Chile - May 11th, 2021
Faced with the scam of the elections of May 15 and 16:
The fraud of the "Constitutional Convention" of the government, the former Concertación, the CP and the union bureaucracies guarantees that Piñera continues in La Moneda and that we do not resume our revolutionary
Our fight for dignity does not fit in the ballot boxes of the Pinochetista regime!
Down with the trap of the "constituent process",
tutored by the Pinochetista generals and imperialism
The workers and the people have already “voted” in the streets:
Out with Piñera and the entire regime of the 1980 Constitution!
While the working class and the oppressed masses continue to pay for the crisis of those at the top with hunger, unemployment, thousands of infections and deaths from Covid and an unheard of suffering, the Piñera government, all the politicians of the former Concertación and the union bureaucracies are in the final stretch of submitting us to the scam of the elections of mayors and governors, but mainly of the representatives for the “Constitutional Convention”.
That "constituent" is a totally undemocratic and rigged fraud because it is regulated by Parliament and by the same bosses' politicians who for 30 years have been administering the regime of the 1980 Constitution. For example, by force of law that "constituent" cannot break any treaty of submission of the nation to imperialism and neither can it remove Piñera, who will thus be able to end his mandate next year. With this scam appendix of the Pinochetista regime it is the murderer Piñera who wins as he will continue in La Moneda applying the plans of Biden and Wall Street against the exploited, also the Pinochetista generals win who will continue to be the fundamental pillar of the regime and the imperialist transnationals win which will continue looting the copper!
Today the corrupt politicians of the former Concertación, the waste of the Frente Amplio, the "pacos de rojo" of the CP and the bureaucratic leaderships fill their mouths talking about "democracy", "peace" and "freedom" when these "constituent" elections are carried out while 3,000 political prisoners are rotting in the jails and the courts are imposing sentences of hell on them, while guaranteeing impunity for all the murderers of our martyrs, while the murderous cops continue to repress and sink Chile in a bloodshed, while the genocidal armed forces patrol the streets of the country, while US imperialism maintains its military base in Con Con ... This is the "democracy" of the Pinochetista regime and those liars from the former Concertacion, who in their successive governments starved and repressed the people just like Piñera!
This is the true face of that infamous pact "for Peace and the New Constitution" that all of them sealed overnight with their backs to the people to get us off the streets, save Piñera and the civil-military regime and lead us to the scam of the clownish plebiscite and now to this totally rigged "constituent".
Enough of the lies! We are facing a monumental trap by the exploiters so that we never again return to the path of combat for the revolution that we had begun in October 2019, when we put the power of the exploiters in suspense with days of revolutionary general strike, barricade battles, taking the "Plaza de la Dignidad" in Santiago and setting up the "front line" of rebellious youth.
This "constituent process" is at the service of putting the Chile of those below that had awakened, to go back to sleep. It seeks to guarantee that the Chile of the capitalists and imperialism persists by making some other cosmetic self-reform to the cursed Constitution of the '80s to keep the rule of the exploiters safe!
Those from above want to deceive us with "siren songs" of "peace" and "democracy" when to this day none of the just demands for which we revolted has been resolved. On the contrary: every day that Piñera remains, he has continued to impose hell on the workers and the exploited, unloading the economic and health crisis on their shoulders, while the transnationals maintain their super-profits at the cost of the blood and sweat of the working class and with the price of copper skyrocketing.
This is how we below are paying for the betrayal of the strikebreakers of the Stalinist bureaucracy of the CUT and other leaderships of the "Board of Social Unity." They were the ones who saved Piñera and the hated regime of the 1980 Constitution that had been cornered by the enormous revolutionary mass combat, taking the workers out of the way of the General Strike and separating the mass movement and the fierce "front line” from their best ally, the labor movement.
But just 10 days ago, 6,000 workers paralyzed 25 ports from north to south, once again demonstrating the enormous weight of the working class, which due to its role in production is the one that can hit the government, the capitalists and imperialism where it really hurts: on their earnings and on their property. The working class returned to the first line of combat against Piñera, the regime and the imperialist transnationals. The national port strike put on the order of the day for its path to be extended and generalized and for the labor movement to erupt in a generalized way from all the mines, factories, etc. to lead the mass combat and resume the revolutionary struggle of 2019 to overthrow the government and the regime, at a time when the revolutionary days of our class siblings in Colombia were beginning.
To prevent this scenario, once again the "pacos de rojo" of the CUT bureaucracy together with the Christian Democratic coup plotters and the former Concertación negotiated with Piñera and returned to save him running against the clock, to arrive in time to submit us to this fraudulent electoral process. Traitors!
Today, when the workers and the revolutionary masses of Colombia rise up, where the fight for the Dignity of the Chilean exploited lives, it is for the CP and the treacherous union bureaucracies a question of life and death that the masses do not fight on the streets of Chile as in Cali, Medellín, Pereira, Bogotá, etc. The same "pacos de rojo" entrenched in the CUT bureaucracy, are from the same CP as in Colombia, from the leadership of the trade union centrals, they seek that the masses leave the streets and for this they want to impose the same trap of "tables of dialogue” and“constituentreforms “that are being carried out in Chile, to save the Duque government and the regime of the 9 U.S. military bases, as they saved Piñera here. They are the same CP of the Castros who, shouting "socialism is no longer even in Cuba", handed over the island to imperialism and today they unleash a fierce attack on the Cuban workers with the unification of the currencies.
The "pacos de rojo" are the dangerous ones! Out with the traitors of the CUT bureaucracy and all the collaborationist leaderships!
We must fight like the workers and exploited that rebelled in Colombia!
For the working class to return to the front line of combat, following the path of the national port strike…
Let us vote in a National Workers' Congress with base delegates from the entire labor movement, the rebel youth and the poor peasants of Mapuche ethnic origin so that Chile from below will rise up again!
This will be the most democratic and representative organization of the vast majority of the Chilean workers and people, the rebellious youth and the rank and file soldiers who decide to organize together with the people to defend their lives.
Revolutionary general strike to boycott the elections and overthrow the Piñera government and the regime
In the next elections, different currents of the left take part that claim to be "socialists" and "revolutionaries" such as the PTR / PTS and its list ally the MST (UIT-CI), and the MIT (LIT-CI). As has been demonstrated, this “constituent” process is a true trap against the workers and the exploited. If these currents do not want to be accomplices and responsible for the imposition of this scam that comes to save Piñera, they have to ignore that "constituent" agreed by Piñera, the generals, the former Concertación and the CP and put the electoral platform where they have their candidates at the service of calling the working class, the rebellious youth and the exploited to defeat this "Convention" appendage of the Pinochetista regime and organize a boycott of these elections.
The candidates and electoral tribunes of currents that claim to be for the labor movement and vindicate the revolutionary mass struggle of 2019 cannot have the objective of integrating themselves organically to “legislate” together with the bosses' politicians in a “Constituent Assembly” regulated and supervised by the sabers of the Pinochetista generals and imperialism, suggesting that something good can come from there for the exploited, instead they should be used to develop the extra-parliamentary struggle of the masses.
The Trotskyists of the POI-CI, a member of the FLTI, call on the workers and the exploited not to vote in this electoral farce and to organize to fight and boycott it with the Revolutionary General Strike, developing the self-organization of those below, with the grassroots assemblies, with the unitary strike committees retaking the path of the Industrial Cordons of the 1970s, with the "first line" in each factory, mine, port and workplace, with the self-defense committees and the worker and peasant militia, and so on.
If these currents use their electoral platform to serve this perspective and not to legitimize the trap of the bourgeoisie against the workers and the poor people, we would call to vote the candidates of the PTR, the MIT and any current of the combative left whose candidates call to ignore and defeat this rigged and undemocratic "constituent" and put all their strength to do so.
Down with the curfew and the "state of exception"! Dissolution of the caste of the Pinochetista generals! Dissolution of the murderous police, the intelligence services and all the repressive apparatuses of the state! Out with the US imperialists' military base of Con Con!
Free the more than 3,000 political prisoners! Workers' and people's courts to judge and punish all the murderers of our martyrs of yesterday and today!
Those from above took everything from us… Those from below must go again for all of them to recover what is ours!
Copper for Chileans! Out with the transnationals! Down with the TLC!
Free, quality education and public health! Decent work, wages and pensions! Land for the Poor Peasants!
Renationalization of copper, banks and ports without compensation and under workers' control throughout Chile!
Against the fraud of the Pinochetista "Constitutional Convention", for a free and sovereign Revolutionary Constituent Assembly, imposed on the rubble of the Pinochetista regime, without Piñera, without genocidal militia, without murderous pacos, without corrupt politicians, without imperialist transnational corporations and without traitorous bureaucrats .
A Constituent Assembly with one delegate for every 10,000 voters, with recallable delegates who do not earn more than the average wage of a worker, with a single Chamber that declares the cessation of all powers of the state and of the civil-military regime and all treaties that tie Chile to imperialism like the FTAs, breaks with imperialism, gives the land to the poor peasants, imposes 8 hours of work/day with a minimum wage equal to the family basket for the working class and free, quality public educationfor the workers' children.
With the Pinochetista generals, the murderous pacos in the streets and the US imperialists' military base in Con Con, there is no possibility of conquering a democratic Constituent Assembly, because it will never be able to freely decide the destiny of the nation with the bayonets of the Pinochetista generals and militiamen pointing to their heads. If the weapons remain in the hands of Piñera, the big bankers, capitalists and their murderous generals, Chile will once again bathe in the blood of the workers and youth, which is what they are preparing to do with their "constituent" detour, if the masses return on the revolutionary path. Instead, with arms in the hands of the people, we will conquer the break with imperialism, the land, bread, freedom and dignity.
Only a provisional revolutionary government of poor workers and peasants could be the one that, by disarming the Pinochetista army and the repressive forces of the murderous state, will be able to conquer the broadest democratic freedoms and a truly free and sovereign revolutionary Constituent Assembly.
The only solution for those below is the victory of the socialist revolution!
The revolutionary uprising of the exploited in Colombia and the enormous uprising of the Palestinian masses against the fascist Zionist state of Israel show us the way.
From Cali to Santiago, from Jerusalem to Gaza: one class, the same struggle!
Either Chile is socialist or it will be a Wall Street colony!
Partido Obrero Internacionalista (Internationalist Workers Party)– Fourth International (POI-CI), adherent to FLTI