Peru -October 1st, 2018
Municipal elections in Peru
A trap of imperialism and the bourgeoisie to relegitimate
the hated Fujimorist regime protects by Yankee bases |
The "New Left" in Peru:
a scam to the working class
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Next 10/7 municipal elections will be held in Peru. With this elections the imperialism and the exploiters seek to relegitimate with millones of votes the Fujimorist regime that is hated by the working class and the exploited people and that is openly proyected by the Pentagon and West Point.
Today Peru is in an open process of colonization by Yankee imperialism, with the installation of 9 military bases, the occupation of the nation with thousands of marines and the construction of the Regional Emergency Operations Center (COER), a branch of the South Command of the USA. Thus Trump guarantees the plundering of all the riches of Peru such as gold, copper, oil, etc. by the transnational corporations. But along with this, the bases installed in Peru, as well as in Chile, Colombia, Brazil and the one that is being installed in Argentina in Vaca Muerta, show that the US is stepping on its "backyard", colonizing it with double and triple chains and defending with bayonets their business throughout the region.
A new recolonization plan is already underway, this time under the direct orders of the Yankee centurions, who are reported by politicians, parties and native bourgeoisies throughout Latin America, including Havana, where the Yankee flag is already fluttering .
At the same time Latin America, from Peru, Chile, Colombia, etc. it is part of the Pacific routes of world trade, while from Brazil and Argentina Yankee imperialism controls the routes of the South Atlantic.
With new agreements of "free trade" Trump has just given a new twist to the colonization of Mexico, imposing that cars and all industrial production that is exported to the USA must have 75% "made in USA" components. The plan for Mexico, accepted by the new lackey of López Obrador ... is the real Trump FTA.
Faced with this offensive, the bourgeoisies of the region have all got on their knees in front of the Yankees. The "Bolivarians" in retreat leave entire nations sunk and plundered by imperialism.
There are more than 2 and a half million Venezuelan refugees and Maduro's lackey continues to pay Venezuela's fraudulent foreign debt in a pact with the MUD. That is how the nowadays vetched colonels of the Venezuelan army who yesterday massacred the masses in the Caracazo end. The Yankee plan? Let Venezuela sink, and then keep the oil and all its riches, which Maduro has already begun to deliver, as is the case of minerals and the entire Orinoco Basin.
The Yankee flag has been installed in La Paz. The imperialist transnationals take the vast majority of Bolivia's mining, gas and hydrocarbon revenues.
Now the Yankees come for everything. The possibility of the native bourgeoisie associating as minor managers in this imperialist offensive, has no place. And those who got rich after usurping and manipulating the rise of the masses of the beginning of the 21st century, like the Kirchners or the Lula, are on their knees begging not to go to prison and if they are behind bars, they guarantee the traps and frauds of the pro-imperialist regimes like the Brazilian one.
But for this plan to be imposed, it is necessary to finish controlling an indomitable Latin American labor movement and its impoverished peasant masses.
The Frente Amplio of former priest Arana, NGOs and ITU-CI does not represent the working class nor Fernández Chacón to the metallurgists
In Peru and throughout Latin America, thousands of vanguard workers and young people ask themselves: what does Fernández Chacón, a leader who claims Trotskyism and who together with Hugo Blanco and Napuri forged the "Workers, Peasants and Students Front" (FOCEP) at the end of the '70s, in the Frente Amplio lists along with politicians representing the NGOs, the Church and the Peruvian bourgeoisie? We have also recently seen the Colombian PST of the LIT-CI supporting Petro in the presidential elections in Colombia, a bourgeois candidate based in the business chamber of Antioquia, an old informer and the person that sold out of the Colombian resistance.
The role of the renegades of Trotskyism is to legitimize this nefarious policy of class collaboration. This is what Fernández Chacón does in the Frente Amplio of Peru that uses the figure of a former metallurgist and combative worker, to raise the need for "a Peru for all" and for "democratizing democracy".
The Fernandez Chacon of yesterday fought at the head of the workers 'and peasants' uprisings; today, already passed in years, hand in hand with the ITU-CI has crossed the Rubicon to a front with the bourgeoisie and lying to the workers tells them that the dictatorship of capital under "democratic" forms, can be reformed and improved .
This is the old Stalinist policy of class collaboration that today the renegades of Trotskyism seek to legitimize. They do this as part of the international "New Left", as the "anti-capitalists" that support all European union bureaucracies or are within the Podemos that sustains the monarchy in Spain. This verse and the lie that one can "democratize democracy" is already used by the renegades of Trotskyism in Argentina, such as the PTS and the PO, which call for a Constituent Assembly to conquer a "more generous democracy". They also do it in Europe, where they pose the struggle for a "real democracy". All lies to get the workers out of the fight for the socialist revolution.
Meanwhile, the one who suffers from these traps of the pro-imperialist regimes of Latin America and the offensive of the Yankees and the transnationals is the working class and the poor peasants.
Lies and deception end when real life comes to light. "Democratize democracy" without throwing out the Yankee bases, without expelling the transnationals, without recovering the land for the peasants... That's what Fernández Chacón talks about.
While the bosses' politicians and the reformist left hold the electoral trap, imperialism and the bosses deepen their attack against the workers and the poor people
This new electoral farce occurs at times of this ferocious offensive by Trump and Yankee imperialism on Latin America. In Peru, the Vizcarra government has been responsible for continuing to rigorously anti-worker plans that Kuczynski was already imposing by means of the garrotte of the police, the army and the military bases and the Yankee marines, protected by the Fujimori regime and its arch-reactionary constitution of 1993.
In the month of March, in response to these attacks, the working class along with the exploited won the streets with the cry of "Let everyone go, let not a single one stay" and "Close the congress" facing the Fujimorist regime and fighting for bringing down the Kuczynski government. The bourgeoisie, terrified, anticipated with an orderly presidential exchange that was sustained and guaranteed by the Stalinist-Maoist strikebreakers of the CGTP that divided and handed over the struggles of the workers to each passing.
Today the government of Vizcarra does nothing but deepen that attack on the workers and exploited by imposing a “gasolinazo” (huge gas price increase) and, through 2 decrees (1442 and 1450), liquidates at a stroke the right to collective bargaining to workers in the public sector, which in the last few years come from suffering loss of conquests, mass layoffs, precarization, labor flexibility, in order to "reduce the state" to pay the fraudulent foreign debt of 82 billion dollars, which represents 36% of the Gross Domestic Product of Peru.
Meanwhile, the situation of the workers and the Peruvian people is getting worse every day. Practically 25% of the population of Peru is in a situation of poverty, with wages below the cost of the basic basket of family consumption. Regarding the young population, 20% of young people between 15 and 29 years of age are living in poverty. In addition, most of the workers are temporary and the stable ones are less and less. To this is added outsourcing and subcontracting. But the situation is even worse if one takes into account that in Peru, three out of every four workers in the Economically Active Population (EAP) who is employed work in an informal job (75%).
In the midst of the brutal disrepute of the institutions of the Fujimorist regime such as Parliament or the corrupt caste of judges, the Vizcarra government has sent four laws to impose a political and judicial reform on this cave of congressional bandits: the election of the National Council of the Magistracy by popular contest, the non-reelection of the congressmen, the return to the bicamerality in the Parliament and the control of the financing of the political parties, that once approved will be taken to a referendum for its ratification in December. These "reforms" are nothing more than an attempt to make up the Fujimorist Constitution and the institutions of the bourgeois regime, maintaining its essence: that of a totally Bonapartist regime that guarantees the ferocious super-exploitation of the working class and the most brutal imperialist plunder of the riches of the nation.
How could it be otherwise, these measures are supported by all the political parties, including the Frente Amplio of former priest Arana and the New Peru Movement of Veronika Mendoza, and also by the Stalinists of all fur of the CGTP, bureaucrats unionists tested in solding out the struggles of the workers.
While trying to embellish and reform the Fujimorist Constitution, the militarization of the mining regions and prison, persecution, layoffs and hunger against the workers and the exploited masses is deepened.
As part of this trap, is that the next 10/7 municipal elections will be held in all the mayors of the country.
Enough with electoral trap!
In these municipal elections, the exploited can not vote for their executioners, who seek to legitimize the infamous regime to redouble and deepen their attack. Thus:
Let's vote in a Workers 'and Peasants' Congress to centralize the combat of the exploited and conquer the General Revolutionary Strike against the government of Vizcarra, the Fujimorist regime and imperialism!
The workers and exploited in Peru have given plenty of evidence of struggle and have not said their last word. What the working class needs is to be able to centralize its forces. Open the road to those who fight!
We must organize a powerful National Workers Congress of grassroots delegates of all factories, establishments and mines throughout Peru and with representative delegates of agricultural workers, the true and most solid ally of the urban working class in the countryside. A congress with delegates from the poor peasants, who barely subsist on their production in small parcels of ruined lands for the imposition of the FTAs, to advance in conquering the worker-peasant alliance. We must raise a single list of demands, vote for a unified plan of struggle and conquer the General Revolutionary Strike against the Vizcarra government, the Fujimorist regime and imperialism!
Let's vote to ignore all the collaborationist leaders who sold out our fight! Down with the Patria Roja CGTP bureaucracy and the PC! Down with all the union bureaucracies! It is necessary to generalize the path of the professors who in all the country ignore the bureaucracy of the CEN-SUTEP! Enough to subject the working class and its organizations of struggle to the bourgeoisie!
Let's vote to crush the transnationals and expel the parasites from Wall Street!
To end the looting and the exploitation of our riches: expropriation without payment and under workers control of the transnationals and the imperialist bankers and their servants of the native slave bosses!
We must expropriate without pay the miners and the big landowners to give the land to the poor peasant!
We must break with the FTA, the Transpacific and all the political, economic and military treaties that tie the nation to imperialism!
No to the payment of the fraudulent foreign debt to the IMF!
This is the way to conquer the bread, the work, the land for the poor peasants and all the just demands of the workers and exploited:
General salary increase! Minimum salary, vital and mobile at the level of the family basket!
Decent work for all! Mobile scale of wages and hours of work so that all available hands are put to produce! Reincorporation of all the dismissed workers! All workers to permanent plant!
Down with the decrees of Vizcarra, which liquidate the right to collective bargaining to workers in the public sector! Down with the Pulpin Law of slavery of working youth!
Let's vote to fight for the freedom of all political prisoners! Labor and popular tribunals to judge and punish all the murderers of the workers and popular martyrs! Self-defense committee to defend ourselves against the brutal repression of the murderous state!
Dissolution of the entire repressive state apparatus and the caste of murderous officers of the people, all under the command of the Yankee embassy! Dissolution of employer justice and its judges paid by the transnational corporations!
Out with the military bases and the Yankee marines of Peru and all of Latin America!
Let them all go, let not a single one stays! Enough of the government of Vizcarra! Enough Fujimorist regime of the FTA and its Constitution of 1993! Out the bosses' parties!
On the rubble of the damned Fujimorist regime, we must build a free and sovereign National Assembly to break with imperialism and recover the land, which can only be guaranteed by a provisional revolutionary workers and peasants government, based on the self-determination of the masses in fight.
Yankees go home!
Peru will be socialist or it will be a colony of Wall Street!
Let's vote to take up the banners of proletarian internationalism to fight alongside the world working class against the same enemies: the imperialist transnationals and their governments and sepoy regimes!
We have to unify a single continental struggle against Trump and Wall Street, which command the plans that Vizcarra applies! Our best allies are the American workers who fight inside the imperialist beast for their own bourgeoisie!
For a united fight with the workers of Chile, Colombia, Bolivia and South Africa against the imperialist mining companies who plunder our nations and condemn us to the worst super-exploitation!
Let's vote to stand with the Syrian masses who win the streets in Idlib, against the genocide of the jackal Al-Assad, the hit man Putin and other mercenary troops commanded by Trump! Down with the Geneva and Sochi conferences where the USA, Turkey, Putin and the dog Bashar are centralized to crush the masses and the bourgeois generals of the ESL negotiate to continue delivering the revolution! We must break the siege of the world reformist left and stop the final extermination of the resistance and the Syrian people!
Let's vote to face the new bourgeoisie of the Castro brothers, servant of Wall Street, which has imposed the restoration of capitalism in Cuba, supported by the entire reformist left!
Down with the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" and its governments direct agents of imperialism, such as Maduro in Venezuela, Ortega in Nicaragua or Morales in Bolivia that starve the people to implement the plans of the Yankees and the IMF!
In these elections, the LSTI Trotskyists, adherents to the FLTI, call on workers not to vote for any of their executioners. The workers do not vote for the bosses in any of its variants: neither Fujimori, APRA or Peruvians for the Kambio or the New Peru Movement of Veronika Mendoza and the bureaucrats of the CGTP! That is why we promote the only possible vote in these elections for the class independence that is this programmatic vote.
We have seen how the Frente Amplio's candidacy in Lima is also no alternative for class independence.
Labor leaders like Fernandez Chacon cannot stay one more day on that front of class collaboration that is the Frente Amplio. They must break with the bourgeoisie and rely on trade unions and workers' organizations, call to conquer a Congress of grassroots delegates workers movement together with the poor peasants and combative students, to prepare and organize a plan of struggle and the Revolutionary General Strike against the Vizcarra government, the Fujimorist regime and the transnationals to conquer the bread, the work and all the demands of the workers and exploited.
An alternative of iron: either they are with the bourgeois parties servants of imperialism for "democratizing" the infamous regime, or they are at the service of the workers' movement so that it will resume the path of the General Strike of '77 in the streets to confront his executioners.
LSTI of Peru
Adherent to the FLTI