The bureaucracy of the COB and the Mineworkers Federation (FSTMB), supported by the POR, have kept along many years the Huanuni mineworkers isolated from the decisive combats and the general strikes that the working class and the poor peasants in Bolivia held against the anti-worker government of Morales
Now Evo, Morgan Bank small partner and agent of the MNCs, with the mineworkers fenced, is ready to launch a new attack of repression and liquidation of all the working class gains
The winning slate is Pedro Monte's, the "candidate" of the government and the MNCs who comes to impose the surrender of the mineworkers movement |
The reformists of POR, who were responsible for the present catastrophe in which the Huanuni mineworkers are immerse, blame the latter's rank and file for their (POR's) own misdeeds. LOR-CI and the other reformists have supported from within the farce mounted by the class collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB and their "Workers' Party"
see more
-The leadership in Trujillo, from Colque and POR's bureaucracy, after leading the mineworkers of Huanuni to a blind alley, ran away from the battlefield
-With the IPT (pseudo workers Party, NT), with their "anti-imperialist revolutionary front" and together with COB's bureaucracy they ended applauding Morales in the latter's "anti-capitalist" conference mounted by the lackeys of… Wall Street.
Though, the last word hasn't yet been pronounced...
It is imperative to stop the anti/worker attack; for that it is necessary to break the fence and the isolation imposed on the Huanuni mineworkers by all the union bureaucracies and their leftist toadies
The workers' wages, jobs, retirement funds won't be given either to the MNCs or their government
Let's convene just now a National Congress of rank and file representatives elected 1 every 100 in order to found anew the Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia (FSTMB= bolivian Mineworkers Union Federation), free from union bureaucrats or traitors
For a body of rank and file recallable representatives elected by sector, which takes in its hands the solution of the problems of the Huanuni mineworkers.
The only solution for Huanuni and the whole mining industry is the expropriation without compensation and under workers control of the MNCs and the banks.
Enaugh of class collaborationist bureaucracy: we must set up again on its feet the revolutionary COB of 1952 with the Pulacayo Theses.
On this October 11 the elections to the Sindicato Mixto de Trabajadores Mineros de Huanuni (SMTMH Huanuni Mixed Workers' Union, TN). Both the convening and development of the elections as well as their outcome deserve a deep analysis in order to draw the right revolutionary conclusions which would allow to stop the worsening of the route imposed to the union by its class collaborationist leaderships and consequently to the Bolivian working class and its vanguard, the Huanuni mineworkers.
Finally, Pedro Montes, the worst traitor, who sold out the COB to the anti-worker government of Evo Morales, won with his slate the leadership of the SMTMH with a 61% of the votes.
This is the culmination of a plan, of a true plotting of the reformist and class collaborationist leaderships of the working class to try and impose the surrender on the mineworkers and thus, breaking the spine to one of the most combative working classes of the Americas. The essence of that plan is convincing the mineworkers that it is futile to fight, that fighting you go nowhere and that the only breakthrough left to defend the workers' gains is "to negotiate, getting on with and working alongside the government of Evo Morales". The three slates that ran the elections in the SMTMH had that same line, that overtly class collaborationist position, contrary to the historic experience of the Bolivian proletariat. Montes and the other three slates (one was directly from Morales' MAS and the other from a cooperative's boss), in the debate staged in the National Broadcaster at Huanuni, raised as a single voice that the "situation of the 22 mineworkers that are prosecuted has not a juridical resolution; they can be saved by dealing a political agreement with the government", the same government that organized and executed the brutal repression and which today heads an assault against Huanuni that even Goni wouldn't have dreamed of.
When the slate headed by Pedro Montes won, the POR and the other reformists came out to give their reflections on the event. Thus, POR says that the serious situation inflicted on Huanuni is the responsibility of the mineworkers themselves, as they allegedly allowed the MAS's offensive to develop, and so it could sack Ronald Colque (POR's "anti-government and revolutionary" bureaucrat) from the union. This is a true fraud! The POR wants to blame the mineworkers of Huanuni for the terrible defeat that the rotten bureaucracy of the COB and the FSTMB have been descending on them, to which now they added the SMTMH with its "new" leader Pedro Montes, all of which have stricken a final blow on the Bolivian proletariat imposing the surrender on the mineworkers so that Morales can pass his plan of privatization of the (state-owned Huanuni, NT) mine.
So, this reformist party covers the treacherous role of the class collaborationist leaderships of the proletariat. For the POR, the present station is responsibility of the rank and file miners that "sell their soul to the devil", as the same POR put in the headlines of its newspaper "La Perforadora" (The Drill); for the POR, the blame mustn't be put on COB's class collaborationist and servile Trujillo, or on the not less servile Perez of the FSTMB that support the Morales government and attend the Plenums of the MAS to defend the government, who signed the Retirement Law of Morales', carried the mineworkers completely disorganized to Caihuasi and ended the adventure with hundreds of arrested workers, 22 of whom are now prosecuted… Small surprise, as the POR, from the leadership of the teachers' union and the Cochabamba student's association was time and again supporting every class collaborationist leadership that got the steering wheel of the COB.
These of the POR are only the last link of the chain of plotters reunited to put the brave mineworkers proletariat on their knees in front of the government of Evo Morales.
This plotting against the mineworkers proletariat must be defeated by a new revolutionary re-grouping of the working class and the youth, which presented a program to dismantle the trap and prepared the conditions for the revolutionary victory of the proletariat, recouping the fighting organizations, defeating the government of the agent of Wall Street, Evo Morales, his covenant with the fascist Media Luna (or Crescent, the name given to the oil rich provinces of Beni, Pando, Tarija and Santa Cruz, NT) and the class collaborationist leaderships that support all of them.
How have they convinced the majority of the mineworkers in Huanuni to accept the blackmail, i.e., that it is necessary not to fight but to deal and negotiate with the government of Evo Morales for not losing the working class gains?
This is not a product either of the political ability of the government of Evo Morales, or of the lack of class consciousness of the Bolivian proletariat. this false consciousness, this demoralization and confusion has been imposed on them by the class collaborationist leaders of the COB, FSTMB and SMTMH (the latter headed by Ronald Colque of the POR), with terrible defeats, isolation and separating them from the rest of the workers: the combative workers of El Alto (the city that overlooks the catalo city, La Paz, and is inhabited mostly by workers and urban poor, NT), the manufacture workers, the health care workers, the teachers and the poor peasants of TIPNIS. In that way the treacherous leaderships could put the mineworkers between the devil and the deep blue sea.
During long years, the class collaborationist leadership of the proletariat divided the working class, broke the worker-peasant alliance ad submitted their fighting organizations to the government of Evo Morales. this is the secret of the "strength" of the government of MAS: the treacherous leadership that the proletarians have at their head.
Thus the proletariat came to the General strike of May 2013 against the Retirement Law of the government and for a decent retirement legislation, a strike that was carried to its defeat by the same leadership of the COB and the FSTMB, but also by the leadership of Ronald Colque of the SMTMH. There you can see the results of that strike! 22 mineworkers prosecuted and an assault of the government looming on the Huanuni miners! They ended lifting the strike and today the leadership of the COB has signed the Retirement Law of the MAS that the workers had gone to confront in the streets… This betrayal was the key for making the Huanuni workers believe that "the only salvation will be to go and negotiate with the government so that the situation does not get worse".This conclusion was drawn by them thanks to the leadership of Colque that supported and was accomplish of the attitude of Trujillo, whom he did not denounce nor called the miners to confront and defeat for his huge treason.
The POR and LORCI, as good reformists disguised in red, covered and supported from the "left" this treason of the leadership of the COB and the FSTMB; one of them said that the mineworkers proletariat was retaking the road of revolution and the other affirmed that voting for the WP of the COB it was possible to solve all the problems of the proletariat. Today these lackeys of the bureaucrats insult the rank and file of the mineworkers of Huanuni for the result of the election, while they themselves were all the time supporting and rubbing their shoulders with the class collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB, the FSTMB and the SMTMH.
Today all of them together want to consolidate their treason imposing the surrender to the mineworkers of Huanuni. though the last worked hasn't yet been pronounced. the government of Evo Morales has no other plant that deepening its assault against the working class. The bourgeoisie is implacable, the more the leaderships submit the labor movement to the capitalist institutions, the more savage the capitalists are against the exploited. Nowhere is it written that the energy of the Bolivian mineworkers and proletariat in general is already exhausted. However, we cannot fight anymore unless we settle accounts definitively eight all those reformist leaderships that give up at each step every combat that we wage.
For a revolutionary re/grouping of the worker and youth vanguard for fighting for the foundation anew of the revolutionary COB of 1952 free from class collaborationist bureaucrats
For a revolutionary leadership at the head of the COB! For the foundation anew of the Fourth International!
The difficult situation, the present crisis of the Bolivian proletariat is the result of the expropriation of the worker and peasant revolution of 2003-2005. The government of Evo Morales came to prevent the working class to seize the power. "The aborigine socialism" is part of the hoax of the "Bolivarian Revolution" that hijacked the revolutionary processes in the American in the early years of the 21st century. Today the Bolivarians submitted to Obama and Wall street are the guarantors of the capitalist restoration in Cuba in the hands of the Castro Brothers, of the disarmament and massacre of the Colombian resistance and the sellout of al the riches and resources of Latin America and the redoubled pilfering of them by imperialism.
this is the offensive that has been today concentrated ageist the mineworkers of Huanuni in order to break their will and their fighting spirit. In spite of that the energy of the Latin American proletariat have not been yet exhausted and there are still many battles to be fought. this is also true for the Huanuni miners.
The struggle for defeating the blackmail and the assault of the government of Evo Morales is one and the same struggle for defeating the capitalist restoration in Cuba and for defeating imperialist Obama and his lackey governments both those of the FTA and the Bolivarian ones in the Americas. It is urgent to accomplish a revolutionary re-grouping of the vanguard that drew these conclusions as soon as possible.
This re/grouping against the treasons of the leadership of the COB and its daughter organizations must head the fight for a congress of rank and file representatives of the COB to break with the government and its pimps the proletarian leaderships, as the Theses of Pulacayo affirm.
the crisis of mining, the rising cost of living, the shortages, the unemployment and the starvation wages have no solution for the exploited unless the working class can be at the head of the poor peasants fighting all together to expel imperialism. The so called "crisis of the mining industry" will only be resolved imposing with the fight in the streets the nationalization without compensation and under workers control of all the hydrocarbons and the minerals. Unless that is reached, which will come is more attacks against the workers.
Though for that to be achieved it is imperious to defeat the present class collaborationist leadership of the proletariat. It is imperious to found anew the revolutionary cob of 1952! The fight must be directed by a revolutionary leadership, by the Bolivian Trotskyism founded anew as a byproduct of the merging of the internationalists and the advanced workers and youth that confront the treasons of their leaderships. We call the hundreds of mineworkers of Huanuni that voted against the submission and the surrender of the miners to the government of MAS to organize all together with us in order to wage this urgent struggle. The working class will be able to raise again its head and stand up, the traitors will never be able to!
Internationalist Trotkysit League