From Belarus - December 2022
The anarchists that fight for the freedom of those arrested by Lukashenko publish and spread the statement of the International Network for the Freedom of the World Political Prisoners and Justice to our Martyrs and send their support
Letters from the Anarco-Partisans of Belarus to the Leon Sedov Brigade of Syria
December 10, 2022: We have received your letter and we thank you for your interest in our activities and also for your for your interest in our region. We apologize for our tardy reply. We follow with great interest the situation in Syria and Kurdistan. We'll write in more detail in the email. Sincerest Revolutionary Greetings!
December 11 /2022: Thank you for sending us the call, we have published it. Let us cooperate in future, please, send us more materials for publication. But please mind that we need time to translate. Also, we suggest you contact Russian language anarchist site They cove events in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia from radical anarchist perspective.
Revolutionary greetings!
“We publish a letter from the distant Syria, which we received by mail. At the same time we want to point out that without sharing their Trotskyist points of view, we still consider important to publish this message”
See letter of the Leon Sedov Brigade
See the call of the International Network for the Freedom of the World Political Prisoners and Justice to our Martyrs
Greetings and solidarity of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) of Belarus
December 13, 2022:
Hello, Сomrades!
We only now have been able to read your message, when 13 December has already arrived.
We are very sorry that this happened.
But we want to say that we support you in your struggle!