The fascist Añez government, supported in the "Law for Pacification of the country" signed together with the COB bureaucracy and the MAS over the blood spilt in Senkata, now is going to privatize all the mines and the hidrocarbons for the US imperialists…
Down with the infamous agreement among Morales' MAS, the COB bureaucracy and the coup government!
It is necessary to group the forces in revolutionary El Alto
for resuming the fight against the coup and the fascists...
Enough of collaborationist bureaucrats in our fighting organizations!
For an independent and revolutionary COB!
Forward to the worker-peasant alliance, with the miners' dynamite!
Foward to the prívate soldiers' committees!
Freedom for all imprisoned for fighting! Trial and punishment for the military, assassins of the people!
Nationalization of Lithium, the other minerals and the hidrocarbons, without compensation and under workers' control!
Land for the poor peasants by expropriating the landowners' oligarchy of the Media Luna (Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando regions, NT)!
Rifle, shrapnel, Bolivia keeps speaking out!
On November 10 the OAS, UN, the US imperialists and the Banzerista caste of officers, after having supported Morales during 14 years, throwed him down to make fascist Añez assume the presidence on account of the Media Luna. It was a fascist putsch, that is, a policial mutiny, together with Cruceña (i.e., from Santa Cruz, NT) fascist gangs, enthused by Camacho, that took over the streets breaking worker and peasant heads while shouting "collas out!" ("colla" is a derogatory term used to address indigenous and mixed blood people, who in Bolivia are the majority, more than the 60% of the population, NT) in Cochabamba, La Paz and Santa Cruz, and the Armed Forces educated in West Point that told Morales to resign.
The police burned the wiphala (indigenous flag, NT), humilliated the typically skirted women and fascist Camacho together with Añez and the bourgeois "Civic committees" and fascist groups entered the Palacio Quemado (government old building, NT) with the Bible in their hands.
Morales, who did not touch even an inch of land of the Media Luna oligarchy and guaranteed their businesses to the imperialist transnationals along many years, preferred to flee cowardly to Mexico rather than confronting the imperialist coup, as he knew that to defeat the fascist coup he had to arm the workers and poor peasants, what could put in danger the same Bolivarian bourgeoisie he was loyal to.
The workers and peasants of El Alto, outraged at knowing that the fascists and racists they had sacked in 2003-2005 were returning, responded to the coup with mass independent actions that transformed this crisis of the Pact between Morales and the Media Luna fascists into a true revolutionary crisis that checked the fascist coup impelled by the OAS and UNO.
The bourgeoisie was divided and was disputing around which native bourgeois gang would be the next and new manager of the business of the semi colonial State, and through these breaches in the top the insurrected masses of El Alto irrupted heroically with their methods of fighting, with cabildos (Open assemblies, NT) where they decided to fight for "Out with Añez, Mesa and Camacho from Bolivia"; they called their children -armed privates, to disown their officers, and came down to Murillo Square shouting "Now yes, civil war!" and "Rifle, shrapnel, Bolivia is still speaking out!"
From November 11 a turbulent week developed combatting against the coup, day after day the fight against the fascists gave a leap forward, in Sacaba the people took Campo Carrasco and the facilities of hidrocarbons compression, while indomitable El Alto attacked the heart of the imperialists' businesses by blocking the Senkata plant that supplies fuel to La Paz and gas to transnationals in South America; miner's delegations were coming from Colquiri, Sayaquiri and Coro Coro, hundreds of peasants were blocking roads in the rural areas of Cochabamba, Oruro and La Paz, peasant delegations started travelling from Potosi and the 20 provinces of La Paz to El Alto city for fighting together and defeating the coup.
Hard combats were waged near Murillo Square (downtown La Paz, NT) against the murderous police that had in its rearguard Camacho's fascist groups and the tanks and armored trucks of the army, all of which, and thanks to an Añez's decree were able to massacre unpunished. And what about the leadership of the COB? They didn't call for any action against the fascist coup, the miners' dynamite was absent while we were already counting dead, missing and hundreds of detained after the massacres in Sacaba and Senkata.
Outraged by the more than 30 murdered comrades in Senkata, on November 21 thousands of peasants came down from insurrected El Alto carrying on their shoulders the coffins to La Paz but found the labor movement out of the scenery, the workers in the factories and the miners in the pits, for responsibility of the COB; this was the great betrayal.
If the COB had called for a revolutionary strike the worker-peasant alliance would have been restored with the dynamite of the miners next to the privates, and this fascist government would not have lasted a day more. It was a cynical treason that weakened rebelled El Alto and left it fighting alone!
The bourgeoisie was terrified before the independent actions of the masses and wanted to close the revolutionary crisis at any cost. How did they do that? By voting the "Law for the Pacification of the country", when all the representatives and senators of MAS together with the COB, the Unity Pact of all the organizations linked to the MAS sit with fascist Añez and her ministers under the tutelage of the OAS and the UNO. Fascist Media Luna called Morales' MAS so it helped them to put the masses out of the streets. It was a true Pacification Counsel over the Senkata massacre. And it issued a Pact of gobernance... for the "Peace of Cemeteries", signed by Morales' MAS, the COB and the Media Luna coup that now administers the State businesses for US imperialists and Wall Street without demagoguery. Now, surely the coup government will aim to privatize the last state enterprises Morales left. Out with Añez, the UNO, the OAS and the coup Armed Forces that seek to turn Bolivia into a Wall Street colony! Down with the infamous pact for the "Pacification of the country" signed over the blood spilt in Senkata, the missing, detained and wounded!
The last word has not been said
Insurrected El Alto confronted heroically the fascist coup, but the leaderships of the COB, the Mineworkers Federation, etc., ended kneeling before the fascists. Yesterday they had tied the fate of the working class and the peasants' movement to Morales, who applied flexibilization to the labor force and cut labor gains, and now these leaderships tie them to the Pacification Pact of the fascists Añez, Camacho and minister Murillo.
That's why the whole of the labor movement must realize that it is impossible to fight with the present leaderships, much less defeat the fascist coup… Face the submission to the bourgeoisie of our worker and peasant organizations it is necessary and urgent to recover our political independence.
For an independent and revolutionary COB as that in 1952! Let's recover the COR in El Alto, the FEJUVE, the Bolivian Factory Workers Confederation, and all our fight organizations from the hands of the traitors! Let's sack Huarachi and all the collaborationist leaders that signed the infamous agreement of "pacification" over the blood of our martyred comrades!
The fascist government and its rubber-stamp Parliament, both illegitimate, speak us about pacification of the country, although what we suffer everyday is terror, persecution, jail and a harsh class war that doesn't give a truce to Bolivian and world workers. The blood that was spilt won't be negotiated!
After capitalism was restored in Cuba with the help of the Castroite new rich, Trump and the US imperialists are coming all the way for their backyard to take all the minerals, the hidrocarbons, the soy and all natural resources in Latin America. But people are already fighting at international level as in Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Colombia! El Alto is not alone, damnnit! Because it is a link in a chain, the Latino American revolution!
If the coup is stabilized in Bolivia, there's no doubt imperialism and the lackey native bourgeoisies will want to generalize it throughout Latin America… We must not allow it!
It is necessary to group again the forces in Senkata, from the Bolivian unions and combative worker organizations and also at international level, for crushing the coup of the fascists protected by the OAS and the UN.
Everybody to El Alto! FOR A WORKER-PEASANT CONGRESS IN EL ALTO RIGHT NOW! Let's bring again the central headquarters of the Bolivian revolution as was decreed by the COR in 2003-2005!
Forward to the worker-peasant alliance! Open the way to the miners' dynamite! Forward to the rank and file soldiers' committees! Workers and peasants' militia right now! Trial and punishment for the murderous military that kill the people! Dissolution of the police and the entire reppresive apparatus!
Only thus we will advance to make true the shouts, "Gringos, go out of Bolivia!" and "Bolivian gas and minerals are for Bolivians!", retaking the fight in Senkata and the 2003-2005 revolution for conquering the nationalization of Bolivian riches without compensation and under workers control, and the land for the poor peasants by expropriating the landowners' oligarchy of the fascist Media Luna.
We, workers and exploited, have already the Program of the Pulacayo Theses for crushing the coup of Añez-Camacho; in their Chapter VII, article number 7, "Armament of the workers", they state: "We have said that as long as capitalismo exists, the violent suppression of the workers is a dormant danger. If we want to prevent the repetition of the Catavi massacre, we must arm the workers. To repeal the fascist gangs and the strikebreakers, let's form duly armed worker pickets" . And in their Chapter about the fight against fascism, they say: "Workers and exploited in general, let's destroy capitalism to destroy definitely the fascist danger and the tiny groups that favor it! Only with the methods of the proletarian revolution and within the framework of class struggle we will be able to defeat fascism" (our bolds)
Enough of fake charges, persecution and tortures for the workers and poor peasants! Freedom and immediate and unconditional clearing of charges for all the jailed and detained for fighting! For worker and popular committees for judging and punishing the killers of all our martyred comrades!
Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas (Socialist League of the Internationalist Workers) of Bolivia
POR covers up the COB traitorous bureaucracy that supported Morales and today support the fascist Añez
By Ivan Leon |
The rank and file of the urban teachers in La Paz must rise up against their leadership and the COB bureaucracy to be able to fight against the fascist coup
By Camilo Bravo |