Overseas Appeal for the 56th Oppose the nuclear arms race between
the US and China-Russia! |
November 6th, 2017 The struggle of the revolutionary Marxists of JRCL-RMF and Zengakuren youth against Trump-Abe summit |
OVERSEAS APPEAL FOR THE 55TH INTERNATIONAL ANTIWAR ASSEMBLY Stop a nuclear Korean war! See letter from the Collective for the Re-foundation of the IV International / FLTI |
Letters between FLTI and revolutionary Marxists of JRCL-RMF (Japan) For an International Struggle Front to confront imperialism and its lackeys within world working class! Long live the unity of revolutionary Marxists from Pacific and Latin America! See letters between FLTI and JRCL-RMF of April 2016 July 27th, 2015 August 2nd, 2015 Mensage of Solidarity from the International Leninist Trotskyists Fraction |
July 28th, 2014 Letter to the 52nd International Anti-war Assembly in Japan From 2008 to 2014: Heroic uprisings of the masses. Hard resistance to the imperialist counteroffensive |
Japan’s working and youth vanguard started the fight to topple down Abe’s semi-fascist government Japanese workers and youth take streets to expel US military base from Okinawa and fence the parliament of Abe’s oppressing and murderous government Topple down the Abe government! |
December 29th, 2013 Long live the General Strike in South Korea! That´s the way to fight to release the prisoners for fighting and against the privatization plans of the pro-Yankee government! Immediate and unconditional freedom for the 130 rail workers in detention! |