Operation massacred started The resistance fights in the last trenches and seeks reagrouping their forces
After Aleppo fell down, the veil has definitively fallen. US generals and centurions fall their flags out commanding –now publicly- all military operations of Al Assad, Putin, Erdogan, his lackeys of YPG and Kurdish PKK, to end smashing revolutionary masses and share the plunder of tormented Syria.
Syria destroyed
Syrian revolution still lives in the fights of the world working class
Al Assad, Putin, Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard, hitmen paid by all imperialist powers
FSA and Al Nusra sold it out from within;
and the traitors of reformist left, servants of Obama, did it from outside
Bombings in Syrian cities
Aleppo destruido
We will not forget, will not forgive! So much killing and betrayal
will not remain unpunished!
For a revolutionary Syria of workers and peasants!
Honour to the thousands of workers, youth and peasants slaughtered by Al Assad’s fascist regime and the hitman Putin, commanded by imperialism!
Revolutionary socialist le tour blood
and our martyrs in the battle fron of Syrian revolution!
Abu Al Baraa
Mustafa Abu Jamaa
Presentation of the book"Syria under fire"
The Syrian Revolution from within filmed and edited by its protagonists. No one will be able to lie anymore any more about this heroic revolution that since 2011 has been shaking Maghreb and Middle East,…
On the 6th Anniversary of the Syrian revolution, using the parliamentary tribune to expose before millions of workers and exploited the genocide against the Syrian masses by dog Bashar, his mercenary troops and hitman Putin on behalf of all imperialist powers, was presented the following Repudiating Motion in the Town Hall of San Pablo through the comrade Sâmia Bomfim Vereadora of PSOL in San Pablo, with the International Committee for Syria of San Pablo