Fernández said they gained time with the quarantine... and left millions of workers crowded and without electricity, water or food in neighborhoods surrounded by police and gendarmerie. Yes. They gained time to close the neighborhoods and open true concentration camps for the confinement of the exploited, such as Villa Azul, Quilmes (Buenos Aires Province).
The bourgeoisie has a plan: restricting circulation of people to protect the slaves it needs to produce; and those whom it doesn’t need, let them die. This rotten system has 9 million off-the-book workers. A reserve industrial army to be put to work in maquiladoras when the entire economy opens.
They suspended and liquidated the operation of the collective bargaining and reduced the wages. This is the Kirchners’ golden dream. They will do what they did in 2003, when they put the working class to produce as slaves.
Today they have sunk the salary with the peso devaluation, skinned the retirements and put the whole retirees fund to finance the capitalists.
The governors and the president are the public face, the puppets of the “Group of Six” and the IMF. THEY COMMAND and they do it through a police regime: repression, militarization, imprisonment, and proscription of the unions, in a true state of siege against the workers and the exploited.
Fernández’s famous “advisory committee” is nothing more than a group of scoundrel epidemiologists who don’t care a bit about the lives of workers... they only worry that they won’t occupy hospital beds for the bourgeoisie and the middle classes anymore. They are scoundrels who do not care that those who die from other diseases fall as flies.
They call the working-class neighborhoods “slums” and “popular neighborhoods”: the “Villa 31”, the “1-11-14” and hundreds of them the whole country. “Popular”? Behind that name, the capitalists want to hide the living conditions in which they have the unemployed, the construction workers, the off-the-book workers, the workers of the cleaning companies and even the female workers who clean the bathrooms in their homes.
The government restricted everything but let reopen more than 1,000 companies to which they subsidize, risking workers to become infected at the peak of the pandemic. The union and piquetera (unemployed workers’ movement’s) bureaucracies are guarantors that this plan is applied!
The “peak of the pandemic” is the death of slaves today discarded by rotting capitalism. Not even half of them have been able to collect the promised AR $ 10,000 (around USD 80) in two months.
They are cynical. Let the non-essential workers return to quarantine!
The deputies of the left are babbling in parliamentary sessions that discuss the most bizarre and idle matters. Their militants speak in conferences by Internet, but they say nothing of the workers’ fights, not to speak of coordinating them.
They have called for the bourgeois Congress to meet, but never for a National Coordination board to meet in order to unify the workers in struggle, the slaves led to death.
Despicable Fernández said yesterday that the army entered the working class neighborhoods “to take care of the houses of the infected” slaves who were taken at gunpoint to their detention centers. PO (T)’s Altamira -who called “the Armed Forces (to) exercise coercion consistently”- is surely applauding.
The parliamentary left leaves the life of the workers to this murderous state.
Even more terrible times are coming for the working class. If the “peak of the pandemic” becomes general, both those who work and who do not will become infected.
That’s the truth. This is how the ruling classes treat their slaves: to produce and to die.
The bosses are fine, subsidized even in their millionaire incomes, in their well cared for luxury properties.
For the workers: ghettos, slave labor, supermarket shelves blown up by inflation.
They want to scare us saying: “we don’t want Ecuador and New York (tragedies) to happen.” How cynical! They want to bury the workers little by little, stealthy, in silence. That is their “flattening of the pandemic curve.”
The pandemic makes us sick...
Capitalism kills!
With hunger there is no quarantine!
The “peak of the pandemic” will be the death of thousands of workers in “ghettos”, to which some food bags will be thrown.
And while Fernández “tightens” the quarantine for the most exploited of the working class, he “frees” it to send millions of workers to the factories. That is what they want for us and our families!
Enough is enough! Quarantine must be imposed on all non-essential workers with 100% of the salary paid by the employers!
Enough of salary reduction! Down with job flexibility!
Out with the union and piquetera bureaucracies!
Minimum, vital and mobile salary of AR $ 72 thousand, as got by the oil mill workers, for everyone, the employed, unemployed and retired!
Out with the soldiers from the working class neighborhoods! Down with the state of siege!
Let the crisis be paid by those from above!
Thousands of workers are on the warpath, in the meat plants such as the Penta, in food and health, teachers and state enterprises and institutes, transportation, metalworkers, etc.
Whereas those from above gather their puppet Parliament, enemy of the people, whereas they hold meetings of the government, the capitalists and the oligarchs... then we should set up a congress of base delegates of employed and unemployed workers in struggle to defeat the attack by Fernández, the IMF and the great employers
A great fight must be prepared. Let the Popular Assemblies, the factory and shop committees and the piqueteros movement of 2001 Argentina return, that of Teresa Rodríguez and Aníbal Verón, that of Kostequi and Santillán, who fought for genuine and decent work!
A revolutionary leadership must be brought to the forefront to unite the ranks of the workers!
They make way for our slavery and our death. Let’s make way for a victorious Argentinazo! Let’s make them all go, let not a single one of them remain!
We are not alone: the workers of the world engage in battle
The exploited of the United States are revolting in Minneapolis, St. Paul, New York. The workers of General Motors and the maquilas of Mexico are fighting against labor flexibility and, like hundreds of thousands of Detroit workers in the United States; do not accept a return to work risking their lives in the face of the pandemic, as happened with the workers in Italy and the Spanish State.
Immigrant workers, the “Black Vests” of France, have risen up against slavery. They are the ones who do the worst jobs in the imperialist metropolises, the ones who die of Covid by the thousands in New York. Black and all immigrants lives matter!
From their jails, Basque prisoners and Chilean political prisoners call for the broadest international solidarity fight for the freedom of political prisoners in the world.
People are fighting in the Chilean populations and on the streets of Ecuador and Colombia.
The Middle East is still ablaze as in Iraq, Lebanon and the Iranian resistance, as the fire of the Syrian revolution continues burning.
The masses of the world are engaging in the battle. The workers of Argentina and Latin America are not alone.
Those at the top say that there is a crisis worldwide. The capitalists centralize their attack at the international level against the exploited, seeking slaves for their transnational corporations and redoubling the plundering of the oppressed peoples of the world.
They deserve a blow of the same magnitude, and even greater, than the one they are delivering to the oppressed masses.
Workers fired from General Motors in Matamoros, Mexico have launched an international call to fight together against attacks on workers’ conquests. That is the way! From all the sectors that are fighting and the combative workers’ organizations, we must take in our hands that brave call of our class siblings in Mexico.
Neither bread nor life are guaranteed to us. For the working class to live, the imperialist capitalist system must die!
A single class, the same fight against the same enemy worldwide!
Open the way to the socialist revolution!•
Fernandez with the "Group of 6"
and the bureaucracy of CGT in Olivos
The Army fencing Villa Azul in Quilmes
The State has armored itself for making us, the exploited provide the dead
See more
Fernandez did it!
Labor flexibility and the military on the streets
See more