "national unity" Government with Hadi
Meanwhile.. al-Qa-CIA attacks public buildings taken by the masses
Behind the masses Houthi bourgeoisie came running to play the role of trying to contain the uprising and at the same time negotiate a greater inclusion for them in business (through positions in the State). They immediately tried to mount above the masses’ fighting and appear as the leaders of the process. They met with President Hadi and signed a Pact of "Government of national unity" under the umbrella of the UN, which presented it to the masses as "the solution to corruption" since they would be part of the Government, and from there they could allegedly meet the popular demands.
The masses did not accept empty promises or complied with the discipline of the Houthis. Since then, insurgent masses have tried to advance on the control of the country, despite and against an enormous effort of the different bourgeois sectors and the envoys of the United Nations who try every day to remove them from the streets, disarm them and dissolve their bodies of dual power. Moreover, the exploited also have to endure the incessant attacks of the arm of Al Qaeda in Yemen, which has constantly sent explosive cars, attacks with bombs and raids on the shoras against the masses and which using the flag of the "holy war", attempts to divide the unity conquered by the masses, and confront "Sunni" against "Shia".
Even the Sunni bourgeoisie from the South of Yemen has begun to raise flags of separation, asking to go back to a "South Yemeni" State (as it was prior to 1991). Then it has put in foot its paramilitary gangs of mercenaries, which were so far defeated by the armed masses.
The bourgeoisie of the whole of Yemen continued with his attempts to dissolve and disarm organizations that the masses were standing and remove them from the capital Sanaa. They gave concessions, as the recoil in the measures that led to price increases. They tried to put new Prime Ministers (with the same President), a new cabinet (including the Houthi bourgeoisie), and a new Constitution. But the masses rejected all these traps and deception that only sought to dissolve the power of the masses and return control to Hadi.
The Houthi bourgeoisie and the UN again insisted on imposing a joint Government of Hadi, the Sunni bourgeoisie from the South and the Houthis, and tried to vacate the capital. But the exploited responded with even more progresses. It happened then that from Monday January 19 they fenced the houses of the Prime Minister and the President, to then go to take the Presidential Palace, defeating the few guards who were still under the control of the Government. As a result, the Houthi bourgeoisie declared that they did not want a "coup" or to "overthrow the President", but more participation for them in the Government. The UN pronounced Hadi as the legitimate President, and urged both sides to resolve the situation. Hadi accepted the agreement to make a joint Government, and after that, the Houthis called on the masses to leave the Presidential Palace and withdraw from the streets to give rise to this "new Government".
But up to today the masses resist letting go what they have conquered and are not removed from their posts or disrupt their Shoras. They have identified that the demand for bread can only be achieved if their struggle and their dual power bodies are still standing. The bourgeoisie insists in activating traps so that the masses do not take power and to be able to remain in the Government, to follow starving the masses and plunging them into extreme poverty.
Against the bourgeoisie and the United Nations, we must resolve the open revolutionary crisis in favor of the exploited:
All power to the Shoras (councils) of armed workers and poor peasants! Neither Houthis, nor Hadi, or political representatives of the Sunni bourgeoisie and its imperialist pro's "national unity" Government!
For the worker and peasant Alliance! Open the way to the insurgent masses!
Out of poverty: we must break with imperialism!
Out with the UN!
For the expropriation without compensation and under worker control of the property of capitalists, large land holders and bankers!
Down with the bourgeois parties which are trying to divide the masses, hold back and strangle their fight!
Yemen is now a bastion of the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East, along with the Palestinian resistance. There the masses have heeled in and are showing the way for all the exploited in the region. In Yemen we see today that the revolution in the region is still resisting.
That’s why imperialism and its sidings from left are leading today, and yesterday they did with the insurgent masses of Libya, so many calumnies against the Yemeni masses, saying that they are "backward", "barbaric", "terrorists", "religious Shiites who want to destabilize the Sunnis". They even say that the iprising is not such; that it's a "interethnic dispute" or "inter-tribes feud", and have gone so far as to hint that the current uprising is coordinated by Salah in order to go back to governing.
This situation resembles France in 1936, when the Revolution began. At that time, Trotsky wrote: "according to a historical legend, Luis XVI's question 'but is this a revolt?', was answered by one of his courtiers as ' no, sire, it is a revolution '." Now to the question of the bourgeoisie 'is ir a revolt?' its courtiers respond 'no, they are nothing more than Union strikes ' ". And today, the courtiers of imperialism say "they are mere Shia coups", "a counter-revolution by Salah", or "disputes between Shiites and Sunnis, commanded from behind by interests of Iran against Saudi Arabia".
None of that. It is the revolution of the oppressed. The exploited masses of the poorest Arab country are struggling for conquering their bread. The Houthi bourgeoisie only wants to negotiate a greater participation in the positions of the Government and the State, and to evict the exploited. There are dual power bodies of the masses armed in Yemen and they are an example for all the working class of the region and worldwide.
Such a thick siege of silence in the world about the events in Yemen - especially by the organizations of the World Social Forum - and such a slander about Yemeni masses and their struggle by the leaderships of the proletariat in the region and around the globe aim to trying to divide and isolate these engagements. After the attacks made tailored to France using the magazine Charlie Hebdo, this imperialist power has accused "Al Qaeda in Yemen", for the struggle, that today is using the same pretext that yesterday US imperialism used when they bombarded the revolt of the exploited Yemenis.
This new revolutionary offensive of the masses in Yemen comes in relief of the heroic resistance of the masses that in Syria faces two fronts, that of the massacre of Al-Assad and the shots in the back of the ESL and ISIS. The worker and peasant mass insurrection of Yemen, despite deceptions, betrayals and massacres, is an indication that the heroic revolution started in 2011 has not yet written its final chapters on revolution and counter-revolution.
Yemen today is writing key chapters of the struggle of the world proletariat
Yemen fight must not be left isolated from the proletariat of the region or the world! Like yesterday for Palestine, we must win the streets of the world in support of the masses of Yemen!
Let's return to the path of revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East as begun in 2011 and the international unity of the proletariat which threatened to open the revolution in the U.S. and Europe! Today it is standing up the black working class of USA, in the heart of the imperialist beast. Greece and the miners in the Donbass (Ukraine) are standing two. They are the best allies of the masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East! Long live the international unity of the working class!
Abu Muad
Abu Muhajer
Jan 21, 2015
Yemen: Breaking news
To the cry of "no to the corrupt government, for the unity of the Yemeni exploited to face our enemies in order to prevent they steal our resources! Out with imperialism! Out with Zionism! ": The insurgent masses face off against small reactionary tricks driven by different fractions of the Yemeni bourgeoisie"
Once the masses took the capital and the Government Palace, after defeating and splitting the armed forces; once they put in foot their shoras of armed peasants and workers and toppled the Government of Hadi, all sectors of the bourgeoisie yemeni attempted to respond. The Houthi bourgeoisie, which goes on trying tries to mount above the mass movement, insists on "Hadi being still President" (to whom this bourgeois sector never wanted to throw, rather always held it albeit to negotiate a better shar of the cake) alleging that "his resignation has not been accepted by Parliament" (which has suspended its sessions indefinitely). This is clearly deception aimed at the masses not to take power, to give time to the set of the bourgeoisie to be recomposes and act.
Meanwhile, local bourgeois sectors of the South called rallies on Jan 24 2015 rejecting every Government from Sanaa and considering returning to make separate countries, i.e., building again the "South Yemen" State. rallies of the same ilk were sraged in the capital, Sanaa, in support of the former President Hadi, called by former officials of the former bourgeois Government both on the same day and the next day. They were reactionary marches of rich middle classes and paid declassed sectors to assist them, that disguise as 'people' to pull against the masses of revolutionarists, very similar to those that we saw in Libya in 2012 which marched against workers and peasants militias calling for the disarmament of the same and for the putting in place of a unique bourgeois army and police.
These brought in masses do not represent the people, but instead a tiny minority of Yemeni citizens who want to continue plunging the poor people into true unprecedented poverty to ensure businesses to imperialism. Thus they were identified by the insurgent masses, who marched by the tens of thousands in the streets of the capital shouting "no to the corrupt government; for the unity of the Yemeni exploited to confront our enemies to avoid their robbing our resources! Out with imperialism! Out with Zionism! "."
With this battle cry, they collided against the reactionary rallies, scattering the last who the bourgeoisie wanted to carry out in the capital on Jan 25, 2015, so maintaining and securing control of the shoras over Sanaa.
The exploited are still standing!
Neither Houthis/Hadi, nor politician representatives of the Sunni bourgeoisie! Out with the reactionary bourgeois rallies!
As the insurgent masses shout, “so that they steal us no more resources or return to enslave us all, All the power to the shoras”! Worker and rural poor Government all over Yemen! Out with imperialism! Out with Zionism!