Chile - September 11, 2024
September 11, 1973 – September 11, 2024
51 years after the genocidal military coup by Pinochet, the DC (Christian Democracy) and US imperialism that massacred the revolution of the Cordones Industriales
-In 1973, Allende, Castro and the Communist Party, with the scam of the “peaceful path to socialism”, imposed the “bloody path” to the military coup.
-Today in 2024, the Boric government, the Communist Party, the Frente Amplio and the Socialist Party are moving forward in handing over the nation to US imperialism.
The Boric pro-imperialist government and the CCP have proven to be the best administrators of imperialism's plans against the workers and exploited
Just days away from the anniversary of the military coup, this government of Boric and the Communist Party have carried out a furious attack against the workers and the exploited masses this year, with price increases in public transport and electricity services, which are now in the hands of multinationals such as ENEL of Italian capital. Not to mention the disgraceful conditions of public education, with high schools and schools that are literally falling apart or with poor nutrition for the working class children attending this educational establishments. In addition, we have to endure skyrocketing food prices, the increase in unemployment and a long list of continuos sufferings thrown over the workers shoulders. This is the real Chile, subjected to triple chains to imperialism.
It is therefore clear that this government has not come to resolve any of our just claims. On the contrary, it has only deepened the attack on the exploited with more anti-worker laws such as the “anti-occupation law” that homeless workers are already experiencing first-hand, such as the eviction of the “17 de Mayo” occupation (which occurred in May of this year) and in addition, there are still latent eviction orders in other land occupations. Or the militarization of the Araucanía, which is constantly renewed by the bourgeois parliament, so that the Pinochetista armed forces go on patrolling and intimidating the poor peasantry of Mapuche ethnic origin. As part of this policy, there are more than 70 Mapuche political prisoners in the dungeons of this infamous regime. And what has been their crime? Fighting to recover their lands that have been usurped by the hands of the landowners and the transnational forestry companies.
This is the plan that US imperialism has outlined for this pro-imperialist government. But this is not enough. This Boric/CCP government, a lackey of the genocidal Biden, has turned the “promises” of searching for the detainees disappeared into a dirty and vile business. This government paid 619 million pesos to the company Unholster and, as if that were not enough, the families claim that they were totally marginalized from the search plan, in which they are not participating.
While entire families are still clamoring for justice for their martyrs and are constantly fighting to find their loved ones, this government is opening the door wide to the USA general of the Southern Command army, Laura Richardson, who was in the country in the last days of August. This has been her fourth visit to Chile. But on this last visit she did not come alone, but was also accompanied by the military general staff of US imperialism, and they not only made a “routine” visit but also organized and carried out in Chile the latest version of the South American Defense Conference. On this occasion, the Pinochetista officers together with the “socialist” Minister of Defense Maya Fernandez were the hosts of said conference, which brought together more than 14 delegations of the murderous generals of the countries of the Americas and the imperialist generals of Great Britain and France.
In addition to the above, there are four military exercises that the Pinochetista army has been carrying out together with USA army on Chilean soil.
Imperialism is coming all the way in its Latin American backyard. They are coming to finish plundering the wealth of our nations. And to do so, they are preparing their genocidal servile troops in case we rise up to recover our natural resources. “There is copper, lithium, oil, etc.”, said the genocidal Richardson some time ago. Chile is part of the lithium triangle (which concentrates the largest reserves on the planet), a mineral that is the main raw material for the electrical automotive and the technological industries. With these actions and the connivance of the current pro-imperialist government, USA is stepping on Chile and turning it into one more star on the US flag.
This government welcomes with open arms imperialism, its generals and its transnationals, the same ones that had organized and carried out the genocidal coup that Pinochet commanded against the workers and their organizations like the Industrial Cordons!
Enough of this anti-worker government, which surrenders our natural resources and is a lackey of the genocidal Biden and Wall Street! Enough of this infamous regime imposed by blood and fire 51 years ago!
The best tribute we can pay today to the workers killed in the coup by Pinochet and imperialism is:
Let all workers', students' and poor peasants' organizations break with this pro-imperialist government!
We must set up grassroots assemblies without delay in every mine, port, factory, high school and university! Only then can we begin to recover our organizations to fight!
For the independence of all our organizations from the bourgeois state and its governments! We workers organize ourselves as we wish!
Enough of the collaborationist bureaucracy with the Boric/CCP government! While the CUT bureaucracy asks for dialogue with the bosses, the latter together with the government advance the plans dictated by Wall Street!
The more the Boric/CCP government attacks the workers and exploited, the more the Pinochetista right is getting stronger!
What this pro-USA government, the Pinochetist right, the coup-plotting DC, the bosses and imperialism, deserve is:
Let the revolution of the Industrial Cordons returns! Let the revolutionary struggle for Dignity of 2019 returns!
Only in this way will we be closer to recovering copper and all our natural resources for Chileans and resolving our most immediate demands such as: decent salaries, pensions, housing, transportation, free and quality public education, health, etc.
There is money, but it is taken by the imperialist copper transnationals and the Pinochetista generals!
For the renationalization of copper without compensation and under workers' control!
Lithium for Chile: For the nationalization of lithium, without compensation and under the control of the workers of all reservoirs in the hands of imperialism and Pinochet's former son-in-law Ponce Lerou, owner of SQM, the Chinese company Tianqui and the US transnational Albemarle!
Because they stole everything from us, we want it all! All the expropriators must be expropriated!
Immediate and unconditional freedom for all political prisoners!
Worker and popular tribunals to judge and punish the Pinochetista generals and the murderers of our martyrs of yesterday and today!
Dissolution of the officer caste and all repressive forces of the state! Pinochetist troops out of La Araucanía! USA troops and military bases out of Chile and all of Latin America!
The renegades of Trotskyism at the feet of the pro-imperialist government of Boric, the CP, the Frente Amplio and the “socialist” Party.
In the midst of this brutal attack carried out by Boric and on the eve of another anniversary of Pinochet’s military coup, today the currents that called for voting for this government, such as the MIT-LIT and the MST-UIT, have a lot to explain to the workers and exploited of Chile and the entire Americas. They affirmed that it was necessary to “vote for Boric against Kast and the right.” These currents applied the reformist policy of voting for the “lesser evil” and of placing themselves in the “progressive” bourgeois camp, which ultimately implies subjecting the proletariat and its organizations to the bourgeoisie. And following this same political logic, both the MIT-LIT and the MST-UIT in the different workers’ struggles that have developed these years under the Boric government, have demanded that this bourgeois government resolve the demands of the workers.
Furthermore, the MIT-LIT has to explain why it became part of the anti-democratic deception and the scam of the “constituent convention”, participating in it with its elected delegate María Rivera, and thereby applied the policy of wanting to “reform or democratize” the regime of the 1980 constitution imposed by Pinochet, while the masses in struggle in 2019 were removed from the scene and through the farce of “against” or “in favor”, the Pinochetista constitution of '80 was maintained. The fact is that these renegade currents have long been applying the old Stalinist policy of class collaboration. Both the life and the events of the class struggle have already given their verdict; now they have to explain.
For its part, the PTR-PTS has been maintaining that this “Boric government capitulates to the US” (Boric capitula nuevamente ante los EEUU: el Senado norteamericano despacha acuerdo que evitará la “doble tributación” a las empresas extractivistas- June 27, 2023); it is worth asking the PTR: are the Frente Amplio or the CP parties that defend the interests of the working class? We insist that the class struggle has already given its verdict and we the revolutionary Trotskyists of the POI-CI affirm that the CP is a counterrevolutionary party, and that the Frente Amplio is the bourgeois “left” that has nothing to do with the interests of the workers. And if these parties speak in the name of the workers, it is to divert, betray and lead to cruel defeats the great struggles or the revolutionary processes that the masses open, it is only a matter of seeing how these parties acted in 2019. However, in the mouth of one of the PTR-PTS, leaders who declared on a television program: “This government is a disgrace for those of us who are on the left.” Of what left? Of those who painted this government as progressive? This government is not an expression of the workers and it has a class character, it is a bourgeois government. Why being “ashamed” of the bourgeoisie government? We insist that the CP and the Frente Amplio, etc. are counterrevolutionary currents that are in the camp of the enemy of the working class.
The PTR leadership should be ashamed of the actions of the parliamentarians of the PTS and the FIT of Argentina, which is part of its international current, and has nothing to do with revolutionary parliamentarianism. They should be ashamed of the fact that they maintain political relations with Frank García Hernández, leader of the Cuban Communist Party, the same party that on July 11, 2021 beat and imprisoned the workers who rose up against the hunger imposed on the island by Díaz-Canel and the Communist Party. They should be ashamed of the fact that its international current gave condolences and presented as “civilians” the Zionist occupiers who died on October 7, 2023 due to the just attack of the resistance and the Palestinian masses tired of living under the occupation of their nation for more than 7 decades. Thus, this current put the oppressed Palestinian masses and the Zionist occupier on an equal footing.
A true revolutionary Trotskyist party must be established in Chile, which fights under the banners of the Fourth International!
For this, we the revolutionary and principled Trotskyists of the POI-CI and the FLTI are fighting for. This task will only be possible by refounding the Fourth International under its 1938 program.
We fight for a revolutionary party that should be the revolutionary leadership that the Chilean and world proletariat deserve, that fights relentlessly against Stalinism, which is part of the bourgeois governments as we see in Chile. A party that fight to put the revolutionary Cuba of workers and peasants back on its feet and defeat the new bourgeoisie that emerged from the depths of the Communist Party. A party that fight to unite the anti-imperialist struggle of the Latin American masses with the struggle that the youth and workers of USA are waging today against the genocidal Biden who commands and finances the genocide of the fascist Zionist State of Israel against the Palestinian people.
Let us fight to recover our fighting organizations, which are currently in the hands of the strikebreaker union bureaucracy and the reformist left, which are leading the proletariat to reconciling with its class enemy, the bourgeoisie.
Let us fight for the victory of the socialist revolution in Chile and internationally against imperialism that has turned the world into a filthy prison.
This fight will only be possible by recovering the clean banners of the Fourth International, which have been dragged into the mud by the betrayal of the renegades of Trotskyism who today are in common organizations with the Stalinists and are dedicated to supporting it at an international level.
For the working class to live, imperialism must die!
This will be the way to make the revolutionary cry of the workers of the Industrial Cordons a reality: “Chile will be socialist, period!”
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Special Edition of El Cordonazo
50 years after the genocidal
coup of Pinochet
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Boric with the genocidal Biden
Defense Minister (center) Maya Fernández, with the genocidal US and Latin American generals at the South American Defense Conference
Maya Fernández, the “socialist” defense minister with her general Laura Richardson
Himars missiles launchers at the Pinochet army’s Pozo Almonte military camp
“For housing and education, copper is the solution”
Demonstration for free and quality education
Student mobilization 2011
Plaza Dignidad 2019 – Chile
Front line of the revolutionary battles of 2019 – Chile
Mobilization of the Industrial Cordons
March in the revolution of ’73
Revolution and Counterrevolution in Chle
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