Madrid: Rally in front of the Russian Embassy
The international network for the freedom of the political prisoners of  the world with the people of Madrid shows their solidarity with the Syrian people

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Demonstration in London in Solidarity with Aleppo

Demonstration in Paris in front of the genocidal Putin’s embassy

"Putin murderer"

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Demonstration in the streets supporting the people of Aleppo

Istanbul - En las fronteras con la Siria masacrada se ganan las calles para parar el genocidio de Al Assad, Putin y Obama

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Cape Town: demonstration against the genocide of the Syrian people

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The Committee in Defence of the Revolutionary Syrian Masses support the international day of protest against the massacre of Aleppo see more

Militants throw rubble in front of the Russian Consulate

Homenaje de mineros de Marikana (Sudáfrica) a las masas de Siria y Congo masacradas por el imperialismo y sus burguesías nativas

Desde los socavones del África negra martirizada, donde se vive, lucha, y muer

"We are standing here today with our hearts bleeding non stop, we don't think we'll ever know what is the sin of the mineworkers that are being killed left and right. But we all have a hope one day that all this will come to an end. We are appealing to all the Gods above and under the sun to intervene on what is happening in Syria and DRC. We are extremely shocked even in our beautiful nation even after the Marikana massacre the cops are still have guts to man handle our kids who asking for a basic need which is education they got arrested and tortured of that, we all know that one day everything will come to an end and we believe that even if our solidarity and support might not visible now but those who suffer will see our visibility"

Demonstration in Holland
in front of the Russian Embassy

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Sudan side with side of the Syrian revolution!

Great demonstration in Copenhagen

“Supporting the Syrian people”

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Argentina – Unitarian rally of the left that confronts Al Assad
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BOLIVIA - September 30th, 2016

The union of factory workers of La Paz call to stop Al Assad’s, Putin’s and Obama’s genocide against the Syrian people
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