January 8th, 2020
The coalition government of PSOE and UNIDAS PODEMOS:
A Popular Front to save the monarchy
and its regime from political crisis
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March 12th, 2018
Fighting for the Independence won by Catalans in the streets on 10-1st
means fighting for the demands of all the exploited
Out with the dictatorship of the Bourbons from Catalonia,
with its caste of judges and repressive forces!
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September 22nd, 2017
Against the coup d'état of the monarchy
and Rajoy to Catalonia ...
So that the Catalonian people can have their right to decide ...
Down with the monarchy and the regime of the Constitution of 78!
Revolutionary general strike!
For the right to independence of Catalonia!
For a Free Federation of Socialist Republics of the Iberian Peninsula!