May 15, 2015
Facing the murder of Exequiel Borvarán and Diego Guzmán in Valparaiso…
¡Bachelet government, the “socialist” of the Pinochetist generals, and the military-civic regime are the main responsible ones!
Murder state!
Dissolution of the judges and official murderous caste and the entire Pinochetist repressive apparatus!
Enough of parliament defended by the murderous generals, the transnational companies and the US embassy!
For self-defense worker-students committees to defend our right to take the streets!
Worker and Popular Trials to judge and punish all the responsible ones for the murder of our comrades! |
see also
Debate against Stalinism voted by the IV Congress of the FLTI-Collective for the Fourth International
PART I - On the “Permanent Revolution Collectives- Strike Committees” in Chile
In Chile, new “Collectives” “camouflaged as Marxists” emerged. New “Collectives” appendixes of the Stalinist Chilean left.
National socialism vs proletarian internationalism
Stalinism vs Trotskysm
Reform vs Revolution
see part I complete
In defense of the Fourth International
In defence of the proletarian internationalism
Self-proclaimed “Permanent revolution” Collectives’ internationalism: taken from the arsenal of Kautskyites, Mensheviks and Stalinists
see part II complete
From 2006 we fought for free and public education, so it is first for the worker’s son and then for the bourgeois’ son
And now they want to disguise us with some crumbs full of blood for conquest to expropriate our real demands for the ones we have been fighting all over
Let’s take the streets
Let’s fight in the barricades against the Pinochetist regime and the different government.
Let’s fight with the worker movement, the copper mine workers, the dock workers, the post workers, the wood workers…
We showed there is Money for education, wages and decent work in Chile. It is taken away by the mine companies who plunder the cooper and the wealth of more than 25000 million of dollars per year, leaving a portion of it to the Pinochetist generals and their corrupted politicians
With the war cry of “Renationalization of the cooper without payment and under worker’s control, to get the free and quality education for the people’s son”…
The Communist Party, the CUT union bureaucracy and the collaboration student leadership sell out our fight!
Enough with collaborationist worker and student leadership!
Let the leadership who support the corrupted murderous government leave the “dialogue table” with the lackeys of imperialism! They do not represent us!
We fought all, we deserve everything!
Bachelet and her reforms are a “smoke screen” and a scam to the people so everything goes on as before.
The workers and students did not give up… the fight continues…
Progressive taxes to the great fortunes (wealth)! Enough with taxes to people!
Expropriation without compensation to the transnational companies of copper and banks!
No Labour Code issued by the bosses, politicians and Pinochetist regime!
Workers organize as we want!
The death of Exequiel, Diego and all our martyrs cannot be in vain!
Against the Concertacion (names to the Chilean regime which compromises the military and the centre-left parties N. T) of the bosses and the enemies of the people...
For a worker, student and poor peasant Concertación to end with the Chile of the exploiters under the orders of Wall Street!
Lets the ones selling out our demands leave our organizations!
Open the path to the ones fighting!
Let’s the CONFECH, ACES, the Dock Union and all the leadership of the worker and student movement break now with the dialogue table in the Pinochetist parliament!
For a National Congress with Rank and file delegates from the entire worker and student movement!
It is necessary to set up a fighting plan and the general strike!
Diego Guzman, Exequiel Borvaran, Rodrigo Cisterna, Matias Catrileo, Juan Pablo Jimenez and so many martyrs of the worker movement did not die for crumbs of the transnational companies and their governments. The workers and the Chilean people need what they deserve and won: free public education, cooper and land for the poor peasants!
The ones from above lie to us and kill us with their reforms…
So, let’s them understand the revolution language!
Enough of Bachelet and the corrupted partner at the service of the FTA
and the Pinochetist generals!
Everyone out, nobody left, nor a politician or murder military man!
On 14 May, the streets of Chile refilled massive marches for education. From north to south, the streets were full of high school and university students and teachers, because education in Chile is still a privilege for the upper classes, and it is prohibited for workers and the exploited masses.
The murderous cops repressed marches throughout the country, taking dozens of comrades detainees. In Valparaiso, two young students were killed while were protesting. Exequiel Borvarán, 18 years old and Diego Guzman Farías 25 years old were shot from a building with lead bullets to the neck and chest, causing their death. There are two new martyrs of our class who fell fighting for education which is a demand of the entire worker movement and all the exploited of Chile, because the struggle for free education is a struggle in defense of workers' wages, decimated by the millionaires fees we pay to study.
This is a crime of the Pinochet military-civilian regime, which constantly repressed workers and students and all its prisons are full of young people and workers who fight for their demands. This is the regime of the Constitution of '80 which was imposed by slaughtering the workers in the revolution of the 70s to defend private property and the rule of imperialism in Chile. This is a regime where the only "democratic" and "legal" is to repress ruthlessly any demonstration and struggle of the exploited, where every time the youth and workers go out to fight for their demands are treated as "criminals". That is how this regime and its governments like Bachelet ones, incite through the institutions to the Pinochetist rich middle classes against the workers and militant students. So we state that the shots that killed Diego and Exequiel are consequences of this civic-military regime of the Right wing, the Concertacion and the CP (Communist Party).
This is an attack on our struggle. They seek to intimidate us so we never take the streets again under the war cry which shook Chile in 2011: "Copper for the Chileans" and "Education first for the worker’s son then for the bourgeois’ son".
The mobilization on Thursday 14 May was convened by the CP under a program of support to the Government process of "reforms", but demanding that the bureaucracy of the school teachers union can propose "amendments" to "the reforms" and that the class collaborationist leadership of the CONFECH (Students Union) participates in the commissions of the Parliament. These leaderships want to convince that thus we will achieve a free and decent "public education". That’s a fraud! However, and despite this program is actually aimed against the fight in the streets for free education of the likes of that in 2011, thousands of students mobilized before the political crisis in the Government, with the just aspiration to return to that struggle for free education.
The Government of New Majority and its fake "reforms" have shown coming to ensure that education remains first and always for bourgeois children, that copper is for the imperialists MNCs and the working class continues to suffer the worst conditions of misery and super-exploitation. And therefore when we go out to protest against it, the state represses us, imprisons us or kills us, as was the case with Juan Pablo Jimenez, Matias Catrileo, Rodrigo Cisternas, Manuel Gutierrez, Alex Lemun and today Exequiel and Diego. It’s a murderous State! We make responsible this Government of the "Socialists" of the Pinochetista generals and the military regime for the death of our companions.
Because in the Chile of the FTA and the Trans Pacific Treaty there is no place even for a mobilization to pressure the Bachelet Government for reforms and some crumbs. There is only place for us to be super exploited in maquilas (sweatshops), without any rights, and this they seek to impose through a fierce crackdown.
This was resolved to be imposed at the last meeting of the Summit of the Americas. So come the "Bolivarian" and TLC’s Governments to impose the battle cry of imperialism in that meeting: "America for USA and Wall Street", beginning by Cuba, which the Castro brothers have handed over to Obama, Coca Cola and Cargill. That’s the reason why in Argentina they slaughter the exploited youth with the "trigger-happy" police of the Kirchner Government and the murderous anti-worker opposition and its raids. That is why the massacre to the African-American youth in the United States at the hands of the murderous police of Obama and the enslavement of young workers in the fast food and big retailer chains. That is why the massacre in Mexico. That is why the brutal repression in Peru against exploited youth that fought against the slavery labor laws that the Government of Humala wanted to impose.
What "justice" and "complaint" does cynical Bachelet speak now about, when she was who ordered the crackdown to the rally in which Exequiel and Diego were killed? And also she ordered the repression of the rally that the masses featured later in repudiation to the murders and the same does against each mobilization that we perform for our demands? This hypocrite promises that she will get "justice and truth", when there stays still unpunished the murder of Juan Pablo Jimenez and so many other martyrs of the exploited, and the Pinochetista military which sank Chile into a blood bath in the ' 70s and ' 80 continue all free. While the "Socialist" of the Pinochetista generals speaks of 'justice', she is holding prisoners ethnic Mapuche farmers from southern Chile, and also the combative youth who participated in the last process of struggle, Tamara Sol Farias Vargas, etc.; Bachelet has militarized the North and South of the country and during her previous presidential term she got murdered Matias Catrileo and Rodrigo Cisternas.
This is the true face of the murderous and repressive Government of the "New Majority" of the Socialists, the Christian Democracy and the Communist Party, the bureaucracy of the CUT, Stalinism and all its “leftist” sidings - as the PTR and the UIT-CI - trying to decorate this government as "democratic" and " workers friendly", marching with it this May 1. Even the PTR (sister-party of the PTS of Argentina) went so far as to assert that "with its educational reforms, the Government pays honor to the struggle of the student movement". And it turned out to be that the "honor" "paid" by this Government to the student struggle was repression, imprisonment and the murder of Exequiel and Diego during the rally on 14 May.
Enough of crackdowns to militant workers and young people!
From all workers and student organizations it is necessary to organize self-defense committees right now to defend ourselves from the repression and attacks of the repressive forces of the State and this murderous regime!
The same night of May 14, hundreds of thousands of young people returned to win the streets around the country in repudiation to the murder of Exequiel and Diego, to the cry of "you’re going to see, all the bullets will return" and "bourgeois tremble, tremble of fear, as the son of the worker has taken to the streets ". This is the way to avenge Exequiel and Diego!
Enormous energies deployed on the streets by professors and students demonstrate once more that there are far enough conditions to resume the revolutionary combat road of 2011. Today by the actions of their leaders starting with the scabs of the CP, the bureaucracy of the CUT and the bureaucrats of the Teachers Association and the (students’) CONFECH, etc., these forces are to be again led to the feet of the Government and the Parliament, agents of Wall Street, in pressure mobilizations to "influence" the "educational reform", as they are doing in the labor movement with the "labor reform", supporting the fact that employers are who continue regulating how the labor movement is organized under the same cursed labor code of murderous Pinochet dictatorship, refusing to fight for the right for us workers of organizing ourselves as we want.
Stop it! Let's return to the fight of 2011! Down with the traps of fake "reforms" of the Government! In Chile it is necessary that the battle cry roars again of “re-state-ization without compensation and under workers control of copper to have free quality education for all the exploited!
The blood shed by our comrades ought not be in the service of supporting Government Bachelet's "reforms" and strengthen the civilian-military regime. That the CONFECH, the ACES, the port workers Union and all the leaderships of the labor and student movement who call themselves combative, break immediately with the “dialogue boards” in the Pinochetista Parliament! Stop submitting the workers and youth to the "Socialists" of the Pinochetista generals and the imperialist MNCs!
Let's return to the path of the fight in the streets, the taking over of high schools and universities, the strikes! Let's make assemblies in all schools, factories, mines, ports and work places! Let's conquer the WORKER-STUDENT NATIONAL STRIKE!
Let's unify the ranks of the workers and the combative youth facing the Government at a National Congress of delegates from the rank and file of the labor movement with the militant students and poor farmers to vote a unified plan with a single list of demands and prepare and organize the General Strike! Let's return to build up the Cordones industriales (coordinated worker, student, popular committees, NT) as in the ' 70s to defeat the Bachelet Government and the Pinochetista regime and expel the MNCs from Chile!
The Initiative Committee for Trade Union Unity (CIUS), which groups labor organizations that are looking for an independent alternative to fight the Government, cannot be only the unity of the leaderships while the worker base remains divided. Let's convene rank and file assemblies in all the organizations that make up the CIUS for voting a fighting plan and conquer and convene urgently to this National Labor Congress!
Various left and labor currents in the labor movement of Chile, which assert themselves as "combative" have risen that it is necessary to finish with Bachelet and reject her fraudulent reforms. This is a courageous position. For that point, we call them to put up a national front of struggle to defeat in the labor and student organizations those elements that yesterday carried water to the fire of the barricades and today submit the Chilean workers and youth to the Pinochetista regime.
We call them to put up a front of struggle to regain the demand for public and free education and the re-state-ization of copper without compensation and under workers control.
We call them to put up a front of struggle to deal with the collaborationist bureaucracy of the CUT, the Confech, and the ACES and within the entire student movement.
We must provide the masses and the rebellious youth a way to resume their fighting! It must be put on foot, without delay, the fight for a worker and student Congress with delegates from the rank and file! Let's put up the power of the exploited!
Revolutionary socialists of the POI-CI, Chilean Trotskyist internationalists call for combating like the heroic worker black youth does against the murderous dog Obama.
We call to fight like the Colombian students do, the same as the immigrants in Europe and the brave rebel Greek youth who are currently in prisons of their new jailers of Syriza, the "leftist" Government of the Morgan banking. Their "crime" was to have fought against fascism and have not given up the cause of the Greek revolution.
We are standing next to the heroic resistance of the miners in the Donbas, who are facing the fascist army of Kiev and also facing Putin, who seeks to disarm them from the back.
Chilean Trotskyists and the activists for the Fourth International reject and denounce the Kirchners, the Morals, the Dilmas and the Maduros as representatives of the bosses and imperialism that starve their peoples making them pay for the fraudulent foreign debts.
We activists for the fourth international do not accept that socialist Cuba continues being handed over to Cargill, Coca Cola, the Spanish Bourbons and the whole world imperialism.
We are not willing to leave isolated the heroic resistance of the Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian, Egyptian, Palestinian masses fighting against the counter-revolutionary assassin agents of imperialism, as Zionism, dog Bashar, the generals of Egypt, the transvestite Khadafista slavers of Libya, the Saudi monarchy, and the Iranian ayatollahs —defending from the Government of Iraq, the Gringo withdrawal from that country.
We will not give in to the siren songs of this Pinochetista pseudo-democracy and its trappings with which it wants to mislead the workers and the people!
The flags of the revolution and socialism at continental and global levels are not rolled down!
Chile will be Socialist or it will be a Wall Street colony!
Enough of Bachelet and her corrupt partners in the service of the free trade agreement and the Pinochetista Generals!
That all of them go away, not a single one of murderous politicians and soldiers must remain!
For a provisional revolutionary Government of workers and poor peasants!
Only thus the blood of our martyrs shall not have been poured in vain
No public education, decent wages and jobs will exist until we do not defeat this infamous regime and bring victory to the revolution of the Cordones Industriales that was betrayed and crushed in blood in the early '70s