May 15, 2024 - 76° anniversary of Nakba:
Huge internationalist actions around the world

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Correspondent from Madrid

Protest supporting the Palestine masses
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Camp in the Universidad Complutense
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May 2024

Uprising of university students for the Palestine people
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Camp of students at University

May 15, 2024 - 76° anniversary of Nakba

Huge internationalist actions
around the world

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The West Bank


April 2024

Call to action from the unions in Gaza to an International General Strike on May Day
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April 17, 2024

International day of the Palestinian prisoner

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March 1, 2024

To break the siege of Gaza and confront the genocidal Zionist aggression, we must fight like the brave Yemeni nation
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February 26, 2024

Soldier Aaron Bushnell immolated himself in front of the Zionist embassy in Washington, shouting:
"Free Palestine!"
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February 25,2024

The Italian proletariat is standing alongside Palestine
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February 10, 2024

The onslaught to Rafah
by Zionism has started

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February 15, 2024

Emergency appeal of the Palestinian factions to global days of struggle against the Zionist aggression

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February 10,2024

Zionism is threatening to invade Rafah, as the Arab bourgeoisies are negotiating with Blinken

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February 4, 2024

For an international unitary coordination commitee to break the siege on Gaza!
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January 30, 2024

The International Court of Justice, under USA and UN command, declares that the “genocide of Zionism has not yet begun”
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January 26, 2024

Huge struggle of the revolutionary Marxists of Japan against the US and Japanese imperialism to break the siege on Gaza
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January 26, 2024

The workers of Ford - Chicago,
stand with the Palestinean masses

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Urgent Call from Palestinian Trade Unions

End all Complicity!
Stop Arming Israel!

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See more statements from workers organizations around the world for the Palestine masses

December 19, 2023

Letter of the IWO to the internationalist Italian unions

For an international struggle committee for the victory of the Palestinian nation!
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November 23, 2023

A Zionist offensive of extermination to secure the plunder of the region’s wealth
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Over 30 days of Zionist massacre on Gaza and the entire occupied Palestine
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Imperialism focus their forces to smash the Palestine nation
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November 22, 2023

Break the siege on Gaza!
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August 7, 2022

Stop the Zionist massacre on Gaza!
For the destruction of the fascist-Zionist state of Israel!
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February 8, 2022

The Zionist-Fascist State of Israel murdered three young people in the city of Nablus, while detaining more than 200 comrades in occupied Jerusalem
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May 23rd, 2021

On the provisional "ceasefire"

The uprising of the Palestinian masses and the solidarity of the world working class stopped the Zionist aggression
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May 17th, 2021

Faced with the brutal murderous attack of Zionism to advance its occupation…

Long live the uprising of
the Palestinian masses throughout their historic territory

gSee more

April 17th, 2019

International Day
of the Palestinian Prisoners

Free the 7,000 political prisoners imprisoned in the Zionist jails!
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October 8th, 2018

Reports of Hamza Al-Shami, correspondent for The Truth of the Oppressed

From the marches of return in Gaza, in struggle against the Zionist occupant
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الالصحة: العدد الإجمالي للإصابات بحلول الساعة السابعة مساء هو شهيدان

July 14th, 2018

Hamza El-Shami, correspondent from Gazafor "The Truth of the Oppressed"


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May 2017

At the 69th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba…

Long live the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners for their freedom!
Down with the Zionist jailer, occupant of the Palestinian land!

See reports, statements and pictures all over the world